u n end. Ouaý fac'tor which eIadcia s o me the Vncouver observars to teelA that the ýplan bas s good chance ot ý uccS lhe old adlage ,that a ý change is as good as a rest. The wokthie men aud woneu do10 at night is cornpltely differerltt from te rthh Iey do la the da-y. They woxrk ne barder t their, war jb ha hy vwouId ilu thIeir gresor playing golf. 11) anY avent the Vancouver experient isomethiug for the ri of the- counptrytepay soeaattentinto. " f it workLs there if can hbea dept- ,d ilu ail other centres Of heavy war production. KILLED EN SICILY aorJ. H1. W. T. Ppsc ond1( lu comIllnani etoftci,,- Joysid ed u atio i Siily MaorPope, whe wa 29,Jailbeau ilb h CanadiiiAn my since l1934. 1Ha formly reaidedila Vict na Qneb0,ec City sudOtsa SwimsPast Shaurksi ToG uralServiceý Sýcond O -fficeIr Arrivas On Timec to Conduct a FuneraI S ervice A Bible cenched between bis taeeth, -suiefficer 'of -s torp)edieed sBritlsýh mrchianit shîp swafro - oua 1fe oatteaneothar defyiig- shrkiuesed waters ot the Seouth AtIautc e radfle 1hurlai serviýce fer a dedhipinata. The st oetthis hereic acf-bas jual bueauravealad wîf ,th ofrdngettha- George Me(dal te the offîcar, Vernon Upton, 4The 22earf-old second efficar- took commaud of 40 men ln twe ifabeats wben bi saupariers were kiie y tha forpedo explosions. Th)e srivrxere more tha monfhs sailing- troin ta eu -s Ameican' cist Att er s a w ays, IJpfen, heed- ofs etthe sbrk wichclay feiwdthe boats, swarn iifrI-em uete the other te tend 1the, voulided and ra vivae lggig spiîrita. On) the 121h day the firat nan died! attr having gene îul- aune. Holdiing àaible lunlis feth- k, te kap if abeve wafar, Upton gajini slfipped lut o litesar-i- cdseas sud swani te h se With his wl-kon nrgind ability,PrmeDewsim - diately attacking ,,ýthie probleis presented byv his prgar)f rfr Hle has takenHe lEdulcatàoppotfli imself. Thara la oeeadvanfaga to a big bouse- eue aiways bas a good choica of roinl a thu- derstorm. That's the way wa find Êt, anyway. If the storma sc-omai frein tha, southwa,ý,st then wa pa thae deers sud VindowS fcn nlortheaast. 0f co rse i ts o 1, aiwaa1 ý wi t unut il thel hasý't miin- utae. Anid then thea ind gats up and i hava te rulsh aronnld froi roin te roorn anttug indoiws suld cigder;btby ta tîmle Partner is guaaly rennrd te l'nd a a ud. By lithat ye n my gaýlber that therais 'a steriu 1ragin asI wrt.And i l sure isa stori. T h e 1 igtn ,ling lain;icessanJ- t hé thIlundlýer1-teri fic(. 1Haiila la SirIing byilu shI ceatssu th wila sing sudtiýrIiiug the treshke aza'.11usar Thue is ahg hsutrea littie way fî-rn thIlle kdoorsu àt Oooksa as if the wiud sud theu tr-c, e weeioked in a trii fig-ht te test rthe wilsdslegt et eucbi. 1-lva en ouoei vewatcýheda trea inl a Storrnl? To d. o seis te marrai at its fi-amllendons Slrintb.Se how thawndwîrsarndthe bran(1ces, bendiuig- tbhem filrat th1is way sudchenrtha. Yenwold hardiy balerhat amytjil1g- could sadup aant that awfu'l wlnd.l H-ere is a m,ýaple aapiing, il:s tu ne - icke-r thlan a bror haudie, yet ieook utt the fig-hf t ilpus iup. t bandsansuaways, 1it tue- but if doesn'f break. Freii in xvhea ornles its streuigth -frorn-i whence thle powýer te rae- siate destructive terces etl the 1idIsuppose thle linswarl- tha cstrength etfhe rea la lu its r)tS. Ail,[that seeb lakaes m-,e thînk (otthe wansd of tue grant ]mutitude etf peo)pe lwho,ýo te mka u th Aiied streugth AI! oftLns lk trees--soea bi, sema astmahi, sud ika trees, et a dfretfibre. Sema atroug like the ~ ~ ~ ~ t oketra kitethe les t Urd albeo f the b -assýwOod teeý. But yet, each, according te our tranth, tandng1u1aginat1,2 thýe evil iusfwar, B1 du aud aa 1ng nay be, butit net ourretsar st i r n 1ly and deelylu hesouofCanaaa sudi et he ritshEmlpire as a1xhole. la stl snnPartule-r suys thae spigcrop jý;la linr -f lat. Th-at mensnore troule (ýia harveaf- ing sud pobabiyconsiderablle bas et ~ ~ ~ ~ o"" ganButataeeof the hcno he rnch en iihg-t fer ahiyeu wok util the grvaini is lu th iAnd ytubnpao- rubeabo-,u h euhr Frinwer Ian iti1gJcarn sce te1strm bsfode Hýe gurden and the ditches are rua- éinPr Albtthr ifciseagrand mes, Bt sili w hveruson la in tha hmm sud wehavCneCUt hs iiu et tespol.Sem e nourueighbors are net se lpu- thay hv wheat, ahake nd'tim- et il ont- in Hi!e fh'eldwitg neO drep lu thIl_.tenijeratur,,'! Ever tune me mybro-w J try te ~ ~ ~ ~~b rm bawesudhathauk;- fnlfr týph ehast,1 ec(,aus,-,the longer it staya bot tha longer we can de wvithout fuel for haating and the less tirnme shahl havaý te wrr about eail-or lack ef mt. And yet 1 canît gat any coin- fort :If.rn tha thought. Ian'f it tuny..-in the winter wa eet se fired ef celd swathar and look forwrard longîngly te tha wamnl days of summar. And àluue thie wrr ays cerne und thanr wa fýget trad -of thaie hlat, WVha inconisistanit creatra we arel r Touches the Business End 0 li 1,LE S SON SEPTEMBER 5 ISRAEL CALLED TO BE A HÔ&Y PEOPLE-Book of' Levitïcus. PRINTED TEXTý 1.eviticus i9:1-4, hoIy; for 1 zarn h '1 Peter1:. PMnoîy Verse; Be ye kind. Ephesians 4 . 32. THE LESSON !N 4TS SETTING Timre. 14441C God's Iecpose For isvaeI "And Je'hovah spiuno Mss salg peak wuto ail thecoge gation of Wth bldren AfIsiae, anid say unto tem, e shah hab hioly; for' f- J1evaliyo Gdan holy" Th&s commandssn efore us the object 0f thea wb'OP ll oral law and the sutpremeiijl, of che gospel aisenamely, to pro- dulca a ',Certain type of mloral ch1ar- acter a holy manhn". *'And ye shahl keep mysaahs I aun Jlhovah syur CAdS Tha oh- servan-ce oflhie day imlplied tUe isrcinof Ithe peopl lte fear and amniinof tha Lord, and fil acquirlng theloins whieCl in theete of this as son. The, violation of !thscnc- t of the Sabbatll ta deaounwed as the greatest sdu whicha the Israel- is tescmmitte. T'he True Goci "TPuril ye flot unto idols, uer, mlake to yurSelves moltea Godls: 1 amn Jehovah your God. To turn, to ali idol maste tura. away iroem the trua Goal. Ayhi thait la3 put first iîn our- life bfefore îGed is God tous.' "Ye shah n1101,steail; neithar shye deal flslyior lie One to anothier.", A man whlo will steéi willie; stealinig ganIerally nece sitatas liuglu an attemlpt to cover up the evil deed. -.And ye sanot serby miy mnma falnely, agpd profane thle naine of God: 1 am Jehovah."This is a wainiig against ithat sin it wVli(.ch men are so proue Tu fat!- the carlessud !prane use uf the- aunme 0f God. impartial Judgment ",Th'uu sh1ait not oppîresa thy igapber, nor rob hhm: The wages of a hired Servant shah flot abde,- ,with th(ea al uiglit until 1mýoring.' Tia h enigu care for,[pHie lorr, -13d tha eucaîn gis n atep o defiand lmi, are agaùn andaain repeated iin tie rp tires. "Thou sýhait nlot curse 1,th eJa, nlor putl a stumbdil,'ugbick betore thec diind; but t toushaît lear [thy God: [ iiai J'ov j'liTe pro- h1ibition gintinutieto the ili m su ad the poor. ta auforced by an appeailto> lear the Lord. fin jujndmet: Itionu lalt flot re- spect the p-Irson of the oor, or hiolno ieper,",o f the ightyr b)ut lu rgtosessattbon be nlo affictation of)indnes t tapour., eeIn a ter mst nofawniug fiattery of th(',great. Howver Idonl't think I1iý of! Li zare lookiug f orwýard 1 o thiswn ter-nlot w'ith a coal hrae Certain-iy vweshiould be gvn couidraiethought towa an m-ens of using 1eas fuel. We ouay find way )o doubiing up for sleigor giving âjp Soulaof our privacy s0 that beat mlay ha shut off lu somet roomls. It is possible the iig-omcouild be dip)en]sed witil for tha winter and mlore luse imada of fthe dining. room. omenfl may even ha d1rivenI to weaing ,warmi undar- wear orsufler he onsquecas And wve imay ail be a !(J lo mo heAlthy and enargetie as a resuit of lower liouse temiperatures. Whiether wa are war-m aud co-w1 fortabie dapends a lot on wbhat we are realdy tO giv-ý up! in thýe way of convenienIcea. i-2 ha ma1tt r fjud'gmet thCe juadge muact ;be ï 1im paýrtÉi al. Love Th y 'qe 19h bor "Thon shaît fot go np and dom, as talebaser amioug thy peole" Sauerinjures three prnswith once at: ïthe ,pet'aon ivho iaudes, te person who 1la slandeored and tha llo.pErsen who i1s. taens; tethe sian1der, 'Niteraait athon is t ea nj d against tha hlood of thy ueigh- hon i an Jehovah." One rnus not be)a-faise wîtnassto dthean- dangerig 0f a a u'sie A -staind byý wlt11t au ffort to save 1hlm frorn ruhla os danger, "Thon sq1alt not rhate thy brýoth. Oýr inlu ty harthou shiait surely rebuka thy nigbran ot er ,iniecu, of hlmr. Thon ahait, neot take veneanc , eOhar auy guudge aganst tha chiidran eof thy peo ia;bt thu shît ov'e hy hovsb."IWe are ferhiden te av- eniga tha wro1ng aven wan th rehuk basproveýd inaeffactai. R"eeene For Aged "Thon sh1aît, rise up belnore thýe hoary head,:adbonor the face of th od ma, and thon s'hait fear tby God: i an boah"Tha "snoy loks"of oeider mensol inspie raeraneilaail of us, The duy ere enjoined bas bees rac- og izd la ail, civiiized 1ation anid thevolto f it la dsaV- ing of the severeet usbe Love For The Gtraiiger "A f a stagrsocora wtvith thee la your iand, ye shah neot .do hiar rog Tastranigar [that s'ojouraetb wIith you shah ha aUto y-ou -as thlehomne-bora amoinu yeno and thon shait lova him as thy- self; for ~ eesojour-ners la the lauod of Egypt: I arn Jehovab yonr- A atory of a'I -gîg ep -It was on eue of those SentS Padce sinds mithsecret, Aap ~baya vliere Ameirican wrhp anchior long enongh to sul)porita naval efcr'club ont thie beach. la front of the club was thA moat dilapid'atad jeep yon evar "Tht," aýu officer ilae ,"l proabl ta oiyjeep ia thaý w'orlidthsat ever ti-aveled onai snbrmrine, 'Oaea of 0our.subillainals swipect àt frein ai pier at Penn aror When tlhey'd submî-erge, ta' take ont the nmotor aud rmv thie tires and put them iinside "the, ýsuh. Than he'dlash the reat o ite toth conning tower outsideý, Sorn~ne skedhowit got eu thé beach. "Thie u offiýýcrs didn't get- into port[ fex eîivughto enjoy using i,"thle ofcrepan "So thy sohd it to thle cpan that wrbpont in the býayfr three gallons of ice cream., "ItstiliJmus good." so. b strager is a ilt Sinply to haae d wlth cnieaiu aud c urteoy ut bha la te be put' ou a prfeaqu'ality witlh te r diuary lanlite. IHeuce the pa tdyu eigbor as Th"y 'is har eacted w itb1)r egard' to tl i,ýhe strangeir. t "BUCKEYE" STATEI H0Rpi ZONT'AL Anwrt Previouis Puzzle 17 Nt Caro- 1 Depicte-d state. iili [Kr A K QV lina (abbLX .,rMerUiTEPN ALA i -l8 Compass point, Russia ueS TEE DIS O 'nl19 Nickn-ame for 9 HuntCr siain, -'by Artemnis 10 irat vertebra o1 the u-eck '2 Verdant, 13 ModiJýfy, 15Exlato of sorrow,. 16 Farther lai, 2 0 Eg, ish l-town. 22 same. 23Asnt 25 Imitate. 26 Symbilol for S PLY fE ER Edward, INN 3SEE TRI 10 21Bon. ADIýT f)F' ARPE Ap 1 UNÏ23 Genusof L FURPAY H29 Rocky U USE IANT OVO A nace E><PSE Y pNU,33 Unit of energy p ii ýI 11134 Personal being 36 Writfen forrn VER!TICAL 37 Cleveland i& of mister. aemti, its largesf. '17 Calcium 2 Gonluhaste,. (symbol'). etinn o383eeae 39 Crimsnon n. 40 Remove. 41 Be îndiaposedi. 4 Owr. 41 Ventila-tes. 42 Marniment. 5 Sybe or 43 Titia of 4-1 Characteuistic> tantaIuin. nobilify. 46 Local position.6 ixd ook. 44 Migration, ,17 Sansa of smalI 7 Entirel.. 415 Dr-op of eye 49 Ai!, 8S cld fuid, 51 Made a 9 Spoan nt 46CiDrY. mistuka. u7ritten. 48 Bu,ýbyiènïin. 53 Exhibitions of ilJ Bristieh]ike god of tarm product. part.p e stil ence , .54,55- - 12Vube 50 Sevea'(Rm, forma meost of 14 nvige 52 About (Latii its uorthern 1 5 Attorney 53 Symbol for bnday. - I(qbbr,). iOn. By J. IMILLAR WATT EuqD OÇ Iff-' '7, t' t' 7-i 3, a- i -t' 't s, g 7-' -x k '-t -s 't