~o. 2G. )>Or ants Made In rland and D ha o ihat the saiary of the atro iat -,ent and thie follo ýw inig granit janade iin 14: CndinRediCý fSociety $50;Navy Leazgue, ofc n'ali!"Repï7esentatLive (or and) 50 Agricultucal Rý ative (Nor-thumberlanld) Jt ýk $10; Ontario Agricul neil $50; NrhubradCh, :eis' Assoiation $100i; Dui gbman's Association ý Seo Seed Fàir $30; Agricul, stiies of the United Countiem W'omenh'sýin-stituLte, E.N, ien's lnstîtute, E.D., $25; 's Institute, W.D., $25; Nortl and Trustees a nd Ratepa Durham Trustees and Rate $25; Town of Canipbllfmrd ige of Hast-inga $50; Tws Aek $20; Township of Hamn Township of Brighton ii$10; Conservatin and Reforesti Salvation Amy $500; K% Milk for Brita)in Ï7unIld idian Nat'ional InstiÀtute fo-r CI $60 oug'enleral H 800; Bwmnvll ospital Hlope Hospital $800. recoammendation that grant ihree Teachers institu e 2id wasý made and that T3y 14'75 calling for a ilevy of on the Eqlt.-izeLl Ass es eýn y1If 1944, be resnded, On Friday afternooni, July l4th, a ,hre oeceurred in the re Towniship) ,,torage buailding inOro and adec rapidheda ina vecry short time! but was Soon extinguished when the firemleni turne2dt'he water onto th- tiereblaze. Mr .E. Rleid, ronad super-intend- met, and Mr Elsworth GaCswýell,opr ator of the road mîtiewr -tainlg tlhe atrno i lnn g the maintinerin p)repara)tion for ane cýoat of paint. They were under the machine wasbing off tlhe grense wt gasline when a short circuit in one iýf the wvýires ig-nited the gasoline ,on the machine and the loorý, Messrs> Rteid maldC ieimade a quîck jm te> safety andl had a very narrolw es- eape from baiývia,g thePir lothes catc- Ing on fr.Theýy threw an on the ,flames, wvhich nearly extý,iagishcd ý-iithe laze, on1]Y to bapve it burst out an-ew. The hatfrom he- lire br-oke the - sedim--ent bl from the feed pp liehthn caused tegasoline fo thp tank ,to poý,ur-,7ontL .o the fiasses, w7hichtuned eh 'cara5regular ifro wnn mbg incomes of payment o "" ,"" 191AOUM»00 in taxes. That is hy Block sbated he expIainect, the sgesinhad wi* for hi not beený adopted, The miain beneft ed" of such an amuendmnent would have "Pushnag gonetouthe rich and imoderateiy weî-Fenfohstpo to-do, tmL t t The Gonmmons rejeeted the opposi- AL ,'OLUr tinbudget amendment by a 'vote )f.iras onr 11b2 to 40, six conc.F and six Social 'tbu opposi Credit nmemblers %voting wt h r- "I left w gresative 'Conservati-ve ou.Thesneer budget 'was then adopted in.rinile îhhek without at record]ed vte Duin g on in p the debate it vwa-ýs shoown that con- to go bak ' trolahi exendturs fr nn-erte bomhoarý purposes have been reduced b-y $i),- b tKing, 0,00since tChe start off the -,ar, ree ei Blcsoepoýured onut the front dor it te df-lmes ignitinig the fllooýr of the ýsecond storey. lil ocnly -Ôk few miutso cquelchth Cosdrbl aawi aso doe 1to the~ ~~~~dý paanr woo h ag tir-e eebdybrndwihwl Cpi. A. . Bxtei on teexploits ro dinPiess -waý Wh ntraffic tr aw thlnak2 vleeel of aln ca ihCanadiai he ,;ide, and he-i hee"said Bâ7ax iun)ocas t lenty-o you dio ntbotheri bit of w-ebinlg' declred romhis MiiayHospital vhee ad awavs on Mot ýy sulr>asam lyUIa n vof that ann-ing fcoy t likely hebuietgil f h an onto the arrer obeakx Cowy, eseve 2eacrdU e mangemen cf ti plat wt iusafsown ta >i oth t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1 -,oTioJl 8,14.Iko h e--i ur lti nsc udwr ite oui~ -wouldget twnty sickY, happylt n ters." Thý.us did themarnfGrt Hose Nusery, n Cipna Wilts, E n glad cnoldea'hp a metof Jam aid fhonleymde touht'he Red Cr'oss n-d Wme Intstitlu-tes. Si1nce 94, ver84,0 poujnds ;of jam nhn 1OeY lhavi ee Senit frontntrl to the cide' Shipdla cases whose four sides wa S bear the Red iroaevery ceaseargr rived safely. Thlii seprec a r 'een cduplica-,ted naalyuntîl an of)- ficinal r'e1niarkedi: "It woud bewise 'toj _5p h sipisonie. of the 'aie'jami'1la PBr guý.ardls itfro strn-, ugnd subý, p.o of iromen r wo saine number of volunteers Delence, Ontar'o Red Cross Warmrly Thanked For Jam Arm iy For F