f Men and d Forces!% Engrossed in studyinÏl .Romen's famnous Colis, tish Pipe Major Wil Connacie vas unawai ltalian girl, curiouts kilts, whio s senexi material. MAGIC 'BO "Tee' nagic in this ai!Coast Guaýrdsmani Kelly of New York, asf ined wTide gasb in st-eel hoý wvore during Allîed in Fra-tnce. GermIan igun bulilet caught hIiin, year-old seamian's only was scratch on back ,,of Lieut. S. W, McGowan,Winp, Man., the first Canadiian 'Paratroop assault infantry officer ta 'ýdropG down through the roof of, France near Caen, leadiiing ite way for the now famnous 6th AirboDrneý Divisïon I n in opening the AIied invafion o Europe. is1 D0MJUINQCIES GCALLOý-0P .,E N ROU T1 Dinvasion of France ,ini hip headed for the Nor- Plan, Canada bas expended close te 'or the Ujnited Nlations. The, extent of e Fighiting French bas flot been ex- -ai larger program bsbeeni initiateà AND HIOW IT WORKS Gyro * Length, 25!f. Gyr pi -ý41/zIfW gliding lto earth, where it explodes On ipc nmarize ail available data on the Qerman jet- ruhers against England. FOR FlREED( rnjtri- Phoi sowsFrench uinfuiîngz an Amnericanii the Frenchi tricolor on ig-touches to N. s s N N. -N N N. -N N N N N N s s N N. N N. N. N. N N. N. N. ,ND STILI.