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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1944, p. 2

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mal OR!' jj iyhnzIi1Goernmoent Reg SofI CLAIRE DISTRICT ween Nor-h By and Mattawa Inh Alied Air Su The Promise of Uli whidrove the ivdrback for i hudrd 40 iles but fiidte ruhihm, the',Russian, summayer e Offensive appea]rs te be siowly dt grlniding to a haît becauise i0f au- to tuMIa rainsa and stiffennmg Germaan 0c resistiance. Thie ed Army- coni- -t tinues to adance inte White Ruse el sia and thle «ermanisar evacuat- fI ung trUstposition lte Cao- 1 casus; but Moscow aIse reports that the major part of the front nle-ng tHe ,Daieper Rliver is being "asÊtabiiized" Tis w ,,o u Id mean that the Geman ihve escaped a threýfatenied catastrophie iand that e honpes for a ïjfrher Russian a- 1N~ SYN ICA E JO VITE - The Prefelredl Superior toAme DAT unitz $Ïio,ooo - ý ", p E R it hUtITn Syndic,ýate9 Thlat The Apples fWiI PDurinig the one LItoo pleased at thie cou- rt is Sacly the caif, saved from -a bairbecue nGudlanl b xnothjerIy aIines who fedad c:ared for lier nfter marna cow was kiledlaan arraid. Legs By The Bushel Thle story is toid about che MIbertafamr hoecrop fie to- g-row lbecause of too ucl zain, a strange Fthýing tee i filds were dro)wneýd eut. To make maIdtters w"orse, aplgeofrg à rrlvdc -, te ýinhaàbit the pools Ata day roUndJIs fý armi. Tensudc- denlly winter cme, ns itL do(es in Alberta,ad just as the frost 0,iare n-ed thde suLirf ace r)f theI Èbzg s tefrogs lenped into th waýter anid were firozen s0lid wui ther hnd iitlathe irý. The farmer merely tees euCt >liýs awn' mowver and cut hiznself 10 bUshels,- -If frog legs te) the acere and lîve luscieuspLy hrough tha winter. Alied Prisoners Rkeported Free1 Priýces On ize Prices ing Seasoni The cei11ig rics laced on. appl es friedon90' te ainI orders establised by the Wartime Prics wnu Trae Board duriag tUn past Weka ccrdig e eBoard' tlle ordler xiadl e-,éy ittle change la Mhe prics Utatwer prvii in the industry atthîe tie tMe order was aniiouniced.ýi The minh effec't o te rderl "L osab ilize picsfor the peiod duhring the arktin sesonwhen purices la th ligt ofa short cýrop.hi yecar od f icessini th)e roatS of production; theie s Boardý feels tbnt the prie-es set by the order wili give growers in the thrvee main proffucing znes i lu Can - ada a'tisato retura.- Proevision was -Iîade t, ýe aliow 41 deniers to dispose of stckjnret(Y n hand and tbey were given until Otbr9 te do this;, regard'eso thle facýt that thle order we t to Growers adsipeswihoseli apisdirect teconsumelars threurogh jo oorwil beentitled te to he saeprice thiat retailers receive, in thirj own istricts. That s!, thleyS reev heir bscgrwr'price, pis btb the wlesae and retai mackcnp. Sales b retaîles are to endeat the whlealciI !L: thirposus etIf e rdr reth Gravesteis 0fNo'va Scýotinau i thrmen1b ers of the ýfidclltoSh am liy the Fammeuse and the Snlow, th,,e Norihera Spy, te Gidn usz- set, the eliluthe ewonand! the inesaps. The scecondgraoun iinciedes ah tetheher vrietiWsV Ia the zonling, OtrnadQe bec have be lcdtgte n dIer the -w(h,-ur A un>,iovm ýeihng pri(e lias eea setÈ for hison wichb is to be Ml grower's or trinting points la Ontariolo on th souiii of the mi-ain iUneof£tIli(,, P. R. as arweta uur.Ti is aIse the basi ceimlfg price at Mlontreai. TeMariti-me rvncsfr z'on'e 1twOandKetieNv scotia appie marketi board and centre of the Annapolis vie Zonie three is Býrjitai oum where the pries re set olinth Caisofthe sadr o rpe and pon a ftoit.Kelowna as, In ail tree zones, the oe sale and retali cilinge are set on thne oasis ef î te basiecceiling price at, shIpping point, pintrasora tion costs wherever ncsay and Phl ma-ps eof2'ic percen ef the seling pice for woe salersaund 20 prcent 0f ethe sel. lng price for retacjleS onunr- en pache and 25 per cent where retallerS have to breakpacia inM brknlots 0f appfles for -sale Slippers anidealers myatt storage un i-d srnaealwne after Decemb',er Let te at e 30J cents a burrel permnho 25cen)ts 3a hampelr r rateý. when a IýoyaJ Air L, urcge wau ovuvjrNai- (loinaited lerritory every cay and twny-ie nigbits last montth. Thougli tHe total bomb loadit wasý able to drop decreased by nearly one ithird as ecompared wt th previons niontb, the UitdStates, Eighth-. Air Force wnsi able te, exeeed Ailprevwosrecords. Ber Mainicli, jRannover, KseFrnk- fort and m ianyothier towlis h feUit js bowAnd duriaig -the iastI four dIays and iniglits fthe air attack has been resse hom with evein greater vigor. 37000,000 Nazis Tied Dovin But soe nw and se0 debated I s th-is front thtl the worId in gelieral, and [tie Russianls luarti Cutaip, eeping Muer eyes goIed te, ihc tgg~o tegonare p rene to verlüojk boili its siZe and thuaeffect it airady bas pro- dnced Accrd ccte te bet eStimRtes, ithe air front ÉaIoIebas tied down sme 8,000,000 uf ar- monains. The airfielde ter are f ew anId small. Buit they probabloy cant and will be dvlo- ed. Perlape hat appenled te Cor- siagives ils a preview of wa wii happen ïn France. We h G'ermians started te withdýraw eyj fo uindLi hemelv e, trvu ggIP. throumgb ant angry pplto l recady,, ar.medl. Many were abse andmni atdbefore tie Frei!cK 'Gousas' ami AmiericanRagr arie rom Africa. There laiq c rilo ermlan blood aiong ,thle ii egtli 0f thl. slind. Gýet Utig o ut -4f Bastia was l'lke ecp thronh a burNig doorway, SERVING TH-E UNITED NATIONS WMTH WAR ALCOHOL »i~ -'e high 2epos;ye ta blaSýst sae skulking .Reienflessi-y ,monýth aftker mont,t n and ini that -hunt af death, AIcaoo IOSivé withi which the'- "acsh cons" air& Dl; -ven the. prapelkunt that lobs ftIi, itoins bis, same crilical woar materiaL; 'ht'se al a dy. ,-.linthe fadai-y, o fftle tlf To maîke explosives juaînity AlCahol is needed, Aeial eý !nstrU ents care sealed in alcahal. c0hQI i5s the constant aiiy of dactors r -Wfightinq machine, Alcohol bas tat can b. praduced is needed nw are on j0% -wai production, fiQg >$, LI1MIT1EO0 ovecl des(ce LCOHOOL TS FiAý-eýýRT

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