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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 6

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ORON LT I1WS THRSIA PRIL -t9th, 1945. "Invest In The Best" Buy Victory Bjonds' TOr TRlE CITIZENS 0F TOWNSHIP : CLARKE This is the Sth Victary Loan and is very different frominiany ai the others. In the earhy lbans iwe biac ïs, much gloom becaese aour forces %;ietre coastantiy being -driven back. Laîter we felt a certainty ai victary btit s'ecmed se far away, This tne w e kn'ox that victory is not only srbut chose. It 'm'ay even have bendeclarcd ;by 'the tue'you reati this letter, an'd we 'have a nejoicing Î.- iaur hearts we have not known for a long, long tme. Stihl the job le nemiished andi oaly by every one ai us 'doing ahi 'we can xiii it bie possible tadnish lt. Wihl you please l'ook airer fihe list aur men 'andi womcn publislxed in th..s issue aif txe Times who have en- lteed ine 'uebeginning ai the xvar, 'These are aur own. 'Count the nuni- berkilleti, iwoun'ded, missing anti p -ofnrs'a--war. Think -ai what tse have donc te, kecp us free, thon cius miensure what iwe bfave-done -îr- the companison wxiii shock us. We can in a measure retiem our- sevsby putting this Loan over with iýa 'bantg anti that can oaly be1 donc by ýýuyýn'g Bonds o the. utmest ai our 5:'il«ity. Buy Bonds. Buy aIl you cao, aniby investing in flic best Vo your liait ou flhknow you are tiaing .yrrshare. joseph J. Mellor, Cliairaxlan, District E. T0THE CITIZENS 0F DUJRHAM COTJNTY: O)nce 'again thraugh the medium ai "ttpress Iarn appeaiag ta yau Vo do ya.r utm'os't in, the Eighth Victory Laa 'Oangn. Duirhaqm County nhas ate a very ceiaî hwn ta il ùreic-~ ans, antivili, I arn Sd'o the saine again. Wehop)e the war xiii soanbe aver, aniaur brave boys anti girls be back - ait s once mare. While tbe cost of -wrmay niot be as grent in ithe fu- trthe rehialltation ai aur fight- ngforces- wilfh oost an immense 6-ont'f money. 'They have fougbt 0fo 1ar freedom anti are entithedti t tebest tthe country can give them ithe po)st war yas 'Nie gnverniment is deterrnincti that 'Vis lii be done anti is making every pýrovision t it iat cand. Thils ail costs nnnîey an'tiàI s necessary ta maise by "Victary Bonds,$1,650,000 la the Coun- lhen too, you ýare m'aking an, in- -v'Vetfor yaurseli, so fiat what yoaput in' Viotoy Bonds net only ~hlsth'ose 'wbo have helpeti you, but liei -q-syou ta help yourself. Lata"'S ktbis loan an averw'belm- Yourssincereily. _W. F. Rickard. 1?0 TITlE PEOPLE 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP: tbas been a great picasuire anti 1 nxgtsay pivilee ta have been as- sociatti w'ih the Victory Loan angan- ization aif Durh-am Couinty for the paet'- six Victary Loans ani ta xatch -h Vaylawn ithe'ach lban gae airer, nHowever-, there are iew districts -tee these 'bans bave bad such eut- stand.ý,ing succý,ss as la Clarke Town- ýshi2p. The werk aofthe laçai commit- tees andi salesmien haeach -ai Vese Iast ban, b as been excellent anti heresponae froni thue people ai the toxvne'hip has aiIxays 'been ai the beýSt.TIihè-. people 'ai Carke Township are act, inelliving jn a locality xhich as sucih fine fa:irm-ing country tn iiatry and til te ,yst fie and 5, h1alf yçars aif"var, very fewxvoa theni1 have actualhy suffereti much la the ay of. plysical bardships. True, all it" other Canadians, they have ueei facei 'vitb the nationing af cer- tanconïlitodiitie-s'nti certain services bt these petty ,,annoyances, campar- "cd, ta the danger anti hiards'hýips iaced -by ixiany i-mca froini Clarke T'own- ;six-M10h'are 1a îVow ver1seas, are very Atthe preseni tuine, victary rwouid aerte be 4ery chose, un fact, by; themre this latter is pui'blstei,:,i_ or- ganizeti resîstance lan Germany way have ceaseti, Tbis, h'owever, is no fne ta reliax la "aur efforts for there wllstil be nmuch ta o 'n laite Kur- Eships and town'sl in Durham Couaty and we feel confident that, ai the end 'af the ih Victory 'Loan, the d total sales rWll lie much hiàgher than ,e thaýse of ýany previous b'an. h C. W. McBride, s Organizer, Oounty oa. Durham. sTO THE PEOPLE 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP: 3Durhami County establiîshed, and 1n-ýaiatained, a splendid record in seven victaîry boan eaanpaigns. Wi'th the objective for the Eighth Vicetory Loan higher ithan for previcus ones, 1the greautâst local, support xiii be re- quired ta keep Up ttis excellent stan- dard. )Even if, ais wc ahl fe'rvently hope, the end oa. 'the war in )Europe is, imminent, large (sums af maney xvi lie required for the iwar in the Pacifie, for the restablishmenit af our yaung peopi in civilian hufe, and for penîsionis, gratiuities, and other costs ddetly 'attributable ta the war, Kn'awing iwbat tbe nueinbers -af the several servitesý have 'dane, and are doing, for us, it ile unthinkable that we couid wn isliackea aour financial effort un any degree. At this particu- lar tinie, it îs reasanable ta expect us te 'do better endi that hs Victo Loan rwill le an auts'-tan'ding success. 1 arn confident that ecdi section af Durbam Gauaty willdia its'fulil share. R. P. Vivian, M.D. TO THlE -CITIZENS 0ýF CLARKE TOWNSHIP: The ever increasing support ai Duiîham 'Ckuty ta these Victory st ko Loans lbas even ýsu ,prised its mos ardent ýadmirers. No one douibts thal we wlll continue to- pull our fl weight unîtil the crest of the bill i reached. Let us ail give ibis 8tn Viâtory ýLoan Ithe aild "theave ho"; so -every muniipality in the Coun±y get Ready - Set - and alilHeave To- ~gether for ithe biggesit total y0tta do aur part to put the finishing touches e o tyranny 'and oppression and' t n speed 'the iday for the return af the troyops. W. Ross Strike, Cliairman, Durharn Ca. War Finance Committee TO THE CITIZENS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP : The Sth Victory Loan opens on 'April 23rd, and you're war 'weary, fed made ife doing 'withou~t llhin.gs that md iea pretty easy going propa- Sition-oixce upon a time. Yau'd sure liike to use the car for waork every day; take that ftrp you've planned for sa long; go miles away and forget ail abau.t ration cauùp'oïs and iwar. 'Only, itlis notoaier yet, and those grim, fight-4tired men of ours are still sUugging it out. Firing, blasting, doggedly breakîig their way througi, ta ýihat ? Victary. They sill need your help. Neeti plen'ty of it ta keep forging ýahead. Need mare and 'still more ýammunitian, guns, tanksý and planes ta finish thxe job. That rmeans more ighting $'s; our $ invested in Victory Bonds. TIhat's our parto'a the job. -Yaurs andi mine. S'a let~s îstkkwith ïV. Get'every l'ast $ we can scrape 'together ready for actian; ready for a break through ta victory. 'Ltters receiv0d from our boys averseas telil iow in the last Viàdtory Loan nhe officers af the regiment visited ithe trenches in thxe night with shelis andihulletsiwitngobo- 'n- CLARKE TOWNSHIP SALESMEN Mellor Payne Carveth Davey Wade Buy 8th Victory Loan Bonds From your Salesman From your Bank From your Employer To the People of Clarke Township: .As ýWarden of the United. Counties of Northumnberland and Durhamn, I urge" that we, the people of Clarke Township, give the 8th Vîctory Loan our maximum sup- port. The record of this Township, in past Loans has been excellent, and. at this time we must, if anything, do an even better job. While the fight in Europe is drawing to a close, there is much that stili has to be done. The war in the East, will sti'Ili be a part of our responsibility, and that will cost money. The care and hospitalization of our wounded will have to be looked after as will the rehabilitation of the many thousands who' will be coming out. of the Forces. To those who have made the Supreme Sacrifice, and. to those who have won the fight for Freedom, we owe our ever lasting gratitude. There is no better way to show our thanks than to "Invest in the Best." C.R. CARVETH, Reeve, Newýcastle. tand wrote up !the lads fo r Victoy tBonds, Wh'at heroes, Tbey nat cnly 1figthitaur ibattles but substriibe their hard-earned $Is to help tbemselves. 1Can iwe fahil at 'this time ýta back thean > up for Ithe final 'break thraugh ? Refleet back ta aour Alieti position of 1940, and 'then follow ýthrough ta 1945. What a long bard pull. iNaw vidtory is in siglit. Dare we fail ?j Some of these plasant days yaur Victory Bond saleýsmian will eail anj you. ils ït tao mucli to ask you ta be ready an'd subsicnibe ýta:the limit ? rlis ais int atay, 'ana ne xvll ap- Wrn. R. Alhin, 1George Armstreng, epreciate yaur 'aséi sttancc. Leonarti Austin, Niorman Allen, Era- This sheet is editeti by the Publi- est Allen, Miss A. Basnett, Win. G. cîty ýonmttee ai Distiit E, xvhich Biarcfhard, Howard Beli'anxy, V. Ray comprises the Townsihip ai Clarke Brown,- Jim Bastock, Herb. Bostack, -anti the Village ai Newas&tie,. It is W.. 'Bügboack, 'PhiMhp Bigclo'w, Wih- niaihedti Vayau, first: ta iring 'home fred Bieclow, ýLeonard 'Buckler, W. ta you ýthe 8th victory Loana Cami- Baldwina, Alvin Blewvelt, Jack Bentley, pai'gn; seconclly.: toa atvise you-*boin Ernes't Bowen, Bill Bu'ciley, E. A. youîr canvasîser js for your district. Baker, Eafl Burley, Ronnbd Burley, Our objective is $lif00.If xve HareldtiîBuriey, LeR'ay Brown, John aIl pull ita aur fimît we can go airer Buckley, ýKeith Bunhey, Ahi. Brett, the top. Leanard Boumne, Jack Benson, Reg!- Yours sincerely, nabt Bolton, Gardon Buriey, Herb. W. J.RitdelBurgess, Geralti Cornisli, Clff. Cow- Chairmnan i Publicity an, Grdon 'Clystale, Roy Colville, Bruce Chapmran, Viance 'Cooper, John Ca xxittee, District E Ceryil, Wm. P. 'Carke, Alan Clarke, Walter 'Dent, Hnrtley Dent, Geralti I'Du-oahi,,'Hcibcit Duviabi,,ali u , R #00i1of rionor Clarence IDuncan, 'SùmiDelve, Tom .1 Evans, iHnrry Fiorsythe, Lillian Pa'w- Clarke-.Township and Newcastle 1cr,, Orwen Pagan, Roy 'C. Forrestcr,j Wilired 'Preste, Raymond Farrow, Those are aur Best Invest an the Bcst Bill Fax, J. ýC. Gamey, 'Million Green, Back Them Up Donald Graham, iEt. Gratham, Alex. Grcgg, Lawvrence Gil-mer, Raymxondi BUY 'VICTORY BONDS Gibier, Elray-N. A. Gïbsoix, Leslie C. Ciark Townhip ibson, Reg. G. Gibson, Menzie Gib- Clarke ow nshipson, M rs. Jae G oldsp ink, G d bert KiIled or Mussing in Action Gregg, Ernes't Grcgg, Wmn. GIanviile, Jack iBarncis, Norman Bruton, Cecii Ros's Glbbs, îFrank Gonezy, 'Gilbert Brutan, iMnynard Cliough, Gibert Gregg, Ber. Headerson, 'F. 0. Heu- Dent, George 'Fprbes Jr,, JonG rd.jdersoa H':ildy, l doe Goîcspink, ýScbert Hiali, Milton Ll-oyd 'Hlawke, Tom Harnesîs, Norman Moriton, Stanley Reid, 'George Roîpli, Alfred- Waddeli. Prisouers in «ermany Leonard Lawi'or, Wounded Stanley Broiwn, Wi. Colville, C. W. ýCooper, Ernest Dent, Ronald Dent, Wm. Danington, Cecil Galami, Wm. R. )Gibson, îRalph Geach, Tom Lewis, Hiarry Paterson, 'Leonard Pears. iEligin Seymour. The Canada'S 8th Victory Loan gives each of us a chance to "Invest in the Best" It is our opportunity and our duty to back and to buy personal peacetime security in up our fighting men-raen Who rank with the BESTpossible way. the BEST in courage, skill and devotion to their task-to back up a country, Our Can-ý The Eighth'Victory Loan opens April 23rd. ada, which faces th-e future With the BEST Clarke Township has an objective of prospects of any country in the world-to $215,000. Last Fail, you the people of give practical support, to the BEST forIn of Clarke, bought $291,000,. and 110W With Vic- Post-war planning in Which ail can join- tory su near, We nmust do even better. 'INVE8 INTHEUE SEs NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Clarke Township Pay for them By Cash On the Instaiment Plan By the Deferred Method To the People of Clarke Township: 1 arn writing this letter to you on be- haif of the 8th Victory Loan which wil soon be in full sway. I know that you have done a -good job in- ail the past Loans -and arn not afraid that a good job will be done in this Loan. What 1 arn afraid of is that sorne may miss out in having a share in this rnost ne- cessary work, so I -arn asking that every- body in the Township think the matter of purchasing bonds over very carefully, and buy ail you can to help finish the job so well started. Yours truly, T. A. REID, Leeve 1-1019g, Neil Hanmi, Si Hughes, Mar- how 'Hanceck, Arthur Haines, G. W. Holman, îRayniond Hughes, Robert Hughes, 'Garfield Hutchinsjon, Johri, Hicks, Ed. Hinton, Horace Holly,. Wm. 'Hosikin, W. Hýoad, Dick Inxpe-y, MeGregor Jones, Ejilen, Jones, Robert Jons, Mervin Keane, John H. K eanc, -- Raîbeit !Keane, Bill Kelis, A. Keeher, C. Keeler, Fred Lycctt, Ularry Lycetzt, Fred Larriman, Gardon iLeamen, Jodin Lowery, Donald -Little, Ailex. Little, Tom Lihou, Ray Lott, Gardon Laccy, Jas. MaMurray, 'Christine îMcKinnen,, W. J. iMcKenzie, 'George MoKenna, Duncan McdMurray, Wm. rMcMurray, Sherman MdMurray, Bruce Mercer, Willton'Morris, L. G. 'Morton, A. Mor- ris, John McLa'chian, Edgar Milîison, Gardon Major, 'Chas. iMiller, Pete Martineli, Elaner Middletan, Georgeý, Miitchell, WM. Muir, Dr. J. E. Mine, Dr. 11. E. Manning, 'Siti Morgan, Leray 'Myties, Llocyd Myles, Howard Myle;s, Kenneth iMilis, 'Margaret Nes- bitt, Jack Nesbitt, Floyd Nicholson, B-ob. Preston, Ronald Patterson, Dickr Patterson, Alfred Perrin, Jas. Pow- ers, Garman Patton, Roy Pýatton, Donald Powell, Victor Phasey, Lloyd G. Pedwell, Donald Powell, Aldie Fol-. lard, Alex. Reid, Chas. Y. Rss Gloria Rich'ardson, J'ack Staibart, Nei,, Stewart, Dan Shutka, Chas. C. Smith, ýCbas, Sissons, Jim Sissons, E. J. ISPry, Vernon Stacey, Kermeth Ste- phenson, R'oy Spry, Bertram Syer, Lloyd Stephenson, Roy Scott, Bruce Tennant, 'Carman Tennant, Keith T'enn'ant, Hlarold Thompson, Dr. J. B. ruýcker, Frankhin Tainblyni, Kenneth, Tarnlllyn, Bernarid Thaniphaýn,Ani Thonipson, Hiaroldi Therteli, R. H. G. Vanatto, Arthur White, 'Pred White, Barncy Waiters, Gea. Westan, Fre-d Whittaker, Bob. Wiright, Chas. Wal- ker, Ro-sis, W1d dis, Wialter Wright, Willis Wright, Bob. Winn, Victor Wîifiso'n, Gaordon Winter, Ross Wood', Yeil Wood, Jas. Wannan, Arncliffe W'.annan, J. S- Wade, Chas. Watters, A.rch'ie Watson, John Wade, Sitephen Wh'iteihead, Haroldi Wright, George- WiEson, F'rank Young, Horace York-, Sidney Y'ork, NEWCAST'LE Killeti in Action Alfred Adair, Murray Butler, M.ay- ard Cieugh, Floyd Butler. Prisoner o f War Enlistments Fred Adair, Haroldi Adair,Rik Anderison, Lloyd Aàltreati, Chas, Ai-11 tiread, Harold MAil, Auf. Ahtdrenti, Wm. Brunt, ýChias. Bonatiban, W. Ù,. Brown, Gien. Brooks, Haroldi Browvn, Milt. Browvn, Stan'ley, Brownr, George Buckley, Sam. Brereton, tom Brere- ýton, J. E. Catter, W. G. Cotter, How- ard 'Catter, Vic. Cotter, Stanley Couc'h,'Sam., Cowan, Hnnry 'Couch,' Fred Candi Jr., Harold Delinie Mr. Daiwes , Robent 'Dnck Jr., W. I.--E. Duncean, Rosts Krnbiy, Sidney Fergu- s'on, iR. A. Foster, Carl Fishxer, Gea, Grahami, P. V. Garroti, Ahi. Gray, Mrs. E., M. Gray, Wilbcrt Grahami, Gordon Garroti, Jack Goheen, Wm. R. Gibsan, 'Erie Gray, W. J. Hockin, Haroldi Hockin, Geraiti Hennings, H. A. Hoar, Dr. Jack RHare, .Fraak Hoar, Adair îllancock, Nonnian Horu, Douglas Irwin, ýH. In'gam, Alex. Iu- gram, Gardon Ketéhuni, Gardon Lak- mng, 'Len. Lainxbrt, E. R. Lovekin, Freýd Lake, Gea. MeoMeekin, Archie Martin, C. E. Me'adows, R. R. Mca- duv0s, R. G. Weladows, George tMca-. du'n's, Paul MIhigan-, Jim Meikle, W. C. MrJManus, C. MbDoal'd, V. NeilI- son, Jack Nesiuit, A. 5S. Na'ylor, A. 0. Poilard, 'Chas. Robinson, A. K.. Rawe, H. F. Rowe, A. E. R'owe, C. E. Rogernson, L. E. Rogpersan, Haroldi R.ogersor, Selby Spencer, Jo'hn Scott, Ahlin Spencer, Chas. Thiackray, J-oc Txigg, îDou glas Vandusen, Douglwz Walton, C. J. Wablace, T. D. Waood- bock, Jas. Wright, Pnice Ward. Seed Potato Prices Set M'arch ta 'Augus't pnices for regis- tereti secti potatocs are listed inl an April 2 bulletin frai the Depart- ment ai Agricultureila'Ottawa. Maximumi prices for, 75 lb. bags are (l0ti lb.-iaddj_13 mare): Certifleti : fMax. 'whoiesabe cost, $2.64; maxidnum retail cosit, $279; maximum consumer cast, $3,32. Foundation "A": 'Maximum whaolc- 'sale ýcost, $3.02; maximum retaib cost, $3.17; maximum consumer cari,. $3.77. Foundation :Maximum wboiesale cast, $3.,39; 'maximum retail cost, $3.54; maximumi consumer ot $4.22. Retaili narkup is governeti by a previaous ýonder 'anti thus remains un- chanîged. Oniy isecti dealers xvho do flot sei table 'pa'taîtoes may soui ess than bag "- l1ofs, 'the order deelarcs. These deni1- ers must first obtain a permit ta do s0 from W. N. Keenan. Cliief, Pla-nt ..' Protection Division, Department f Agîlcul tur Ie, Qttawa. The order be Thie vi'torýy Ln mte x- p)ee(t e\,ivýerya' ta invest iin Victory, Bonds ta thc iIImt. No(w isÉtie cu cial tinine. I vesti a vý ý, Best*

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