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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1944, p. 7

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lïastics fIn War ~ henilhe. banldage wa ýs oi(td the case loked hopeless. VWbat va etof the so(licrns face a g raw jagged flesh.lis nouth was But iin the bigbase phesitluec toswere readi' woi the ltest de- viesefnidera s ,cienlccterepair tIse frightful daiiiagec au1se2d by the xloinof a land m-in-e. Aý plastic Oplint was molded t tg Wbbc izeth tom jawsethat the manémght at The sainetanprtm- terial replaced bis mîssîng pVate 2 .~ Skia grafed from bis shinsup- ported" by pasic overed hi ~helltem ace. plasic had plae ecased bis facurd oe. 4 Later an ecatirea st f'lasictet Cepsced tdose destroyed bvhap al. Toai' tbe solir sbake Ira another ,hatte area a aîU x- loddini te cockpitof anfigbte jplane, blasting Off the pilets gog- gles and ïingehiag bis ba1-ir The1 't s slihp went downi lams.The fEi er balied eut bis face a mass oi liunned fles-all buýt bis e,,es. lis viinwas sýaved bcecause he were contct eass-te îvisibleglass- Cs made of tough, noninanmahie acrylic plastic (ety-etcr- at)that fit udrtheeeld Arieplasties or reins arC Twhich becomie pliable -when SUS- jectedl to heat. Their use in Wp13t began wvith s. soldïier in tsefiel who reýcogalized lteflxbii4'o the( plastic parts of brnngpilne. NWeen ScrpS reued frem da- naed bmobs are heatd righ on file spo,-t of the crash sundfrne iaenemrgenci' fiekl Spliuits. Due f]ier wocrackýed lup f ound part ù! ) \..« 11is plane's wiudow used te set the V brokencY bancls of bis w Whiat is PeirCucilsra amThe qurestion puz1zles a goodnmany peole ad ver' k(w lenow th anser, apaThe ù01- iawa CétlxiL- The çýPriime Minser uuaoi <" ~ sigs hmacf "ilnîon z Curchl- il-u."Cu-,t'theC ourt Circular, a stelrfor accri'cpý, alwmays de- scribes hin as "Thle Rïghit Hon1or- the name of the arlborotgh tan- iiy te wich he helnga Actuallyihe 1bas anei-,ther namne neidhhe neer uss-Lonrrd S if yeu want te know hume the Uni- ted Kingdem inPrei-ier sbould b fuît' an'tfomll dscrihed in le- galtidocumnrt enta th urdig Wourd be: "'The RighitHooalWisn L-eonardSpceChril" Bu Londoniers vprefer te at hn Modernlitiquette By Roberta ILee -i, Whal shiouild oede audta, if' when enitering aý row e et in a theatr, il is neCcessaryvfor other fpersoals iteris t t alo ye 2, Woudil be ai igt for a gir ho vwea1r a slack sui weutain ulp bi' bus? .Wati, thu e ctxay t *stwtemon 4 if s man is a Stetï vbuLsineýss acquaintanice, dwann meeficts liai scil ffair, is abce SASi laedterecognize hum? 5In wstform sýbohîtldn ac- cetan1ce be witn hnrapcine t.So ldile crcm adsugar be plajceLl in t1hecu befonre thec effee is puewe n eatiug tiaemse nthcm ley ean lne OTTAWA REPORTS Tisat Security Fr'amFml Must Be Keyaote Of Future Piolicy in Agriculture H. . HnnanPresidenlt 'of he Candin edecIration etf Agrilturec, ai a receut imeeticngetfthe Society of Teclînical Agriniuturalîstsnin- clddcarrying forward ome ar Ine cwlolsoswih umoificatost meet ýchauging Conit(iions suïild peaceime obe ctie; oe fomnu etî regular rkatii!elinlg whereceta of the produci is nacessari' for au effective markeing job, or te the smues of price flo ors rdent' or- of diret or indirect ctrolie1t pro- duictin, wiih dcnraiai nie adiistration sud reultinssef- impoed hi' the prednues te Che Ontarie and Quebe Winl be taen -for Cexpe(rt inatil futhe ntiecese- cording te an ordeçr e h a Prdet oard, -Th Iis is ta assure meet,,iig ng f îthe 125 illionpod centract wih Bilain byMareh 3 inceased by 30,000 silice th le 191 eauth pltion )f Ca- cmiainof fgrenhosQe- bec had an ituraeo 700 0,0;Alberta, M600 oa Sco- Prine Edard stan, 1,00.new o rpcie1'. :l n "Ieg,-aproimteli fo2400li0 Bnýitish Mmistrv')f Foed up te Jne 28. Lu the sIne Ipeniod has,-t year 1,700 canrloads were purchasedc( far tisyes. Hîow Can 17. Bi' Anne Ashley Q. Hcow Cal i remoicve painit stais herocoig? A, Eiihr frýes o)r dry stainscn be emoedfrein eliate mtr ials xvitho t ijri'1bysponigig wvith e hlor-oformi. Wash fabnhies can besatu1rated wihtuptiemb bcd weol between the bauds smi ihnwas'hed in sospi' atr.For' a vr aid ;sud dr-ysaiadd ta tuile ammonia tri the turpentine sud sosk the stains in bis for an heur r î wo befere lunerng Q. fow eau I ae lbetter çswee-t1 pickles? A. A sinal ameutnt ofvansia aad a',amaîl amaunt 'etf lemon x tract Waedta he srupjusçt betore it is -pured ovcr the fruiit wlladdC a elciusftavor when maving atien freinsiIlk? A. Perspirtpoiiosiona ci cale akgamment ran rusualli' b rovdhv i'rubbinlg genfl iwia safi, dry cloth, Qj. How cav I void logging tesinik d(rakl'? A. otgrcasse shoutd neit lbe poured dpicthe raîin pipe of thie sinkI. t ili cen-geai as tonas il strike's tpecold pipe sund tend te clog if. Q. 11onw should bistersC freinom A. Do not beksunjLin bl f)iat- ers, as this euh'y adds te thecir dis- -onifort. A 11(w layer o)f skin il tomnd iiir the bttnud thei' willbrek oft their Own accord(. Training of hmn ien siarts wbeuthai are abnut fourý weeks o0d. brslies sd Il th - ery -esutiýIlllaWfin yla adwkeness? V Unlork ibisilgbtwbloa 1~okdin' uesn The air sud roke file sirain on sonsy e t Cre o FurMans Midget Submarines The nidigetsu arneknIown as-X- craft t, relike odiaytb maiebuit imich snuL,1ier ;and Even more cramped sud bave ne cngto wer. ig Thiey ar-m ane bpacre'w oif ouIr. hliy are about' 40î feetlog The only superstruc,- tur'ecis ~ardrail for the t,, pe rsoetubes -sud a masI,-ikoair vent. To 't'is-,is atca te arin wtuasrong 1teathier !bell, t& whiiî hecaptaýiIIstraps hmnuscît when ou the deek7 forobevtn purposes -)l cu" BABY CIIICKS MEDICAL FOR SALE ~AGANSINTWO, ).TIRREE 'AND 4 wek ld sýtartc dchksPuet -2 "'I od Wxt e hrs lc per budre. Bl re Rok, bit Rock, Nw Rmpsire XBa;rred 8 wee and Ider ree rnge pul- lot,. TepNoe CioeieGuelpb, iF TOUVE QLER UBIRDS I wiipsy you te pull naireplae inediate de 1tviey -45 ve started hicks. WiteLgon aud nmst eavy breeds. Hr"- Hethey.10John N. Ilam1ilton Onit. (Htcîngf0order). 28.5, ueks23,02weeks olti pets in WMite ILeglnaNew amphirs Wbte RckIs, IIy- bride te o Qtempics ree 1n1 re ctoUe,. 1Teddleù WE COLLECT laget geCily for hat esits. Financial Cllection Agefies. Fedeel lcg..Totoý. HjAVIO YD ANTIO Ei0 dyseiinaorc1ean'V9g Wri1ýte O Us answerweqr porluetins ct nient13 .Pa lr'qr s ye Work& jimiiedj. 7!)j 'nge Sreet.To- AMBIIUS GIRLS and MIDEAGE ada'a finuest mandlaresi sbhols. R-eefiniet, dignifiedvor',. Splenid Day. Write o a o raltr atuire. MavlIarrsigSchools, 58Bloor Stre et, Toronte. Bace 44 Riing iltreet, Hiitn ni7 Rtideau street. Ottawa3. ehk4;A i-IfN4MAIItIt FýSIN i PHLI -Robertsofl me tisoti [n formation, on requesi rega rcllflg classFiesa. Robetso's airtresinE Acat- amy. l187 Avenue Rosti. Torante, PATENTS Patent Slitors. Es3tablisheti 1890:; 14 Rinlg Weist, To rento. Boke fIformtion o 0n r - MDCA t STMAIlAND TRA UM oft«en are the cauise of iihat Inj humans aIl ages. Nfo onelMin- ïmufle! Wb1y 1notfind out If thin is yratrouble? 1lateresting vr tlclar-FrelWrite Mulvefleys, GOOTIRESULS - IERTSUP'- frer from MUheumaý1tie Pains or euritia sýhouti jt,3' Tio e nsd.Murnros Trug S to re36 1AUMELEKA FiOI B-A-LM desitrcys o"ffensive ýOor i1stantly, 45e botti. itwaegent. Denmis far Pas is practý criss-crossed wi heufrein beirl cu,1ssionl. Aa wirceinciî Siiardic tasser de- orne mites I Tobacco al 1o-n g the ,sov-th an-d otat cousr. The ceascles roar sud dro- etIl tegreat ;ia7ir ammaifas, wbýCh nligh su ad (daY tilt",the air, à%far snesight asthy st ýt po snd returfifrein thekir mssn0 destruction on the Coninent, ha- nSAhrestfulsleep fren; the inhabi- tane Mtil clngingtetheibr homes- iunre. Yet the birds, frem incckoos tC' fiaches and. nlightinlesLjý, itis said, stay , in the ,region sud s( inlg their. 0oU d e st, yýiï)g vithihl iileai dm-a pheonuenton ntdin the firsi World jVWarhidthe front in Fiance, A recent advertisement states: 'It took twelve thousand okeste put tIsat botle of m'iik at yeur door." Yes, il sounded as theugb it d;id. Just off the prless- New. Large, Coloreci, Erp SAnd On1 Ten Centsln Coa in-orStarptt,0 Caver COS,iofadin T"is Oter for a imedTmm loc ~CLASSIC PUBLISHERS-DEPT. W. e lOc 7'ý ADELAIDE W, - TORON'TC lO TRYi"T!,.tEVEIIY SUFVEi-EU 01 TIME TESTEI> QVALITV SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tou flm prpeiydeý-velped and 4 l_8 XPSURE RoLL-S 250 RERNS8 for M5e FINES ENLRGINOSERVCE You miay nlotget ail thle films pou wilnt this pear, b)ut you can get al, the quaty a nd srvcepu em r by 2eendin]g pour filmis to Station; J. Toronto. ON COLORELD ANDI RAE ENLAIGEMENTS Quality EniarLgementa 456" lýu Beau:- tiful ecýeel mounts, 3 for!-6e. Frm- ed 1 n G olti, Silv er, Ciýrca ssia n wainut o la c k Ebony rinis f ramye S, on lvory matas 73.39 each. if colou0ed Zee>l DEVELOP!,D AND PUINTED 25'e Get prompt maPl service onr ult ,,VSrkai ltow ceat. SatLisfl ed custoi- ers alover canada wtll teil po -hu~t Star Snapsh-Iot Service dees the best erký. 1)0'T TAKL RiSKS WITH YOUR FILMS nahtscan neyer hetae agaîn.- Seyid your reliste Canada's ags a d fine t finiabilg s-dio STAR SNAPSHOT SER VICE Box i29, Postai Termiînal A%, Toronto Prin',t Yeur Name uani Atdr e Plailyvor) Ail Orders. Get ixoderm f1rein pyourdrgg proteets pu DOUBLE SIZE super Prits '49C RECULAR SIZE Oor 8 iSxposuire Rols 39 Deeoeiand VrittC 39 FILMS FILMS FILMS Seisi TO o YoU y Raf ifrn s M No -5No. o.10or 24e No,.Il(; or &-5 Theso Pri"es Inekude Fu et For VWrap'jtng and Mellieig SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE 11ox 401 lHamilton, Ont. ExetPhoto Finslherm for 25ynr 6j2 AR S SAN'DWÏIH EA ST, near inor Ct ut, Od joinling inipeoveti WIkeùr Home- siteb Subd(ivÎsion. Çonta-iins aboutl sxarsgeod standingtmer Black oam, ise 120 lots, cerner 3rd, oncesion nd PilcLee d. Owner Box143, 73 Adelaide WV., CRHAN RFI' Ri:Y -NEW gEA - aniWhiteî, Standard iand Giant inciuhilas - Ail age's -bo BLIPT H-NESS 1DRECSISING - Fies eather ,ald barness Pre-u sertv.slipUit lso bas riny, houeholt uss 25 uCAt most groer~.hadwreaPudc , aiftf toeAproduct Co! Lloyds Lab- ûtatories. Tûrernte, (-WY RCODIýTIONED BOTS of our, armled foùrceýs, perfet con- diio, ,3. d el1v ered. La d i army shIOes, prctlprebuit antee. ',tatLe sz, sw o e oughl, Ont, ELETRI ItOTOS, EW.USECD, boughlt, ot.rbil;be1tu nullep, buhe..lelctt Company Ld,22 ufrnS Toron to. MACDNALD C O E1IN ATI grain eevaîtor, ai l eits cnpee ingood 71runnjg coditin. W. roat, Cheiténhaifi, Ont. 12SECTION, 18ý5 CTLTIVATD 1ý75 baisep Zmligcw tracter and othe mchnea for ,000lý).00.Mike !Bobak, sh Ville, ManI. TEýN ïLO_)VE1,-T BIRTRD)AY CARD S, eamsix montha Oc.Rooftre8 PublicaionS, ox ,44, Orillial,On QUANITY0F A G0 ILO trecs. Rang per Limb C ;mpay, 85r, jiing Street WstTornito, ttyý, wheinct l ows r1, Ice5 on as.WlerShts.19 Me- lindla Street, Trno WATDAT ON, WO'1.ýVMAN 1TO taefuil charige Iin frmhomîe, Onle aduit ta coo k far.Wio wage. Prmannt omeif Satis- fied, tae aePaeavncd nias Anuu, Pot Bre RR2,Ont. 1AM ELP WANED-AR, coule f or fa'n rmuiSt ce fully with hers s-no m iling. Separ- a te Ius, il ro-Fa m 0 ile,' fron Toono. Wrte208 ing EXPERI=NED LOM AN D all rounid printeCr, permanen)t posi- ti01 , ion plyyleHTI71M, j NeaDr- est selective ServiceOfie TEACH URS WA NI'6l'If BolURK S; ¶VCHJ OIl Pi- ences in answer. eearp- T irea lrrer, U.,S. No , en i PRO(TESTANT TAHIIWNE fir-W conty Dties te com- sali- ani ualfiatinste Ar-. thur .Cnik e-ra. or moe yero opentnce.Firstt V V 't 't 's s.' '1' 't 'I -p V V V. 't V y 1' V V V V 'V V V V V V V V V V V V -s V V -s <V V V., V y -t 't' V 't -s 't 't <V V * y y V V V. V V. V s. - R MýMe MýýýM ý jý,

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