To" arn Cou tion of tors ~WiII Make Sur Townships For War POsitiOý Jaà organizie the ToWýnsIflxp Uer teýes for fthe pur-poses of poe tation, of a"il Forums, and a 2-11ake ail effort te h-ave a cn findinlilg out what bsreal or will beaalbeafrte for *or -return-ied m-en; 'and hi see if the Counity Comi-mittee, form l plans fo-r a torogh survey in the county, working by school sections. For the banquet the lady repre btative ,of Estandic estDurhan1- ý-tibUtes, ni 1-S.Mr WPv appoiii eà lý e e s s ary a41 show Receives Ai ntions ni of thej- Royal edical Ç0rps, w be <a .k of 1 (Ac Dirowns sar-ld oya non-swim1-1