tseiig - ieee.A imore wh cthe icon- SatuirdayNgt VORKOUT wilcause fati- no chwr, n. According ta tça wOrk now tcr bc re.stéed er-rested. MAYBE BETTER THUS iautastll ithat Hi7ktierwa assssiate.If ftbey ever g àout, >f thec way, somef smart ýklfl general ihtget, coitrol Gerpmany's forces, and make the t ilth ardler for ius, aýpealiînig of the renicn nor $on.Laval is beginiling ta realize lsat wat goes down milusf corn-e IT WAS NO FUNSRI "Hlavinlg iven iup Minsk ande Pisk, therec is ll0thing for Hitier ldo buAt rnk suggesfs the- 1woostack Snie-eiw hc keseenis to have dunakli, fil iecomig yoke and sti-et Pretty if printo coltrasting color,ïs, Patteru 4561is avilale :iu girl'sq tie:6, S, 10, 12 anid 14, Size 10,I frcrequires 2jyad 5-jtwc- Send twcntyv centIs (el0c) in Coins 'e tamps canniot be aýccepted) fo0r his patteru ta Room n421, i3 Adje- Wade St. West, Toronitô, Write plai'nly Ize; ae addres's, stylec The Book Sheif SRinýyon à la Carte Býy Damon Rýunyo)n Rnynsdaffy doils ýf 1Braoa,",- ývâay and the sIigihtly, goofy guys tp whoma horse i s a une Ityp fti fthe cra jýcîo on. mrs goes ta Africa as a wrcorresý- pondenit, with uaios esis 'Two othier stories also" skirtth ,ulbject aI arwral-ping the e- phasis in sirt, Tu 01,JEm's Ken- filtuky Home, a lbroke -wn ac Iars e goes home- in a bi) g wy n r11 he ctizes wo irequeni the mi ad onil y Mindy'ýsrsarn are delghtI{uhly conic in te Runyon i laCarte ,, By Damnoi 'lýýNtyon .. LongnIaïm Grt' 4o ,, Price $2M5O "in the case of Ei! ieut alS 0, ltêe wee teatenling inotes. n tidifatcasýe, too, t1he Iictini xval at firSt thogh thaebnkId- naped, and perhaps îudrein his own ilcarlunthat ýcase thic- waýs made f0 appeair...Adth1at case wascnfs dby isiea,ýdiolg attemput a ncimn t oters - as in this onie, CapltaLin Kingl, Mi;ss Tholosioi n andi have albenje- liberately inl] ed "Donl't you thiinkyorecod ing thjis hnn11cb of yusabout the - nphe'sbeillg ahe _ ou wu nipuh i',so ar I suppose, as tg. "Olyý far cnlonlgh to sugges tht he twvoabucîs erle ýd& rat e( u tUULLI - that!. e Jioas Sonte evidenoce thal' t oght to heip," Christine Vas the onflyvoIlxini't pos-ition to at0 hthe nlîedium, after he ýhad Stepped inito the I(al- cave wherue his desc s tc,(-". h 1 sýeemIed to hc t he icfuIýmled'I'n- neesarlvigeilnan uperdrawý- ef befoe heCame bc andntlldd thec Inspector a fided she Iet of pla- Iseemed t br totat Jo- Iteadac e s±ng than headaches - Why suflf r?-Lamnblys wilI Ke instant reief. Larr -lyjs s~good for ear ache ,rooth ache, pans in back, stracbow)0eis.,ad Rei stili W-ith shIakîng finger-s shie pased the shee toMr.Wiet Thec littie plan alsqoadutehi glsetilted the paper toa miore favoabl lihtand pernlsed itsl- ly, ~ ~ ý nodn neo xieas ie _1tikMr. Cadais right, Insecor" e aid1. "usshouId hvbenhandÎed to i-In at oc. Whateer Cristie h-d Cexpect-. e&L it"ws any3thing Ibut tilis. Forý ~veoty J s'en?" f uis peke ad pased it with the fragmentts pyou ,lie chiair,yu wili in aýre -ideical." cause of ail tjmose here, he caninot S UI allow it ta be guessed that bis vi- sio;n is very bad. He wiîî ihave no s C H reason ta suspect that thïs 15 totE actually one of the Mesages hie L E S sent to Mrs. Talbert. The paper and the arrangement on the sheet are identical with those of one of Augu the extortion notes Mrs. Taibert ISRAEL'S F showed me... Have yrau noficed -' ! Sainue 11hat Mr. Wilrnet stumnbled in find- PRINTED T] ing P. chair, and almost feil aver a 15îý-21; 10:25-.2î; footstoal?"1 GOLDEN TE, "Yuare right, Chandrcia," tC mn- rmess.Love the1 spe('Ccr said qiti."Thle report l. GOd, Hc-.oortheh that cam1ie a few minutes aigo froni Mmoryverseý Mrs. Talbert's oculist mlakes it Ephesians 4:32 ,cear that the fragmrents of lenis we THKL LESSON]I fonn in iithatweechidd not Tim-e, - Tfli cm frmher sýpecta1cles. th binnngof1 .Yiou are ahdjwearing ghssses p]<ldsoehe or UMiss Thorenson pas. Mrs and IU15 B.,CC XVilrneùt" - his voice2 dro)ppeýd inito Place. -- Raîx a -oo io silence - e 1)hgn ieniid iht givig us the name of you pc-o thers ith Ra "Whiy, of course." MAu "pucet SautAnoint looked startled butt, ireIy canfi- "owJchoxuah denit. "'ire got miy gîassýes frani 't amela 0day the saine iman ,foryears." sayîngý.,. Behold "Bu lot toegass"th cl air- I pletthe voyant saidsoftly, "ciarly, have authorîtya-o pCÜiple wi is:1ýion as ipOor asâ' urs Itwand ee auways caryanexrapair îfor thuý Phulistineýsw emergencies,'cou had your~s Si i ng the Isramiîtes you, i1 you recollect, when you tructie raidsTi rameta my studio on theafter- thee lisine loi on befoeMs Talbert's mrd uere tije inmeidi ern robabysince you are abave prayer A a kin, evytmg euse anl apportuisnt, ifMeetig af Sar was pure inspiratirton tamsade yu "Then Saut dres"lotyour brielasetut dager in the gate. Mda You had seeu mie wearig wViue usiAl neLtego, Miss 'Thorenson drew y p ic1ture, )Ili that is il! myi ndwihyon guessed hinrs if as probably af peole wold be ready ta idn duht Samel buil tdey." turalinstinct ari "Isetr"Mr. WVilmet br-Oke choses ill1taps as ;lu, ail.n st)e Crazyl" worsip, Saruel tarmu :er thi ofthe fa. brolughti ascr -ed aigor t aui aisa wnttahi buse i: and ithere went with-J bos, viosehearts Gadl cd," Wijth h iSu e ts- doute aod wiiling !to heCLp s- newtks, rtLain tv, c'rtlefss fellows shahI tis mran save us? rstBult he held uls hey citiczed od'sap- livere and culd sc n u:ity Frsgrow sa large iin the Plhi- ipnsthlat thleir tunsare used for felegraýph pales. You Wili l Enjy Staying At The ST. REGIS [-OTEL ToRON'rO or esul elelhone T'el. RA, 44.35 hýoe rn Sal I Ao]d a wasn N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N N