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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1945, p. 1

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)RONO, ONT., HSA, AFP. 26th, 1945 Subsrîpion$ 125 Per Year Buy Victory oônds Now And fHasten the Enà-emy'sFinal Detfeat G-eo. W. James Probable Progressive-Conservative Candidate Fork DurhamI -);at George W. Jamàes, editor cof The, it oeter b -cLte ' or nomina- Ladkie for the obyu f lDurbin thlIle Fede-Uraiebcte hibtakeýs - lace on June Il.- The convention ceas been cailed te meet at 0Orono fbaho p ermitis naine toe hopiaced 'a-nlomiinationl, lb is n'w asrdta !iMr, Jam-es will accede te the ise -F fis friends aalb tis coaIfidentl1y r tedL!that iho xiii ho" bbc caýndi- -date te oppose W. F. Rickaird, bbci lblako'ntha ,J.t itr. Jaes as aevJieleader foi. a g o odlmany1 ears aad since E4 194 bsînise ta TIra ben irgey wtb vixvof bot- ter5'conditi ons1 ýfor r ic u lure in(Ce P Lr. Brcck en l aprctialfame -svitb a troal frm regae Therouig the coIumaiis of ThIe civuisman ov ray yeanrs the aus .ofagicubue as had continluing suport as weli as bbc catuse cf lbr ~Guldwith t, ins is bbc efact itntr ames bas hld adminatbie expeor- ienl onyCucand is an ex4aof BFmivl e. oaise bas v we acquaintancos wibMaay nainlfigures acr-os Canada. Bowiaville Camp On ModayApril 901 tire firsbý oafb Grma pisoler-s interneld t bbc amp n -ear Bwaniioift la Camra0d thbbcrearauinder cf then:n uwle r epaî-ted on Tbiursday,ý Th1e average age cf tCe peared Yte hoaround 25, ity in airforc-ýt uniforni, aval toga, and. aIl apparca1 1g dlecorabiolis of varyiaig d 'rvies their appearancue A te caverage youbb on th carda did not ba-rude; th, sQ-oub dernos as tbey aw 1 on a train at Bowmaavlli se senior Gomma offerIl kated "ilHboard" and bbe dozen émustecepers ar Ar moved off in charge of unýys Guard for parts unkno Ti Dorlng bb bude anl uai wenlatire T.*iares ý,off!eicen avt txvo extra pages teour p fzen toegot te wIl <atceabonut bbthe nugof1 sesn lathÂs districtse nov' a tlhitie b, mw bring you lcowiug catbling bla x Tnom -idîffereait sotuces. StraApril 1l4bh, bis ,..dy boi lean aaad %wa cWae it ideai for bout âfi fa, bila waa ýtheiresbeat)ep tînýithbbcaugbera b1'ave cn yesrs. The rout aoe bMpy mood nfetir e lo; Sosp-and tee-k great delgi hiaqt tbe w mnut n mc fihcrereused, and tbinýs se pleaýsee bc agiers ils-o.Bi] tetVeter-an f fÇe streni tehave lad bheireat cof mu iu4hmteea rout îaloaga ta o f a strarni. Anothei noleman, mth nenownei Soasy wl-o ief Omnooa along itb son-e fnieiida eo bbc ma- a f cv ilu tly bold- egr-,e. la. w'i- oud h e' s'troois. ButterProduction Bits igh ark On acoun f a rapidiy iacro--asiaig prýodýuction ocfilk durinig Hbbc onth cfr March, productiýon cf butter la On- tal hrowvdaspiea se], la that menb, nd iii mecetrsreacbied a akclosýetecaact poduct:ion for aufcurn plants. In addi- ion te an iiiselaproduction, tbbc creamry intruc ocf the Ontarie Dcparmeat f LAgiulture report a markd lupreem inilacrcam quai- la view cf ulaverse effect re- striceed croam icollec(tions lbadon tbbc cf 144, bc Droco f bbc Dairy BrniC. E. Lackner, roques'ted bbcie Administrat or fSrie f 'bbc se n. ursoaet His reques, uldvice ba ben ecevedth t croni- creswiih al-xc to gaitheri creamn wic axvek rn May 1 toOcoe 1cHýis «yearýi. The Dr :to cbc atyhrae aise) reot tha manI creaene are exeinigcoaisiderdAedifu- ty- la obtninI]g tbb 1cuccssay q~ Mie belp for tire coînng seaon. Good-Wlill Bible Class T'ire Good Will Bible Clas,ýs nbers, xvmre entesitaied at the homeocf Mrs Fred Tanblyn atnd Mrs. Chas,(, Miller o>n Tuiesdacy evoing. Mrs. ebaro, preid eat c I- claaconucedthe hu.,inhe pe1.od dunring wiha specýial meetinig \was elanned to bo beld A thte home cf Mrs RMofton bbc evoinïg cf Mayý SbH!. wbenl we xiii have He pleaslire of, iu-reaiagMis-; Somieivile, who bas spntseeriye'ars ia China. A pecial offeriang forubbe "Save the Cire"Fund was mde and $15 xviib ho forxvaded as soon asposbe Mes. K. Gamstby bock chaýrg2ecf b sbudy "AdvenIturingI toget her lui Christian iving ilu the largto, the third ilu a' soei(s of porme 8th Victory Loan Now lu Fuît Swinmg Dollars Vested in B'onds Brings Victory Nearr Any-,y- ow hee ill come ai kaock a every ome door 1~ak answr bc kack n, 1 ad ebiold xviisan ne of thýe Vict-ory Loanl ly ~ expctnganinitati te'comela knocks at iho dor and isconiec ivili ne obdy one.For more long sînce lealned ýthat he ,ýis indeed a f qen nd binswibhhl! ombhn of ou value for itthedhouseider.th Th Vcer ons ho fers are inow togud iiiduls tof ards a mor ut bulouseotferget thatýnfo te car butaiesa tedo wh--b,en th salema nos Beind ht tlm , in- sprtbse fCanadi ne lau fr who is bac ite iesartina la hisý effoî teinercas'lthe z rcfiadiid ual(icryBn purchas,) net,, chaerbutbecuis tiose urchaes heip te guarane tn ontýiued lowsl àc ar andammuiienteouthe bat- tife tadwhta aity ,ioulkdo eileod M teeur cf vîctlery Ti sti. ,mportant isme aid cr(-tical oredfthe warde. oArms toreendeus quantito sethatnthere ,,1i bo etslacýken, ig cfîtetrii thiemy toII !-ay. iM,ony maethîs ahuded doiarcndaforiite n te ~ d th aemnM Ahag hims Md Ill ho Condoerdteysoutler cfth so)iier or-.a pr cntwho1couts on foîkatïvc .PcFoilwin isti .5ba pofr etn fo 2uh2, Cucntof up ý,tue; B, Aw-l .24th,.t seconddaycf ter cant; Hoe Tows iip bsnieJ $29,-t, PotHp,$50.40, b11.5 per cent c obte;Daiingta Twcna.p,$6, 400 li, .1pr oatfe jct ivv;;Bow- avi2,73,250, or2.7 pe-c cent; cf ojective. Up týo Tuesday tLhe grand totel1 of ,1hC Counity cf Durhami basrel,(hed bbc[n- sumf $9070, eing ,ý1.1.5per M> l', of.M G a"n cos ienty lam O Xva Apli 25-The Sib Vitory Strain cf Lbeau sales aros anada tetlled C .~ 1E I11Cb id ding 756f0,50ou ueda, b asan nouaced la tta'w%ýa te-day. Cornrined Miss Enid BoWxen,Tooovste i. pUM-rcases for Mndyand Tue-1,sday xvlb-wH ber lparents, Mr n ad Mns 1- wimanvilic reachod $142,851,750. These figures be Boxven. y for tbbc compar-e wîJtb $7,2C)9,800 for tbbc liernd sud r. Keanetir His and bo again siecond day of bbc 7bVNictery Loan, faiiy visited1 at Mn1. and bMrs. Frd ,se again, and $145,530400 for thre finat t-wo Blackbiiren'ts. days cf that bn. Mn. EHeCtber Bowea andM. ase each soid a herse tc Mr.Wilaon Toronto, a hoese yr. '.\IrMn.ud Mrs. im iPatterson, Tor- N eatheron to, visited wthlbas parents, -Mn. and %m. John Putasn. 1 1 1 1Mn. William Raitor bas boen cou- lrotll Se o Locally, fined t e b bose xvîbhsiges OuriHome uand Sehloo] l Cib ld ____________ ta rengai rmonbby meigon Tues- day, pnlelth, wiîth a'îfilbue dic of at wMod ho on dbc strama eanry, came Ill1e lmeeting opened xitb bC siging il gettieugIhmo verygium itb A ry a fish, bC f "O Canada", folioxed by bbc paper, mme0onee, wo believe, bbt bad sud bord's prayer. The inutes cf bbc Tuite a n terrible lrsck. Bill Riddoil caugbb mast meeotgverelrad anrd adeibed. bbc, rout oyýen-,Dr. McKenzie doyen, Porc. Mn. iifred' Sberwin cnevoer cf thc w, tiouglirLanina oyven aud R. A. Fonres-ber iseogrme thon Ocutpied i e -chair ithre foi- doynxvbecFrank Hall came home fr erbcfChowYngprormme : Vocal re -eard wltb ainIe. Bill Ridileli sinice tire solo by Betty ('biaparlan,acopae epellng 0day caugbb a tmuv iveinclirb'y Mis Lidrey Blling:moing eopeSang brown rout xvicbla unýow etered piotunes, by Mr. C. R. CrotNcx- la1tjc pize forth d re at browalcastie, sud D.J. C. Dev"it, ow lin. a ot caugbt for -bchescu, xvich rvuvle.wi- erevryinest ungdyshuud be surpassed during bbesumi-elag; piano iDut moua11by Ms ijoyd b er. JR. A. ForreterWho xas viazy .T-oc Sutton. Mn. sndNMes. Fe inl l a tiatdJay, justfisiied la tbc boiioxv B1 aburu,, who have m-ovedAte onno bodJepo gOffic, caught biswxvo leuaked te come Ate cplat- ig iunu-elevea there, wlhhwcre accu la tirel formhonAM.Silos Souc irend anl att f n cftie cyi-gpan. address ad Mr.NeiliRqiuey aud emcd to - Qite a ou e f tire youug,)ý,tsb'4rM. YKnnell is prcsented tbe i! Davey, vr. ieet eecac gafwxih-xop(ieciamps ad a pyex s seemed xvhil-e bescame lhomo e elpty lbaud- da.Mrn.sd MBacit'il. ni- ek, -catchl- cd.The trouie wib hebbc cildren is Pioen+ tYck en lv suaise Ynepied, short .dis- bthtey scamece bcfIaIaway.may taakingc ep-pCeopi f tierescionr rarden ,The seasnla stili yn,q anf-rteaegibsu iv'ingtm d Orm1-e aire catches xiii lereported as bthe corne,,sud secthoir n a~y ime. oMn.l scanon advances. Bning lu bbc ne-!Miifred Sbrvn -ir Clan thanked ail idigbport cf your catches te tire Times cf- fbliso Wbo )hel" , lue ibcpre'ain thInt 'hey iee. atrw ich-lnch! as served A very prebiy \weddin-g wassoe- Jized I 'ii;Pick1einig United Church ,on 2ïda, pril 0 c, 145,wen Missý Grae ù,setaWa rur, Reg. N., cagerof«Mr. andmrlS. David Wil- liam VWarrenUJ, Pickringwas uied terKeae, ~F..,Son of Mr.IaI L s. Ada HenderoL1 K lane, of &rnin a doublýe-ing cueeony1ý aSisted by PRev. H. Wý. Wolfrim n uceof the oom.ý0 1 satn ow wh trai, the bodicei al!Styie o nt heeoad 1hatilylae. the 1long e(tuvel asarngd it ari woe-rbinS egg bine cre,ýpe with EýcîIL lace timýl. Anoher sister, Ms irhsl] orcb1id Shalde. Ail wore he~dresesin !olorsý matchinig theoir d1re s. MSs Pat War1renI, flow'er- girl, 'a apirs elw it "'o o e bon tdanscri Sapiei ean, bother(ý of thlegro M.A.A. DumaOroio. San M] iJoy Be Thline., ' ad drn h si-ning ofHe rgse ag "l At ithe re-eptýion el in the Ceni osailotel, thie bride's monIIhePr gripms other iso rcîvnwore p IgaySilk crepe wib lact(k ani f si acessrio. Aouind lninety- ciguelsbs -abltended the reception. ror.theleddn trip,the bride -wlý, a nrai in tnpedresmaker ien Ila Cuba bas lieeu ai Prime Mi1 nisý.ter Kilpg. Fi acour f 1Montreal w111 Cu"ifanain miai]ster te tba B oase'f Canadian an abu srbge,Natioiial SoiectiveSevc olie-hve lbeen gion-auhort t direct aay male cF V16 te 6Ï5 years cfi age te a job in giulue BIRTHS Lieut. J. VW. Coryeil,R..VR, anid bswife, cf Orono, annouce the birh f their daughtcr, Anne Eliza- bton edel aApril l8th-,195 at Bomn i ospibail. O0rono Women's Institute Election of Officers The aniinuualmeeting adeeto offÉlieicers cf the Oreno Women' l- stitute xuas bi l the Couil Cbam yearsheed abalnceon hanid cf Uifcaest te valJuecf$;2200 sud ise uthritaivetal!r on "is Aid in heHoe.Éliheo su- jcsdeailt vitb were: Apaiii aýnd IPioy iitsad ]hoxvte reco-g- ciýze hirsnpos prainis, their. iesearbianie te fractures; aaid sv ioxedartcls.Firat Aid, or wbait ted iýl Ire doctor arvs a utiined ai ch liinsta bnce. Ms G .meyns1 tilk w as 1m c t inif ù or t anbope was eprssdtath vculd ïho heard agalin. Oficers for. he esig era a Hlon. Prosý. -Mr-s. O. W. Roiph. Pros. Mrs.E.Den lat icePro. -Mrs. E. J. Hlammi. 2 1ViePrsr-1dr.R. H. Rown. Sec.-reas - Ms. J.E O'oyie III ____ lui - Coaan Mr. . H')operu Mrs. P. rLaing. District Director- Mrs, W. S. Deleateste istrict Annuai Con-. venion i(te o )h eidat Haas-pton i, ns RailMrs. oive.Alterniative- Mrs. S. Pa.nE. O -oyeoy ou. W.,hrva agriculturie and induls- tris, rs.J. [D, Brown; istorical 1esear1ch, Mrs. j. Egeo;homie ecoemis, es.J. H1. Gbo Sr. A.ftr th eletion 1thep.eident- eieb tankd he embrsand aske7d foir theiir cndne spor nd c- was orxe, an themeeinig closed xbhGod SuAveheXK4n. ,Additional local newvs will be fundon page 2. Progessve-onsrvaiveAss ociafionl CONVENTION TOWN HALL. ORONO Niectmg uaîua lurIlleuwIl' vutill rji» SPEAKERS Major J. Rl. Bin Capt. Ju1lien Sales AN D OTHERS public cordially invited IRWIN COLWILL, Pres. R. R. WADDELL, Sec, I ONTARIO I THE VOTERS' LISTS A (Referred to inSetn > NOTICE 0F SITTINOS 0F REVISI?' TAKE NOTICE that sittiitgs of the Revlsing Officers for the pui w-ith regard to the voters' lists to be used at the'elec tion of a niembf Eleeto.ral District of Durham iil be held at the imies and places set1 out: NAME 0F ____________________________________________ I. Newcastle Clanrke TewNvshiP L. R. GRA HAM AND FURIIER TARE NOTICE t prepared for the mnicpiity or municipar A'ND F-URTRIER TAKE NTIEt (,f an esnclidt e,,beueteredu t anyv personat who are net entiied te ho vol tivo atsappiy, cemaffin ior appeai te lia moved from bbce list. AND FJTE TARE NOTICE t forr. i, ined by thec cenplainant in duifliu at his adldress as sac above. of heamrin theAs ni nhu t tite list te ho seo of tite Coqunty cf veoe te compiain that is meor ecd from -ýthe sainie or 1 t Iir ea,. imay on or Ibeforte bb aho cf airY othenrsonentered st ho by n iiee Cleni or the Rt Vol i1 No. 14. Date and Heur olf Sittingas Moinday, Apnil 30th, 1945) 10.00 av.. t 12.30 p.m.- Tuesday, 'May lst, 1915 2.00 n'in. te 6.00 p.m.. -111i beltie Revising Officer fer the aboi ,111 ý NO

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