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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1945, p. 2

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~That New Insecticide Usec Inl Cermbatting Malaria May Have Postwar Role -n Agriulure T;u,,addiion to 1011obus gand frot, aadlau airmren are fîing1il a nèw use for pae.Arrft-ve recelty -bea'u ptm ervie 1 cobanalariawilitep efu insecticide, DDT, for whicli ate vollinay ole in agrilture je Vrdite wen su"pplias wllle availaýble after the îa Flyin'g '200 frt abevee ug, Huti1rièsues havýe spraiyed scores o f nims in the Chiludwin ivetr ares te ouI o sq1,1ues ias the grouind forcesavance again eheJapan- esc. The pansfly abretast abenit 150 yards lapart. Esi aircraft e au ir nares 50yards wnde end 1,20 yads _lng il about 10f).sec- onds. Te spr-ay jestrouig enUiýlgh te dsley nùîotnes, buit il Say taniks ae ited juÏte bemib raicks un1e1 the wings. inthe for war eid of cadi tanik je-alhalle- lite dise filîrd with a dbnlr Tic pilot prýes e tilbuttn, the dise is hblowliont, suid air pressuire frein the speed1 of thie craft for-ces hespray throutgli ia venlt fil[ihe rear sud of the tank. ewregulationis of te Depart- mnent of Labeur Ag ivSecclie Service officer1s authority le0diect anlymI ero,1G te 6ý5 year-s o)f age, wietiler tcmpbeedorun emipleye, 1'0 asÎ0ob ilagriculure ïin i O f fiarm labor selgs Ulider1 the slr-pped 1up planls for1 lng service arimypersonnel ovr- ses eap' oine hoeson eav, lie quotaý for Marrhi is 1,500,sdP o April, 2,000, Defenice MniterM aulonjlis nnUsced.Tiese mnieni011net lie sent baek over- cea's unleýs tliey spcifically request i,lisad Tinti batîle exýperience xv"ill hbe idinlrining ruew re- 1,000Eem Crf Mtire than 3,0(. ennlily vses waUsifrssupaly ASipaand coastal kraftý-have bee , -nk or dam geiby Britilishipt s- 'ince lie otirak of a: the Admiirally aueuncedl. Pfeaimii mrore than 60 Petcr cit. of thbs iumbiiler truick nints ýlaidl by R A Fýp lan es,' lle ArguentSettfled Se fat as humans are concer-l eýd, th(- ofis 1cward thughl fe rau, as _11nyanAl'omafarsui- er eu tesify,cdo .a terrifie lot ol danîai:ge amng 'a fl4oCk of slieep. The Suar stands hy tie dictin; of ÇdSain Martin, vwohà illia g0oflhen quoled: et, hy iswolf is 3s1iar." Clw-rcil's Caleg To State Socialiami Inuïhie addreý"ss tutheCesr v'ative Party Conlferece initn ItaweeUk, M. Ciiurchlîsi' riýgîing chballenige leStte Socialisin -"At the hiead of ontrinailnma'st fly the f lag of frea Cilete rpri se-isý beilig widely elogized. XVe sliould feea inmre imptessed if we could he suire hiat aIl oftifIlose preoliuncing th cbgislied1 learer uder- stnig of wlihal ftee clerprise uls ys lie Otaajournal. 1 WinsînChuciill je ne Tory te- actionary. But lie ije eue wliose knuowedlge of hislory telle a., Ilit !peo(pirare diffaenit; thacaipr son liaqs dffrent egpaciestans slud energies, as vwell as, ,ltedau- fetaiCU;icestal rene frem aii suc ial1 inherilance, env inict sud education.lHe kuomws, tere fore, tic fntilty as weii as thlie ýt this iuudestandinig, t Socialisml. We eau le çouiquer il by 110ling "frac culterprise", winlg exactlY wliat w luFnes 10 , is Inow is nf a How linia âMeets Demand For Goats Anvlscheme o oat mlili- cation lias been adopted !)y fie craeddmadfor î-goats ýIt is5 e- pected 50M'000 goats vwill bel pro- ducecd in thle first ea f the loauIed otLby1the Governmentto vlarson theicondiiontat for ever goa loned ue hrroer m-ustriu, withýin 18motir,il itwo gol t latsxmuh old out of') th rgu fte broed anmi.When thfiýS udo1ne, the cornie thýe illager'ls propert-y. FR0M ANY 0F THESE PAINFUL, ANNOYING AFFLICTIONS?> CHE~CK THISils"STNOWI *DRY, CLOGGJD NOSTRILS *CHEST COLD CONGESTION *STIF, SORE MUSCLES *ACIIING, TIRED FEET. *CI4APPED SKIN, WINDBURN *RHEUMATIC OR NEURALGIC PAINS *ECZEMiA, PIMPLES *LUMBAGIO * HEMIORRHOIDS If you do-ceer up. Thouscnds hcve fould that BUCKLEY'S STA INLESS WIHITE RUBnamde by the mokers of BU,'CKLEY'S MIXTURE, brings fast, com-iforting relief from on y or il of themn forct i utrnrlefse thon anything you have ever u Sed or mon'ey bock. SoId everywhe. If yaur dealer is sold out send .50, for lorge jar direc t W. K. Ducley Limiîed, Toronto. Aches and Pains al Tormnywill Os ret urna cd by vn drugiistLor e i f eue bel ti e et R-adoenet shýow yen, the Ib culsubAoi'n ahemsd 1pains et Iluatis. RuMa imuet ple.ase y;V ut 1Menybc.Oabuew AILE with Lemnon iuice m)aad wonen whýo sufler nagin1g ach uad painsib se by Rhvumatism, NaIInîis, os Lumbago wanî Jo relieve sncbsymîom prînply.To gai sncb reliefJ .. . îry ALLENIIU! Mixý 2 table- sp)ocný iol ibis firý ne medîne with oas -abesou oIlmon luire ina sglas,> of wer, Uaîold 0!u oe ffolk, Use ALLENRU. CGsi Aî.LENRU ioda>. 85C mî aay dru!,,or Stafford-Mlle (e Cnaa)Lt. DecpI. 9, 172 John SI., Toroulo,, Onlt, T'lI/ L a-SEEP -LOOKS 91( ITMIN B-CMPE eOp 4AT Ael Dfd5TDA'ES wit ifs, weak, tir.d feeling£? If functional periodic disturbanices makec yvou feel nenvous, tired, resles-at such imes-t'ry Lydia E. Piuikham"'s Vege- tab1c Compo)U1d ta relieve seuch sysnpM- tomfs, 1Pnkhani's,',onpcound lisone of Ue ni-ost effective medicines for this purpoie. Followv label directions,. Buy todayl ~01~6~40~VECETABL Lost Child'ren Find RefugeIn Britain It 1e(ne longer ne, ccssaty 1[0 kIe te0 eseape the GsapBritain 'fe etiii receiv-iing re-fugees. ari'viveentry.They re !ICI ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITIORS FINCOMI6 TAX REPRiýTS CO- plae Bookkeeping Services. Smal or Lar7e Ensinelssas. Travel an- whr.Aibert at & Co., 8 eligtnSt. R.Trot.On, BEACHES MODEL HM Y"ou ?may 'Win lIbis$1.6 moa home for $1.06.Write for your sh'ares touday. (1.0snb)1 lion, Toronto . Vontr ecaipt will ha emailed J rptc01llyý. r a -,, i0 bep madcie Mayi 1,4th I.ProeedeS for war 'hla r itieS DusixESs 0PPORTupuN cTIES FAMILEX AGENCY ing bfocanvase fr(Om dob-rte o or. No exp il-arieue ecsr.Lo prîcaes, high uaityblp yen geIllý and liho l trda. yonr availa:,be tlime is sufficiant. Diýg profite dally. IDelails3 FREE>1,, 1,:. lexu HAUT CRIUKS sud flot O dl apietd.Ail chîcies are f roni gusirnîeed test- ed stockz, and ftýr.m 25, oz. g or baller. Barred Rocks mrixsd $1,0par 100. býtite Lghornsý mixed $11.011 par 101; ISari'ed Rock Pocoes $MU00par 100, wvhite Leghorn Pullels 22.00 par 100. whlteRocks mixed A15OI, par 100 whita Rock PuIllels 52.00 par 100,. Wa guarfantlea 10fo% live elivery, balanrerpaid0C.1.D Meule eCity tlatchery. Cbatbam., Oularo. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT B0OAK YUR U19 P45.CH]('S 5001 and get yonrrchike wbeLn yen wauit l thas. Orders ate ourin inlu. rder Hatceris mmaresaysk SOMd ont ary.Don-,trteschances onrordnary cike.Pace your o rdacr NOW. PuteBidSus. Large Type Lcghorns, Su>ssem New Hampe, Sesx NLgbrs Rock Le, ore, ock ýX New Hamipe., rrdRocks. Send fr PricesLiel. Lak,]ýeviw Pur handed, andbod-ctdImeaa deliveryonlenimgieda d chi, ks. 826.1l00 par bnndrjed. Uousxd o ee$4,0pr ude Ceekari $ 2n l .06 par1endi icd. fI -ussex, Hyind-use IaO Rock X Hamp, Flawp udLeghoe F,,oes 0% uaanted the picy $24,50 parof uk ndd Ciolokras $ 9.0 paribndre pofit. MONKTON î'OU.LTRY FARMS, ;y f >ou ord' riatonce. Dur 1Eroad BreaGýstad Sussa exbru to,3 prices uthe ma.uet. Wbits, skinnad, longl,-,rouindcd breaste. grýlowlhsfah ern.SusxX Leghn!s suid IRock XLgon inake good roasteresunrd g f;.afil)npe -lmb. Voun--mn buiy thes for- $4,00 flpar 100. Aise ix cd $ay o 6.00 par i100. All from ont ,wail-rsd, haalthy, biood tssteýd bedr.5000 lBreed- ese on ONE plant. ,Lkvev Poultry I/am. Woin Bro.,Eetr Yout Safesî rents lubiin chikelete bny tîheprodu1cceS naie. ud ba amaTop)Notch ponirymn, ierause Top NoCh Cieke as re veumntApproved fro'-u crfully cho sen blood - tsereda ýrs ef kowu livabil- ily sund prodnctvaty.Te)p Nlh polîcy bas always beau Itena- deavont te) givea alittîs baller chický. Watc b lis pape ýr for wveak- ly arais.NeXt Weksspecýial prhn ndra d, Bared Rck X Wite Leghorn -cockcrals $,5 Top N ot1: ,CI ('iekerIlýi es, Cuelpbý, Dmlarie. 100 CHICKS FRIEE WIITY FIVERY ORL'EF, Cli 100 PUL- jet cbliis, w-Fegîve 100 fre ehicks (Our choies>. Lghorn pulels $22,95 psr 10,0, narred Rock pul- las $19 915 par 100. White Rock? Pouts$24,5 nst 10. Ail cbick eoid backsd by bigh egg pedigred stocký , 8.00 boeks yenr ordler, balanfce CO..Gusrsuiktaed 1000/% lîve e dlivsry,. Kecnlt Ralehery, Cbatlbam, Ontaro. CHIESlMST BR31'EED S PROMPTË sýhipmnt1. EBLi, co('ýcrel now hleavy ibreede alvaiilable Ynow.someý started, L atar mealt ehortages vwjil make these profitable as broeraand toaisters. Bray Rtcb- ar, 130John N., ITRmiItou, Ont. 0)UR FOUN\D-ATION , STOCK 15 regiïstre2d and pecdlgreed brs Notlhin-gbetter liCnaa.Order nom. Prices for cixd baby ehicke. maýIes and feynales: lBar- ted Rocks, 81?.00 pet bfundred;ý Rocks, $1.0 3 rown iLegborns, $12,00.Pulletprices:_ Barre,', A-1 BA13Y CHTlIRS FRO01,1 lLOODF. typ Wie ehoo. sred RockX Whte aghonsSussex X New Hampabiire. lRediX RocksF. Write 1for îpr2es list to A.IL Switer Htebry, rantn,)nt. BABPY CHIC1CS AND F013 LTS, 1-are rsd Rock and 'W'Ii te Lgornls fý l omiGveromen1,'ilt app)1,rovcd and lodtetedstokajil gs set, from ouown stocki. Alto W'hite Rïollsnd nld Biroa d Bre as'tpcd Býrrnze Turkey Pou)tlIe. Ssnd ifor pries:liet. The 'WYr1ight1 L Farm. BrckileOt. eggyo ru upply is nede ot tii i odrfor fifteen m11il lion, de'ze. Ths exprt oder is for ciks for 20"Il s et Twe-ddlIe to-ay OrÀ edalfornet ee WiaLeghorn enckereis 1,0 per bundre1ý d and Brrd[Rock NX ViitaLegborn1- ockerel s$29 per, hnudrad. T WEVD lE CHC'11 K HAITCHERIS, LKITD PE1 G[US, ONTAR1ýIO. hik.live, lay aund psy.- Theyý of carful elecionandbireediug in OB..They, 'hava to be, good becauew want the vrybest kcind of chieka forour owu loce Polas adCokarels. The(xfr Parmr'.Co-oeraiveProduIce Onit, your coi, ks for nexcstriu whe yon waný 1t them.n Brýrd] Bock mixs-d $2,0per ,100, \wbite leg- hoemnd 1,0per I100, Br red Rock 1 P uls $19,80per 100. wbit legornpuliela $2200per 100 Lehon Cls 8200per 100, A\Il rck s lbatched ifmom 26 ýoz aggs orici better 1"sud tfrom dspeil maîei f('ck. $Guaranteed 0.% livadelivery.n 11 $1,00. 1 bookle y)our FTatrhey.ChtbmOnarlo. Seven other varin els.Wit or nPrsIcelisI. J.",R.iesariony. &) Sn,:iI 1,lRmit . 2, GocîpliiOuta -r ce, o ZYEIlG A t DE SLEA fr Info'trmat-1i'Cl res g laPd 10 Liited.791YoneriSet., To- Roberîsn msîo . tnforaion, Robateos Hardrsein Ad-g emy, 1oi _7sAvnue- Reead Tornto. b'oughl sold, rsuil ale, t-e lae Frea.lnEeti ou ronto ýLs oOrp ags raspber !os, pe res appCiesOC, pRAVT,1pULum, ceriV 'sr(a 1se , entrants, 1 l, wub, adiug. squade tIi ebouse, trs garde. Rosevew Aparies Hawketone pnt r b s oo.J yl' iýGEO. H,. WJLKINSON LTD 3235 DELETE VE., i tWINDSor $6.500 - BEAUT-)ULLY LAd- 1',apedi 60 ' acre. rnaw bricke squareplan hues, lrgehaa gaEorags ctiiyHsrn atvr 5ermi5tiomsI nse o, a v yied 2o3.inge Mîîs. Apt., SMALL FR1UITRY P AR Iz, FIRE-WOAD loitIesmall bouse, c olau near statin, ithîn town rom-Ïte> nuingdisane, daily Oscrie Boua, ecseei4e e SHOVEL WELDER Oulé% LnonElcrr edr or, 0l ra ia , ietc. , foz Wr ,lllon iglei.fferentsi ATORSIE RDUT COMPRANYO niunedo pnaum . tre. muned n pem. ies. vl mounted on. teum. tirs.,Cnrt AUOOTIVE APRODUCTS Montreer,'].il, V/r ait xterriý f -ierpp, 6 ie , 2 fem1ý,ales. Excelleý nbood- ily 1 147Mrenete Ae, qid sor, ies. f cit Ont.nl C SILOB1IDP N QIPP7MEUNESAD- frein S fI. b 1 I.Also Concrets r_\ý111EKARMF0T1PSA L1 D oAgoa .16arsp1 nde r pastre and wood. Buildings b g'oodrepar Exelet 7t housean baru. George McKayu Plm mer,!I Ont. , Cvotc BTMAAN ItADWIM wag btuand ail aes No on-e l mgcun[S ae u fthSYis ticular1sFrae! oWrite omulensy's wRaedie.0 pelise ornt i ITS POVEN EVRIESUFFER- arof iRhemtic P ans o1 riNer- inti senidt r fixonsRemedy 2S27d only S ro DugSt.e 3-5uEli,rttsa.Ptpa IdN81.00 CO ýnaTION.1PBii iii offow SNeSS tas. Kr o reguar: w ih Fig- Lax. ie t Druiss. BAITMEE4Kî FOOT BAtLMnoDE- etoyn ofsiet I odor iinst1 ey TRY CANADN>S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Cet baer ictuesat iowest ceel. Don't teks ne s vilh yoçir film olle. Yen ca't lake "enaps" over again. P ROC MPET MAUILSERVI1,CE AySize Rolil- 6 et 8 ]Expeenres DEVLOPI)ANDI PIINTEIU 25e A culmtin Caps Ireton syýs, "j baaeau Ilsenldiug filins b yenfor' 4 or 7, yaare. W 1ud"nt sendIbs SPECIAL ALBUMV OFFER Newty2e Album Wît Prnîsý sicse 1-l 2 0-',2 7 i f 20e (-e'xta)le seul twith film ,roli, Enlergemieuts 4 x 6" ilu beautiful eassai mettuts, 8 for' 25e. Frau on lvrylntad mase 7 x 9", in Gold. Sîver, Cm WeluValnunIor - Blac Ebolny fiish ftaenee59C saeb. If elarmgeaseu t colomed. 79ceIlsaris STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Foetal Terminjal A, Toroubo Pub", Nains sud AdasPlainily on ()r dere1,ý5 TIME TE-STED QUALITY SER VICE adSTSATO You niay flot gaiail (thea films yon 'Wal I is year, bul yencalngel all the qualîty aod srieyon desi!re bjy SendinIg Vüoîr'filmns 10 Sttin.1n'onta THORUnHUT RECLEANED 00V- ermet radid cnoverseP .T,. otlhy sud Csakaf fWrite- fo r p!rirýes. J. E.MurCyln 0Oluario. j'y ud vlu.ad fer Cnaaloguel '-We sali eveythig tuat grws' 1250 ongaSîrpeel voroIl,(- PEEL SEIS ALFALFAF, ALSIKE.lIE CLOVERý, Swaet CleIver, Mlxsd ,scade, TimY- othy aud ,ra"ees. holselesd ratait. Writefor pricas.pai Seed Grewars Co-Oýprative iild Bx1100, anpeOnt. for cpalsh.Sarch Iruke ,And at- tics1for nid enveopeus or wtap- pars. Mail sams or appYiiai Apprvatsmaildtuecolleeteots. Stamp MakaIi240Aifred St., KnenOnt. WVANTIED CaSh Register WVaned 1Cenit I/p. Muet rBe Cbeap. 311 Onaul1lte Ave.. W'indsor C î0 SPEEDY CASHFI OR 100f-200 ACR'ES, god meidiiin bai,bdrav- able, Write righnt now! Box 14. 173 Adelside W., Torento. WE PAi CASH 3 1 O LETE AVE],.,WIDO WILLPAYw700CASH FoRi- OC Planer Machine. Il is nsdfor pilning sole leathar bocs.Bx 15, 71 AdelidWe VeI, Torouto. hivalid Chairs 'Wanted WlILL psy cash or, wap for whet eh: r.Swap Dept. Geo. H. l112nLt,. 333 C)uellette Avec. - Gi-ISBA ICSG AN Willard Ave., LT. -27q4, Trno PortablePh oga s for naw ehoas or naw cIotes or wbs,,t ;w-elbave. 111S QUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR% avaiIilbîse!îther ret youirlca dealar or dIrect frons weis Sepa),ratior Co. LJirnitsd, 720 Notre- duties btocommnencea ï-tonce. XWhler applylus ýgi7ce fulilpartieuluîrs end experienca. Watetotd Mlaruiiy HoptD ox2, Waterford, Ont.L V iUS1EP, WITHF A IlI axereneModem P Datin, by April 11h. 2 a dl[te,Brnpo CYLINTDER PESA ATD oua with soins xpeue on, nakpeedy;. Bleady position for selady retable isu.(4-hour wýeek,). Apply nearest Euly ment & Semeclie Servce Office, FUxE-OR. L-19. sbor sud lor insu wauted et once. stady eiio.(4-ou sud SeeelveServce Office. PAI ELP 'WANTED tadnsun, for general farsuif nrilking mecrnhina. r cteir, prefir- rsd. ý70 dollars mon,,ithly plu boardi, .landry.Al . Von Puii, BT'okarfaIr HghayNo. 2, MARRIE» CHORE MAN FOR dsîIry farsm,sarashu.Blt wageos su1d piegsapPcd in frulit farin on Nagr iver ?oWCl evard Vysriy emoyet suisiar wod, ardan spotPtetc. Pase tta ntiusi , ag e, arigexparîsunce, izc of tain- Ont. 1 , R. WOOL GROWER w1la O rI .2 t ag1u ion Gredns Sandads ad a ISSe CveUmE It pie.YIIc We

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