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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1945, p. 8

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L;JetL Mrs. Wilfred RougýLIey in in Osh- -. o i iiÉig a ahospital recovýer'iIg frontanl Cecil class. ope ration îfor- appendicJiis. ao k Glover spn Mr. nd Mrs. Gordon MarjtinIeII Mrs. A. G. Dav- alid KennIIy setSund1ay uwlh Mr-. and Ms.CLarence Thiertell. en and chCile are ýgladl to hear thact Mr, Sam M and lis, T. Bryson is recoveing fromi a very !)ad cold wiçbas ;been holinghl Faeta fe w days louai laWey. NsenMe. and Mrs. Wmn. Mercer, Mns. M. LuoGrace and Mlarioni, spent Sun- Miltn Rbffion ay with Mlr. and -Mrs. Cecil -Mercer, ~Mr. and Mrs. izbhvfe 0'HICK STARTER1 by Chicks need Fresh Feed. That's why SIIUR- UIN Chick Starter is s0 popular with poultrymien day. SHIUR-GAIN Chick Starter- is made up quently, and only as needeçl, so that no feeding lue is lost through lack of freshness. vi can't beat SHUR-G-AIN Chick Starter for pala- flity either, and that means a lot to baby chic1ks, the more they eat of a feed they like, the f aster ýy grow and develop into sturdy young birds. PRICE $3.10 PER BAC SIR-GAIN Chick Starter Made Fresh By ORDON W. LOCKWOOD ORONO - - - Ontario The Wi. A. are holding a dae pm t 8pm. l he unday hool r'îoom. This -was pspndo ac 17tthý. MrCus WVilson, and Misýs Leone Clarke ,vere niarvied t Wiev Chuirch on Fridaiy last by the Rer. j. McLacian.r Thehnemonwas spetit at NaaaFadls. The Ea-ster ser-viewvill be lheld on1 Sudymorning at Il na. .whn rs. S. J. Gra>', of Garde1H11, WAilbe, t1hý preacher. Sunda1ýy sehool wlll be heldý abt 10 arn. No te the eagdtimie. "Join the Navy- and spe ehwol" RJC..V..,bas been dloing just thiat thlis Last year. Hlis m1oth,i MArs. N. E. L hte as received some heauti- fui gifts sent lby hlmi from Bermuda. 4offee spoons wvith finely carved han-. dies, serviette rings, a cushion top and bedsprpeads, are some of the things we were privileged toadie D'onlhas been enjoyin a leave ïla Sctadand twrites: "A-ýs we travel toEdnrge %%eave behind imem- ories of our first ta.iste of Scotch hos- pitility in Clasgo(-,w. Franikly it's 'ps.The University of Gagw it' CahedalArt Gllerie, ,e, were mollst enjoyabie. We are tak- ing, a mnotou r tp around Lock Lo- miio nd(. The counityrside is quite in- teresting to watch..Inlagenieral -we are travelling through a very good dli.trict. Homes are n-eat and attrac- tive and fields are weill kept." Don lias al so been inr NorthevrnIvln duning bis travels, NE W TON VI LL E Mr. and Ms.Clilnon lFarrow visit- ed MnU. and Mdrs. Carl Todd, Stark- ville. Mr. and Mlrs. J. Payne and Mrs. Le Drew, Toronito, visited wvith ýMrs. W. Smith, 'Mr. and 4Vrs. George MClog and Laureen and Mrs. Luxon visited cu in aOrono. Mr. anid Mrs. Wm.i McCarthy, Osh-1i awa, were pguests of Mýv. anid Mns.l George l)MecCullouTgh. Mi-, and Ms.Doniald l v;sited lier pareLnts, mr.a Lorne Tv, Starvile MisWiîm Proý-use, acc' !)y on fher isess wek-ndinPeterbloro. Mr. John CaLrl --i We caldon his; aunit, Mr.W. H. Jones on! hris way hmefrom iToronto, Mivs. Foster, Mrs: Hilbbrd anid Jo)yce, Mr. an1d1 Mns. Salm. Fug nd June, Toronito; l'te. Lennox Vsy Brampton, were gLiests at M.Win, Sunlday guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jonies were: Mrs. May AJ-1-1 strong,, Nwostl;Mv. and Ms.Aif. G;eorge,, Port Hope; MrL. and M1rs. Cook, Cobourg. Miss Gwen Gilmner,' Bowimaniville, spent the- week-end wi4hL Mr. and UVis. Bert Staleton and with themr vîsited lMr. ancl rs. Clarence Gil- mer, SakilSundany. ~Mr. and Ms Bruce Leuty and BcWbby, Port Hope; visited lber palr- ents, Mr. 1and1Mrs. W. C. Lanle, on Sunda,t l t being the latter's 42nld weddinlg anvrsr. congratl- tions, 1Mi.css-Mary Lanevite Mr. anid Mrs. Harry Lane, Coîborne, on1 Sunl- dlay, and attended thle special annuilal ,service la St. Andrew's churdh for seamien befone thley start their'sela- son's trips, Following is what the Newton- ville Red Cross accomnplislhed during thre year 19447 Knitting, 144-pair of .socks, 7 turtle-neck sweaters, 8 V-sseck Sweaters, 2 helmets, and 1 pair of ýgloves.' Sesving, 50 pill.ýowý, cases, 7 quîts. Monthly cleto totals $10p0M0. H1oney, 240 pounds. Spring Rled Cross drive, $190,25. Mt threregular W.M.\S, mieeting, for Marcir Mrs, J. T. Pearce 'outlined the last chaplter la the study book on Burma -which told thre story of a missioniavy and biis wife fvomi the U.S.A. wirho stanted the fist nis- sion in Burmia 135 yeairs ago. It was very suc'cessful as tire natives svere intellig-ent. There ,vas no other pro- gramn as thre rest of the time was spent quilting. C A Ni A ~ I A W. ~A y I, LDENING for the fun of it- ek-end trips in the old family -lazy days fishing by the river e things stili stand for a pleas- ýy of ife-a way of life our men ýas are fighting for today! von't be able to coi-n back to simple things, uniless we get i io earth" in our thinking, and sure when they do cone back, lollar wiIl he worth a dollar! proteot that dollar, we mu St now, the dangers of careless, :ssary buyinig! We musý buy hat Me need-never buy two rone will do! We must noc rationing or rice control, or . black markets. .If we break illes, our country-the countrv danger5 of inlilatiogi, VV - A Y I -V r t. i r E MlAKE TITIS A By sending Couf A beautiful select y Easter 's Better Easter Greeting Cards un, priced at Sec, 10c, 1l5c. to 25ec ea. Easter Gift Suggestions Flowvering-, Potted Plants, Hydrangeas, Cinerarias, Lilies, in stock Saturday Inorning. Please shop early as the supply is limited. Gift Stationery (by Gage', attr'active gift sta- tionery, priced f rom .,....,.25c. to $1.O0 Perfumeg gand Colognes, by' Lentherie, Adrienne and famous makers . , .,.. .. $1.10 to $3,75 Art Pottery, new and attractive designs, pieces at ......... .......90c to $4.0f) Spring Wallpacxpersa We have new and attractive designs in modern Wallpapers at prices th.at will1 suit you. ASK TO SEE THEM Prescriptions a Specialty MOTH FUME CRYSTALS Sure death to moths Charles Tyrreli 1 lb tin .. 39ec-Agent for Jack-man Floýwers I Phane 68, ORONO EASTER EOLDERS, BASýKETS AND TOYS Baby's Rubber Pants, tapedi waist and- knee,sie medium and large, each ........... ..9c Baby's Rubber, Pants, sherred wý,aist and knee, sizes medium and large, palir.......33'r Linen-ilike. Blinds, size 3 ft x 6 ft, colors cream or green, complete with brackets.... ...... 857c C heese Cloth, yard widle, 5 yýardc rolis . .,. . > ..> 35e Waxed Paper "f oodj saver", 100) ft rolis. ...5 S taon Sink Stoppers, m--ake yu ikalag dish pan by usinig a r-ubberýi sink. stopper ... 0t Men's Worýk Sockýs, red heel and toe, pair ...25L Stick-Fast Dry Paste for- wallpaper, office, sho and homne, 1 lb pkg...............19t Plastic 2-celi Flislights, ecompiflete without bat_- teries ... .... ........ ....$14 Diamond S reguflar size Batteries, each....10c Chore Girl Co pper Cleaning Balis, for cleaninig pots and panis, eaeh............c Alumiiinm Sauc-e Pans, miediiu size, sturdy han- dlles, each..............37c GROCERY FEATURES Nabob Coffee, Week-end SpeciaL, 1 lb. .......15ec LilBby's SauerkrauLt, large 28 oz, tinis, 2 f or , _. 27-C Apple and Strawberr y Jam, 2-4 oz. jars, 2 cou- ports..... .... ...............29c IRedt Plum Jam, 24 oz, jars, 2 coupons....... 30c, Baker's Unsweetened Prem 'ium Ghocolate, 1-2 lb. bars, Week-end Speemal, 2 bars......... 35c Tiger Catsupi, giant 26 oz. botties ............ 19e Post's Br-an Flakes, 1-2 lb pkgs ' 2 for ......... 23e Peanut Butter, 9 oz jars, no coupons . .._.....,16c Vita-B Wheat G-'erni Cereal, 1 lb p-kg .......10c *3 pounds for-__..... ...............295e ORONO 5c. TO e$100 STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE M4tor Equipnsent rvate AmbulIance, Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY, , SERVICE EquiPped to take care of the mo"dest funral at the moet reasonazble charge as weIl as thýe largeet an~d moet exaîCting TeIkphone: -,office 6s8- Residence 52,3 and78 rseheeCollect Bw~.dI.Ot Downto Eâth.. wage-earner, pensioner, small.busi- ness owner, returned soldier! That's why it's important to take a stand against it nowv. If inflation starts in this country, this is what wll happen. Prices will ise. Wages will try to follow along-and will neyer quite catch up! Sooni your dollar-your soldier's dollar-may buy only 25% ofthe things h used to! That is what ha> happened in many of- the countries of the world today, and that is wvhy normal living for anyonie is impossible in those cou ntries! So let's make sure our soldier's dollar, when he gets back, will be worth a full dollar. We cannot give back to hîm his lost years or lost youth. But if we keep up the flght against inflation, the. man who il; overseas can look forward to pleasant, satisfinig living ... totheiý Canadian way of life! Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myseff to do my part in fighting inflaion: By observing rutîoning and avoiding black miarlkets in an>' shape or form. By raspecting price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fr.ainingfrom careless and unnece5- sary buying. 1I wilI not bu>' two where one wiIl do, nor will 1 bu>' a "niew" where an -old" will do., By buying VCwoy Bonds and War Savings Samps, supporting taxç- ation, and abiding b>' ail such maue cost of living and Sfth->lP kepprices at a :zDorimal level. 1 .1 Li

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