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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1945, p. 1

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"OON ,Vol. 9. N4 ORONO, ONT-,THRSAY, MAR, d 1945 E Subscription-$l.,25 Per Oron Hydo Comission Reduc&ýHydro- Rates For Second Tie floth Domestic and Commercial Users Receive Reductionsl D [cing wîth the nlext billiug- o îydro thie doilestic ýercial us1,ers will botb re- etions. Thiis is the second 1reduction that has been )y the local hydro in the ng. doruestie usýers the coni- hagewi b 45e er kilo- fov ri Ch filuet60kilowatt &se 1laleet as prc 5',/sc., ou rry. ydrco rat, n4- file 1. 1005rfoi, alvc il- etiar tire iatas iu tihe WÇ'e feael ý- nil ' lf v< &nother Orono Boy Returns From Overseas After serving overseas for! nea-rly 've yearis, anothier Orono b)oy, Ernie Dent, arrived home oni Tuesd'ay eveni- ing1- last. Hle arrived ini Toronto on Friday of last week anid was m111et at Oshawa on Tuesday evening by Mr.il 'H.ariry Dasvcy. Uce is staying a ýit tle hiome of his wvife's miotirer, r1 d nrothiy bul w ,ill be Erniie before thi war -was a incmi- ber of thc MIland Regiment. Iu mercial users the con- 1'lieh joined np with'the Second ge -will ha 4c par kilo- Field 'Company 'Enginaar,.s, and lu thre llrst 100 heurs' use Miay, 1940, cmhbarked for 'England, 'd capacity, plus 0.8c. ir i tydutlJl,1-4 lor 'ail additionalwerhatae uni Juy194 aurMWhila lu England he vwas eouaacted mption. The minlimumi. .1l gross. The former, with thre 1st Canadlian Cl. R. E.'s witir Iýc par kilowartt hur. whiih ie deit to France a few wceks aductions will meani a after ý'A-D Day. IRe travalled aving te the uisers of al np tirroughl Fraince, Beigium andi vlagensd the pricelater inito IHollaud, heiping -along witbi w getting ttofic stage tq-a ad.anciuýg'aaia ry. -,our, users 'will be aile Ernie was injured wichucessitat- stores whien procur- cd !bisreoa from Hoi0land back Vo i o usiywben ic riatei a fcw could afford Vhils ngland aïn( thlence Vo Canaa ht driving a n a ondlireenavud la Oonoaredou ~ omaour tlire jeep hle was driv- est that thoy v will go). ig , en nokngdona oano ae n furtiryrednçtion a rad wlen tfirejeep uvrturnrd r' or sýo, but vwe cannot o m WhIch Ernie rcýeived fracitures,, y substantial redue ion Vo iris both narms and a shoulder. lom6lstie or coumarcinl Wa ta ke g-rant pleasure n luonlco- ture. in- Ernie bmaek o Our midet agaîn [r lu s-aying thait the tb iis prolonged auld cxcîting timie lu Our villagi-e appre- spent overseas. otos'and hope t_____ _____ ha future anotirer re- fouid ilcessrvliorticultural Meeting à report of tire re- 1-loric. -u.--l Soiet,',en Irtrs and premrjim on 1 bondics sold ...... .......... 67.5G $7 7 12.,9 Expenditure Twrpurased ..... ..... G684,83 ILine cTrasufirmers, miainteii- ........................ ................. 5.el0 'Matermainteance. ........... 89).57 jExpenses re cnuesprei- uss ................... 31.7 0 ratligbItÏ-In.maintenl"ance8,6 'B-iing sud cl c llecting ................. 59 15 Offre epenses.... ... 398.. 15 la...... ....... .......... . . ... 4.. Jucide'nta_ ex..............20.3 Tc o'Depreciation Acýcounmt......ý2 1S.0 .SrlsAccounp......... ........... 2309.95 $77-12,-39 Thae systepi ir's beau entirely paid ÂOW and at Deeýemuer hl d acassh zzurrhlils of $4,398.33. Mie mîini'm objective of 'Canad's "'i 'Victory Loan, opening April23 'bas been set at '$1,3'50,0'0û,000, an ahf- t iremig ir. The 'einimuns from lu1-1 dvfhasis $675,0,000, '50%l of tire Parîsh 1-tation the 12nct. Plans -;re maefor tire car-ing of tire varionis pubilic fiower 'beds aind COmm11-ittea ap- pVt o lookc after tbemi. Tl'ire dele-gates Vo the Ontario Hor- 'icultui.al 'Convent1ion ga1ve ve-ry in- t-,eestng reports.,M.Hllsrsc tire importanece of jvnl okin Vir 'society, a1d(1'M. Brownt told of examples of arrangements of cnt if)eiow-rs, and boti delegates av proýof of beîing kcnyob)servan,,it and îeady Vo br nb'ck to tire Orono So- ie-iymayusetful hints pickcd uip from tire vainsspae. Tire(,Secretar-y reuesd ttil metabers send in trerorders as soon as possible as it is harý11dly fur o !irosýe who are prompt Vo ba!ve to(de- lay tire seýnding iii of tire order. Uni- ls's tirhe r ail goas111 lu]og thee cost of transportationis t,, oo great. Fire Brigade Called To Grass ire Tira Orono Fire Brigadle wazs caîl- cd Vo, a grass fire ou Sa1turday after- nloon last dwhientire ira got ont of -onitrol and sprcad Vo tira fielsi be- twccn -. C. !C. ' ain d -Mr. 0,s- wald Sandcrcoek's. Long dlriad gr1ass lu the fieldi fed tire fia-e, and by tire tumeVire fire ang-ine 'arrived, tira fira had burued a grant swati, due Vo tire wind blowiug at tire time. Tira booster biose 'was brouglit into play, -along -witthtie two cliemica-l pumips wiich soon brougit tire firel under conta-ol, but noV until tire fire 11-d crept Vo witin 50 or 60 feet of tire Saudcrcoeck bouse. Week April 23 to April 28 p)retty mullcir likeL tracs- at tira end of twenity years ýý of life ass'îr- would 'ha ninci more Vian most pe- long enougi y ou pla can afford Vo psy, wviila mlost alfy- money you have body eau afford Vo plant tracs irecause ,but if you dco't tire 'tree, are frac atnetic Oono Pro- . A-Il oraeiras Vo vincial Forëstrîy Station, sud 1no land g et back whuis, se mad tit it ,-won"V g-row tv-es riva' back Vo Eu- succcsszfllY. the ta year 1926. Opportunlity te sllccQd i1'susually inth w etpaces ýG.ri-lht wirra ou are sud inoVsýomle plc le.Mnwokuow say tint nd uwree ta-ce prsntiuug is one of tlire nost Pro- Usands ISof dollaS itable oprtn tie o ha founsi any- i ire wfirVh mo()re vbe-e. Taire advantage of tins now TePRO-1 Good Will Bible Class Mieet 1250 Seed Entries Shown Thne Good Will Bble 'Class held a very in4eresting and hieipful mneeting on Tuesday evening it the homie of M rs. J. J. Mellor. The prieside4it, i Mrs. C. S. MLrn took charge of the b)usziness period, chring which timie$3 was voted to Mf'ïiheson W ,US. hospitaîl in Northiern Onio Ëi-ý)to hepbu-y furniture, and] $10 to the NainlRed 'Cross Drive. Mrs. L. G. McGinnis led in a de- vobtiona1l peiod)( suitable to Passicon Week, theni in a study on "Chlritsian w1omen a1 1dvenituriing tog-ether in Chistian iiliving ln the iHomie',, when interesting taîka 'were given by Mrs. Porter and 'Mrs. S. Littlewvoodl. Miss Stela Best sang a beautifui solo, "Aoeduring the devotioinal period. Special mention was made duiýring the evening of the splendid wýork1o0f the coititee wvho planned 'and ear- ried thr'ough the Pot Luck 'Supper a few weeks ago,, so suIccebsfully. Membership Incteasing In Durham County Federa- lio n 0f Agriculture On Wednes,,day last Mr. J. J. Mel- lor, Speretary of Dun-hamti, County Federation of Agriculture, iss-ýued Éthe followiig figu tres, showing the total number of miembers ln the counlty up) to the presenit tirre. Floigare the numibers bY townships: Drig ton 361, Cilarke 23-1, Hope 169, Cnvain 104, Cartwright 53 and Manvers 3 maîpking- a total of 959). 'This figure of 959 shows that there are mlany farmiers in the dift'erent to-wnships who have noV as yet jolined, thie Fedleratio-n, Thiis seemls stilange .as thc Federation of Arclueis doing every thing in its power- to se- clure bêtter prices for -the farme(rs, ceilar, prices ont farm i rochicts and eontrolling' tie selling of grain in anl endceatvor to stabilize the market at -dl times. Tisý is an orgaisationi that the farmier'ýsbsould!lie anxious to, joîn that look after their righits. Let's sec a, big increase in the miemi- b)ershIip when the neýt ireport is' given out. Large Attendance At final Discussion Ciroup safittiug clilimax. o tira series of topies tak'es up by tire Men's 'Dis.cus- suon Cr-oup, a review was reid last Sunday atenon ira sciroLars of Pairk Street 'United Ciurcir Sunlday ciolacccpted an inivitation extensi- cd(1 lby vire 'Men's GClass, sud they, o- getirar with- their parents, formced a gaircbring' in tire chur-cli auditoriumn wihtotallcd almss' tw'o nrd Pro o tira opcuing of tire regularI seson rs. A. A. Dumodlad ini tlire .iugiugof numerous well -'ovcd gospel hiyn of Torrcyv, Alexandler sud Ira D. SInukey famne. ]Mrs. Drumi- mioud tien spoke of tire stimiuLsting 'influience aft'orded by tire Me's lass. As superiintendent of tire Sundny ,cirool, -Mrs. 'Drummonsi faIt tint a decide'd "lift" is given tira ciildren's; attendauca record wiren tire mother s sud dadsivgail tViemselves nof tierap- pe-rtnnity of going Vo Sunday Scirool also. Mas-.R. E. Logan, 'R. Sutton, R. 'Mrton sud C. Ailin contributasi a well rendaredf vocal quartette. 'Carryfr'ad over a, period of tan weeks, tire Me's lass iras taken up snicb subjeets as: reli 'gion, social ser- vice, sports and lnu, work, busi- ness, fraterual organizations, -war, peace, denontlnationalism and poli- tics. iMr. Mellor, tire'lass lealder, raviawad tire foregoingÏ discussions briefly but ably. Deciaring tint ire md sVegtirened I tics of friendshîip witir1 many menian n tire town bes'ia maing new ýfriandýs 'Mr. Melor scudtire hope alraady axprres'sed by Mrs.Drunmmond that tuis lVen's 'lass witir its mem'iberýsiip of) fifty' -three, migirt ie resumed in Vie future. Tireslnddfinancial nid givan Viresioo by tire -Meu'is lass was; not overlookad by tire superintendeut, al- tirougir sp ýiritua l values were fiast sud foremiostý as evideuced by Ma-s. DrnmmouI01d's sayiug tint 'wban tira iraart is rigit, tire cash wvill foýllow-." Prayer and tire Ibcpalctio'~ brougit tire meting ,te -a close. Labor-liserMitchell iras stated tirere arce 0,0 jobs avaîlable iu Canadian iduty This numrber will ira increased wenfumiers lu -winter jobs returu Vo farns. At Quinte Seed Fair *The Quinte D)i s tri ct Sýeed Faii ýomlp1rising nine counities from ,,Or tairio to Frontenuec inclusive,, wa leId at Orono in Durham Gounty, oi March l4thi, )llh and 6Iitir. Tih, Duiram 'County Sced Fair undles th sýuspices of the 'Counlty CrPop iuprove ient Assýociatio1p was als eld iý eojuncýtion wlth thieQuinte Fiair. Lt was ait excellent conlbined sho)ý itir 250 enris,44of wbiih wer 'ten-bushel lots of Registered No. ýeed. The judg'es, D.G P. Mclioa lie, Director- of Cthe 'Field flusbandr: Dept., O.A.C., Gueilph; Mr. J1. Daw ýon, Acting 'Districft Superývisor of tir Plant Prodlucts Division, an diMMi Geo. Elliott of tire sanie Brandi, Ot tawa, were very Iigh in their prais of~ tire quality of the axiribits. Three of the four chiapionshi] bushel lots ware won by IDurhar County growers, nainely, Oats, Jobi Riekard, Newcastle; B a_ýIy, Gurus Rioirard, Bowwmanville P. .E4; Pota tos Milton Weathlt Betirauî 'wbile the 'Clsampions'hip ilu Fa Wheat was' won by Davidi L. Hollin g,ýer, Stirling, wiro was exiibiting fc the flrs't ine at the Quinte Seed Fnl: M.r Hollinger also had the iron¶sur 0 wnigtire $25-00 S'iver Traty do uted by tire'Central Ontario Chease nnkrsAssociation for 'the iighes 'aiounit of pr1ise uoneywo in Class (Iý to 26. Thle T. Eaton Compan f"'nr-pieca Br"wn Betty Tea Set, sul výer deposit on crys'ta, value $18.00 for, tire highest amoint ,of priz, nioney won lunVire Oat, Barley, Whea andi 'Bckwheat classes, was ,won'b) Mr. Mel. McHIolm, Port Hope R>,P Tlie 'Cosgrave, Tropiry for the higires mnounit of prize money won iu th( E'Ieycasses, was won for the thir( velir in11suesIsion, by Mr.Garne Rikrd, Bowmanvilie PR 1, 4. lIn tire Durhram Cotrpty Section Mr 'Mcl. MHom'Port Hope, won tir hotamnotrV o(f ptrize money !luth( rulrclassýes snd recceived onf lrushel of lyrbrid corn douated b- SasStewart, Seedl Deaier, Bownmn ville. Iu tira Junior exhiblit Bruce Cool won tire pure-bredl AyrshLire cif (do naited by Le M1oinesý Point Farmn, 0o 'Portsnruouth. The seýond1 highesz Juirwinner, Alvin Dre,wýon th( 5.0donated by Mr, J. S. SibbIiti KnsoOnt. Dulring,- the a1fterno1(on of Thursdaýv thle 1.5ili, afa es'm tigw hield which was adcseoy r P. Moisti i-M. 'M. C. Me1Phii1 Princilpal orfIthe Ariulur i)iool Ke'tptill nd Mr,. John Daýwsor Tbare were 'about 150fl) atenan :1t t1ins meeting witir uci interes biengI shown lu tbe add(resscs, par, ticflar-ly tire subjeot of pasture m-iii turcs andmage nt Thursday eveuiin, the Woman'ý Assoc-iation eof the Unlited ChureC Iservedi a baniquet wharc about 16;l juniiio- rsad p(Ifltslite to a ver, fine practicdaladdress 1)y Dr. G. i _hiristie, President of tha O,..A.CC Guelliri. Mr. A. 'H. MriAss Ont Director of the Agriîltulral Re pre(ýsen-tatives Brauch, Toronlto, who r, was in charge of the records for the ' B1oys' Judging 'Cortipetition helId dur- î ng th(-e afternoon, anuouniccd the re- n uts and made the Presentation of e c' ash prises. e The Executive anid Directors are e-Very much indlebtcd to lail those wluo nassisted hy taking adVe-rtising lun the Prize List, the excelent accommoda- l ion thatwa furnishei at Ooo re e ivrious grants thrat made the 1Fair- possible, allong with the assist- s-ance lihat was furnisbed 'b-y. alarge 'Y iluln'bler emf local seed growers. V- The ýfirst f ew prise winners in each .a of the Classes are listed balow: t. ,Class .-Oats, aarly (includiug e Ajax: iMel.'M oi, Port Hlope 1, $5; 2, Newton Taylor & Sons, Burketon, $4; 3, Ny1e Rristow, Caampbel'1roft, ip $3; 4, 'Haarry Geulter, Foxboro, $2; 5, ni Elmiore Scott, 'Campball'croft', $1. ln 'lass 2-, 1Late O'ats: 1., John 'ik t ard, 'Newcast1le 2, $5-; 2, Alex. Heu- d ry, 1Newcastle 3, $4; 3, Harry Coul- ter, Foxboro, $32; 4, David Ho1rllinger, IlStîirliugý, $2; 5, Okel Drew, Moscoe 3, S Css3.-Spring Wirat:1 Okel SDrew, Mso 3, $3; 2, B- . C.Jack- s on, Eente'rprisc, $2. D- Class 4-WitrWheat: 1, Davýid Ho 10l'lnger, Stirling, $5; 2, Harry s Coulter, àFxoo 4 , Nyle Bris- s-tow, Camip'bcllroft, $3; 4, Clem Hl. y Ketchesoni, Belleville, $2; 5, Gerald Anýidersoni, S. Monaghan, '$1. >0'Cas 5.-Barlcy :Galrnet Ricýkard, 'e -1iavll , $5; Thos. B. Watt & ýt Soni, Foidioro, $4; 3., Harrýiy Coultar. 'y Foxiroro, $3; Clare E. Allun. 'Bow- L.manviîle 4, $2'; Robt. Armstrong, Mda S1,$1 le Gas6- luckwh-eat : 1, Cl1e 1,1 'I YKetMlheson, Belleville, $3; 2. Ml1. t oHlpPort 1HFope, $'2; N. Taytlort & Sous, 'Burireton, $1l; Ha(rry Coul-1 Glas .-Bens (any field or fany)1.E. M. Lairm-er &Ç Sonsý, 'NsVco,$3>; 2,. Clans Ketchieson BellevHIe, $2. CIiles 1.-Syieas E> . M1L mer & Sons, Ncs'tlcton. $4;:2 Johni RcarNýwcastle 2,.$3; arry Goultr, Foiror, 2: 4. Walla-ce Mc- View. 5; 2.F '. Larsumer & Sons,. lLTnae 5; 4. Roit.AmtogIda 1, Ne $eo , $4-", MeL. col Port op.$:4. Rb.AmsrnLa $2 5 lem Ka-tchiesonl, 'Believille,$1 'Glass 12-Asie 1, Robt.Armi- Clas 13.-Alflfa 1, Davidi L. Glas 1'.--imoiry 1, Clem K et- cieon ellevilie, $41; 2, Gerajd An- Glss 16A-Re-Hstrcd Ajam Qats: MclMcHlmPort Hope 1,. 6;4, .cir ruicksiran11k, Ham-ptoil, $~5,1 Red Cross Overseas Pa One hundred and twenty thousandý lied 'cross parcels are sent to prison- ers-of-war eachi week, according te aj statem'enit received from lied Crose hieadquarters at Toronto, It behooves' every Canadian to do his utmost la b)riniging the Ried 'Crolss camipaigu V asu'ece-ssful conclusion. Each par- CPl !onltains ,the following g oods whvich y-,our contribution helpis to by 16 ozs. ~who1e milk powdcr; 16 oz, butter; 4 oza. chleese; 129 oZs. corned43 beef; 101/2 ozs. pork lunchieon mieat; 8oz'ýs. salanon; 3/4ozs. sardlines; 7, ozs rasin;0 ozs. d1ried prunes; 3 ozs. sugair; 16 ozs. of jam or malýr- rulade; 16) ozs. biscuits; 5 ozs. eho- colate; 1 oz. of saît and pepper; 4 oms. tea; 1 in onion saît. t costa- appr-oximately $2.75 to put a parce! into the hauds bf each prisoner. Tisa objective is Vo send oue a week tz- each. April Ration Tiine Table Sugar (Red) CouIponIs46 to 5- no vadGn- pons I6 te 57 valid -April 111h, Eaeh ç5oupilon 6iood for, oue pound of sugar, Butter (Purpfr> 'Coupons 90O Vo 100 now -validi. Con- ponl 101 valid A'pril 5. coupon 12 val1id April 12. Coupon 10-3 valid Apil 19. Coupon 104 valid April26 EMch Couipon g"ood ifor '12 pounid *e butter. Preserves (rne 'Coupons 33 to 41 now valîd. Cu ponslç 45 and Il valid April 19). Pr'e- s;erves coupons may also be used for' the purchaise of sugar at oehi pouind per coupon. Canmadian production of gold f,5r the calendar year 19441 is estimated at 2,881,000 fine munces valued at Aies'. Hendry, NeL-wrcastle, $4; 6, E, M. Larmer & Sons, Nestleton, ý 7,. Daid( Ilolliniger, itiriing, $2. Glass 17.-,Register-ed LaVe OatZ t 1, BI. C. Jackson, Enite-rprise, $8S,;2, Alex. Hlendry, New-,,i casie $7; 3ý, Gar- net' Rickar,Vlowroailvi'lle 4, $6G 4 Leszlie Comb, owinmvile4,$;5 Robt. ArsrnIda 1, $4.ý Claiss 18.- liegitered Barley: 1,, Garnet Riek'ar.d, omnvl 4,$g 2, Thios. b. Wat-t & SonsFoaor 3,Clare bE. Alin Bomaniville 4 $G; 4, lMcl. MHlPortjIlope 1,$; 5, B . C.TknEtpiie,$4 What ,David1 L. Hiollinger, S tir lg, 5;2, N. Taýylor & Sons, Buirk- ton.ý l4. Cla.ss 0JO (RualNew York-11er G'rou'p 'oaoc) ,MiltonWah- cati 2 $~4, N. Taylor & Sons, 11ur1ketonl, $1. Ciss 21.- -Irish C'bber roup 1, R. Hl. Blaikely, Ponitypo,(-ol; 2. -MIL ton WnhrlBtny ('To be continuied next week) i-I.. THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION which has beeni appointed to enquire incoe and repo)rt upon the system of education ini Onrar' o will hold its first sessions in the Senate Chamber of the UJniversity of Toronto ar 10 a.m. and at 2 p.m. on ApriliIl, and on April 12, 1945, Und'er the Chairmainship of the Hn.Mr. Justice J. A. Hope Prelimunary consideration will be given ro such wvrictcen subissions as are presented on or before ApriI '10. Briefs submirred after that date wll be con- s;dered mt subsequentr sessions of the Com mission. Ail organizations interested in any of the problemns reLared to public education are invlied to suhmir briefs to) 111 t WEE

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