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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1944, p. 7

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Ha'àpp e n 1IaC an a da ThIe Ge:rmai epl ee uta 'thilat itfcol eyerhape are that Caniada is ili îno danger, 4a5s ThieOtaaCitizen.Acuai thr r igIis of C1jaaah~a Vutinrable as rgnin.The Fs Cist youith aciities hIi Qubnýa l'i»o flash hii thle panl, ugpol mlalCaada are beilng indoctrin1atedý Pjy forces hsi a reedomII f ~peeh, ree oi fthiought and ireedom olCf rlginas syseatc ýlly as the iticieyouth erein doctînated ta) produice Naz57i CGer- knan1y. it: an hlappe(n in aad. is appenling. it is o ee ncd ~nethlat, zas the frcsof ecanac- ~iii deîocacyadvanice unCanda ioCr the rallying ùai the îo r ces a; CIcieo c a c -Iat homie toold 1tis land of redoiaginst thieenm 'For tr or W11s,ý' Asrbusinecss asa it du l town, the captseeralma thon01glit he'd tryth id e ýpaces c esntyhecaeta remtecotag, t :thedoor ai ,wIicb staialxteey og lookinig iman iindeed. Btut when llie bigînbis usual unme aosaes tlte cttgj.n terupted'l iii -at i a splendid alwnefryu i sweepecr in part payniciîent fr thi splendid nîewmoe. T'iec cttager thouigit ora e 'No, 1I wan'It doû el ie ai, tok 'r forbetrowus Some ,Far-Away FieldIs Not Greeln Look ta New Ze-alanliat's te ofyaisa man ui n iCanadaSe lt' 100o, ta bth New Zealnd su Asriaandqsce ho)w th wrkng Ai-arried ,man it t~djde and an- incarn e )ý e f$70pryar Spays lu ncomie taxes: iCanlacla, $40. ~Autralia,$27 Ne7ealandý, $02 O)r, ïa-fter looking'At tie ad yau want tao olok at New eaa ,4ny langer?. - - ;fn-.51r Britain's N'av.y bas aidoptedfo it8 unilder SeaIc-ra iIc ai-cadi- tIiniaig syteiusediforye arsio NetIlie rlandsCI ý;suhm1)11ýa rine -'s, ccorng1 ie t e Nitei andi Is )ilomaio vise'd ùthîs sse o usasg 875, on BY ELU, Last Week: Inspectot Parsc Chandra and gi, Parsons asks a' vision, Jaspar in iiaif police "You have aire Spurts. er CHA les boougnî sheu deý le froanl îg enti: ,, '-.-, XII sc L E star- hier 1 Y (m ti ati di ose I Safte1 ised lier- Wealyha aytbing ute o w!h( t jîmue, Ilie-dsay that Jaspa vold havebeenao sar t t sic is ncck nt that wy fie rcaiiy "I aner -again lie selee ta0 chag h subejeet; but Chris- tîneaie d wariîy - "if yen w-ere toe yaung ta recal tICealducti Ai Mrs. Tabert's nepbew, 17=1 Talert abut12 yeans aga Wha- everengieerc tha was pretty S vee rausýoni;Lbut t Ïe)bywas "Iwas if) years aid thienl, Clris- tie sai "Are you suggestig that 1 bldsomethig ta do wit htt lie ignored tM. "This Jaspar was eiployed lby Mrs Taibert at that tue-î,ai, wasn't le?" 'Ever sin c ' Ilniee e. -,an-yu tinkil," liedeaed "ýof anyvonle wloiomiglit haeSent "Nt alssthat ws asar o Bult whly sondhe t pt[ hio n a spot as well as me.né "Ayidea 1wliere tIi5 Jaspar i now?" licat at lier. Wlienl, at Ilngtli,-ieletIlier goe, Chroistewet etit h ler mmnd whirlig. .. If thee ere auly somene he 1culdtlk ta sn-omeae wilo tuiglit ihave ai koyte tis terr-ifyinlg puzzle! As if in an-ilswer ta h lie ee, a girl's %vCltce sud i n lirmm ary -- etles iuried, rglt ed -"ftleesany tobe Onadespeýrate mus lrs Lucileï..h vould lebeteur net s0wlena grlsvaice nwrd s1e hgafeeling lier ay ga edl, " woderif it: wa-s yen I chng liglit bufore laýt... wa "OhcMis Torenson, I'e ber, so afa~dyu woldn t' tle-oter owte get word ta ou o'laiter you leit ltiîlgCrestvîew tiid. > ca!ulelmi 1 w," Chris- "Let Ime mthh e gir l us ttd"ltuldn t dia f oyau ta ù"et me aboutl9e checice-a hl tic uelp a ini straw yarnr a pouct i iml Lruedallions L-ccleed n crde Sîlartcohee ure orpn mioney.Patr 5cntisde- tioS 'r UrsAi-e.s; stîtches;1ist i Ili a cr ia 1s ý S en (i twentv et u on Cristine that ýthie litie ian'Is sud- satd hiseo c e s eemed a d isapp oiintc ed wlicn she exppaind about giing up) her work - forMsh hd dcided tha totago on vwoud lie impasie unic5sShe wanted ta bcliounidcd by curiosity seekers -- tiat Cliis- tine feIt oryfor bil, Sa muILchl Sa, that vhen Ilie asked her lmos wýistfully vta bave cdinnier wt i sIc nserd,"fIhave an en1ga1g- mient ItaImeet a fienlid a 9 ut 'd like everCi7se mullch tabavedial- uer wit yaLu, Mr. WiIlmet, -If yoU don't mmld Imy runninýig awý,-ay At first Mir. Wilmet looked crestfailn;then ie rihend mleet," he said liopcfufllly, "i1 a liadthm ltel!iim iiatdectv (ýl iqarters tt1 dtIliey miglit keep hîîl till late tngi. *"OhI," Christýine said blankly, "Sa you!'vc beentahedqatcsta? "Isectr Paons Seu n frum," _Mr. Wilîet a1dmitte."Aot e be2ing rahle a~e 0 wovliere I wa-S last i iAS if I1 oudnt ave *ense enougli ta get an 1alibi readIy Thiorensoni,youdntsuppose lie, do \ith this?" 'Do you - I do-n't Supposýe voi knowwlit ticywanted with -Mr, Yardiley?" "It ivas aboit bis eys," Mr, Wlimlet told lier diattiiy. 1lie had enari, h elzd that she nigh)t iat ask. "Hîs keys ?" p1ýln Ivîg a key ta MsTaI- bert's cari." TlIe littemanfairly glowed with bi ews. "lie - yau aren't izzý, are youi, MissTor- Son? It is ]WY. C:liristLine ws; bt srsta(jijd liesei taask "Wbatdid M r. Yardicy say?"ý "lie saîd" -Mr. iitsinî- tien ldepl(ircdthe fimie o f Bili' stor - "tat heddSit ini a parki-cd car inear theu arwi fra fcw mintes a -ai Lor seene ut that i liediu_- ko wlylie had thati1 key, ulesit a ýtaulmn ie get eutIî, lie foIrgo-t the car w In i,and Sccing a bey in thle dor1, jt t nk it. e1t adputit liwýitb bis ohr. Chisîn soad rystili ifor A moment;1butrlier mmd raced, try- ing ta sort and pnce togeth Mr. WLet was sai s insis- tentpiy, "Shah wii-e sa 7theniat WyI - yes, al ilit,"'CLis-) . aii nwrd n ee wy (Continue Ai'e e k, it 1it vastheL l înta the lbali Ili-ý had a peopinpe, anidc feialg culdj 't was theuir enecd tliem iiil prey ta thie "Adthe unto Jebval bundred d-Cli-a) weatne an( týins w1licliwek idc tbcî l)au easy nl aiosrecried llr li na ine of oi iran; an Lsrael."Ilu tlieir cobru lta by s ta God (, thec icdI unta Huinfeor do, thvprayced but vcy ilin.lid ielcel ta ta lngeJter wald been alot maebabru bliewcver 'ieiareklfaping for- i ail tbe i t il iceprin We aiýd ii-l-any a lgIli at lit un.- Faýr mi Pay3 Dcborah, The Leader "Naow Deboral, a polee if,îfe ai a1)ppido ntli , se jil Israel at tha te ,, a ofilre a srael came upLt for .ug nt"Debormal a înspired leade!r anid ef rosdthc nation a oactionl wît0B1 a led the arîyiutc 4i1 SIcencua dtbe ,peop ýltrstlun the Lard d 1leok ta for deliverance. icl soni Ab naplit11ali ...alld mbl(ý tliy au. the ram sudmdetî' thec riveýr wouild sudý, tbe ald lie licavy v vios' in thýe mutd un thetifrm.Mou:l woulld swcep doIý- Deborali "AdBarak s ladIfo oýng bultIner mr ýien rs a utsict ana nalt te isswit tce~ior ligltGod',s anisare inivisible btthcy bev])C- Ise! Is [o iverc chiotsl, auid iafter tlic has, unt oirsht f th Getilsund ail thie hastai isca(fqI y the dge i the ,,, sword; therIvas net a I-ýan left. Isral ivs cmlecyde- Bale h A ?No, by" odwh udthn.It 'aslte Lrdswork suld te iiiDboai as ier hiai tha1ksg i v in g l(1ug Sa w lie-ce ens q e4jiLy n4- thac ýxâzM, ir'i Just off tlhe press-- New, 'La rge , Ccloed crpeta n Scýr!Ud ny Ten Centslu] on rStamlpe te Caver Ces-t ef Hadijliag CLASSIC PBLVI,$-ET.W lOc 7 ADELAIDE W.,-TORONTC ilO ......v 13ri tLish Con1 "1s TE M ACDJONALD TOBACCOCOAN wish to announce that newi Governent regijia- tionls, effective 'imdiately, restrici the sending 0of cigarettes to the Boys aoverseas to0 the 300 ,size Coly. REMAEMBEIR - 300 size parcels oly wàit a lim-it of 90 cgaetesperin ldiviîl'dua1 er onth.' ne re

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