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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1944, p. 7

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sy Gwendol i c P. CIp- Hot Exoi YO4 Aàt 40dere below zero a Car' atryis dead, niotor o l bas b)etweeil pis;tons an cylinder walls. ,ttinjg, even bl y bandI-cankfing, iail buit Iposile veýn i a strt 5 radp th ohwili not umbearings will burn,1 ont, cyliner walls and pistons wifl suce. Motortjsts living in coldc1at solve the7 problelm by StoriIIg r-adjiatofiuidnj(, cakaeoil ai )attery jipdoors at niight. But lai is3flot patilfor an arimed 1. e Rence eproblem et fdeveioping a metlioed of starting eniglues in- tatyat 1m1inus 4'0 Falirenhèiit. Auooieengines were piaedl in cold roomI,ýalaud studied. 'lIeC enigîneers sucsful ried a sinll gasolinle stove to give Oonl- tinus heat and allow thle 0(Ii9o1g agent tu circulate by tlllirmo siphon aýCtion to tIse ol rparts N of theegne The stove burus only abut a galon otfuel! in twmetyfor holrs. TIse entire system la ýas nmeclia part of is vice as an orinar-y pasn erar heater. CCI ol 'om testsa and tfieid trials fin Nýorthlil t-'ada sfq-,liowetlthat startliug anl Armry yelcle flu sffb-artlco tenm- peratuýreS this winter wilI e ýjust as easy as star-tig Èthe famnîly jailopy on1 a spriag morn)ingX MARINER'S h us? ,Outlýi IAnd lie womau 1 .(ýer, ui, ~. give thanka lie la good. le crIoss 1April 7r Com01m111 thoe --ho es' wve discov-. frienlda of peopfle unf) rien1dly and ng? 1 should say not. :, neot if yenaproc th the tholight in mina y are human beig- 'ring they are men and with worrîe and proi- eOur own, eaeh witl Ids ivîng to make Oand many with boys and gils away me but yet neyerfAr dis- n thleluintheir thoughits, eL colonel's lady au(d Judy "in this day and age ely "sieers unde) their ut they encis have tise tihy Godl r for- our, wihrev- grati tude rtlu theoir they ot her ,thou'I at six o'cl-ck ilu tise b whea 1I had a chancei -suIcIis .thse force of ") ve suy. If I There for a«t The sales clerks in tfisest ore j were alSo very frienidly. iseraý- uel ath, job walrth ýas d in attie coa t. MH e vwa s 1rer ý!b s . b u towu he àS.id owuldgetth ter just a litile uter By Saturday noon I was back home agai'n but I, didn't fiuid a WelcjOne ignl' Ouit on thg -d0orix-lat. Ing"ed I1found a note on tde kt-w chen table from atnr"Gn te Tem's threshiug -let ts h«esein or a dink if they crnme te thse gap? Se 1 got into my %ork-a-cday clôthesý and .was soon bckiii anssonice agabn, husy wih eltores3 outside and in the house. Now they are finihed and hoe 1 arn at My ype wrîmtmul part- ,ier cornes il-ong, They say vani- ety is tiespice, of lUe oand I'm thinking I havý at leat àSa preýtty fuir shlare of thex spicc'. if WVhen a cirocodile filUa itb meýutis xith ofood the pressurec uantthe top) of thie imouth1 re- Iea~a tars romits lachryrn)al Giding te, a lardil )n ion a ýoat naval air saioa MI Mariner ptrol bombier !- a whîtetWaH of spray lu, w uke. 150,000,000 Ducks la Southward Fil Thebidggest aothward nfl duck's aud oiermgrtr f~w snce 11 ha begau Ia N .Garesndîct United States Fish aiudi Service, reported last weck bas jugst returned te WaSin frontAlasha, where lie sw ducla. He said that thse flightn COuIssj of as many asý 150,000 individuals and would prob ranch itspeak luOctober Mr. Gabrielson said that the, mense f light "mght createp lemis in agricultural arense Cialy aonce au acute shortag ammnunition probably menus fewer of tise ducks wAU be durig tde huutig seaso usuaW. Wife Says "Winnie' Ir, Hi& Own Bom Prime MinIister Wi-niston .ýtChr chili nt only wears tetri bats in his famiy, b-ut i s wi býas !et it be knowu tbahe a' 9 wears the pants. "First and forensi oatynmil Ris love, 1 0 an Well pThey rejeced the authorîty 0f Qeod feir tise ax4ority of mia- a mwil is %ývy comm'îon lu our day. Noticetat the same pnisis nientwas e be meed ont te thosEý 241)Gur Lord dici nef condernu tise ructc t ivInýIg to God ex- cet bere it wae doue to get rA, et~"I tilduyetading (our parenýTts. H sh is Ilieart and it hs laud ot mn. et t Gd. heut1we reý- ligeusleaerseta nation tme v. ~ ijs isIWrdad suibst1i tt tiser ow mistîmu lws, thei a fl- God;( are te efellow ts Fur,,i- 1ad shot thail be 0 , teneris i pro- The proegi Caval youir 10110 the -yea [pie, thle broi thiat mothJer, inte a a mi r e hlm. T] of te 0 isi particular intereýszt t i lu rural Ouitanio, -as w those engaged ia agriicu- crossctise Atlantfic, Battie has long been se- 1as oue ot Canadas fineat- t piaulats, as vefil as a iniig baud leader. Thoseo ujoy thIe artistry ff tiseý eyboard wHiiinu doubt make, t of tuninl CFRBMn idf Friday eveuigs, 7.457, te , whu Re BatIe ýrem,,s wekyseries ,ofpior- hihaýppear tohaebn fal audwntrrdol an imnertauLIt aîmI ive wed j ruat I the air. ubt ANOTIC yïýsi SIR - ds 9is te ove in, wisi oeeesa did the arnaz-i tamie sarw ucWI)o pr;omptlynuade frienids with faulil.vrs bewýidered t errer. J. MILLAR WATT IF IT'5 'N

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