liarsli !We EAre D-oing Better Job Fight Against inflatio-n TIý Mot Other Count-tries idogo 3. Dog Acta Le To Raiders aight Amerîcan Air 1', bombers sbuttied annel and xîîîerringiy kcy fortifications in g village near tPe if Ostend guidcd by signais ai natives, dgiao Relief Society, ,' ai the National iranc'i idiers)- fte iser lxusband in Ottawa aiter visit- ~sag Washington. Cltocks In Europe Six Hours Ahead Ciocks in virîually ail cf Europe isill stand six Pours abead ai tiiose ici eastemn Canada and tPe Usiited States w'hich are on East- ero Dpyli~ht Time~ when tPe strike their fortbcomîng Iumvasion blow. Tbîxî tini~ differeîîce 00W pre- ~tais fa. Bnitain, France, Ger'- inany, Holland, Belgiani, Nar- way, hJenmark, Luxembourg, ~s'Igaria, Hangary, Yugoslavia, Ramania and Czechoslovakia. 1\n example: when ît's mid- sîighs Eastern Daylîgbt lime in Çar.ada, ifs 6, in those sec- tions ai Europe. Britain's docks wece ses up ~ar1y ici April ta double Summer time-tiso heurs alîead aI the nonnal Grcenwich meridian tinte, <iermany and its accupied satel.. 1i~es operate an German ~um; ~I~'r dine - also tisa bossr's ahead ef G M.T. md six ahead of E.DT, nerd t ýtas, aGcîînpatrol theý beach at icrediie seed ta bPenbombers crand tei(pas Latocerte eangbaàdawBei' eni alosephed do, ca lalîigh ScretBu0f Invsion qqý Cn dIitler's XVetwalws lemice cotuicrs. gteye n shnsfr aynats as sIlderste grecestms!rtcn.Otit Thre fweapons, pmany ov itl sbey miikscîsled Jiteasi Spoo s butter the. BY ELHINORE COWý,AN S' LastWee: Bil'skey hoidcr is~ fogd n he eai.He tels Cof whOm Christine, knows to be lier, late cotisin's butIer, Christine finda; a dagger hi&len in flhe wall. She wishea she 1had flot given the in- isPOECtor a false name hpes totalk to bu alone. But beore she ad an ppun !motsain% ta Wnithecar in v ichseus abedivnt Son WUmn uriedhe itait plateronte onay asrsPta theofic, he har te ereaf ooc eindbrl lw u h umgivecinetniiyadbe gi's eig 1the frtt oita Comben, if:you4aekM, h àpctragea. a.'" 'mepet îo aedop aot ah fthn bpi Fmoment,"cin Chrstiewhonasa ahodoe- if'fan a dîogtse v i y, s al wysthe 'Salada' el is your guarantee ofa bleni'd of finle quaity teas. ~TA8LE TALKS Pies and More pies ~Vsi ne eaonI ,ex.u P-~w uays ocùneta thc servanits cse asok a to gCn ands ta expani the inspel "Yoo'll tPe way, step ~nta - be me a look aI ing." As ' P eutly ici andr tint1bY, i tcup suga tsout ix, co rnstar-ch sih cp s- saitthoa add egg yos-', ~'c rd.Scald 1311k, and po3, s Wr untl oîoth tic -wd Baan PCu ugr ak orane avenutLa ompr.ïg Chuboate CsranPie seOheabe Ru riP i idca ad Tanesp a"t r, Incrase sat a 54siteD iscan. 2or hepsespnas enf c adl iHoe=sW bust'. i Bana r Pe-îimq, Let dý pie ;c rst. ot'e cP ce , flig on top cf1 7aey , W,. dl"ieýj RhbabCo tarlbd Pie ýe ibine 2 caps ookdI c ¶' t --beaen--g-o-k---- k 2 teaspoa01 lento0 juice A. A GIu nas ddien hIBoxcars il'igl'ter pilats reported tPe Gerniaits tnied a oexv anti air-crait 'irick ta combat the great ,'ihied .wccps' As lite fighscî's six aoped ta atîack trafîts the w-ails dropped fnoin a.eeîaî.tgf~ biîntless haxcars fa dis- tie-se ,îcaî il~ -guttucd ftak cars that thscv up iitteit'c basiaget. Jo casai other casts Gesiuîan tia o, ptlcd ufi tcaiu~ and sens np -, cf sinail ari~w iii c md Ir, ires, o mmm liai Soda Cracicers are 's'ai' of soup, salads ge or ~ On IiastJ~ Ibis young lady a peit nanieç makes any dii h else." 'Il inakes jusi that is senis a heespienty these days tarsak nores can turn ighsts and day nta xytesaathhiýg, cquieting eifet aI ErM ileNervie wihcatîi Neveaccording ta iecinsli îelp in genera neraumsnes, siee- Tufer;also ta ip baah Mndirrtbiiy due ta nervustes o!l the mantime, etmr aua y' oc