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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 5

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The Orono Wee-klyTim.res Establishied January, 1937. Pubiished every Thursdlay mnorning at the Times Office Advertcising Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Oronio, Ontario Sign Here, Please On MndayOf Iast week an h'onoured iie left this town un a mli'saon., We refer to M'ýr. J. J. Mýellor, and ithe miss<ion is that ~Of sponsoring tihe coming Victory Loan Drie. etping to direct a ýveture like a Victory Loan iDrive reýqUires e-xperienced men ami ~wman, It doee seem ike a siugàu1ar distincton that a mai shold W eChosen from Orono11, ai dOrono iizen1-s 'are keenly aware of Phu advantag'es to be deie heefom. Apart from bhis connection wh th'e dieitself, Mr. Mellor, 'wql un'doubteodly do macu(h in the -ýinterýests,-ý of his homne town. lie will prove hhns01f a comWbned ambassador and salesman. lis business wil all for the mieeting of mnany, mnype1e and when these folk asic th logical question "where aire you frlomi?" M-r. Mio will ans- wYer Orioeio". Orono wHi l e beter know",Vl n ta sucl distant plac2es as Tiurnins, Kapaskasing, S.mo'oh Rock Fails and Noïth Bay, -Mr Melr~idspeak at ail of theepit with the additin of two day peniods at Sudbury, Fort IWilim and Port arurun Hhving been very aotiveiy ngaged lna ai of the piams bans -as a key speaker, Mr. Mlellor- is ging farther aflid at this juncture. lîits timiely appeals for public support of the Vctory Loan have COeN voded ian factories, public mieetinigs and private homes. M-r. Mlellor lias proven hims&f a good salesmvc.'Fe are certain tQat his quaJLties as an 'ai-bassîor will 'aý -sert themiselves, 'Orono and larkýe Township CiH be h'onoured in tara. The Tcnwnship Clerk wý ill posý- -stbi)'y be miany mi-iles froi-iithe home town vvhen' this issue oif the Times nuakes btüs appearance. He oa ros't assurred thait his iany friends are thiakig of ý2iniand cwlhing hinm godapeed. We have hanlkered fer 'additional ïin- justie s in Orono, Wlho ci&n teil but tiiat seometiing of this very nature m'ay iaterdlize becaue of 3Mr. Mlors travels? Inlanay came, our cause wHila b set forth wortiiliy and ably be auie Lowas- cran journeyed ino the unino~rr wn a a story tu tell, an appeal to cl'ake, and sheaf of forrns Wi dotted linos over whi ai! and undry may affl their "JouHnlenry" prvided, of courqsetey haveý the necessary cash. Farm fPldio Forums It ýwoa-dli e indeed interesting to loo'k la uponi some of the Ïam househoidisntana-d around 'Clarke Towliùship, nd to 'wtinss the hrterest slhiwa ta somne of the radio pregrams desigaed spe'cifcafy for the farmer. There la somiethtng about sucli a prograin'which, dsiuatste erOithuia'smof farmi folk., To ýknew thiat at a certain timie durinig noûon or evenling hieur some pÈogram of -market reports wvintbe fortcoi-iaig la an assurancete the agriculituralistthat he is ,no longer the cointry's "ogte a. When a periodc program lin rterspeèrsed wth such features tRie 'OBOs dail'y visit with the Craigo, thie lîstener is more0É-,thani -m ver coavin'ced that; the pvowers tiat lie la the radio woi.ld are keep-, -a igth ni-nsscfiar folk in iimmd. Oddfly eaough (anii per~haps it is not se odd aliter ,adi) a lot cof town i anti cty dwelers listen ia daily te the farnai market reports and enj'oy along with their coutry ecousins tihe Craig epi's-ýodes. Se niany of our urban friends originateti frcom the faiim.s anidlhe sinall villages andi harolets cf the country- These daiiy get togethes's are a reinder cf homne.. The Farma Forumns -wich have hecomne a rweekly feature cf broadcastinig sta- iossupport thie fact that fanai people are ýkeen thiakers and care- ful phanrs. Semie very soand ativéi-celaobainalieIthrough the imedium of the Farm RadioForumn. Seventeen thousaad Canadian fampeople pat'iae in National Farro Radio, Forumi during the sea o f 142-4. Meetng toether ta srailj groups each Mon- day eveamng, they rend and stidy the mnaterial that is provided, and are enabcled te solve their ceminyn prolents ln a demiocratic .wray. The ced cf a hbtter lheath s ervice ila broughit bte ar attention, and heneitis tshicïh 'ould ensue froro long term ccredits %ith lo-xer ineurst rates are m'ad-e kaowa tic theai. Speakiag fromn a national ý,vwpoit they colytend thatt raivning ýýcould well be contiaued evea a fter the wair. 1 his, 'they, feel, wrold make, for a moreqtbe dis- trtuton~offoodstufts te the aeedy popls of the world. Wh len we '~o'î'rthat dhe 11,11an bhind the pioW is aise the m'an b)ehind the Production ocf the 1bounties 'cf 1nalafre, we-see the justice and comnimon- .,ense of these pre-posatel,. Commuiinity projeots have ceaie iiita being as a resait t che fladia-gs 'cf these Paai Fv'rtiiis.The 1breati cuntryide which bas been the hon-e cf 'se manýy cf car grea't aen amdi women continues te speak ita i 1iiud. 'Our ow'vn Durhami County and Clarke Towvnship are net 1)y any -mas the lest ia tihis- aggregation 'cf sterling merit. AOur voices Winl he heard. A Basic Need Wbnthe MnsDiscussion G(roup took up the subject cof '~'ratrni-im"on a receat Sundiay afternoon, 'their n'ow famniliar crner la the large 'Par'k Street Cburch aud(litor7iumoiOUd well hiave lecmme a strarting point for a werthy ami fan- reachiag imovement. F'or taat tter, sncbathingi couldiateriaiizeeven yet with a de ie ore -udagand nunturing, Flire,'as found a eroup ovimeaiea epnsenting practicaiiy every 'one cfthe fInternai orders or so-caiied "lodIges"' in the country. Somne u-f these aiea beloagi to more than one odes-, and the occasionai one owes aflegiance to ai l ldges. laevt wngthe, fandings cf the nmeeting eesaid that practicall ail 'cf the teachin-gcf thesle societies 'Vas baised uplon the e-sson-s emianatiag frot-m the.Bockcof Hvly Writ. 7'Xe are not ta the adrantagens psiion cf1thoe gentlemen wobe- long tic ail 'f thelcdges. VWe do niot ka-o(,,w what is said and dene be- Sind dlie iosed doons cf society balds where some cf car erstwhile ý-'uaday afternoon brethiren gahr.lowbýeit, we' do pnoudiy hvid ~ aemhrsitn 1order mwiul sets forth amioag oether thigs "the Patherhood cf God ami the brot'herhqod cf man." Couid therm be anythingi mnore ta keepiag iwith the aipparent aneed of the tàmes than ,lie simple reontof the fa-ct that we are Ail chiidren cf a Divine Creator, and that a truy Chistian aociety lanbMs broadeat senne muet recogaze the FatheAs- ocf Ged a"d Ce brotherhcd cf ,man ? We use the word "soiety" rwth no thouit cf any une particular lodge ro rder, buti rather as a smiigup cf the com- 111unty as a ewhole. Critis cf the Ma'sDiscussionGop see lit- t'le futurebeeitreutigfroai the Sunday afterionecn gatheringis. MAaur cf the miiob!ers seek pastime and diversion elsewhere nvw hat the meinsare ovr.Aftien ail, Park Street Chuncb and kSabhath Sehool have provided s'aactuanrydrin0te incliment Sun- rlays cfwatr To tara a -o'id shou71lder wýhe'n spnia'ig and sami-mer * ril arouncti, and te be conispicucuis by- ne's abs"ence Win inhardly be in keepig m'th Gee lou-ons incmUlaed duiagCetheiscussion peied. S 11cveover, suppoîn'g ail ofcfte good lunI mmfriail cf those rater- nies ere pooled tegeher and really iced up te, aud thea the Mhurh worn giveta due regard lai addition, wolld acf our town and ýomuity set, a wothjwhiie goal hadafulilment te car- gaest, 'a soluiti-on for a b)asic aeed- Clïù this and llail Your b.P U1 LECUME SEED INOCULATION PAYS LeguIIInous crops', such as alfalfa, red ciover, seeet iciover, alsike, peas, scy3beans, vetehes, etc, have long, beeni known under certain conditions to leave tihe land on which they were grown in a'richer condition that it rwas in hefore the,,crop. The neces-j sery coniditi(ynja are, àn addition to the eou being ini gcod iith, and 'w ýell drained, that there sihauld be in the, soi] certain specdes 'cf bacteria kno'wn uas Legume Bacteria. These leguime bacteria peaetrate the youag reoýts of tihe legumnes where they produce- !itl welIings or nodules, s'In 'gly or 'i thuncdhes. On deveris thIse nodules are very sm'ali bUt numerous, while on 'peas and beans they -are compara- tively large -and few lanumý,ber. The bacteria in ýthe nodules tix the Sree ntoge f the eatronphere so that it overseas - airmait today. L-etter of Appreciation For Govt. ScLooI Grant The foilowing letter was -sent te the Progressive.4Cbservative G-ev- eranent Of ,ithe Province cf Ontario for the grant sent te School Section No. 4, Clarke Township, as foilowa: Claeke, Ont. Ilon. Geo. A. Dre'w,, Minister, Departimeat cf Education, Toronto, Ontarlu. Dean iSin: 'in apprecit"i-on cf the receipti cf cheque fer $30O00 partial pay4ient t of grant te thia îSchooi 'Section,th Trusitees passed tihe fiwngres-ýo. tien. "That a letton of appreciation he seont te the Minister cf Education for the inieneaseti grant andi the aim te relice the local taxpayers cf balf EXTRA RATION'CARDS l EXPIRE ON APRIL 30ý Ili BTTER PPRODUCTION 15 NOW, iNCREAISiNýG 1,'the plant cen use it as foeod.With - 1 i os f prtig tee accoî:' :îii-4i ai"' ar1cou- Re-pvr-orsf na ul>baatial increaseý eut the aid cf the 'bactenia thýe plants Itutteaoerslto is pol ue em y e-tryri onardantri utter Production durnn caac othis' and neo plant other convey ;te you the thouýghts cf the aacne yth ~ie or. thile mon,: h rcf Fobruary, oven that -f -tniteleues oaa do it, even with T rus tees. LnJcladled ta these suppIenientary1at yarand c£vi tfili funthen la- 'the bactein prseat a thesou.Yours very truly, carda 'which cnaîeicoupons largerl'C- 1 en lkl nMroaecn On ol sll, orwhee evrsorC.M. Jones, than those acw beiag issued are long tainei inhe sui.nmary of the cneam,- On od sils orýMhre lovvs r bave raitioncards used- by ainmed ery inructions' , reportsteto he On- oterleums resuccsfull- r'aSc-Tes forces; temîporary ration carda useti tarieDeprtînent c Agriculture. la crop notatien, itb-e bacteinia are by tou-riats and others; transient The gea esi recetagýe increase, the usually pres-ent. La new 'souls, 1ic'w- Toronto, Apr. 4, ]q945. laber 'ration carda issueti least year report's State, b-as hbeeni in Suh ever, or whea' new leguime ereps, ais Dear Mr. Jones te fermera; prcs'erves"D coupons ese nOntarie, !but practicaïly, ail alfaifa or soybenas are grnwa lanold vn ohuewvslsffl ne aT 5 ý so, he-apopiae aceiaar at Woubldyeu he good eaeugh tic con- giva-i oswvsli ff 0e-prsc h rovin.ce share la theý solte pporitebctr reýcLhange for, "F" caaaiag sag-ar cou- uwr trend cfprdtin Not- net to be present and la sucbi cases vey teo the meibers cf your Board c see meth-od cf inoculation s-hould my appreciation cof their res-lolt' pos adaii -thr ou-ca c te l er O m.niebattitea amah tar- ie ' adnpte'd te suppiy the Ia ctera aconnection 'witb thie paaien aresz.ge aec bteoaM-n ta Nunierous expeni-ments ad p1 10rig-he nd-diti-onal grant cf $100.40 ? AIl supplemeatary ration caqrd cou--'f tee cas e tyedricthepo cdepelachave s~athat the Youns sneninpsisut sneNo 5iainok have been amaîl -ina size and staapedcreadsbtaily best way te o Othis i10teinoculate George A.Drew, wýith a heaver desigai. Pouesreport pienty 'cf feetlil tihe seed w itbte ne-cessary b)acteni.hat, h epr ayan tt e For aucli 'sced iniocultiÏon, rt-C-'stnittos fluid cre anisleýsa Ian- flcially gnewa cpuitures cf -"Iei bac- Toots, tw i th1coasequent inicreatsed but dif vou baveebas than 'abushel the gr0mo 2tcffat la Xflely te be di- telnia, oiginaiy scecurcd f1 eaiý th e gnc-xth cf the cnep. Cleover s;eedI and e ntýir1e 'culture 111,Y le mcd without vrei-ebte rdcin tl nodules cn the ro-ots cf th esanme aififa 'are quite expensiv ni as an ba rini. -Cul1tures for alfalIfa, red ns testIo-gtqnote that then- speuies cf plant wliie la isticb e scwa, extra fiaurance it wiii p-osibiy Pay dloyen,'ali'sikçe and sweet cdoyen are bsheanticeah)e.ia lm'rn ni nt l are atppiied tic the aeed s-ortly hefore y'eu fo use culture this ýyear. f'wenty-fvc -1cents wbile tbese for soy- coa qaiy lt tasoîn By flua mnethod thebc" For yeour accommiodation yoGr h>eanisare twoC for twenty-flve cents, tenia are caried ito 'the sou with Agn-icitui Repreý;eata-tîve bas a if h is net convenient for you te cail A tetl f 205,199 Jo)s 'laed beeq the s-ced, and ia ample nuaiber to sitppily 'cf cultures at bhis office. A ,at the Departient office, cultures will oud ertan-adian v'etenrascf t) -acticaliyv insuire inifection of the cuDture wiil trent Ore Ibuaýhel cf aoed, ire Sent by inail. - peseawa p eJnuary 31,145 r r r "s a -~- ,,,,2 - A Message fromi GEORG E -DREW to il with Relatives and Friends Overse«cs A RRANGEMENTS have been matie by the Ontario Goverxament for memnbers Of al tie. 7f.Armed Services everseas te vote in the coming Ontario election bDy placin'ý a ballot in a ballot box for tile candidate cf their own choice. The arrangements wich have been completed for the Ontario vote are the best which bave yet been rnde f'or any Active Service vote. The Gevernaienti, however, cao only make the arrang,,emi-ents for tn-king the vote. What is eually important la tinat those wbo are o-verseas kno-w the anme of the candidates, the party tbey are supporting and have a sufficiently clear picture cf the issues te decide howv they should vote. That can only be done if those at home suppiy- ,them ciwithinfrain May I strongly urge ev ery wife, mnother, father, sister, brother or friend cf those ovrsat write and tell them ail tbey cao about the coming Ontaro election. Dy cipi sfront newspapers, by editorial comment, andi by personal explanation, a clear unidersaading caa be given of what ia really at stake in this Ontario election.g One of the thinga which wiil cause the greatest dlifficulty in the minais of tnoue overseas, particularly those who live in large cinies, lu te determine wbicb Riding they live in. Maps will be aveailable, bat even the best map sometimes leaives doubt wben thie voter has bec away from home for a long time, or as is true ici 50 many cases lias neyer vjotet before. Tusi difficulty wiIl be increased because of the difference becween the bouindaries of Dominion arid Provincial Ridings. ' rwould suggest that y ou write imwîediately, Ay airuail, to alwt whoaayo are u i)n - munication and tell them the Riding in w -h they live and give thera what information yen can about the party and i te candidate in the Riding where they are entdded to 'voe. I shoulti mention that every member af the Armed Forces everseas of any age i; entit9ed ta vote. They, above ail others have the righîte v ýote. They have preserveti for us that free system of Government which depends upon the choice of ot own representaives. Our job bere at home is net oniy te make sure that they have the chance te vote but also to do everything possible te make sure that they aire able to vote with kénowedge of the real 155des i ri the electïon, Ë'o-rt-hLjkeof conventience, 1 arn suggestîng tint yen simply Cut out thia message and atidres it te semeone o'vei'týas giving the information required. Each one cd u5 here at hom as a respo-nsibil.ity te) help th--i aüâCciwse thie Governme-ttwhicb wil have se man1ch t.ýe o ith their future in the yenrs cf peace. Maiy -'agaùi ' jr ~write at onre, by airmaiL, net enly te those closeat te yen but te as many as yen know in"7f, lk of Canada. Tell theni what Provincial Riding they r'esi-de in ait ho'me-tien thse naS e of "~ the candidate anti any further information yen cao supply. Yours sin'cerely, Your Provincial Ridling I. 67 Candidate is BLISIIED -BY THE PROGR'ESSIVE CONSER'VATIVÊ PARTY Of ONTARIO The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIN SCIENCE 1MONITOR An International DailY VN-wspaper -il Truthfui-Constructve Unbiased....F~ rom Sensational. u- Editorials Ae Timely ani Inâtrurtive, and lu Daily Features, Together 'with the WMeekly Magaziae secdoùn', Maire the. Monitor an Ideal Newsraper ù)r the Hotu.. The Christ'an Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boscon,Msscset Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or $ 1.00 a Month1 Saturday Issue, inicluinng Magazmse Section, $ 260 a Ye&. IrtrducoryOffer, 6 lssues 25 Cen. &ddres& ---------------- ------------ ----------- SAMIPLE COPY ON REQUEST

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