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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1944, p. 4

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hursday nmorning at the Thimes Officezl h uem ftepeetnl~ e $1.0- es,. g , C. V ertaneca seeci A. F. MCKENZIE., M.D. Orono, Otarlj'o n e, 23.e thr 1, rono,1 C-20 -c PHY'SICIAN and4S'URGEON son- request subscription, ý$1.25 The invasion is niow an "D" -[,-y arrived on T-lesd1y~, juie FARJM FOR SALE Offie 110urs i an 70 ~. th, atbra of day on the owmnd ast of iFrance. Hundreds of $5,{Xl0ý.100 ac-res good c1ay loaam, 2.00 te, i4.00p.fli; 6.30 te 8.00 :. mnes 21 rlthousanda of troopas are being pue into theeeountry, -hr the'ir good ferces, tweo baiik barris, driving PHONE 471 1OiRo R. A. Forre~str, Publisher athers fought over twenty-five years ago. Once ag'aîa rancewll hdeuhse Ivl 1ronmd-_______________ 1-1. A.Foirreserbocsubjected to the(de va s tat 1i nand the ihorrors of war, Germu-ny, erii nchrichu d u arae.Pub- in this war, as in the last, 1mlade sure that the mattles were fought ' lic (P.hoo Yon ro y « in Clarke LEGAL somie ather country, oýthe(r than ber ùewn, but it la hoped that thle Townhipý Ap ta owner, MLtoP Nlew, Baeon Deal Allies in a very short timie w be able to crack the German lines Rahinson, Kendal P, 0_, Ontario. Lwec . aoBA '11m open the road to Deir-lin. either foitewest or eastenr ont.p arnc .MsoBA sill wvýelcome the assurance and protfectîin so thJnt the Germ-îan pueople;niay sec their country ravaged as iývere rwBco Yel~wih a be n taled e h onre he aervgdsne the< start of the war. Barrister and Solicitor the British Goveiuients. The contraet calAs 1Whaât an exciting day it, must have been on the wster andFAMFO SL ~00,0!»O0poulnds of baconote fed ig-nte air lhetween h nlshadfecbcatThuad f South HaIf Lot 1, onýotýý_j1t( ii-_ h ,dFeihcýss huad fCon. 4. Town- BOWMANVILLE, ONTr. niyar.bats of all kinds and s;izps used for protectîi n sd if carrying the ship of Clarke, about 100) acres, 106hns should hiea bi o to the thiousanids of fn tropa, wile thousanda Of planýes roai'ed overhea.d i. an endeavjour .acres hiardwood bush, sonme cedar, ng a pat1 hi1arigv ue-heet ls h dfne ln hecathle hy the -Brîtil, Canla.- creek near buildings, hoase in good office 688 Home 558 id purchbase liVestocký, feed, e(pipriieuit, anld diînan sd Amierican aves ouin housands of tons of sheia su condition. Ternis Cash. Aýpp-,y ta ________________ ct new buildinlgs we pose;ible aud desirable. bîcmfbs amiong the defences of H!itier,'s fortified Europe. irore Ernest E. Patterson, dnnitao at blhe cotract nîay lead on juta the early traepwere also dropped ru the sky far'ter nlaDnd ta help dis- of WQhisan FrwEste Newcas- ýruiore, a pattern lfor future food contracta rupt cmuictoaand aise dodeinoýiti'on woi-k, tle, Ontarjo. WtF.f.M agreemlent, aind a forestaillng of a sudden La-1teat reports so that Jthe invasion is goin-g a-.long as sh4 _____________ AISE, SOLÏCIgTRU ected.' Fainera too ofteu have been tee vie- u]e< d that the troopa hanve advanced Ilu saire pla'ces-as far as md ries av fale ~jstat heture whe telve emiles, but it wîll ho days hefore anlythlug dfniecani he fore- FARM ACIEYREtMOVED NOTARY told, for the Grin il1~nsigfor, counrter hlýows aantthe FRO.RATINeLIT1Phne1 guurunteed prograi for baye,-r and seller Allies tÈ is to he lhoped that tis war wilfl end ail wars *in the future., r 1esuit of the latest understan-ding.M)Xan'11 If1 the Allied nations wviï1 o cy ing and wov-rk together sud ll c The IWarthule Prices and Tradle office 825 Residenee 409 sought the assur-ance of an extended aid ermsiny and nrot Clo Ir ta agsîin prepure for -waýr then it s'hcii11 Board annourices si!x types of 1 BOWIMANVILLE, ONT, ~wares. 'Wly not sinilar hope for dhe faimý- lhe the cessation cf wars for itl fine. Any, cout.-ry that is ontt for faririn îaclîine-y ry sud eqipmii-enthv_________________ lu al? gieed ud be ucy stepiped upon before th-e iuglýy iinipiemnents hbeen 7reuiov fran h ainle cfwrarle nau te ta ause hivac and suffering te pence !av- sdmyowheoLdwihater E RNRY cyclIes on Sidlewalks in, caunitries o-,f the -warld. Ou-, brave sýons ar.e now giv'ing tlîeir nis ieson the ahansýes fN inysa that peace will igain ho hrolughlt Tho emsreleased are d;aisnnd R W. . TF I to 'De wodrda t ýthe police Trustees ta the worldc and it la up ta the onies that are left ta carry ou i . hsrrow se£tions,, flexible hsnrow sec- D.W .S E I urbug ee ratic ofbiccl riingon hethefutre a ee that the fi-ne young mi-anhoed ùof the Aldcoup.tries tions, sprinig tooth hanrow -ections, m ,rently thee ehief offeuders are amng ýtee did nat die in va7in. surely there inuat bhe some-r ay of hhindering c(-reaui separaitors,pwe sheep sheer- D-J T H P R anheappeal ulst wes"Times'" ta thewas.Naieuntry can p.ear, fr ar oan such a tenedout cl n ahnsadaialcipr, VEIAYSR$ ation~~~~~~~ ofteprnsi1hs atri se as Gerniauy didw ithout theý other ýouintries knowing abu Pt u-- egdaessdbuh Hk are knlocked duor are lu danlger froni sasknwthis war a oîu su a enyprepar-ed, and il, the - Lîcteased production ha nriade t offie Main st. Oreoi ive stepasholdbe takýen. The "hike" ls azeuh oer ontjshad heen lu a siuiar position there woul11d havï n possible fror these arn-ticles ;tao e- Phone 56 r 7, Orono devslk and ride elbetfrlcio"dw eding ccete squ!are-s. Thene is somiethinig J. C. GAMEY es WVe kofroiexp?ïerne, oo. -Do not this, hoavever, as laws like 'the ahove mu-at lieI SU A C of pedestri-aus alld bicycl'es miay prove disa- olve young people or old. FrCaeoualty,, Auitomo.,, ns have bnought teerike » buck nto_ favour,biead ,aîlt of gasoline-sud trsfrioto crs, sud bl n iblt othl frýolin a _standpoint of businiess sud pleas.-Or o - O tai panj thesdeal f 'ronio. Thiat ituch has________________ Police Trustees, and the public genera1l'wl 'lie Fuel Proe JACKSOlN c1.11bro rc od f -wood -which lpus T-Eli se. duyS, people. are ýtakinig a long range vie.'3 it ~ ' bdý-11lswudapa ieb as tjas Th W AeUctioneran alao )n. C. D. Hü~we, Muiton 1ilister, thIt a 1944, wlll he given the Period ifor tee s- -u a cord suhIsldiy oaue wo "BOUl S SF WORK AND .iarrlleat. Pot petinwithinuitioýn pnoduc>îou and Cothen el, naie rseo abis lnk A .ng goed w ageýs, the nien who cut aud haul E aroat O0l"' for ate mutOf necessity TSelut athera hil I If11II~ UE~UE U VI d f s heap cf wood laid dowii in aur yard ' s a few WVACATAA. ION Il FilAY A T 19 4 dest prit, thsane heap seenia like the ne-flu fortu ne uow iniprUon J C "nRE ID avinthe coul business, sud we aruge ON BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY IN SJITA*O LcnsdAudcioneeran ers for anothier seu', so t11t delivenyy Valuato le_ the entire seasou.Ai of this bing-i-s the ese war-tlimneasurea do have an advautage Seilz nFr n iand easy goiug syste-ienmion ta peace seilz nFr n ken onut of thee habit of leavi,,ng ev0y.1nqON ULY là, 1944, the. "Hours of Work =e Vacatian-ê Fuarniture Sales d a. mafre orderly sdaen aeud bsnesWith PyActe194A" becomse fti,;la !hoi 1%crvhinco C nsult me for ter-nis ut that, th-at people who have flred the goad aintiro. nd ,date ;hould ho thua ru-edely rerniided cf 1next WUn- j Tould,( bewoestl though, ta reuch another Whil. it !s tii. purpose of flisAct to p4vide Pho~vd E ne 1620 - Cak Ih s psiiiyildobesheidtrk-conditions for al Workets employe4 i duqtky îluis -ig t et th ful l uw.The ho, da-s mndue t c ha fuelia in d no ndthen1cnie Prvipc, iR W111 b. obviomis 1hat thre pro cieoft e l cided colspeli aven te wee'k-end we ecanna-4i b. permitted, antii!. finie, to hile efe with the ~ . ori o ring upon froat. LIMany f olk bhad uîoved thein flci-aaiyefr eurdî rdcrg=mYc ,rters, or had placed therîi ont of the wsy ýOt aptyefF.treF.ed n z'ducnqmae*Son, _ýjjScl-,;ýas ere or on, fre _'uneral Directors iten fuel have beeau the lot of moat of ns, but ýeps" evenitually, and those cîtizena-z havinig 1l-h !idu-str- and Labour Board, which wilI dhiae the Act, teeo I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1wy 1lfe j Fsuumfrtbel osdesi lwc ii rsn ctem~o~ ioag -i~ ~rîture Dealers hav efuel ut a"1l. An ea'iug of the sup- aiîeî,inve oftepee-. cerînow srtga-ithvï H1 bje effeted hby at leanst a part of fixe pop.u-- demnanidsof war, theh application o--f the- Act siiold Lb- postpors,- ned *tIESRVC be o . F rtoe mvaitài,ýn u ti t er, i, t la ý W Ik r coïditions hi force at présent sho idld n t be arbitr2rily fchanged. 1manDlly-4ro 0 est. ~~~ * ~~, The Board- therefor. aiuthceÀzes te.conimarce &f Exsî- Ngt 1 n fore llonoured iAlsco ing Worlig Hursi aUir idusties operafing on priorano 27- reluaHcitnnewspape r durîrg 1844 War Maerial lun te Province o' Ontarlo. in th keein1gof -o-wsfron theThe lilest, Largesst and Most lun the keping of cé dos fai roiig9e stee; hiee eing extendeid ta eaw-si then herses, Fn utre engaged ïniAgriculture. Horticulture, Fishhing and tii. Prodirc- Ivcei ight he inclUded ass, anïd a sont 0of honiely flan of Foods and Farra Prodrcts; I irying InduaisLîes inchading cheese et uip. Hanlnlas as;sumed sucli size a sudr 'âseggdiý h ulin n pEe o odcn pearanceo teidt nial qestioti' n utr iia.rae ifiebîdî n pepo od,~ ubn shock taowcf tee city's previons prox- ~rit~i rnprain etlsadohrvdraig h aib Our %ervie-Tî]E BEST consdere esenflal o th ful in-nt-nane o the-wa effrtOur Gioude,-TH1-E NEWEST ion is good for theeulaouiudOrao, cOurerd ssntal o ii fmxi aineunc o lx.warefor,-SaTb ýd is "other dawya" mheu ncama noam e hconsidiered ithe.caiegory of War industries insoýfar as tirîrprertOuPic-TELW T et trod) theeildpl>auk sidew alks--sidevaks ~husaecrcmd s invting ta bloys u bicycles as do tho3ir M R I O

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