icorTRIOIOF MY CNTPTO WliTHOUi "OI Wake Up!,, overs the protactava spurat of atthewdetha fatawo died w;, yaairs before. Hae lovas thami IdelSi 'son Mrcsi n a rny amp, hie young édaugliterEBase, oe baloved wifeaKatay. Than ho bas a job afiar achool as -n as san apar anjd deaat hrough hos work.lia wondars tout Loe too, h.vrtaase hie iri Helen EUELiofavoSbio ril Lubri ckay Adihara's rich iaaStaad wo'leadinig Tom paglrmager of tha offiýea, r-ound b!Y the noa.Bone mr- aI I adith wa'y Saglrstakenï iJ 1by her. , Out e rn ap iarcýus and hie buddy Tobey, ani rphan, leavp 1for hattie on a% oop train. Marcus talleTohey. les after thr war they'1lhotb olme homie to Itaca ad bi ie fuue tgte.For 'tha .rtlmTohey îfeels that el ave a 'lc'il; the Pworld. CHAPTER 1V atliion oÇf precisionl Bvent Winter mage to Trees PreCaýUt i 0nMS S6ug eSted 8y Theý Saskatchewan Farmer mage t0 ire as i lner by s and ice can ha pruett a fewsimle precutm ion ra i- Coatinig teswIth miica, pyase is onaeura way of ng rabbits shy of trees. t o0 wisa to paep a few ShAC, baigun or rila on hend 10 rabhieA at a minium0 1'. A wall trainad dog vilI ustb A rabhit-proof !uwie Lnce, ýfrom i e to set high, lea safeet way of ting trees whera the numbar ast aprtce aiipr )bau y i mezad poisoni, o frm ix10twa wuith a large seh 10) aIlow itIsE3 mb iay bguard ag Damageao 'ld W!intar by rubibil ùr calemyea I o easpus gru àvù,Olded by arac- ebeirble na ge!)Y i1ca, 'rnato set ot hî1ch can 1onfly be Grain treaaad or. other recog- a shallow tray a uhssquare, Iow box, ,siotteà, to eu,,terkle onie netÉ Ibis peet. minauiit ireesla Sof ganboxes .y destroy one o uld be dralin- suçc ed eh ta he tiret ~din Wsi Spl, Tolbey. Then Bre a tl miore s f 1y0ahaCamleto the nexi paragraph. "I arnprul ta 1 areegrn-, 3-y cuty h t0 me is Ithaca and ail the peo- ie.BuIar terrily afaid li- thougb Jknow hat when the tirne corne-s T shalldo wh-at ile axetdof, me. Iray e kilad io, this wa, Il muet crn rght ont and teul youtS. Do not be unhapy. I arn glad ltatI anthe Maalywho is lu tha war ifor it wui be a pï itad -a ristake if it wee OU, You are ths has,,ýt. God blessyu. So long boy. Your Tha d c:ý k ti(ke aay th silence as tha young bol andth olds mua 'I sat ownthered 'one litu tbought.',; god Borneraspok e ceucatnuew thns1war L'1Jespit atth wold.L'i hie i frea..I(1.t h god Wý,ilîa Grogan sa2e athilm, Than hbe shook hiself, got ou bis bottle and took a dea'p swig of the walning liqunor. , The seasons went on luntheir atarnal way'and then it wsAu- tumu. Lithaca was cý,elhating tha harrest tirn witb a flicnc on pic, otkrsof tha twn.Thagrun waa ively \ith msiand dance- ing. Flags of arer-ylnation flot- stipation caused by lc grand-taeting a cri ufis.dn as ALL-FR AN in as. Md b sang Ptter, 'tliea un chine bright- er ... Lt was ai this very moment thait Borner was IhurrYhig hac from deivarngtatLegrrnil. 1Bus- iin ess lied beau slowv. fBe lhad bu-i erad for a soda. Now lie lookad at hii atthie oua Marc.us hýad g-iren hlm, Gosh], ha et teýr hurry, Mr.Groan ould bha waýitinig for 'hinm.Ha hnopped ie hîke and wals off. It was close L to twiights ha waliked into tlha office. Ora of hie pockets bulgad ith cookies ihat ha ha-d houglitforMrGren t mould be fun, surprising iM. leh'edeadi." o, he's ea," Iixý let, out a muuu t lie ha1dn'ýt ,11dersto-o,- --, an but he had re"pcted hM. eta tothetaehn ad 1i 7,% S paPn gl-ýe r, bue a pas 1no answer.-151As no ore.Wbat'11wed? ou of the typevrriter- me- M1r. Groga t eu g tLo write actbte nlast le wordssambfe - eye.-Mrs. Kata aaey Calioina h eatnn arrgestoinomy ta son,. acu 'h tagedy of marcus' daath- hit Homuev bard. t my bios faith in lifa itself. L ankyonelbe ca tuu t wh Iwo Wl %finte road hack cre to read lha concluding Irunnt) 0jontin ued Next Week ISSUE No. 42-43 othek vaIs IWtliaand etve your so miany The Quaker Qats CoIupanyo~Caaaea sttf hwoild LKERS .nd Feb. 1 1 $7.00 pý-r week $9.00 per week $13.00 per week $18.00 per week ~M SCHOOL