Mrs, cof Ha,iio, sotof thre rhourý ~Franin iTamni Frda ast at U inuw a Sergt.1 lie is hlomeu on a A.B. Seaman CorwalîsN.S., weeks'vacationa iso at G edar Harl 'Geoge cKenaof Pe-terý- nt a 2-hu ev wýith MrAs. and fmilylastweek., P'. Edlmunds (flee Marjorie l) nf MJilbiioo, is visitinig1 and Airs. Jas. C, Tamiblyn. PIQS uî PROFI'g FrSiu Pies to ciPork to Profil imse., i the mar~k for hog pro PE AND value fo-r