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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1945, p. 7

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part ment of Agiculture rconi- mnend 'tbe foloving egg recipe-s: Egg and PotatoCaerl ~'4 falesomnmid laured fa 4tAbsOons floue 2C"Spsmik SaIt, Ipepper and paprika i caps cubed cooked putato 6 hard-oled eggs, 'lied Bnutrd craker cirumbs or gratd ches Mit fat, lend in floue, add milk gradually and stir until '~ ~ uce thiekenls. SeaSon o ase Mrange sîterna'te layers of pta- tons, eggs and suce in Igreased bakîng dishl. Spriukle top with buttereýd cracker crumibs or graIted cheesen. Bake in bot CoVen, 400 dec- grees F, about 15inutes. SX toeighjt Seriîgs. Chocolate Icebox Cake 13cup sugar /4Ctip cocoa I1teaspoon fMor a egg yolkS' 2 cups hot mk flot w cu!stfa """'. drynIl i sTaid 30,000 Teri Houses Ui.K. Tha ,Ullited Saa ln 0si eaiiparable ilii ize to the sadr Prifisbbnaow ucn ads miiteof oksiieoty Hle epesdhope ithat aeh stianmbar couhid ha sb!ippled luth econd hlalIt -fthîs ear 4666 MARY IMLAY TYO CHAPTER XIV Fo-r the lasttenyminutes, wbMee jad(e god iwas meleting its faýte, LanIdon1's taxýi had beensped ing uton<1.ndon Ihiinsseif was Po longer imain;lie wsglaid of mis chance f0 order his thoughts. If seemedCC cetain t1tthe bird had flown. Ita cse as 1there au1y harm ou? fPani ikedhmse oudhave to forgef iItws plai toLanýiIýdonta ak couir- age hnd faMld "lekuwId have to do i." Ye1;t bhýa 1ias uneasy;' so uneas f0 olo o is cunach thri sk bý is- maiglove toPain fieionlIe hu as s ihlI fuigfronIl the toue 1ýof ber refusiud vas ripe for mshe whutetaiL dre11 At liIe door he got bis-i sok Mis . 1Ly un v' as a', borne bu] she- Ila ut alone1; thcy bd coIpuy- "agetIýilL lemau tudon fonuot Why ot hlpyor an Io bte h'ealthbvb eomnigts iaî B, Toni hieh bas so geal boe- Mos0t wmn nwabouit Dr. Chas's NRVE 'Or) from c x- perienue or thie report of fins Many av lelo depend on i wihlen loss of sleep, fat igue or idgs tion arsthem of evu x haiustioti. Wfryîlot sec tat (the man in whIoml yo, u arIe mot intcrested lbas thep ntefit of ti rvntonï[,,vie en troubled wth similar illinentýs. .Ask for thje new econ- omy size bottle of De. Chose5s Nerve Food vhoifwa ,lit ifficulty, Asud his blonld boW?. HM lad inended to wait inharaetin oni bt as haenfered ifha heard tietcrash cf the jade god ïin tha lib)rary audo aF, strle r Ioni am. Landon] cast 1prud ceni çcetfo the i CI,; be pase ,d the1cer vantl wvo 10 as ýgo iin g ta aIHnudunca Iiiiled ithe porfkiere- -udapp1a(dintbe; lilîrary. N o'ne inoticed bu. Burleson hadttt- terad las the jadeI god fal, bs a fa cce was d (listteCi d w it ItIle red stekhis cyas fuil, l ene. apuit ouf a on bu]d, ailîand tlîat ued f chair îîd le(ed 1ouit HaIV a reafbin adily 1You're il , !q i edoi rs.il y c n "Paitlphn oriedofr you'Iliîl's il i" I ýI( o "Im int iI," Belsotcsituk liy but is iniwu o ifîof Pae-ýl auf0bul",ce,îvafi MavI rklad tînt uiovad.HIý -lisaxe we seîenu h satea lus face. urleson nid nyer Mrs.Lytn, tiliin îic, fled audcaegacef0fad itf _,Laudti th freldon van sil on flic pr-,Itie, luIi fce l r i i la1di nlot uneaudtceiscene1but lienha lieved uiatpMak adcoma fhercx f0 carryoff PU, , lit ;li asdefy-i ,ieg Burlsi, ud tlir lovd hin! I lw's te ildesi fin, tbut thelivArchio " es yî' lsarledxltiifýiou h oke the spell; sue t oppdxfl le bu cd -l odat(te 'nug ili in ope1ul:n binîazîîc11.,1- er c ýls er bii ekeW beu îadhaMcnie Laîîrrdu id nt ole bar"x peessiou. Ha bad1 madh ubs fn-n f0buîîbi brin Édges-o . 1Ha wa.lked£ iuî "Yo _\Iî'u a unigh f0 say n îii Mark ooaked at iiiand palng Crisp tu bte ... llaky flavor- that 1s Christie's Preiumii Socda Crackers -perfect parmners for ýCheese' Beeerages Sof/ps *Spreads At your grocer's ask for phant basnfie tsain font and fourc bebind, itcoa(s from Asia; yf fpur inifrout aud tbee beind, ibails ýfron11 ilfic a. \AD lephiantl fAn Asia baslnue )ctip lon thiL e nd of bîis trnnk. anAfriau, wo. I its trunk is smoothitisAatc Africa. Theers of aul Aiatic te- phanit are al,,cut 1tio feet ilng and rarorggrd; an Afican'i i Headach Nothîng is more depres- <ngthan headéches .. 'Why sie~Lm~y wd lisanr rre eiF ache, soor1ac-hepaîs m bkstomracli. oe, kd r IEAACHE POWDERS stze, ISSUE 12-1945 diignant ee."EI owe you all an 2,pology!l Ibogt this fllow here by miistakle; fI di't k-now the ýr!'ï th. e's anexcnit Mr.Lynu hunIlg 1up the receiver b ýïilyaudstood quite Still., No one aIsenmoved;the color deepened -i a' ae buit berlbaud StiA rested on Burviesoni's siouilder. 've ar ytld Miss Rodnty thaf," 'adMark, coolly;"y'v-l'r e a trifle Late, Lnol "No, I'm n ;ot!" Lauidnreto-rted witha sdde -iked intuition-; .cyou didni't fr11 the trulth. Mr. Bur- leson, lthis nmai ti mrder-d bis uni- Cie 'for b'is money. Ask 1Fosick- be knows." A s trani ge,, lite soun iAïkea moani aefrom t-,le young pgirl; shie crumlpled f0 beýr lkuees besîdebe guardiancair.sMrk, dsregard- opg thM ailmoked only atbler. Sih e 'had lhidden ber liface in ber bauds and bis hart tururd cold; be had hen ighfit -bl'is fears; qshe wol not stand for tiS final aw- fuI charge;: btwmuwud Tf eererlf0freeze !bis uemotions, aven b iger, !bis cnamffor ing ack lîehir on Ibisfoea. He frtiieli sdduy cctvit h1iS rmates to flicjail; the re1-st of it nas a dreai The haeard Laui- do' oc shr iind wmtisb in its dîîncaton sd he loniged to ,eize b p-t i uy !proCdnct of So- cit-n lilig im ilont. fie turned andlooedat, hlmitbthýe coni- temf b fet, lhe wa's sobig Ibun- lfie w so imnch i ofa pagani, a'sfar as tue orl !Ien, t Lti wold ai e eau othinig t o pick, th ielo p like a puppuy by thle ik, lis lîauds acI ed at bis sou' voie!are teabil airesaidslowly, Tkar'suoetln b say ber&" Mark mci hî~ eyes; l aed th "l iler ;urhetdois- etmn agaîu~~t biui, aud ha lîa t ande gidnIl he te! o oa badll tbougbtof tbat lunMrs. Lytinslst. iffni facei "11e ias upfor mrder-ila mges" ie sai le's ji, outi,.lar sonîing iiL i s 1 '2look n)iade tb oll7il m i gia' way. Uncons ionsl- pýassed lnî, takug is stande near btI the doo v eorze1be1inrîî1d toi face dicad Lau L don scotrely-itro- What The C.C.F. Stands For - hoolefetitle d "Wluat the Cý.C.FÏ. Stns!," wbîchtpreseits a walbof -inform ation, stforthl tiilyjudiii cironiological ordýer, re(gardiulg the tttueoifltie C.C.F. oul nationl issue,wifh opon qurnosfroîn Comment by f ha orgauiizatîoli's duliel arsutfv 'Notbling fdimortnce bas he oxeloked tThe statesmlan blas, keta ketuilcye',on11cfCF. pro- poais sudIdnvelopmenits. -Gob lad Mail HwCctn 17. By Anne Ashley Q. Ho~ cao Imake a lotionti f A. After bt iuse tflic ow iog lotion: 2 fablespocnusoni ast- mial ià 2 quarts of water, bimeld for .1 hloues, fthen sztrine(d alid che.Add jmica eoli 1lemon aiid itales(ponu I ofacobo1.l.Te nt meal sufilas flicekIinll mumr biesif, sud a! lcohiol rmvsta (2. How ,can lI makýefowrpt A. By dipp in1g îthe fo i n malned araffin iThis coses thai po ,r;s md prveus oistuira froni sftiuig fluaurfC olite table or Qther ftirnturc. ni ai ha ooi A ypouing smelimle vwtcr ~noa glass. f a thî, whie aru formns on top), there is -aI'excess C4, carbonlic acid ithle ahr and ïa rneed of m'or-e vnian Caald A. Se a thick s;ïice of pinleapple for theae of thle candesik P1lace hallf a banana uipright' for thecade anld top i it,ýh a air~- ach inl ch erry_,. laqCe a li feL'- Ç'aVer mintin te pineapleastde Iban- die Serve wth Furc srsin. Q. ow can,1 icdan tinare?. A. ake a paste of powdered wtiganidamii, olive oA, or sweet o)il. Dip aý ragitotis souinandm b thiie tin thorougb- ly. Wbenl dry, polish with a sof t C10ot1. You WiUl Enjoy Staying A. The S'-T. REGIS HOTE7L TORONTO * Evry mulni EJtht,Sow er and I'elphone., * iigte,=5650up- Double, %300 up> e Goozl Fool. kýiIns'and Ban- Sherbo urne at Carlton Tel PA, 4135 Things We Fight For Th'le Canadý(lin RýedCros.s epito- niizes dtomfbns we arn, aboa aIl,ý fighfig for: hum-an suirviva11, free- domi of individuial choira, nmeecy and beneficenca. NCo one is forced to parficipate in or contribufe to the peasnt Red Cross drive for $f10 iiIions. Vo- lunfari!y belpîng support and ease thec lives of thr is oneý of m1anýS miost prains riile-ges; the li- est loei- forcivi!izatfin, Tlî wrîîi sricsof thleCa nadhinRad Cross in Carring out hfli insýt ideals adnolssenti- nianits oFl ta aiain epl ave heeilgreat. Bc nof ifswrk 13îauy youîîg Cnaias ow live; -v;ill, witlîpacretunfo ta'ke thleir lacsin ithe tak ofuufld iuig this ontysdestiiny. Buý1t byîdVicfory lias anI ennrui c fak fr tle Red Cos r(sponsihilities, prýobablygrete tha'n evar: hil(pinig imaintain ocana- dian prisoua,-çrs fwar durling relpa- friation cas1i1tinginEuropaan tre- savedtbouaîîds(f sludierlivas:h tý_iue this woi'k 1ýin eaclle f0 saveo fbocands C, o ivln lives. Su ý1cv i oed ossilork hence t fuiuds1fronite1ul-icilt-i11is va C)îatcer in wkib aver Caaian lias aL'ýf pesoalcoceu bcus nu aproduci of The Bayer Co., Luid. Aches and Pain.s if '11clne tie 1*10 f Ru-Ma does2 nlot s]o 1 ou'!ie ick, easywa f0 get ral rlie f from rheuminati aches andpis, t tlcosts-y1u noth- Ma" tla:y auld if yoIlare ot leaSed witlHiteesuIýItýs, yourIlimoney jiIl lie refndd ,uydrug store, ThIis i .ils1C a l geeos',offer 1,toa1Il emat ic .. . . . . . FOR PERFECT RESULTS ON ALL F ABÎRICS GUARANTEED TO DYE ÇELANESE, c ~ANYLON AND ALL MIXýTURES -t --t -t -t -t -t K -i -t, 1,t- -~ -t -t speyrelief frOmc DON'T be miserable. Don't suffer aniother minute from muatjculaýr a.ce or pain. To get quick relief, aI yoti need do in m-iany cases take 1a fast- actiuIgIn'Istantine tahiet. Instantinle poes ta wvork inmmdiatcly ctugl tbree ways fa give you comj1fort 1. Speediy emses pan. 2. Prolons re!el om pais. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling. Gives mildsiult "lift." And, yo'hldinstantLinc1s fast action equallyefecierliaviuig the dis- comnfort wbIcb offten comaes Mwitba coîd osoratbroat. Ail dcrugstores have Instantine. 12 tablets 25w.

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