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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jun 1944, p. 6

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9 Editor 10 Tii. seal plant 155 back iii 1942 43, wh Army iii Brîtain w rane~ EA~ i'IE.TE d, T~ACE~ r refix). 41. Pronouse (pi,). 44Company fie. (abbr,). ai 46 Over (poet,> e 48 Type of architecture. maie. 50 Haif an eus, .îng 51 Look askasece. ws, 52 Sîmular "to 53 Awesome. 58 Spain (abbr~). * sîgiri 59 Me made tv'o noteworthy -s attise ~ ,"xnonge 0f jaEtr. ganicîni. 42 Obliterate. 43 Frozese dessert. 45 Unit, 46 Medley. 4? Twanty quires 49 Demors. 54 Prefix. 55 Musical note. 56 Year (abbe.). 57 tfpon, 7 B ~ 10 lis bes viii be wortli tiîey max be oîse ot the t Part. Ru nway Trodden To Tom..Toni Rythm Nat'x'e tous toîsis lîelped Ai i s eisgiiieei s btîihd at iea'st osie airiield ~ornewhere hi the Paeific, Coi. O T). WaIs5s, Deputy Chief Engineer cf the Sixth Arnîy, disdlouefi re- centis-. Colonel Vv aisis expiained that native baud labor was used for the entire construction job, And tise rîînwav was coiivracted for fighter piaiias by "havi natives move intu a don and stamp up sud alown risythsin of tom-tonss beater er natives." 141ke's" Band To Lead March I1 nto Berlin Eiuo xxro i vco pt y 0o- -k.Ch iidren's r dingIligh aov ag s rets su rom Tr OTTAWAREPORTS That it h Now Possible For Old Age Pensioner To Receixe $42~ Annualiy Changes iii d~e act goîeruiisg pensions for the aged sud bliuîd were aunontsced lait week in bbc House of Cousinons hi the Minuter of Fiîsancc, Mois. J. I . Iisley. Most important change i~ tisat au oid age peusioner usas- uo'v receive an outside hseonie of $125 iîîstead of tise former $6~5 linsit ~s tise iraxinsuni peusioîs resnaiiis St $300 a year, it is isow posîible for a pen- asoîser To irceive $425 aniinaiiy. ,c ,~ ,k Elex ation of bbc Ci.iieasî legbtioîi un Ottaxia To the raîsk of embassy makes tise Seveistîs enubassy un Dttaxx a 1'he others aie Uuited States, BelginiSu, China, Brazil, Soviet Uîîîon and Peru. Otiser couutrieî i epreseuted by diplo matie nifssioîis iii Ottaîxa arc; icg- atious,-Polaîsd, Norix as-, 5~ ce, Czeeiio5lovaki' ~u'o.ien, Argentins, TJtkev aiîd Nethuerla sds; Higis ~ouiiuissioner'a offices, -r 1? isitefi Kiugdoîss, Austrahia, Ncw Zeaiand, Uiuioiu <if Soutis Africa and ire- lend. Delegate xxiHi the ranis of; ambassador-Fre 'cii Coînîssitte of Natiojial Liberabso, Natiossal Sciectix S Žrvh e I as anisounced th'st greater us~ of - prisoîseis of wsr ivili be usade us combat tIse nsaiipow er siiortage, About 5,500 are noxv ned in faret- îng or lunsbering, anti it is e-r-pected tisat tise nunîber xxiii Se issereas d to 8,600 dssriisg tise sîssunser. ~ s s' A isew' ciseese coîsteset xx 4h Britain, by ivhsichs 125 issilhion Ibs. xviii hie suppiied troisi Caisada dur- ing tise 12 nuouths coiiî'iieîiciixg May t thi~ year, bas been au- nouiiced lise price is 20 cents a lb. lob. iheese lactories. * * 'a Coat ol production wihi ultissiatels- deteumisie the xx-hole course ol tise Canadi-ais pouhtry induitey, accord- îng to pouhtry experts ol the Do- usiriion Departîsîeîît ol Agriniture Ouais a. Here are sosue ol tise eost- xxliieis ehey advise cann6t Be ju sîitied: Coiitinued w~e ol inferior stock. Pre', esîtable eisiek losses, sud los'es in groîs iiig stotis. Ws aste su heat unit,, coid hionsing poor iusssslation, slow feathering, bare uceka asefi pic mature mon] tiîîg. Waste in f~ed, poor hoppers, rat~, spihiage, sparrows. Tohi ol ikc, '~îtcs auud miser ves - miii, CarcLsus iiiî1it- îg ae qute an ae1 spp1 Falret ke brs ugod coit I i -,ad iun of etir Slowuess of p;uht tlu atla- Warii diii ereisce, Chîroîsicie. UNSEASONED .SLEEP STeE p ub mIN d G edsis th nouîst i i bcdesin HAT PRNG ARDNE Aen sCr on ladysmgi ts news orsPadi e adi.W By Gweodo~ini~ P. GOLDLtN ilrno 0d y w heu tseing takeu to tia0yboîs, occurreili iii 607 BC Tlierefore, tIse events of our lesois usas' be said to fali soîsîcîx here betw ccii tO and 604, or perlîaps 605 Bt. 'Place. Bab1loi., The g'-~a~ ta pital of tise Babi loisian E' spire, on tise Euptrates River. iBu Dîsel uro1 1îsr tathi w ul 1o seis witii tue kg'0 Tsi hieixse 'ic thurforelie cquefed 1-f t eunucs thath ard. thy ai l:ss air of Go bcsdiis- daintie hves t i-nb ol s rîarusy se~-erai. nuoccu- 115 St 5 are niy site free lacs as a iîow au- netfloOs usen 10 55 are extreriiely eh the heus ais thens uniesi oui sud oatieiiçe to said id as '! esu'it of, l tis mat teUr, ar daxa. Aud alt urni mi-oto; Car r! k t Uc15ig liuîsdr-ed ocaue asoLne îh is thersi fa e e u t row, le t to Machan, b-. iey, Morxreal. arouid hreths dysaidprs thed tue cores. r -: r'is si ~ve lad a ieetr 'nd8gaudapp ~i~ing w ii rkus liueout ilougîs a itt. pat ei li ard sork iebet ac -v,'like[-, so istic- da feenc tot', ap lot f ncu afrus one. Iwon der if fswile -Lwoer tree t iT sud a~~~~~~J gcappyneli lo s a7lie doe4 or thus? bte aiii kiixs'~rhatgradp w ii eet th chîed s.And t isgeneaily ruewf ok-hih e u b ail, (h itu o ste f t cgeti bopugfr tesGand- pa mmcstoke bus ud t rest wbu lie feels lg 11ie i Theontr xv(-Of'kngup hefwerbes.it- wssroiehee roud85unth Adhalk ie hoght boi was awUl heol beokingoffout iii theýl heat. Bu hepx eaiedle î prbhl wokigbeaseh wan~ed to; tfot heiasgettng lot f plasur un oiu t

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