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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1944, p. 7

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Ot in Vanco)uver,- where ta inanpower squeeze la au igt aw nywlere aise iin tlb cunry new,, acharne is bing triadl ont, wici u)ay giv-e aur war ids tries a suhatasîtial iift annoucea the Wnnipeg Free Presa. It la based upon the sump- in 1ha1ia l may peuple'%, working la sedeitnry, occupationswod walcomre a chance ta do om paitewar !.lu a'nmbe "df iopa gangs of office work- ara don overais and sacha and do a four-beor 3tntater L1heir nomlda's wo,'rk la djoje, Il A too early yet tA jedga- whetboer the plan WHI suecee or fait, yet eaanly reports areec9r aginig. The clerks innd steng- i, rapisers nnd skalemn wlo are d- jing tise wokare getting a gre,-,ý dleal of satisfaction oct of C' t keap up the grind( nIfter tiseno elty weý(ars off la aometi inýgee again. 11, la ona thing ta orfo 12 beurs a day for n weak or twa. It h l mci maore dlifficeit t trtchi oi tise period for mni t oni end. Oaa,( facton wJich leadaý sanie of thie Vancauver observers ta feel tînt lie plait las a good c1hance of succes la thie aid adage tînt a chanige is ns goad ns n rest Tisa warht tle mien and wmndo at nligîit is comiphtely different froin tle w-ork tley do la thIe day. Tliey work no harder ah their war jobs, tian tiey would ln ýhem gandans or playing g,,olf. ln nny event the Vancouver expeienhi la samethig for lie rest of île founi-try ta pay sanie attention ta. if it wars tiare itM can handpt- s.ke ~d in al tiar centras oýf haavy --wan production. Secondl Officer- Arrives Opi Time to Conduct a Funerpl Service A Bible clenched between i teet, an officer of a torpedaeS British mierchlant slip swvam fuono)ne lifeboat to -another dJefyîng- shark-infestedi waters of the ouhAtiantic to readi the h)ulai service for a djead shipmlate. The story of this lerole acd las juat b)een revealed with the ~sawarding of the George Medi -to the officer, VeLrnoný Upton. The 22year-old second officer took command of 40 men in twoý lifboas wenhis superiors were killedl by thie torpedo expl,)osions3. The survivors were more than aý muonth's saihing froi the South Arnerian coast Afýter a f ew days, Uptonl,hed less of the sharks whiclhcoey llowed the boats, smr fro m nato the othier to tend the oudd andl revive fiagging spirits. On the 12t1 dlay the first xnan d!!ed, after hnving gone in- auine. Holding. a Bile in his tei 'ý keep it aboya wnter, Uptor agaî slîpedinto le shark-flil- eY sens and swamn tG theseq boat ta conduct a proper hral W ithb his well-known' enerlýIgy anid ;abil itLY, Prem iier 1D're w *is îime- daeyat[cingte problemls presented byv his progr'am- of reforinis He has tauken Itl)(e Eductatioan Portfolio hmef [~~ ~ P CHAS O wedoi P iere la ana advantage ta n big hause - anea awys las a <"ad cl&oi f room hin a lien- dertoi. Tt's îlhe way we find hnnwa.If tlie'storma cas ema froni tîle aautiwe-st thoen %we apan tlia doons andl wind(owýs faciag nonitieat. 0f cour1se i-fihlot y ah ny wit until Helast mn uta. And t ienthie vind gela ýup andI 1 lava ta rush araund franim 1-0011ita roanisiutnwnds and1( lokig oorsý; but by tn lime pamareyisganerally around ho leilcd amd. B3î tiai you 1may gatiLeninut thora is a tonm ngingas I wrie. ssdil sure is aa tri-. Tise ightsng a icessanit a1nd Ieý t1under tejrrific. R i l s"irling !)y in shooeut s acd tise winlatwisjtiug a(d twilitlng tise L Ineces h1ike an angriY mutr Tiare la isa bgesnttree a litle vwny ,fronit isle lcdaandl ilooka as if le ind nnd thal In ùea wene ock1din a terrýifCic fiItta est He xiii ndstreugt",l Af nach. Ha'ýve yau avn te d a trea ma ai saon? To doc so ha ta ine at Us tr[m eds Ssommngt. cee haxv the wind lwihnls avoand tise brands, beding ieni firat tu wýay nnd LltIen t1lat. Yaewah hain1y beiheve tint ayhigcould( stand up agai at ît afulwîn. Haro a ap!la saphing, ils tunk naý tlucher tian na broor landie, yet bahl ut i figt it puIs ulp. 11 bnsadswvays , hainca b)ui t h os' reak. Frani xvlnce comaýs ils snnt -frai whenýe thepaerta re- sut île destrucie farces of mie lidIsupposa tisa anwor iîs- th1 sregi of îlie trea is in uls r.ats. And tînt samehow miakea mie think of the war, aud of liie greantimultitudle of people wlo go taý make up hlie Alliedstontl Ahi of lis ike tep-smelg, sainie an n like trees, af a dlitffamanet fibre. Somle stanig hike the oak, othars akin ta tise lesa sturdy calibra of thie basswoad tre. But yet enaci, acconding ta auratangistnding 1up1)againat tecvi inds of' war. Bending and swaying nnyle, lut cal bein.Nal bmenkýing becanse aur rnoats ave set fineI ly an d depyin the sou of Canmada and arIh îl Bitisi Emupira as a xhole, Wi le stan-i is aven but il I's stihI rinîgPanner ;syS le sping crop is lyicg fiat. That menus omare trotile iA arveat- m-gîid ponycansiderablo blas aI grai. Bthtat's cana of the joys iof fanming - you neyýer know wmUcLIou wil gat for' al younr k ucrl mtil iîle grain la inýH, t isic.And yat ubnpao- grumb tle ahouttîs' wcther.(1th garden and thie dilchss re mun- nin.Altogethen it ta ana grand mess. Bu;t athl we hjave rao ta le isackftl because aur xieait is inI the, bann and we lae o clI hay i'1., ng onýt ta apoili.Saie aI' aur neIýigî)on's ar'e fot so icy thy ave whent, aaiske nnd ti- atly ai",,l oct in île f bldwitg ta ho tlrýeslebd. Oua tiing la, certain, iare is; na dnop a le eiprtue Evey te I mop 1my 1lro0%vI1tny ta eeie we aloufld le tlank- fut fan Li"e" hent 1)eca use(2îl e longeri anys hiptthîe langer we can do witlout fuel for ieathnig and îIelesbs liIme W( sînhi have la woIrry abaut coai1--an lack aof Ut. And yal I can' t ianycy fort fronithie tiaught. Isn' t i funny-in the winter we gel 50 tired ef cold weatler and loak fonward îaniginghy ta lie wnrrn dnsof summiien. A nha lime the vwarm da,-ys cm-nitIenl we get tirad of tise lent. Wiha t inc eonýis i stanc it cr ea t ure s we are,! SUN SCH ES SON SEPTEMBER 5 ISRAE.L CALLED TO SE A HIOLY PEOPLEý-Pook cf Ieviticus. PRINTEO TZEXT, Leviticus 19:1-4, 11-18, 32-34. GOLD.EN TEXT--Ye shait bie holy; fori, 1anholy. i Peter 1:16. MIemory Verse: e ye kilicd. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.-14 M.. Hlame-ut Suil Gad%'sPurpos e Fr lsrae "AdJebovn0i1 paLtek,, upto Cues, sayia1g, Sp)aak unlta aiithecnge galion ai 111e chuidran of Jarnel and snyayueta hleml, Yashah hbc boiy-; fori. 1Jehoval) youir Gad Larn hiy." 'Thia commiand sets befare uis 111e abject aIt thc whoie moral las, ondtihasuprerne,, abect a! 111e gospel aniso, narnLtapro- fluea îceýrtajintype o 0f ari car acer iahly man"iaad. "Ad e Shaï'Il eep miy sabbaths: 1 an Johova yaur GCdu" ile ob- servance of tise day implid tis instucton of the peaple la te fear iand -adrnonition aM the Lard,. and il,,acquiring the halinesý- wvliiclt is 11e kleýynaDte a! tili-ales- son. Tihe violation of t111e aanciitity of 111e Sabbati is dencounced nis the grKetausn 'wdhbe ia ael- ias CaOMMISl The True God 'Turu ye noit unto idols, noi miake ta yaurselves tmal(en Goda:ý 1 arn Jeliavah youn GAIS' To luru ta an idol me1(ans ta tura awny fram 11he trua Gad. Anlythingtihaïi la p)ut first ita aur lift e- )fore (Gad iGad ta uM "Ye shah nut seal; neso shahi ye deal fai1seûlyy, nior lie aine ta anothier." A ilan wba iowill steai1 wýill lie; steaiing generaliy nocesý- siatiln, lan 1attemlt o cvrap tise evil deed. -And yo shah net sWýav ]rY by naine fly and profane thse naine 0f God: 1 an Jebavili." This la amnnig agniinat tînt sin 111tW w ichinuare Sa prone ta f'l- the carekosaInspofne use 0f thel'arnle of Godi. Impartial Judgmient Thushlaît not oppresa tb1y neighOr, in olsrabdhl: Tise wnges a!ahired lservnlt shal at, abidei- wththea ahi igit ïntil rann. This beniga cane for,île labarer, and i le deuncrintion againast a1nv aittempi te dufraud lm, are atgaini And saate epoated in the Scrip- lunes. "Thoushal(notcurse tuse deaf, nor puit nsmn gbiack l-ae the blind; but ithon sahait fear tiy Gad: 1 anJhva "Tise plro- hibi.tion againat jinjusýtice [0ta le inlfinii and the pour ïis etcdb an appeai tIo ear the lard. 'ce shon do no unrîgîealanes leiudgnea: ou shait110t re- sýpect Il er'lsan f liepoar, nor, hanalr tise persan o! tiemiht b)ut lin gteunesSiaiuýt thou jndg tey eiibn" isramuai hat, no afctto f kindleass ta tic ponv, tavenas thera uai Leýf na ssngfiatitaryof tishe, t Howuver, J doni't thiiii aniýof ut, arle Llookin forward ota ts wia.- er--flot wt a coal shartage. Cert.ainily we slould ha givîng considerabia thouýgit ta ways and mleans of uLSing leas fuel. Wîe mayý find way of douhitng up for sleeping-,, or givinig -ap sanie of aur privacy sotînt lnmny la sînt offl in sanie roulma. ti l possDibl-e the livhnig-roorn could hae dispjense-d witl for, the wintr anid moeuse miade of the - dining- roaomI. Womenfoilk mayave l driven ta wearing warnuLnder- wenr or suiffer tia aseunes Anld we may ail le a lot mare iealtly andenrac as n resuit of lower b ousiýe taern )ei-a turýýeas. WbhetLen we are marmna nd cani- forble depsenda a lot on wlat. wa are ready ta giv2ý up la 111e way of canvenionces, In inattar's O! dgnethte'ajudge muat ha impartial,- Love T 'hy N e ig hbo r "%Ouu chait îwt go up and down as atablhanar aong thy p)e opl e" S i aderinjures Iliree pesrsSAtone au:tu iaperon who siandars, thea persuan Who lô slandIercad and the petson wals tanis ta th, asinder. "Neitlilarsisait tiatý s t a n d againat the blood of thy naigh-~ bar: 1 air, Jahovai." One must flot be a, faise wblnass to thee an- daugarig of a man's liua or stand by withaut an afr asave jibis Dram rata or danger Tanshait not hita tihy brh e-r ia thy haart: ihtloushait sureiy rabujke thiy ngbrad mat beAR! shm becauisa of Iimii. Thion suat nat take enencnor 1bear any grndge againtcle chumden of tlsy popia;but hou chaht ove ,tQy nýeighhor as tiyseif: arn je- havai." %We re ferhddon Ioa a- anigelihe vwrong evan Ianlse rebltabasproved iafcul Reverence For Aged 'Thon s1iaIt rise up bel are tise haary head, 'and bonar ,theae of the oaidman. and thon shahtfear thy God: I1anJhoah"Tha wswwy lochs' 'at aier men siaoui inpie raerenca i n ail of u.Tisa duty heaenjoined lbas heen rD- agnired a iaïIl c(ivilizad aton and! the violation ii it Uis daserv- ing of the sevarest punimsîn Lave For The Stranger "And if a stragar saouwn wRth thea in your land, 'ya shah no do bu wrng Th'e. tagrta saarnt viti yau shal he le uta yau as the home-bora amang yac, and thou shait lave bu as th,- sel f orye were sjornmers ni h lnnd of JEgypýt: arn Jehavaisyour L '~"BUCKEYE" STATE 2i 21 2( 2' 3ý POP--Never Touches the Busiuess End RIMP~O HVM~REDS ~TONA4TOR$ ON 1~ WIT'H MV T2~W4 r~:r~A~E~ EXPL~E' I HORIZONTAL Aniswer'te Previcus Puzzle 17 North Cana)- 1 Depicled state. rji 57K 1 KO li naaab b r ,5 ormer U A E1 N A 8 Compiss point. Russian rien. S TEEÉ AD S YO'U r-il19Nricknanýýiqe for 1)Hunter slaiti SA P LY E R Y Edward, by Artemiîs I 5N EE, T1RIl5F1 OU 21Born. (myth.). AD I T A E A R I'LN 23 Geaetj of 101 Final verlebra DR ORNAMENT gee ofthleneck kMK N N S Y GI24 Cleçks. (anat.).BED RIE R E EF 7Hainogr 2 Vendant, K~IO - .3Maify.L FU P A H 9 locky .5 Exclamaion i E ANT O o A pnace oîsrrw. XP SE YM /4N ÎI33 Unitaof eF!er-y 6 Farther in, 36 Wrilten fan VErýTICAL 37 Cleveland is 0 Englisistaa of mister. I aiemetals. its langesiî 2 Sasamne. 37 Calcium 2G in haiste. - 3 Assen-ts. (synibol> 3 Penta finia1g ta 38 Beverage 2,5 1Ihale. 39 Crimson. jois. 40 Remove., 6 Symbol fan- 41 Be indisposed. 4 -nad 1Vnilhs lenblm. 42 Merniment. 5Sym1-bol for 43 Tille aof 'T7 Haîf an arn, 44 CharaclexiStic. tntlui. abitiy. 8 Siz-e af abat. 46 Lclposition1. 6 Fixad bah., -44 Migration. 0 Eanly :Englisi 47 Sanise of smieill Etiel 45 Drap Of oye (abîr.). 49 AIL. 8Scoid fluîd. 1 Old Roman 51 . Made a e Spkc(,]-,Inet 461Dy. weigll1. mistaike. - wnitlen. 43 Babylôniian> 2 1Dnybneak 53 Exhibitions.- of JI l Bitiehike god of (comi. fonm), taiM produects. palrt, pestilen-e. 3 Electical. 54,55 - 12 Volulle. 50 Se-ven (om, term.n forma moat of 141 invaig-le. 52 About(Lin 5 0f the mltr ls naýrtiera 15 Attorney 53 Symbolfa <law>. boundary. abr..irn A By J. MILLAR WAT I ~1AV~ V~U T~1~ ~F0W-ATO~ ~mNG 1'<4EO~Tk4E~ ~N0 0F Sold ,For Ice Cea A stary of asa-, igjep It vwas aon .e of S outh Pacific islands with secret, deep bays wiera American w-'arships anchor long, en'ough ta supporta naval officers' club 0an1 the ha ia front of the club was the matdilap,-idnted jeep you ever, uTn, n afficar rltd i prbbytheounly jepin tise Worod that evmr hrvapd un a submarine, "One of aur subimarinlessipd it from a ,,pier aýt Penn rib? Whien theyld sbegthay'd take out 1Ge motornnd rernoe Mie tces and put them insida té.e sub. Tien the,,y'd mlai the ret o Ht ta the canning tower outside. WVentilaveor the Pacifi tha way." Someone asmed hou ie gat won the beach. "thasubi fies in')e inita port -ofteni enough ta njo usinig i,"theofce xian "S tey sold ta the capLaia -Ô,f tfint arship onit in tle bnýy for thiae galions of Uncecreani Ult stil runs good? God." Thestranges'isnt inl taIo t reated wth'i1j draio nnd courtosy buthosb is t bepu on. a pretequality with s the o- dinary theit.Hnc 1e pro- cptlafid down, 'Thou aaislveý thiy iniglibor aws Thsaîf' l brt anacad ih regard ta t."h3 snuangpaer,

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