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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1945, p. 8

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~MAES OREEGGS QU 6ALUTY "TIk1,e a good iJook ýaitpme". I'm Lq STIR- GAIN l1er ent Growving Msti a feed de- signed togive' yourchicks exactiy what thïey, need to deveiop into strong, heaithy puliets. "Start feeding m ne to your chicks when 'they are six to eight weekis of age. At that ag- they are sufflleientiy de- veiped so tha-t a iocw-eost, bai-anced growing miash can Plie used. And that's just wha,,t I arn! 'u iow in cost becausein i mpaking ime tasotto ccarge-sweetto a< ini mum and middiemen's pro- fits were eliminated". I'nabalanced growing ma msh because I1have exactiy the right pýroportions of proeisvitamins and mnri omiti even, steady growth, keep your pt- letsý active with no ecsf at, and build boues, fiesh and feathers". "I'm a fhfeed, ýtoo.Grwn chicks like me on that aceouint and they'lI eat MORiEoflme, You see-,I'iimTade up as needeid by you, Mr. Farmer, and for that reason I neyer gpo stale in tCe storage bbins." "Yfes sir, morte flock owners thn ever before are usingSURG N 16 per cent Groing MaUSh. You n get me right at the mriii shown below. Il'mn waiting there -ready to help you mkemee rofit fro-ým yourcieso that they11 start lay- ing early next f ail ardtaystdy aifl through thewitr Made ajiii Sold by SHURGAI 16 GRWIN MAU -Price- $2.60 per cwt. 0 GORDON W. LOOKWOOD- ORONO I-I -I BLACK MARKET IS MARK KENDAL (ini'e nded for1 lasý,t ,week' 0MVrs. Roughlley spent the day ila SIVrs. Ch1aS. Thlomjpson1 and Arthuri rotored toOsu waon idy iiss Sauina TherteiËel visýited wý\ithý Mr.L. Hoskiu over th,ýeweked 1'v1r. and 5Mrs George Clark weure at, thair suimmer hoýme for thbwak end. Mr. and MIra hopsn ie spniga coupla of waeks at thair sunmmar hom-e. MNrs. Wm. Wisozpent a cupeof days. wlth her daug4ter, DMrs. W. Barkwaell, Perrytowpn. Mr. andMrs.Lofth-ousa and w1two childran1 spent the ween Ilh Mn j. Stewart and Katia. Mr. and Mrse Jack Glovar andI Georgiina sipant 'tha week-end with, Mr. . G.Dxigtn Mr. and Ms o Keen and son Jark.1 of B-rantford!, visite-d \wîth M1% a ndI Mrsý. Ken1. Saern >SaturdaIy and Mn. anld Mrsý. M. Sopar n unay P'te. W. rDaliii,nron h arrivad Iini Egadfro-m Italy to h ave som1e more surgey don tu 'hs Tfac . 1e wvrites that ha hasad a graind re union with feiiows h ewand met imy CulyOfr omnvl 'PlaeR.Saith, fro-m Ad di gn, preaachad 1animpresiva sermo-nI on Sunda1y and --ave Iis 1istaners i('eal ize, that owv uniýmportnlt t mlighit feel thley ara îndividually, their- partisY nedad in the bu1dîng of Chrvist's chuiirchi. The Suntlay Sho service wiil comm11ence at 10 a.m. n1ext Sunday, the Churcli service at il am Rt. lion. Vinrent MsaCanadian 'higl- cmb iso frinl Tondon, 1has, beau ap)pointed Caad e presanta - tieonteUnited(JNa tions mWar CrimiesComso. Deli-veries of caitil Cnaia stock yards and pcig lnsfr'om the ainn of the yelar to MaýLrdi 15, 1945,.wurni63,600 o mpared wîth 249.000for thU fist L H aks of 1944. y dpulcco operI on as tesnl mosi imortant lameoli n i iitn tus iliegi scourge Usd ar, exiles ad fot'Iis wer an riaeidiveiduels war sng p lmesonused cU<rsaboyathalagli- tinste picaceilngsanid these deai- ngweadifficut te novr latetlemiddellanwhio left lno oftaegood.s to t tlP Lthhc*ý. 'Pla odinry onsmerjoiîn!d thle biLackmarket gaing wen iationad. Bit poeuin o voain ftve aeacoesS40,000 .qaemls Mbîack mrket. In 1944the er 4100suchpuoscutins ,)2 pc r BUY VICTORY BOND TheWord' News Seen T'hrough THIECHIRIS-ýTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, An Internationmal DailyNepar i-m -Edtrials A TimeIy and Instruïctive, and Ics Daily FeaursTogshr is the Weekly Mavgazine, Section, Mý,aze the Mon-itor aýn Idea: Ncspaper for he Homie. % ~~The C»h ýýr sanScence Puhlishlig Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachuset,ýts Prîce $ 12 early, or $.00 a Mnh Saturday su dn agzn eto1$6 a Year. IJYTINT DYES OR TINTS Silk", Wool, Cottoni, Linen a l'istkil of Rayý- ons, 38 shades to choose from, pkg,........ 10c Mlen's Drill Work Sirt-s (n-ýew number), colors Grey, Maroon or Brown, sizes 14 1-2 tIo 17, each ..._.............. ......... - ...$1.49 Bo.ys' Striped Cotton Polo Shirts, crewnek short sleeves, sizes 26, 28 and 3011 each....49e Women's Celanese Hose, silk to top, pair ....33c Cotton Shoe Laces, length 24 inchres and 27 inches, 12 laces for...................10eo Wind(ow ,- Scr-eens, madle fromr black wire screeni, limited quantity. Buy early. Priced.. 40eo. to 59c FurnituLre Gliders, pr-events chairs, etc, fi fon scrtchngfloors, 4 fLor,.............10e Diamondi S. Flashlighit Batteries, regular size, will give good service, each ........ ..10 G"laldila Bubsassorted colors, 12 for....15e If you wîsh to chainge dark colored wood w,,ork t o a l igh--t color, use STEDMAN'S Fiat White undlercoa t forite.rt coat, quart tinh .9 SFie Kng GassCup's and Saucers, will stand heat or cold, reduced price, set.......20c AeroistGls Cleaner, cleans glass withou)lt wvater, 8 ouLnce bottie ............15e Giant 241 ounce bottie for.......... .. 29e Cellulose Wlind(owý Shades, colors White, Creaml or Green, 36 inches widle, 13 ft. long, comrplete with roller and brackets.........49e Silver Gloss Laundry Starch, 1 lb. pkg.....lie Easy Shine Floor Wax, 1 lb tin....... ...... 29c Black Scepený Paint, quick drying, 1-2 pint -.-.. 27e Woodbury Toilet Soap, 2 cakes for ........... 15e iVianhatten Dessert Powders, iŽontaining sugar flavors, caramel or chlocolate, pkg 25 1e SwIeet Mixed Pickles, 16 oz. jar..25 Dehydrated Ape for apple pies, etc., bulkç, lb 25e Tasty Skdinless Weiners, .lb..27,c URONO 5c. TO $1100 STORE YOU--R POPULARt1ý SHOPIPING CENTRE Telepheue Colleet Il - OROýNO WEEKLY TIES THUItSDAY, -APRIL 26, 1945. i I J, i. - -s 1' j; Rtý-OVINCE 0F ONTARIO GEER'AL ELECTIC Important Notc Ï-o Prospective Candi'dates 0 Returning Officers for al Electoral Districts in Ontario are authorized 1by Paragraph 22 of the Active Service Voting Regulations, 1945, to accept nomination papers of candidates ini the pending Ontario General Election at any time after they receive the Writ of Election. MAKE SURE 0F ACTIVE SERVICE VOTE la order to be sure ofr having thieir niames available to Active Service Voters, candidat'ees should file their nomination papers with the Returning Officer for t.heiir Electo.ral District not later than MONDAY, MAY 7th, 1945. Every effort illi be made to mrakeaabe to Active Service Voters the namnes of candidateswo file their papers affter May 7th, but ow,,ing to the pressure of the war service in the use of cable and teiegraph wires, nio assur- ~ Iance- can be given thiat such n;ames wili be available for Active Service Voters on polling days. FILIE YURNOMI-NATIO'N PAPERS WITH THE APPROPRIATE R ETURNNG OFI CE--R EFORE MAY ý'7th, NEXT', and mae sure your iam e.wil e n the list of candidae supplied for the use of Active Service Voters. Alex C.Leisi CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER ONTARIO '7rWate Ambutlance Mor lEquipment Nor:thcý-utt and Smith Fiineraij Dircteros and Furniture Deaers SERVICE COURTESY KINDNESS Equipped to, take care of the medeet funieral at th~e moolt rensoxnabIe charge as well as the largest and Most exacting Tek.phexne: Oflice 668l - RiShlenCe 523 aud 72,6 Bewwarvflle, Oit. cents imore 'han l in1943.il 648 o these rçdIated to food, 441to rentais of real property and 2490 tý -o go. amd services. Gasosieroscto jned1lY prîCent b lï14 ve 193noth rcrfiueof2.58 cases. is a phrse thatorigil ted n ev silaughteired her niai o mon BUY VICTOrlYBOD place anmng the 800 irwomen of th-3 oylCalmadian Air !For-ce Womre's Drvison) sïomei London, Erg- lanpd . Mos't iof tfim haveeen anar!ý.- MAcn asorsncveaae 12,00square miles, more thn oi tir f a Uoal nd rea )f

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