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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1945, p. 3

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ANGLO-AIMERICAN UNITY SOUGHT BRY EARL 0F HALIFAX Edward Fraderick, Liadlay Wood, First Earl of Halîfaxz, First Baron Irwiu, has traveled more in the i"jtý States than ?n~y othefe te-tsl ambassador. Trhe map of ,America on the wall in hie study îa studded with dozens of colored pins inidcatng eve--y City, town and cossroads lbe has viie.Another Wilen Lord Hali- Se î.,,, as a mambar of the Eais delagation 10 the Secity Confer- enca', arrives in r Saî, Francisco. The taîl, dis- tingguished 84- * year-old Earl, Lor Hlifx ho was edu-' Lor Hhîaxcated at Eton and Oxford. antered Parhiamaent in 1910 Ha fought in tIsa fie'st Wronld Wsr wth thea famous Yorkshire Dragoonse and at aIse end of tha wair was mada undar-secretary of the Miinistry of National Service. in mi4, Lord Halifax arived i thea United StatI-s as finît Amn- bassador ta remain a mamber of the War Cabinet. Ha bas doua much ta promote Anglo-Amanican 'mdrstandiug and solidanity, and is 1-nown ta Ameicaus as a good rport-literally ai-d figurativly- vIsa likas to spand bis holidays Flshing and huniting. How To Control Garden Cutworm M oioned Bait and Inn Cans Combat Attaçks of Cutworms Succese iu)the productionI of gar,- dca egetables cýropS dendioaa good deal upon roetinfro the eanlî'y attacks of cnw r -A Soci0 as the soc %warms np and weed growth commences, cutwonma b - toame atv.A weel c bfona the firt gardn. e-ops are plaute, the Y.~ sou surface, if cakeCS shou(l DCbe bro)ken u ip and a poisoned b1ail miade of branl, 25 lIb.; Paris geauî, 1IMlb.; an1d 3 gallons of water should b)e broadast at fthe rate olf 15-20 lb.ý cDf thie dry mnatenial par acre. Selct z war etveaýiig anS spread tha bail biefre S os ae on. Do mot spread tIse bail on1 a colS da,1- For- city gardecns, use tIsaý bait aI Ihle rate of one teaspoonfull of Paria, green te onee quar-t of bran, aud ilouston ith water. TaupInt miay be protectad ;by dipping Ch1en in a miixtuire of ,3 ounces of lead For sniail gandau1s, 'ln cana wîib arsenate 10 a gallon of waerbefore setting the transplants ini thac sou. bath ends et ont sud placeS ven the plants, sud pushed well don ini the s oi!, wlgiveproecton Th'le caïsna my ha nmoved béer ilthe planits gel Cao large ta li t1rongh. The cus au thon iba stung on a wi nud bung tep for next season. Policy 0f Freedomi For The Individual zens these Says Soas let came froue i-tpolitical o mutebanka wbo li will say auiytlingý,, state's Wig ton Joffera bu hiTha Globie anS _Mail. Icornes froc peoplitb attractive penanaitis ho quite sin1ceýrly advocata ebimiaing Oie individal mnore amdSimore if nom the econamiic aytensd subst-ituting the SIa. They do tbis in IChe inmeofliet and quita, sincereliy overlook LC bureucraie ictlator-sip involved in astýking Che State 1ta ake aven fr-om Cha ne i uclal 'on behý1aîf of, alil citizenls. 11ayek, in "Thie iRoaS ta Senti- dom\wich Cia columu bhas ne- coo"omedcd on severaql ocais, exýpresses great conIceru becmauSeoin deortecountiams ha hears ae- aelyte anesont of tlk ha useS a her in Austnia and Gr ny ovand 2'which ,-ld p ta !hose forma o cf ination]al soihs nw as naýzism ianS fascismn. Man; nenead-arent pens3ons arguied for j-State conts'ol sund power, lna- tional planning 11su lsocaismand as a reuIt 15 yaars ago 90 peu cent of thec Gerlmau ns w ld have rejected asfatste thaIÉt tosa hings ton! a policy cf4freedom for tIsa ,ays ',bis noter! econst. TIo bnid bette worlP lie says, we must fiean away the obstacles wît1hicb livuman folly bas recenitly eucumin- bared aur path sund aleasse the ana- ' tv nryo nividuals, lu othien '~ iw'frds, to croate conditions favoýr- able ta progresa ismchbaeýtrtIs 1-- un ta p pogeas." She Knows Whengradma was young Dr. Chbase's NEÉRVE FOOD came on the see, She has used it andthd it ailths years untl its mneare known in neary au homnes. Whoen yu-an-'t rest and sleep well -- whent you have indigestion-we y ou feel tîred out and rua downi in health, star ni t once -with Dr. chase's NERVE FOOD aad y ou -will soon know whiy this Vitamrin 'Bi tonlic ja so popular. Auk for te MW econ- omy size bottl of Nerve Food Ils-6ûcts HAIR GOODS We crrya lage arty *t aioe ob wigs. front Vhite's Hair Goods NEYER FORGET-M1axz wellI House is suiperb) coffee. It's roasted by the fanious "Radiant Roast"' process. This captures every atom iOf goodness and flavor-roasts every cafféee eazi, ail through. \ t vn(AMIN B-COMPLMX Lquh% & Tabici Form 50W A r AIZLZDp(51e ç.1 L S ~WILLIAMS MIJSTARD CREAM ýa1pplid W dtbaffeced prs quikily relieves %pralasý. ,orene"san stfies. pain. isappeans and COnlfort Y,,, tums rne i Il o.flghl for reief fN ve'saENSIBLEwy tereieve MONTI(LY FEMME FAI LydiaE". Piukhani'sVegetýable (on ound not only helps rliveppriodic pain but ALSO accomjPanJying narvous, tired, hîýghtruaigfelings - when, due ta func- tiona-l mon1-thly disturbaus. lIt>s oaa of the most effective eie fr this pur- Posa. Piukham's , Compound elýps nature! Follow label irections, Try itl ~ ~ 'EGETABLE Aircraft To Fly Faster Than Sound îre lennnx-Hoyd, Panliament- ary ecrtary1the Mnstyof A-;rçrafî' I5rlic Co, hso nnoune ed tAt Donas àonithu verge of 70nI.P.h-faster than the speed of s011nd. Mr. ennx-Byd dsclîedthIat a iganie 100,000 h.. ind ton- le-2 imes moe pwenulthan] any eistinIg tunnIel is ta ba buýiIL nt tIse new Englisb air resecarch sioin edodsin Thera will also ho severaltunnels of 40.000o I.p. This staItin, whih bul h thJ lge t i heword, ilbe aquppd i! aI te atcsýt ne- searl pant eeded clforrelu tionairy d(velopirentz in ot-a Thie eecna pan need ta opeae Ce new station wily be as large as hat serving the.indus trial city o)fMacserwhhhs close oOn one,( million inhab)itanIts. plet Eokkepln Sevices. Smai l whr. Alhert Iei & 0. 8 WellngtonSI E, oono Ot and not bedspoh e d.Ail ,chiclk are trom guaYrnîed test- ed stock. and from 25 on. eggsR or better, Earred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100, Wblte teghorus milxed *11.00 par 1011 H; ýerred Rock Pullets $1,0 per e00 Us0.White Rocka mled Se 50e per 100 white Rock pulletm $24,00 lper 10l0.'W- guarantiee 1% lîve delivýery, oý,aace pold .0.D. Mapl City Hatchery.C catham, BRUNTON "Bred-to-Pay" CHICKS R1{ODE ISLAND RDSWHITE Rocks ý , (.(rred Rocs, G-olden, Hampeshires, Gvrmn prv ed, Ilotse.Illustrated kCat- alogueFrei. rnton Cedar G(]en Fars atcneýry, 512Winnett, Toronto tmention poper). 500601BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK. 1OUR UN1041 CCKS NmIV and get your chocks when you Waot them. Ordeos are pouring in. Breeder atheie re awy sold out early. Don t take chanrcues on ordinairy chickýs. Plaice your order NOW. Pure AUedSussx, Large Type legisorne, Sussex X New Hamms,,Sussex X L-eghorns. Ro1, eghornis, RockI X Ne-w Rapa, Barred Rocfks, Send for lreiIllustratedCaloeaJ4 P'rice U L. ,,ke 11 Fuitry Varmi. Iein B3ras.. Exeter. Onti. 1I0 CHICKS FREE WI i EVERF ORDER 0F',101 Pull't chicks,'we gv 10fre itock pulles $19,95perp100, Umit Roc Pllts $4,5par 100. AIl chiek sol bac ,d-"yhigh aïgg order,baacC... urnte j10 iv aivr.KentHac ery,Chta, ntro UyfYu ordu ret once. ur- Broa Bre~tadSussex cox ýbring to p prîces on thje markt Wte' skinnied, long rondd reasts. Also New H1amp. cox ithfast growth and ,eteig usýsex X ehreaiid Rock! X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 445 b&. lQu eau buy theefoW s0 e r P" 00 Also mix- aS neavy coi $6,00 par Cu0. Ail froor ell-bred, hea!Lh, blood testeS Oreders. 5000Breed- ers onON plant> Lakaevie-w Poultsy Farmn,Win rs. xer SPECIAL PULLET SALE SPA RTED BARRED ROCK PUL- lets. 1 week 015 22e, 2eeks 015d 26 cents. Mmmediate delivery. Hegt.Ontanlo POULTRY KEEPERS heathy vioros ci ka. Euýjy anS yoli wili be certain cof succeEse Our Br'eediers are allGvrmn lnpctd an1deS anS bloodï-tested., Write for descriptiv c ataloguie0on thse different bre,,I,ed, ad prices on ourCovromnt pDr,,,edcik, MIONKTON POULTRY FARMS A-i BB RCS EIIRS started chks availabsle Up to 3 anS 4 weeks o0S. Write or phonie A. H Swizer atchry, ranton, Ont. Phone 38 R 2 THREE PULLET CICKS PER 100 savecd, outweighs -,any price dif- feec.Here le somethin)g to, Muie choosing your chiekr. You ose"three pullet ebîcks yudntgo back and get Chrea Mme. Fou go on with hayou have left, short three layers 'wahihvould lkey ake youi 2.0'0 par bird over fecd3 coa Chir first laying year. If by prurcýhas,- âelivabl chicl<s such as Twed- e yçucao raise 3usttre MiOrePUlMAtsPem 100 chick staneS teres enoug in"ce rlght there 1t')canicel out, anýy dif- fe2rence in ihe first t of th,- chi.eks. Send for Tweddle ct alogue anSi greatly red1uced prices for -May and Junie chicks . AlS,, 2 week old started chIi(eks and cldEr puillets forimmediiacite de- livery. Twedl bc Hthre Limnited. Fergua, Ontario. S%,weden'lTo Bar German Refug-ees The S3wedish Mnister of jus- !kea Thorwald Begguist ba ý ated that bie expecta the SweCdish »verlnment to adopt a compre- Isensive resoluttion iota Cno away aIl refuigea Germa1,ns. SwCeenha;a1 d is not01 ablela adm)it an iunlimiitedý niumb11er o eues and to sift the1 wetfrulitIse chaf fwol prest amot îîuerbl df CehîS. Coniseuintly ilwe ilthe inewv Imm is passe, ha added, German refu.gees wl as fan as possible be turnad awayatthfrnter.Only thosýe woare siweccd or mnake fon-ceS lanidiniga wîmll bca lowed v C(1ta rem i tpor-atily',pu ding deportin. Plans gmnwuin bouses sul hc watereduChnoghly sud ben îlot waàtered againunitil the sur- face of thiesoiL is thorouïghl'y dry. 25 FHEE CHICKS - Vgistered Vnd pedigrS 7b,-is. otiabetter in Cnd.Order 0 ow. ricas for nmixeS baby ,h i, ks, iasiLes ýanSl dfemal 1es : Bar,- ra-d Rcs,$2,0 per hun11( dd RýIoks. n . 1500; \nVLehrn-e RcSi$19,00; White Leghoi ns, $2,0; hile Rck, $24,00J(ý; rownLchrn, 2 ý&0 5 frac chcs ur hoc, wlbe gîven for each 20mxd heaorder- cd and 25 frýea ch!oke for, each 100 day oWdpullets Oudm"e. ta1nniîa Higte ntd1rij. AN I FOU ARE 1,GUjARA N TE'ED your chIcks for ax spring wheuýj you we ýýnt1 thlemn. Barr leS Rock sflixed Y$12,00 per 100, White Lsg- bonamixaS$11,00 par 10U. Bar- redRok jPullets $9,0Par 100 WbiteLehouPules$22,00 paer 10. lavyBeed Ckls. 36.00 par 10.Lagýhorn Okî. 2,00par 100ý. Alcbscks hatchied from 2ý6 oz. eggýs nor bttar anS from ispecial anated fok.Guara:nteed 100%ý live del\-ivar. $1.00 books your orSon, balanc-e C.O0.D. Rainbow Ratchery, Chathami, Ontalo. PLANNING FRTE'E ALL YEAR 1tound mrkt, wahava avail- able dayold ch1ickaý in mont breedeî, for immiiedlite shipmant. Wve aeso have om startad L'eg- hom. BrraS Rocks and New, Hamehres icluding p ulle-ýts. Hamistn, Ont. TETOP NOTOR WA MEAN'S ehlcks Ctt -pay. Fes,imaoy sc ceseul pultrmen ho ordar To oc hicks year afu1r yéaar have12proved Chat it pays to atat ithl Top Noitc11 Goverol- men Aprocd hîcs.Top Notch ~ebC,,cs'are from ovrnesCAp- pirov-d hloodtetad bhre ede s. RaTre are th'e Apil rle for a few bree de.No-sxe V hite Lecg homneIls11. 95'. ;L3ar ok - - 1205 law impehires 12.95ý, As- borteS Lght Breeds 10,95, As- sorteS1 i eavijes ý1 1.91 Plts WhliseLegrn 2.9, arreýd Roc ks 2 1ý.95 New HamInpairas 21.95, .AsotdLtghit 2.95, As- sorteS Reavs 1.95. CockIerLs: BaLrraSRoks ,9, Nw amp- sbires 89, htaLghrs .0 BarreS ockX WieLgon 2.50, Asorited Heavies 7.95, MS lume .5,-igte95. wek zolS add 6le par chick to aoepices. Send foriaalgeanld priceliet for 16 othr beedo and ,ihybrida.,ý Lower on e o nn-axd nSl pullets forIMay and] Juna. Top) <NoCchsCikreGepOt BLOUD-HT'ED in ID CocE.- crae, Apil4e, LegbornCckr aIs le. Also vwhtite Legborin an Hybnid t'ullete. Stormont Poulry3 Warm, FJinch, Ont. D5IGANI) cLLAN1ifiîcO HAVE 'îOU U ANiYTHiNO NER diyeing or cianng Wite t10 os for informaýtion, Weaiare glaS te answcr your questkins Depart- ment H.Pankrs Dy" Work LimiteS, 391 Yonge Street. T'o- ronto. 1, E AÀ NHAESSN O TEE Rfobenton meho.Information1 onrqus1egar1ding ýClaýisses.s amy, 17 veueRad, Toronto ARlTICLES FOR SALE IcREE MONTHLY BULLETI1 HEAVF PLAD SHIRTS $25- Rata $4,5 - Buk ing rneso Crt 39e-str ound leaither-y JTackets 99.RaSWoI l1ankcets -7.50 each. ONEY BC PRO(TECTION.1 Tirifty S p or Shop 'raetWsenstore in tIs EnRsC 1 29 Church St., To- ronto. FOR SALE bougbt, solS, rehuilît; balte. puî., laye, brushes. Allenj Electrie Corn- pany ,Ltd., 2326; DuFfeiný St.. Toý- ronto., STR'AWRRf-1 PLANTS, AýSPAIT- aguS, raep5ernies, petch tracs%, apples9, pears, plume, cherries, grapes. currants, sebrubJie, Eed gin g, shade tracs, wire trac guards. Norfo)li Nursery, Simrcoe. ()n tanrio 50 ACRES, ALL WORKABLRt. RE- marabl gadenngland. Somal( aspRaagus andsinmaslfruiC. GooS Wdel. No hydro.Buildings need nome repair,14500H. \,J. Mlc- Cartney,4Ciaï-rmont, Onitail. SAW MILL, NAL ECPC ity upward onal thousanid par hour. C2ao a oprae dby two mo0o eore. Dasignad anS bulît by an expriecedsawer.For particu- lrwijte or caril-Dan Vlirs MMlBrige, Ont. Do notcaulOr. JESYALL-AGES, UE CS laigsho'w and pr'odunlg bard, records, accredIited. GblsFaneq, Fostier, Qucbec, 'Little Mary' NQw Ninety Years OId Eigtyyeas go Rltielm finsisted con followiîng Mary Part- ridge to sehloolad had ta be teth- ercd on theLillagre trn The girl wý,ho,-as teisia eeebate er 9thbirthlday at MINING BOOK 0F 20 MAPS W. LANGRIDGE, Jr. 381 Bay 'St. Toronto Ont. AT STU D, ATTRIOG3ES N'iGhT- ridier B]ac an Tan Coon houaSd, ImpDortee, xgeneration pedigree. Ri srstand at onie hundred doll1atrs "s-1ud fee S. S t urdding this yo)ung S og at Twieuty-five dors!iý. Ar1îhur AtideVreeman, ,O11t PUREREDHEREORDCATTLE, maIes andii feraier. L'awrum Farms. ,Durhiam. Ont. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, _garag,2e equip)mant nS stockrand f-roomed bouse oýn No. 2 111gb- way. Oakýes CGarage, Ancaster, Ont POULTRY FARM, 25 ACRES, 1.200 1ayers, !Hydro, maýrk:et gaiÉlrde lsnd 20miles from Toron-to anSd amto;going cOnCeero; l m- mediate pseso.Keth Cowles, R& 2. Hornby. Ont. FAM FOR SALE i0n ACRES S1ýù-utrABLE For MIX- cd( or dairýy farmlng, good dcay loam la:nd. 80 acreýs eleaning, silal bush, goo)d water 'supply. Frame bus"e, bank ara, see roofs. Close lto Or1ili ad bigI- way. Apply Box23', 73 Aead WVest, Toronto. 1i50 ACRES ilsfrom Thorto'n, f1ting on proposeS 'Barrie Hlighway, solOS brick hous, 9room.s on 2 floors, largeo~r and other buildings,, watari in baru., buildings wvorth priue askeýd for proert; imedatepossession'. '10 0 A CRES fro)m Crigvatle, selld brick house, ilrooms on) 2 floors, 1large stock batr n, rocm ifor 2 0 heiAdof cattle. Apply ROBIS, ~tI~RTANAVE., Tf yn-hav Y25qtefor 'sale senS .,~I» artcu ~'~4~r rlies l>,right. DFESEL f êAWE TRACTORS RD7 CA,,TERPILLJAR WýITR1 8 YARD Le Tornauecapr; RD8 wlth 12 yad erapr; r:TD18 ntr nainlwith bldzr(eae opinl~TD4O with bu"lldozer; RD4O Iternatonefl(47.5 H) RD4 atrilir D4 wlth An- thony RihiP ucket anid inter- change,,able bulldozer blaSe' ' Lihigplaniits, 1500 wat;2 Or 115 volts.Sn for roISer... D ie el ad 0aslieEnginas 40 to '50'p.' Othe1r eoulpment, avial.Wire, iwrite or phjone S.. evntal& C..Maehnr Ehuate Painls cor Neuritis often aýre the cause orf lî-heatltIs in humonsý, a1 i ags, No onie imi- mtue! Why iot finS out if Chia tîculars Frea! rite Mlee' Ilemdies Spetalite, oronor3 Neuritiashoiuld trPDxons te- edy. Munro, 'srug1Sto-re, l- gini, 0ttawo1. P pi 10 CONSTIP1ATION I l IOl U0 SNESS, liver tobe erse edce tablete. Reepreguar wth Fýig- Lax.25 a Dugise BAUMEEIÇA FOOT0 BA 1 l D-E- 45e bottle, Otw gnDoa FRD A. 1)ODDiN GTON BUYS, selexcngsmusic alintu OPORTIITESF OR WeOMEN aýi1crresing Pleaant iiied profession. 11good tam. ilustrate cata n1 l oe free, 358 BOOREW, TORNT patent SouciIos. Esabishe Boollet of 1lInrmaion on re- 0OUýR S M*,1AL NEW\ -PIANOS WILL1 ha a<,vat1itable shoic-y.Betfu range ili ha m ildprompt1y. FacoryMosn,& RehLmt 642 Kitig WestTorontoý,. WITU CIGAI /9 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION -Yonur Ef-i properly developed and 68()R 8 EXPOSURU ROLLTs 25e REPRINTS ? fox, 25c I1NEST ELRIOSERVICE You May flot Fe, aIl t11e flilmayou want tha var, but You e an gt al the quallty end aer-vloe you desire by ieaeng yoir filma tc IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Stto .Toronto "YOUR WORK IS WONDE-RFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS nd the prohs?,pt mann'er in which yoüu returii work isý greatly .Any Size Roil- or 8 ExposureL, IDEVELOPED AND PITD25c Don't rlsk lIï obsing pcue.S your firm rois to CA,ýNAD)A'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at LowerCot Prompt mail serivice.. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER Newstyle Albumn With Printt sizes 16-20-127 If 19e <4c etr)is sýent ýwith film roî ENLAPGEMEà,NTS - 8fo-r 20e 4 x 6', in Ease] Munta3 SPECIAL PRICES GON F RAMý-ING :\.C AND COLORIýNG Enlargementa ,4 xif6" ilu, beýautful easel monts fori2.Framied, on livory tlnted mlats, 7 .x 9", in Gold, Slecircassiýan Walnut or. Black Eb)ory finish framies, 5pc each, If enlargement colored, 79ceâech. S,'TAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, PoDsta! Termiinal A, Toroto Prinùt Name iaru , Jdres<ýs Piaily ~on with or withiout acreage.I W'. have sed demand for prolper- ties ranfg!n g 1p) to C$50.00 throu01gbou, t this area, R.F.HEAL & C, lianngeSt-. Toronto AD. '3457 'WING CRAMSEPARATOR)1S ndr epa i--r parts are -al1way s aalbe ether at your lýcalk d 0a!rordirect f rom Swejishs SepaatorCo.Limited, 720 N1otre- DameWest Monreal 3Que. TIF'O ARE NOT GE,,TING ,4 su fficient, 1inco,01 why not startmi a buies )L OUR ONre- taillg Failex10w priceýdgur anteednecesities in youJlrspr ime? uckesysle->btn tial iproýfits s and 1waý%gn ocawill 11elP you (ïualifyfo a a, i l route, Details Pt Famiex,160 DelrimerMonl- out Ontarl1,o. PDrawýi ng cun -Apply U, Phillips opnyLm ited, 200MainStretý, T)oontoý. nean, expeience, r01bl, 5 aceonhihy,2mlsrm goo'd wgsand hmetoth 1)arJty -. Ap;pl 1y Jamecs A. Blair, Palnnerstonl, Rt. No. 0eewith somne eprineon makeread, Stadyposition For s teadyn d e1inble 1monti. ('l1-hiour- wek.Apply neareslEply ator and ifloor mn, w nted at, onice, stead]y position. (441-houe- FILE -P R22 Heav Ruber ire wagi~-M. PE. Ontf. Write M. P.Maon 3 ari M.WOOL GROWER

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