Aimericar schoul ehildren, 13-year-o1-)I n, presents to President Roosevelt a bul- ým al jap planie, engraved with the record vinga- by fellow pupils in the last year MORTE YELLOWKNIFE gineers ini Sept. 1935> hêe~ pre-view for higli rankin - tary men wbich went over with a (,ang, New to theatricalwo, lie found himnself ln dernand nt armny entertainments. An-d when he. went overseas inID 140, he 4execut- ed" Hitler for the troopsa atAider- shot. Returned to) Canada in 1942, lie joine~d MacDonald Brothers' Aircraf t Ltd., w~here he is pro- curement superviser. In the !ast war thse ser7ved with the Royal1 GOOD-OR ELSE vllich wiith the rd White Armny, captured the 2rmani fortress base t trapping itsgrisno 000o teýi5,0roO men.ý DECORATED 1is leadership of thse U. S. 's Seventis Corps, whichi t magnificent job" in cap- rCherbourg, Mj-Gen, Josepis on Collins, above, was award- Le Oak Leaf Cluster for is uished Service Medai. Gen- Colins also led a victorious on on Gaudal canal. It hai-d btter be good-or else, -warnedi Sgt. E. F. Rutta, of Chi- cago, hiolding gun on is paI. Cpi. James Piermnan, of Ma Ynaroneck, N. Y., as latter experi- miented on him with Germnan razor found whien. Yank.',s marched into St. Saveur, France. You Will En'joy Stayin-g At The ST, REGIýS HOTEL * 1'ryBom ith Bath 110 * "ýý 'ugie, $2.50 Sherbourne at Carlton, Tel. RA. 4135 HAY FEVER-- Attack snezng, wheczing, se nose symptomsý right t thieir source. srnear e. littie NOSTROLINE in ench niostril. Relief is isat Sneezing stops. Breathing'n easy. NOSTROLINE soothebites, disi;nfects, pro- tectS. Also rieves eye irrita'tion.. For ad-aits and chUldren, 50c at aIl druggiSts. 'NP&IeTRVOLI NE' PhoogrphRecords Thouandaof ltghtly uSed popu- lar Iu"2Dance seetions tD chOooSe Aiso Automatic PhonocgiraDpha avial orRe. Write feo rteas VICSNEUX BRGS. Auton&V lf,al hogai. GOLD MINES (Ne Personal Liability) LIMITED An Outstunding Yeilowknifeo Opporitunity at 18C per Sharo OFFICERS and DIRECTORIS Presden Sec.Tras.Director F, A. R. ESN Barrisiter. ROSS H. FAWCETT EARL S. MUIRPHY, Phim.b Dîrector V.P M cM U1,LLE CA.PITALIZATiON Issued Treasury . ..... . . . GUARANTY TRUSTf P'roý OUR MINE MANAGER, J. W Thei propertýy consisus of esix haiims Six, adjo-inling the Consolidted Miii the Consonlidatcd Mining and Siniltil- Twelve. I understanid taConsolidai fromi tal particulaïr section. Armstro-ng, 'Telephone 156 ) 1, lj ,ents:- ~~~~,~ýV 70'cfod S. . or( 1 l p F(oi* TheFuFive and stogVeil-, rUnintrom o, Nowita Onie ai or ' TO BUJY DIRpECT OiR - TORNTOONT.' the Iast war, 3 9ç i srruf 'OR mmam ý