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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 8

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OTTAWA REPORTS Thaqt New Budoget WPa Designad ta Cover War anid CiVil Expenditrires Until 'ew Governilment Elected anasexpendilures for mu- ttualaiad, for the fisca year eeaded] Mancis 31 are expected 10 total about $ý815»00,01)0, Finance Mi- sten Iisl1ey bold tiseFHouse of Comi- mlons in int1roduciag tire inew in- ternm budget for $2,0O000000 to cover civil and war expenditures Ae tie end of next Angust. Mn. Illyexplainiedtisat ise $.0, 000,00 stiaIsinlnded mutual aid duin ite monlihs Apil thimocugis u uat.Hasaid in mkn tise esîlas tie gaeenl pnicip (Ieadlias beurnthat tisýe only safIinig to (do wa 0toassumie thal direct and indreet wnn expedituas ould keep nup dur- ing teie nazI Be motis aIap- p1roxýi1-[tely tise rate at whichi thýeý bildbveau ruintg fort1ise lait Bye or s!ý ix ontha. Esti- mnates for tise [a.rmy ](le tise udof Augusî are $699235000; for tise nàvy, $1410100p and for tise Vicîoy gadas grownl by Cana- dians lest year are esimated to Lave relieved artime btlspolta lion 10tofise extent of 28 freigit trains ol 75cr abahu ,1 vlutcars ioad(d 10 600 pouadacapacity. Anmmunition for isuntiug animal and bir'd pests is availaIble lao fan1era, tise Prices boand rl ieportsý. 11a onder te buy Ibis ammuniiiition ana muaI stgel a perit from ).tise eaaîration office. This eill hae lssued on po'eentatol of tMe ngi stration certificats o!flise ram te ha used. Tise lonlgesî Bailey bideaven' builî i Europe was oae tise Cania- doân Iroopa fung acrotsa lis Risine. Il mneasured 111 feet and 'wlll cary any dass of loisd. Tise Caa ians bltit inla36 houri O!Caniada's total nt produc- Aou, 1,186,000,000pounds ai1»44, 47%ý was exportedl. Aiiotiser 6%,/ svas for priority purposas includlag tie armiy and air fo)rce ini Caniada ad Nwo lnslipsý' stores, the ise Brlis Admnirelly and UNRRA. Th~e balnce wvas for domeistic Use. Ca.ad'smet exports rosa frolu 204,000,00 pounds in 1939 to 886, 000.000 pounids n 1944. All1ies' Speed Plans i To Iisarm German-ly Tise Allies fhave baguan gathen-ing a teclisical and natural scieutific staff 10 spaa(-d Ihe disarmnamant of Genniany andl dismianbtlg of Nazî w'ar induhstries, à t was disclosed in the Houisa of Commiions rcent1Ly.' For'eiga 1Secretnry Ainthony éden eýxplaineil tie ivala discussiag. a niewspapar àadvatisamaent for quali.- fied vworkars. "Tise problam," ha said, Uis one of ýoaitro1Ling Ganmian armnamniits ta InaBrt Ihat Ganmany is nIt physicallY ia positin A sitthi bnines2again. Here's How:- 'Corne Into My Foxhole'l FrontHlno e Is b eally nothinv, Pluc.BRYIyF.Lausiswrote Thse Ricismond (Wd) palladium-ltoni recentiy, and if lis.folls a, homie wanÉtot try te simyulate, liq. Jng Conditions feced by Larsh't company in Germany, isres how. Turn oýfftiselient and electnie.- .,y ila your hiomes; ulse for î bed lwo blnketsplaced on e flor ad a covering o! two oIsr on lek- ets; open .wldeaUaitlie ÀiLdowvs and pour a gallon et water OMM, tise floor ot ail of your meals ou% i K-ration caris wlIîcb you iseat '~~~~-1 axa l'.u au WA T SCIENCE SPRAINS Pulled muUes and sprandar palful ers bytreatmncants whih fnînrl wee cploedby thos 'i er onene ith thse cane of lyp -xeshw that ableae,1- etura t1, dty almiost imn- meditly and thair ijuries heal whil thy wok, aysTisaSaint Tsqicecuraeonistaluapply- înga pry f tisl isordeto tise injredares srfae 'udeîcour- aginaimme iate motion of tise part insted ofarapiug l111 a pister ciiior dissivatap mdimmiohil- izig h Tise lcietpcal provides sur- face aahsate tfiseraquilîMyi railavas pain aa-d cuaýbles tise pa- ti en' rto 1 nove l1ise inured part, swelstUfl(-Fg.ý atisites2, tise teamet agivîngz gond reutits îin tisaeryand It l cxetc ist afier tlirawar h twill b) usd geeral hepafu- spmaiaa and1,F ls-taine muscle migisi e auhadicap. WHY DO more people buy Maxwiell bouse ithan anx1y other branld of Coffee iii thxe werld? Thiss superb blend Contains extra- flavor Latin--Amrericanl Eoffeües, selected from thle finest thie world produces. Look out for Trouble from SImuggisk KIDNEYS Try lte Original ttDutch Drops" Il la poisonous wasîe thut yoLur idneys shouiti be fliteing out of yol-r blooci tisaIL may cause bctce dizzy spaîls, leg rampa, restiess, lee-p-bnokcn nigliss, and snarînig and burning. For, relief use the r:em-edy that bas wvontise grataful thankg of th'uusanids for many ,year3-COLD MEAL, Hanlenu Oil Capsules. This affective diuretic anti kidney stii- larnt a ise origin'al-anid genluina Dulch Dr-ope l cin fuly easureti amounl a I lasteles Capsules, la g Doa0f tihe mot favorabiy kaLiownri emedcies for relieving coDngesteti kidneys uanti lnnitaed bladtiec. R. worksý swifly, helping Ihe delicate ftiter-s of your kineys 10 purif y the blood, Be sr qIyou get the origilantigeuie packe i la Ca"nadàa. Inial on eifg GOLD MEDAL Heýen lO Casl 4eaour dugsa HEA DCOD Get quick relief I Just amear NOSTROLINE li each nostýIl. Br'eath-. lng passageg Open right away. NOSROLNE soothes, lubricate, disin-fects, helps make and keep youir aaos.e Ieaithy. Brings conifont SwiftIy. oneen.Pheasant. For adulte and children. 50c-sl druggîSts'. 'NPPSTR GLNE' ~~J AN PH ORATED VMMSARD CREAt4 llOW's a realful nlght for tap!d recey. 1E lfl amp iSi U.l RDMM 5 ? j liar is. a lmsl NERYNUS TENSION wlth ils wc3k, tred felings? If ftmictjonal periodic dlsturbances maake you eelnerous ted reslei-at such time---ny ydi E.Pinkhamn'e Vege- tabl Çopouindta efieve euch sy1 mrost effective ymedies for thlis purpose. Fiollow label A etin.Buy today! VEGETALE I I d% à, à ý,8v a V%, à-, INCOMII T11%x POTS C - %wbIlal Aibarf Brait &- 00., 8 WalintonSt E. oono Ot ATTRCTIV REIDENIALPRO- cange DingBus]ines SmArl 22, 73 Aaa e W, rroto ad soc.and froni 25oz, aggaý or ller. lPa r r e i Roc,ýk s mlxe d Rock IPulia ets $9 0 pr 100.i whita ehr ulis$2li a M0. wlta ok ied$5tt par t100 wite Rockh ult $2400 par 1100. We urnta10 i iv ve er.blnepaid C.0.1) MapiaC'i t y fHalt cary. Chlfl a TV. BRULNTON 4"BPred-tn-Pay" CHICKS Hamphira. Goernmnt ppnov- ed lotatd liiustra- tled Ca ýt- Vo!ms Il natcilery, 52 W\in n-tt', 500BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT 130011, OUE191î, HI<K NOWV aad ge yor hics waayci want them., Orders ire poýuring." in. 1Breadaer Fatchris araealways acl1 oi ouI arly. Dont take chanqces on ndnr hik.Paeyour ordar NoWl. Puir e Bi d SuSssx. LaprgeTyaLahrn Susse-x X rock 1, aghoas. ock X MNewi Rapa arr ed ocs Sndfor lare îiustratedCatlgu n Prie ia.Lkeiw Polr Fanm. Wi rs.Iiaa.Ont. THE DIFEEN E T VWEE suc-cesad alue i thcbickl- an Ibusiness very otan depanfds on tise cieka ou start. Makny polrfla ry to elmnt ta h1azard by cnsngTop Sotch G'ovaCiamant Approvead chicks old cIlc i: Picas. io- Saex ed Wb1i1te L(,ghoclmns 11 .9:;, Ba rreýd Rocks, Nw fHamunpah ira uSi1.5 Assortad iglit lBreeda 0.5,As- sorîed Heavies11.95. Pullets WbVite Lagh-11o 1,n)S 2 5 95, Barre,ï-Fd R 0ock"s 2395,Neýw HampairasQ 24A.9 5, Assortad Llght 23-.9l5, As- Sorted 1{teavias 2195 Aso tw wveek: oldi startad ccks at bar- gain p1ices. Write for, catalogua and Comple ]'tteprieitfor may otharbrds Top Ntcb Cbîck,ý- arias, Gualph. Ontarlo. BROAD 3REASTED SUS'ý16X COX THOUSANDS AALBEWEEK- !y, If you ordi ir at once. Our Broad Braasted Sussex cox brtng top prices on the marktl Whlle skned ong rounded breaste, Also New Hamp. cox witb taest grow,,th a ni faatherïlng. Sussex X Leg,,homns aind Rock YX Laghornîs make good roasters and grow fast Up to 4-5 Ibes. You can 'GUY these for $4,00 -par 100,lsi) mlx,- ci heavy cox' $6.110 per 100. AI f rom our weii-breul, heaIthiy, blood Iested breeders. 6000Ç Breed- ers on ONt-E' plant. Lakýlevlaw Pouitry IFan. ,Wain Bros..etar Ontario. 1w, CHICKS FRLE WITH IEVERY ODBCI" 100 PULý- lat chicits, we giva 1110 res chicks our cholce). LTe gh o rn pullets $22.911- par l10, ba rred Rock pul- ets $19 9b5 par 100. Wlt ock Pýulletsj $24,95 par 100. Ail chicksl solid backçed by hilb eggpedigreed stock, $,1.,00 booksi youir rder, balance 00.. uaanaa l10 live daeliver y. XRa i Hat1lchay Clha thban 1. 0OntarLýl c. SPECIAL PULLET SALE S TA R TEýD BAÀR R E D rO C K PU1L - las, weak old 22o, L2 waýekçS üol 26 ents, Immediata del!lvery. POULTRY KEEPERS J-E CEj,ýR T AIN !YOD EUX GOODi 11e al thy, vigo ro umchicks. EBu , cickits wth breadinig and livabillt-y aniyou w1llho a otfnnisucceps. Our readers arc aial Govrnmen inspa)cteti, banded ndcoi -tst Write for desc.riptive ctaloguie oni Ille different bnaeds, anipicsou (our ,GùVer1mplnt ApDr()vcd chieki MONKTON POULTRY FARMS MMotoOntnrlo DARI<CRNS GAME COCKER- els. gand tye, eveiopman, rangeraise. TChoce T Eeder, are the rstsof iinetern years ofcaefl eacioCn adbreeding cogg sd. 4e \amiïulomty rt On t. man nndha'liteïl o he os hu:nas ta l 1abil ity. Moneil fed dlabour spat on ch(;kl that"osn'ttakeit"oaaneyer iha be-tiikd b CeIealnd ax"elenv lattra eiiig u ofthe oner Chiek at wea rraId4 waeka of, are Itwil i ýy ou to thlink o f l"Iqit r whenpvoii1rdeirdysur hd aruonriloV ro 1 lt T Ç H rf e i n o w ie frfree sb forka.ae,1a11 'ei les: ý rdr- rnd Rocs, $2?01 pa phunred Whle CIghr, i$11n rd Whlte RoCks. r$j 1Il l-0: TRrowcr FLagho rns ORocks. $10 0: WhiCa çegNr- % for ech 200 ixadfor cksorder ad and 2 frea c lcksforasi 100 day ld pullets nrere1(U Goddard Ch1,Tlck RatIF4e22vy.fin-'ý you wnn I)t tham. Barad F)(Rockl hrdrockUllats $1900 paril t>q fo N00. Eaavy flraatd Cs. $0 011 pýer John Sig.oN'_ ls O.0nprt-0 Ari chil phatchfom 20Cor aggsle s batten andfo spands matard flaka. GuaraIneadul0t 1iv n d lirOnt8.00bOsy forder, baln tce .0.0. rlab o Hathar. Cstam.Ontr. Epr hUorn aad Havy brd ullaMt or horas, B. ,MON.H., Nd L. S. x N.H. l so ldIitd uly cocker p- aics s. ggst you galet ta touc JonSt . Hi StoOt., arais, Apnil 4,Pleghorns cer-s sas le.Aso whi t la gor an Hybrld ,,PullretsfSormont Pultrsy 1~arm FincOntnt dyeCngmorilemanigWrie1t for85infolrmaton. Weare g25dlb. ý.ainwe3cyiur Qui eesi . Depan- mifooMnioa $L011 NMay Win This $10,000 Model Horne For You Draw WilI Be Made May 24th à r.: m r FORU AL SAW MMý LL. NEAR[LY NEW, CAP AC- iîy upwrd one houtani rhour. moi ae. Designad and !bu!L by ain expaienetisawar.For pasticu- arwritereau Dn Vlers MillSiBrIidge-, On)t. rDo flot eau on1 AT STUD-,) ATTRIDGEfL"S'S NIGRT- r'ider lackand lTanl'on isund, Rlis sire sansat oaa huiidred' dollarsatti ee. ldiag this yoon do atTwety-ivadollairs. DRY LEAINODELAVAL CAI lierfor aleor swap for, outhoaýrld moto. Bo 98 EraahrigeOnt, (al pupssapa 20 .A. Bah extension r $950, excllaT conitin. 11 nchplate Choipper, acbOn.t. wlain sowan pocing baw'rd, recordaaccreditti.GbesF- FRSALEý-C'ASE TRACTOR, 45 hpj.;. cio ssn-oui in tad angi neý, la eagoodonitingooti for sw iior threshing- outfit. Porltale awli with aIlnaw tubera. asOnt. dn 1lanld, fiva rooimed trlams bosw ater frcn taga, villag'e Gornie Mrs. hand, umber Bay grageeuipari;,til;d stock aald 6-romad ouseon N. 2 igh- wa.Onitýes GraeA ncristar. LET) AN,î SEE,,AW1L n'iigaad ïhusk, Gond condi- tion,$1,50. . A.Corn, Ko- POULTET AI>M, -25 ACRES, ,20 la'nt, 20 miles frnm Toro-nto anti Hamlto ' ging _-con,-cra;ilrn - adata ossession'ý. !IýcthCwes RH.2, onahy., Ont. MAI ER DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS Le Touneau acraperý; ROI wlth 12yard scraper; TD'l8 inter- naitjina l wthbulldozer (araper optiona"i); TD4O with bulldozeýr; RIDlO0In ternat i onl (4,1.5 1HP); RD4Ctapllr RD4 wi'th An- tho ny Highhft iiciraIanti Inter- changezable bhulîdnoar blaes . lghiting plants. 1500 watt, 12 or 115 volts. Seni for foltier Diesel and Gasýolhne Enginas î40 10150 HP. Othar aqulpmlent avalabl. Wie, rite or phione S. RI. La-venthe;l & Co., clnr Agents,Winpg M1E1CALI SZTOMACH AN'lD THREFAD WORJMýS often are thxe caue of llhat In Ihumans, ail ages. No oaa lin- naunai Why nfltfOnd rut If IbIs la Four trouble? Interesttng par- Relmedias. Spalaista lioronlo DO)CN'T WAIT-E-VERY SUý1FFERER, ofpREhumnatic iPains or Ne-unýis should t ry- ixon'a 11 Reedy Munno's Drug Store, 33,5 Elgin, CON ',ST l IPATI n,13 I L 1IO U S NES S. liver troudble, depresseti-dheadache. qulchrýly ralia(ved wl1th Fi-e tablais. KReap reglulan irwhFlg- La.25c et Dnuggists. F 0UEE (1)FOT B A L-M PD,- stroýya offensive odor lnstaaitly. 45ec hotus. O()ttawa agent, Deman Drug Stlore, Oltawa, Nentsshlidtry DxnsRm FRED T A_ BOODINTO"N EDYS, salis, axchangas imusical Instru- ments, 111 CucTornto 2. BE A HAIREDR2SSýbR JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL, Great Opportunlty, Learia YlLtirdrefssin g Plaataignifieti professIonl, gooi wages, thouqantis moccestfuil. Mervel g-raduates. AmerIcals greateet sys- t emr. IlustraI'ed catalogua free W,ýriteor calS MARVELdAI RESN 3588i3LOOR W.. TORONTO Brnchas: 44 King St, Hamilton, & 74Rludeau Street, otawa. TIME TESTED QUAiTý-Y SERVICE and SATISFACTIýON,, prlnted 601 XP"(>SiIRF R<JLLS hile you may ol gel aiMthfilmýs yos 1sni Iis yeaýr. but ycouca En ge ai ,he6quaTillty iantiservice you dasire bysnigyour films 10o Stlation J. Tononto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUYDI, Gel balle«r pcufsailowesi co"t. Dont take' chances with oa filmn roia. Tou cnn'm ite "snaps" oer a gin PRO M PTiM AIL S ERV 1i Any Siza o >(Il -- C or 8 Expfos1ures DEVELOPED ANO PINTED 15e A-& toe in Caipe Býreton ssys. ' bave beau jýsendïng -filmis 10 seor 4 or5 yer.Woulld mnot sen ti iban SPECIAL ALBUM FE Ncw SyeAlbum WtbPrai (4 ra); sent witb film r(A-. I'ECIAL PRICES ON uFRAMll'G AND COLORING Enlrgaent 4x 6"U abeutf easeý1 limounts. 8fori2e. rasmed onivy tinteitrinmts, 7 x 9", l!, BlacisEbnyfinlish fas,59c each, if anIlar'gLIeei colored. 79Ce aaeh. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 29, ostl Temina AToront-o Pint Nmeand Atidreaýs Plalnly on PIANOS ARIE YOD NTRETE -N TIEE aaw maî PiaosIfgo wi-it'I us for laeatdecriptiveciuer Fectory 5-aon& Riscb Liuîltad, 642 RKing St. Wasýt, Toronto, P~ATEN'TS Patent solýi cors. Etbîh 1820q: 14 RingWast,Troio BRookla1t cf Information o'n n- ýjuest. WIRI 5 MILES 0F TORON1TO.0ý wlthor ithout aci-eage.I'W0 hava staady tieetid for propar- tiesa ranging Ua le, 5000 thogothIbsara R.P. HEALi, 00 l1ia Yoig'e St., Toonito AD. Z42? F'AR1I HAeINÏIIBIY "VïiNC2" CREAM SEP.ARATORS and repair pa rt s a re alïwayg ayallable Fsther et yojr Ilocajl dealar or direct f rom aSwedlsb Sepatrator Co.Lmte, 720 Notre- Dam Wst Mntea 3Que.- WAtNTE D SUPER,'INTEND$-ýNT Wýý'ANTED FORý 20 1bed Riospit al in Palmeraton, Onal.Duties commence jure 1s3t Apply 10o W. Rz. Bulrna, Palm- NEW WRT S NEEDED TOR- wvrite ideas In newvspaparejs, ma-g- azine ad oo s plendid o. portunily 1 "rek nt"faseïn.- ating writinig fle-ild. uIll informn- ation for sl-tdr.sdstlxmped retuma a nvelope. Factuel Fet1ur,- as,9 ea Ave., Toroato 8. A PCALAPPEýAL TO)VETER..ýý ans! Ejoy a b'usiness ail your- ow.Seil FmlxPmoduecýts la yorchosen tmioyali n mai n ;ony a our apamre ime.Bau in a'lailway iand growblg1\No limita 10 youlroanngs.Freee- eoimrMotreaiý. pHELP WA-\ TEND fD ora witis ne xenecao maita-eady. teadypositinfo staay reiabl ma. <44-hour wet.Appiy neareatEmoy menplt & Saiýective S-erviceOfie FL-R.2519. EXPERIENCED LIN',OT TPE OPER- ator and floor main wanteti aI onice, staady position. (44-hur waak). Applynars Employmaent- and salective service . OfJfic, 1l M ELP WANTED r ,mi\1EX-a, SIGLE, REL7m17ABLU; SleaiY nMan, for genaral fanai work on dairyi fam. Experiancé ii1i machine, tractor, prefer-. dofl'gy11as rmonthly plug board, Jqundrý. Al3uiy y, V Pilla, Bokairfarn, Highwva No . Whitboy. Ont. Phonle VWhltby 950. ISSUE 16-1945 Output of Sarnia Rubber Plant Up A'cconIdinIg b fguei eeae last week, lise pbicyowe yn- thiierubiser plant luiii nna'c Febrnuary iit eaew igjis int'ise jroductin of synthfetic '-ubber vithi a total of 8,770,000pun - approxintntely 115 perce'nt off tb de'ignId capctyo -teplant. Aun veag o 35,00punds day was proucei l tht rcor breaking month. Tislag OU put,, maintailied for a vear c., Polymer Corporation would resului ia an accouai production of aboulý 105,000;000 pountis of syntheco rubbar. Lest They Forget A 1member of thse 7Bnitiîisos of commons suggeste' d lasI ee that xvhen peace i', abmbd ont section of Berlin bc kapt as a permanent reminder le ithe Gar- mnan people. Buritain Needs Army tuf Farrm Volunteers Thse Bî'itisifood SittnoI Utt more senjous tisan hes yet beenl generally recognized," a îttsastrl spokesman sahi, and thse Agricut tunla Secretary, Mn.R f, Z. IHnc, son, chose Enster lime 10 appeai for voluntleer's iselp luin 1aisina. ai harvestling tise 145cropS. Mfn. Hudsýon b ,àasking Iolýut 000 adulîs-more Sa tice tise numbesrasponding qlest year i- anti 10CID0 ciidrea oven 1. yeara oldte 10go b vîlunt( r cm]ps 0! ganized toeiselp fearmera.ý Discharged Troops, Up 1tise end o! 1944, approxu Inateiy 200,000 meni and women have bean disch-sarged t'iran tha armed s.ervices, lib iis proportion.ý Anmî. 165,000; Nav , i,.l0; A!,r Force,' 28,000 0f" i s,27,0111 were N.R.M.A, troops. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMElq Aq SHR BE ACHES MIODEL 1-OIME ___ 2368 QUEEN ST. E. TORONTO OVELOOINGLAK,'E ONTARITO Simly ssi sîoo E asci Share te a Vaut Sires Il/lite Iaiiecï tg, Vasa fromptiY. ASAE taas PitKour Name aýni Aidiess Plasîn17. P'r.,eeds for War,- Charitt!es. 04> I~O~

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