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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1945, p. 5

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frieua audMrs. J. R. Cooper my prtsualCARD 0F THANKS thé ~~ hopt J r. Alex. !Hendry wishies te thauk se0v winiug1 bis k1iud frîeuldý;a ad ueighbors 'fer me. Wordi-ýjs trecatie cfcardas, letters, fruit received mvhiile he ýj-ecýat o wa.s sièk, aise te the Kendal L,O.L. ike e tankfor fruit. RENEWAL OF' UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS mlaU 4a~e~ Ail Unemployment IsrneBoo'ks for the year Ending 'March 3 lst, 11945, imust be exchanged for new bJOoks. f New InsuranceBok for the -fiscal year 1945-46 wIll be ýxchanged by the Local Employment and Sýelective Service Office( in 'yýour area for expired Insurance Books upon com-pletiôon of the second -.St page in the expired bo)oks. Protect 'the benef-fit rights of yenr employees by seding n the r Cfrd books3 properly com- ple-ted omi rh3 lt Thkere are set butiongs for for l.ailure tn aae requ.ired.. evere pentalties for faing ta vouir rzsured employees and yprnewc thc Insurance Boole, I-UM1PHREY MITCHELt. LOUIS J. TROTTIER r. J. TAILON LLNM. MITCHELL DW 415-I RÈî%D & WHITE STORESI Pork & Beans, tin Prunes, 40-50, lb Prurnes, 70-80, lb Christie's Dainty Sodas, in 8- lb box, per lb. Aylmer Chili1 Sauce, bottie Mitchell's Apple Juice, 2 tins Bunquet Fancy Quality Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tins, 2 for Torrato Juice, cboice quality, 105 oz. tins, each Peanut Butter, jar Stuffed Olives, 9 oz jar ]Jîxie -Cuips, dozen Paper Plates, dozen 15e 15c Ilc 20e 19C 29C 19C 45c 1 7c 47c 10e 10e Prime Commercial Beef Fresh cuts of Pork and Lamb Small LI*nk Sausage, lb 24c Beef and Liver Sausage,. b 35C Black Pudding, lb 19C Potato Onions for seed. Dutch Sets. Steele Brig1-gs., Rennie's and Dan Dee 1sincere1 A number fromi Orouloý attýendfed tii Maple Leaf-ICanadieue hnockey garo at Maple Leaf ýStadiumii- on Tuesda, eveuiug last. whei .u he efs cdefeaý ed the Flying rechm y ti score of 4 te 3 luovrtt.Th I gvsToronto a three te one - ciedie the seieýs, lu the bhast foueut seven, Thie gaine was xciting fren Atart te finish. A large namber of our trout lh iug euithusiasts, have bjeau woderîuig whether thieprvnil evrm t would declare the season o peu'eu Sat- urday, April 2)Sth, or wait until May lst bhe officil epeuiug day. Mt was aunouced ou the radieou Tuesday tha,t Hon. Dunlop, of tIhe tept. oif Gamie and Fisheries, delaedtat tihe opening day for Liront thri ýyear, ýwould be Saturday, Apri!ilS2thj, three days ahead of tiîume, alwn anglers te have the w mee-end for ths port. -pigieweather lent an imipetus te atitendiauce at th-e services- of Park Street United Ohurch ',a s t sunday. Thne norrng servicewa follorwed hy Holy Communion. In tha e van-g a series of exceptiohally interesting s1ldes were shewu euitled "Burry on the Labrador", and depitiug the great work done :by th-ie Unrtad Churchi missionaries aeg ie pa- pe of Lalbrador-. Rev, S. Li-ttlwoýod described ttba picturés ï-,is. vry l- terest'ing and iniformi usfan.ner, Mcr R. ýE. Logau sang Thse FI," 'îai mnost fittmig Palm und pcutrbu- IN ews eaI .receiveci vliie ini taothose at hom-le who aridon my -work for iqanot express the appj the,(se kVind acta. I would li Mr-s. W. C._ Lynch waslaidupls week whh aà ttickof th'ic flu. A few more dlay., of warm -î-îweathIer ýtnd lawn mo11wers jI il e Lheard aa 31r, and HMrs. Charles Wood quiet- ly observed their 3t edigan- luiversary receuitly, Mrs. A. H. Keane and son Mervyn have returued home after visitjiug re- latives in Lackawana and Buffalo. There was a smialru of sap this year as sprîng camn-e ini 50sudiden and lbardly any frosts in the evnings. The Souter Beauty Shlop oee for business on Mondahy of this week-L afteir be4ng closed aince the New year. You are iiivitedl to a ser vice of mieditation on Good Friday,Mac 'Oth, ,at 11.15 amPark St. United Chuïrch. Tel. Roy C. Forrester returuted to lt. yacjiuhe on SundaY eveniug Jfter s;pending- a -week'svacat-aion at bis home here. Mrs. James iMoffatt returued to ber honte ou Thursday last after speudiug the past four mronths with LNrs. Keith, Toronto. Mr. aud Iis "Deb" Myles receiv- ed a letter from- their SOn) Lloyd, Who has been fighiting lu Italiy, iuformiug them t'haý lhe is now iu Éelgium. The senior room of Oro-cno Public Schiool had a holiday this week, ow- iug to their teacher, Miss 'Foster, be- ing indisposed] with asore hroat.> PIO0 Neil 'Wood has comipleted his triigat the MosquitoD O.T.U. mli Nova Scotia and is now.,speuding his leave with his 'wife anld parents -In Spring iîs ce- ily here to stay. The fr'ogs have been heard cokn lu the eveuling, and sme f te far- mers will soon! be truhwt hi se e di!ig. Quite a numnber of n w -erc takeni ou at the Oruono Forest Stat'ion --)i Monday of this w %eeit, and miýaniy more men are needed to cry ou theý spr'iug work. Mfr. and Mrs. R. H. Browmi attend- ed- the funeraI of Mrs. Brown'sý moth- er, Mrs. E. A. Iirabert, lu TIoronto ou Taesday last. _Mrs. Limhert piass- ed away qietly ou Sanday. lMr, and (Mrs. W. Staintoni, Mrs. Garuet Towns, David and Allan, Mrs. J. D. Brorwn attertded thie fanerai of the form-er's -sîste-t, Mis, Fred S*, at Enuiskilleïa, on Wedn-esday. DJr, ai-d Mrs. J. T'. Brewuvi, of New- castle, visited at the homne of Mu. and fMrs. J. D. Brown on Sundlay las. We are pleased te report that MVr. J. T. Brown is- macuh improved in hea 1th , Donald 'Myles, who figared lu aný auto ac-cident ilast week, is gr-aduLally improving, Mis upper jaw was broken lu three or moicre places, while hislwe jaw was also broken, and one of bis kuee caps craâcked. Dast week,-end the ii Ipond wa emnptie-d lu au effort to help deepen1 the pond for trout, On WeTdniesdaIy Iast the pond was agaieptied, and a few c f the m-embers cf the fish club used shovels te help the water carr2y aWay more dirt out of thie jbond. This la a arge job lu, trying-l to deepeu théi pond. It would see-that an ealy astar me~san early spring. This year is an ex_,ceptienal eue. Already somne of ethe farmiers hbave part ýf their crep iu, heing weeks ahead cf ethter year-s. Gard'Ï,ene-rsare busy g-eting ý_-thair plots lu readiness fori-he ed, aud Somle gardeus are alreaýdy in. Se are wa tgtesee if srn a ai !y~ coma te stay. it certa-ý-iyses teeo good toe be rue. Reverend M u t er l " EIASTER SIJNIAY, APRIL 1 Series:. The way the Master weut. "Rlis Resarrection". 2.30-Chubeh choëee. "Christian symboýls". ',He is risen. feH e lt here BehoDI the place Mmheethy laid Hum, isi lS.M r ouf Orono Tinshop HELP WANTEU Young man to learn tradý and help with the businese ~Productioni b\7 lu1943 > wheu the an-d allied produc ped$7500O. Can.ada's ceiajsr.W.~ rsrn- ean altm high Lu and Orme Ga y ttende(2 ie value of eheiasMaieLa-aaien bky ts for th-at yelar top- ou Tuasday eeigwihwas b Ïy the Leafs in I1ý minutes over! Le SPEC IAL SPECIAL MILKY SHAIMPOO0 FINGER WAVE REGULA~R $1.7â SPECIAL PRICE $ 1. OO available for a limited tirne onty IlOPEN WEDNESDAYS -Ail Day and Èvening 19r il Phone (Il_ 19 r Il AR-MSTRO NG'S New, Coats, Rlats, Scarves, Ftowers, Dresses -and lland Bags for E aster. RUNNINO SHOES PANTS are now în for Spring Odd Pants in Tweeds and summer. and Worsted, priced ________________ from $5.00 to ....$.0 SUITS AND COATS Spring Suits and Coats BOYS' SUITS for men are in stock. It In att1 shades.of Tweeds, is a good time to buy in sizes from 24 to 36.. your needs, priced $9.50 to. $16.50 Raisins lb 18e Pastry' 24 lb bag 69e Lipton's 2 pgs23e Tomnate Juice 28 oz tin 2 foT 25e 105 oz fin 49e M1onarch Pastry Flouir 24 lb bag 85e Chioice Corn tin 115e Turnips or Beet Greens. tin 10e -Large bars of Laundry Soap 10 bars 29e while they last Sauerkraut t'in 15e p ea S 2 tin 25e R.E. Ptimpkin 2 tins 25e Corn Flakes 2 for 25e with tumbler Shredded Wheat 2 P4igS 23e Newport FlIffs large 37e Red Rose, Orange Pekoe Tea 1-2 lb 13c Special Assorted C and y lb 35e. Mother Parker's Tea 1-2 lb 40e Certified Scott- Bathgate Seeds just in Wax Turnil ]b 4c LargeIor Soap bar 10e Pork & Retns tin 15e Wax Beans tin 15e Home Style Chicek Dinner tin 42c, Habitant Pea Soup 2 for 23e McLaren's Invincible Coffe'e with jar. lb 55c Potatoes 75 lbhg $1.45 Large Lemons 3 for 10e Main St. THJEATRE IMIpM1, B0WMANV1LLE TEL 589 Thurs., Fri. %,ARlCH 29-30 John Garfield, P'aul Hénried alid Eleanor Parker, in "BETWEEN TWO WORLDS"ý wvith Sidney Irestreet and Edmuiud lGwenn. The engrossiuig story of a strazage ship. It's Ne'w - It's Diifferent It's Dynamite Sat. Only MIARCII 31 The EAST SIDE KIDS in "FOLLOW THE LEADER" with LeG Gorcey, Huntz Hall1 GTabriel Dei] and Billy Benedict A DDED "BAR 20" with Williami Boyd, Andy Clyde ai-if Bette Blythe Fast action on the cattie range Mon.-Tues.-Wed. APRIL 2-3-4 Chýirlie )frCarthy,, Edgar Bergen in "SONG 0F TIIE OPEN ROAD" iith Jane Powell, Bonita Granville .A musical with a capitol E in entertainment ADDED Robert Lowery, Jean Parker in "THE 'NAVY WAY" Cumnedy, Romance; Its a real tonic after a hard day. DEATHllS1 UA ,OXEL -AtStarkville, oni Monay LMrch 26ýth, 95,Mr Aun ulloell(beloved wife of !lie ltSasG. l~lwl) gd74~ years, The funeral fronm the" res'i- dence, Lot Il, Concession 5, C1arkec, ou Thursdaiiy, March 9h Service a t '.30 pm.Interment 0Oronlo 'cemetery. CARI) 0F THANKS ~Mrs. James E. O'Boyle ýwisheLs to ctinvey her mi-ost sincere thantiks and appreciation to hier friend1s and neigh- Dior fothir messages of symrpathy anid coudolence, and their may ind- nesses, duiring the lingeriug illuiess, and passing of a very fine wo-man a-ndJ wondierful M1other. UNEMPLOYMCNT INSURANCE COMMISSION PA'RK ST. UJNITED CHIJRCH Umm m Souter Style Shop Orono PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS Sehool Girls . Oit - Creme Cool - Waves $3.50 to $15.00 0.

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