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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1945, p. 8

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VI e you want ta build a mccdem rnban or buy new 'quïpmnent ,.or electrify your form or modemize your houa. Mien have ag talM your bank manearc HI'vow oftn have you said "If I could only raise themne!Wel if you could, what ,vould you do to improve yo>-ur farm and increasýe your pro- d ucto? Wo0ul1d you build a modern barn? or buy new mciey or môdernize your house? or electrify your farm? You can raise shojrt ter-mmoney from your bank, and lonig terni money fromi other institutions by way of mortgage. But there are somie things you would Like to do which require boans that are neither long nor shot... Thaut is where the banks, operating under the new Farmn Improvement Loans Act, can help you. The gap lias been filled. "Interm-ediate- lbans at a specially low rate can now be obtained for periods of two or three years-or even longer, in cases up to ten years. So, if you have a project in mimd to improve your farm', drop in and talk it over with your local bank manager. -Ask him what he is now em- powered to do to help make your farmn living more attractive and your wor1k more profitable. P He wiII tell you--and show you -that your bank i5 just as eager to meet the sound credit needs of the fariner as of the merchant or manufacturer. isSpo rdb yyorBn 1 r . St e vens1 is in p1o o r Schoý(ol i blse ee thiis wýeek on acntof the esis Miss nn IGLbrth, -orage. fe 'isvitgheaut s.CMors Moun Plasan,.RE. I, aL hm foi, the wuee-enid. Mr. and M (s.(Geo;geEUy, IOsh- awa, wýere Snygussof Mr. and Mýrs, W.N. Sees Mi. George Stapleton.l L ed'on is aulit mand uncle, -Mu". and Mr W W HenersnBowmanville, onPray j Mr and Mrs-. George i enderson, Be.and Cecil, were Sndyg[ests of Mfr. andlMrs. Wmo.MavMo- ri sh. L'loyd MroSoni of -Mr'. and M-rs. Robert Morto, sbeen trans[>ferred from I ta'ly to the Holland-B"elgiumli- Gemnfrontier. Mr. anid Ms ereSa letn Keýith, Dorothy andlaýui,wlere Sunoll-I ilms, port Hope. 'Mi'. anld Mrs. At"rBell, Daiwn' and Glenni, Bowmanivill,; -M r. A. A. Mn tin,1ýi,ýP. S. ,"f'1ïr iht o!] ; 1M11 . and Mrs. George M<'11og 1(aldLaulr- een,vite Mi-. and Mrs. G. Staple- ton Miss Lois Chmjes i/adc iss Rluth Cham-bers, Belleville; Mr.% and -vrls. 'Russe'l! Lowe, David and Peter, Port Hlope; I'. and -Mrs. LloydMc Gidhey anld Carry, Peterboro. visited 'Mr. and Mrs, Roberut Morton. The W. 1. held a very suecesesful card 'party in t'he 11ou11y1Hal1o loresday eveniing, April4th. In spite o)d1 the terrible weather a larg-e codattended. The prizos were 'won by ,Mr-s. Chas. Morrlis and MIary Lane, Cecu HIendfersýon and Jim C'urson. Luniich was served( and il1 joined in a sing-song " The regula r imofnthly meetinig of the Woe' intitute wais held on W'ednesda-y afternoon, -Mairh 21, in tihe United 'Chiluch basemlenýt in the form of aa St. Ptîkstea,-. Mr-s.W. D. Jones ha;d cag of the followinig prorame:Solo, Mary Lane; piano solo, Mrs. Archiie Brown; piano solo. JIoyvce VWilliamis anid EdniaDnut Anadrs onl control ofcaerb Dr.% Jeant E. Pier-ce,Tont. upe ~vas thlen servd, fitr whielh D)r. Pierce shlowed mvigpictures. Th niext meeting being -,tie aia et inug, will ho ýin the UnJted 'Churchi KEN DAL Mi'.% and Mrs. MaUrcu1s Soper ýare coigto residle in the village thiis week, Mrs. M. LXo9 bhas miovedite the house vaicated b1y 31r. and Mrs. Wm., Duncan. Mrs.ý T. IHiliIch is in Or-ono for a fewv weoks, staying ,with Mr'. anidMs Vance Allen. IMrns. Normian Patton) and Mrs. M. Luxon sp)ent Sunaday w1ýith Mi'. andi The -W. A. suipper wsquiite a suc- cess, .prxmtey $50 heing raised on ti cain Mr'. and Mrs. Wmn. lDunican and Patsy have loft the village to take up residence at Ajax, where M. Duncuan is goîng V o rwork for a1 w1ile. The fr-iends a -nd neiglibours ofMd end Ir.MacsSoper prse le onl thoeeve of theoir departurýefro that v.'inity. Mr. samn. Bryson rece'iveodquite a shaingup astFniay orning when lie was bit by a car. À1n x-ray sh1ow- od no 1bonles l'loken, bu ý t iuf- fering qulite a bait of pý1în iin the shloul- der. He is n3ow stayinig wiýh his duheM'rs.. E.? Trewv,i*in 0shawia. A showe-(r was held last Thuriisdaýy, April 5th, for M' and Mr s u Wil- son, and the Orange hall was crowd- ed. There wero a great miany love- ly gifts. Betwoin dancos, the bride and grom wre cled oé)the plat- forma and ain address ras rend by L.A.C. Alec. Little. The bride of' a few w reoks looked charrming in a rose eoloured sheer dress. The gioom,. of couse1woe is tusalcheerfufl The RZev. Bock, of Camiipb)ellford(, took the ser-vice on Suncilay nonn and in his talk to the children said hie was delighited Éhat lie was in finie to joîn in thie Sunday Scliool. Duirinig an interýesting sermi-on hie lekftthis thought ithhids congrogiHon, "Tt is not te ou~Ward hings thvat dis- ti1]nihih s, fthe things that mairk lus aire the inwrard things". The Sundaiy sdhiool Ser-Vice, will be held at 10.00) aj.. ext Suznday and the Church service at il a.i W. A. Mleeting The riegular mieeting of the 'W. A. was held on Tuoesday afternoon, April flOth. Thec presiclont, Mrrs. Tmln was ini the chair and eond the ladies that were present. Miss M. Davy hlad charge or tlie devotional and brouight an inspirhigng essage to The éreasurer gave lier report for miare'h, the seed fair banquet nd Iun- cheon 'wTere a ddcidied financial sc- ceas, $93-98 ihein'gthe balance left~ after ail expeinses were paid. A prgam, consistin'g of a reading, "Chriist in the Gardeno", was given bhy Mrs. H. Rowe; a v cal solo,1 "An Irih Liialby", by ýMrs. Jones, and a reading, "atidjyig Iomes', by Mrlis. J. C. Tamblyn, al of which were vpry mueh enjnye4. Canada's Greatest Druig Sale T H ER E XALL ONE ENT1 SALEJ Pay the regular pie for any one o,ýf the mny, R'exa11 and'PuretestItm andl reýceive anothe'r juist lile itfor ONE CENT Wateh for- the Sale Bill in the nirail ilhis Saturday. If yýou doflo re- ceive it, phoýne us and wýe will ýmail youï another onle FARM NEEIIS ïFormaldehyde, 1I L.for . .............. ... 2_5ec Large bottle for...... ......0 Ceresan. the dry dust treatmnent for seedgris 1 lb. for .ý. . .. ..$1.00 4 1h t in . . . ...$S3.50 We also stock Seinesan Bel and Semesan Jr Blaeklegoidls, for- innoculating- cattie against blackleg- before pasturing. Botie of 10 oids (enough for 10 antimais)......... ....$1,00 Mloth Proof Garment Bags ....39c, 50e and $1.0 Moth Bails and Mloth Flakes, per lb......19e M1oth Fiume Crystals, 1. lb . ., 39e 2 for, ,, 7.5c- Agent for Jackman Flowers Prescripti'on Specialîst Phone 68 ORONO, Ont DUIROLAVE, the O11 Bounid Washable Waterý Paint, quart tin. ........ ........ . . .$ 1_,5 Castor Plates, Roller Bearing, move yTour furni- ture with ease, each ............10 Plastic Pict-ure Cord, str-ong', durable, flexible, per carýd..................... Shelf Paper, large assortmeit of- colors, 1,0 ft. - pkg for .......... .. .loc Metal Towel Bars, about 15 inches long, each, . 15c Flue Stoppers for regular 7 inch pipe hole ..... 15c Cropax Moleskini Adhesive, pkg......... ..._. 25 c Trushay, the beforehandà Lotion, also as a Pow der base, bottle.............. 19e Twin Mist Slips, whbite, double top, sizes 32 to 42, eachi........ .. ....... .... .........$1.19 Children's Crepe Dresses, sizes. 1 and 2, each, 89c Chidre'sRed Wool Sweaters, silk patter-ned, r'ound neck, sizes 2,. 4 and 6, each......89e Marvel Mercerized 1Mending hea-cad.i.S Ladies' Satin ii e Bloomiers, large size ny per pair .... ............... ..49C White Rayon Slik PTanties, medliumý- size oly, pr,, 27e Misses Navy Slaick, sizes 8 to 1, pair.....9 e Ladies' Navy Slacks, sizes 14 to 20, pair...$1.00 Chiildren's JigSw Puzzles, maps of different 1 counitries, each..............2>54- Men's CottonShrs sizes 32 to 40, pair....45c Boys' 2-piece Suits, striped tops, long sleeves, sizes 2, 4 and 6, suit ..... .. ..........9 Men's Engineer Caps,. each. _... .......29,É GROCERY FEATURFS Mincemeat, 2 lb. for-<...... ...........35 e Ivory Flakes,~ regular large box ......... 25ec Ace Coffee, per-fect blend, grouind fresh while you wait, lb..............39e Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb .,.40e SPECIAL - Van Camps Homie Balkeà Beans, reg. 14c. Special, 2 pkgis for ..........5e Thirift Soap Flakes, giant 4 lb pkg.........35e URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YVOUR POPULAJ, SHOPPING CENTRE Ncorthcutt and Smith Funeral Direettrs and Fujrniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE EQuipped to take care orf the modest limer&aiat th-. m£oet r5asonable charge as weIi as the largest and Most exacting Tebephoae. Office 668 - Residence 523 aitd 72?, relephont, Coeet Bowïmerille, Out.- I

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