8. 8 N .2. Atiantic Sain Irono Fish And Club Hear &'- Mr. M',eC artney, of D ment of Gamne &C eries, Gtu7est Speal The Orno Fish and liant ~very înerstgng meting 4jay evenling lastir, in theOran ~despite the intense heat. twenty nmenthers werpMJrese] A rrçunoeni nts -wpç ehLîno' nbility to, hire boats for fhos~eL ,days, arrangemients are being mi to 'hold the derby on JuIly 30tdh 8lt(Sunda1c'y and Monldayy. Athose whioare intendinigtoLago tip are adviseýd to let Mr- 1T. Miller, Secretary of the Ol 4mko'w at once, so that the- final i'angemients can be made atone The speaker of the evenng V, Mvr. MoGca-tney, of the Otano1 partment of Game and Fseis iCrtliey spoke onthe cne Lion and rehabitation ,,f ourste in the Provinlce of Ontarlo. He si lae iwo most ipratwordfs inc voauayto-day is victo-ry nn id c servation, anmd tht vicýtojy wa miost imIpoirtantof the tiw,ýo. -The c eraonor fish nid gm is ve imprtat V s to protot and C, s-erve al thîngs, justlk h tioiig of butter andIother thin iieeded iîn war ime.Île tod h( couse v et uuît uepeee1tU,1C j streams. 1fie alse told ahouit the At- ' 3les lantic sairnosa that carnle up the Wîl- cas mnot eceek ut Newcastle to spawn. ins at TPhey were So very pleatiful au ehon that th-ey wr killed i if l ewih clubs, spears and neý-ttedi, somol- itre s mnyas athlouisand h eing tet laken out of the creek A aua evening. 1oet! T1he salimon were soon alkilled offS.sel C~ei~tat the crvêeks were being nLC rapidly depleted and that there cd fA i'wo1Uld s0Oon be no)fishling. l1 that0 bé ke year the govern'ment appointed a P0Ver :conmittee wh-Iich went, over the whole Manflr- province seeking in1fo-rmation, lo fightîF 7nening on lt questionniia ires VLo places li ï -ïwhe1ire hey could rflt cover. This we iwas ecom1pleted lantwo yýý,eajfs and their ter. Se( report made, -which ,-howed that the t0 trm 'ils" in Our- streams were rapidly hoe- dJ ing depleted and lan 19925 Or 1921 the kp aieand Fisheries 1Departen ofhopd 'he Ontarîo Govorament wau fome o~hr ,_wn rigaime preserves wero sta',te ifS to-'day there are 131 in the prov-. a( ï1co nsistinlg of 6,000,0100 acres, of m the 1lnd, noV iaciudinîtg the diffee met ,parks througoutthe poics ici M as the Aigonquin Park mnd othets chaii iwhlere bhunting ris prohibitbed, thipe Pid iliciuded the t -otl areacovered ik ý!ey s ;.er 10,000,000 qacres. To dae h e tâU flsh lhaqtchory of theprvce he katched over- l300,00 fish for TaI stcigand rsokn h ifrn ili ,Streoams of the iprovine, may 0"theyC tse flý, sh are ls as the larg:er fish ace Adevour niany ofthefigeqig Tisedgo ) V CI at$500whnM P e.eale 7Arm strong1 1,acte thcven'ing andet tnktoMn. Mac; iner~tngand inst ays. W Sc hc nt Need For Cross 1 re.atest evn'nhitrte la- on., Our - boys are fgtn un-Il r~~~~~~~, arlcigherlestafeedoI)in aylive. The -needl for hsia u-V lies is ur-genlt," Mrs.LJ.C. rsr techer.