They Know It's Good For Them MADE AND SOLD BI - ORONW. LOOKWOOD tiberal Ationfo Here are somne of the practical steps which your Liberal government hos taken for your benefîe: 1 Guaranitees o)fnminimumi prices for farmi producis. Trade agreements with 20 countries. Delit canceilation took $225 millions debt off farmters' shoultiers. Took import duty aind war exchange tax off farm equipmcent. Saveti appie industry by special mnarketing agreements. 6Premiiumis paiti on Ihigh grade ces-anti grade A andi B 1 hogs. 7 Whieatî ceg euto Sand Prairie Farin ncome pay- moents matie in 1941 attie fat- mners ov er until m.arkiýt for wheat 8Export contracts, operative uintil 1947, act asfoo prices, under farmi products. 9The above, vvith the Exporoý Credits Insurance Act, will inaintain farm incomes through- ,,ut post-war perioti. Apponted(August 1944) Agricultural Prices Support Bori guarantee frt os-war security to farmers' incomes. 'To enable farmiers «) imnprove Iitheir working anti living con. dîtions, your Liberal Government las provided for intermediate anti hot errm credits by amnending i Banik Act anti passing the Farm Improvement Loans Act, anti further, lias arrangecL that those wisbing to builti new homes or repair, extenti or renovate their present homes can borrow thse xnoney under the National Hous.- -ONTARIO -nder tibeo'i crvenment Farm Incwnes Rose Steadity O NE out of every three mena vorking in Canada is on the farmu. Agriculture is the niation',s most important iidsoistry. Siace 1935, your Libraýi Goveraiment lias kept, farming at tlie top of its list for action. Look at the panel (leftQ. Aithougli 3%fewer mca have been availabie for f-armn work, production lias increaseti more thian 4 - splendid record of achievement for vicýtory! Even bejofrre ithec war, by sccuring foreign mar- kets, taking -off suapluses anti stimuvlating home consumptima, your LiberalGoeaetaisd in raising to)tal farm laoeb 5 Durite war, the farmecr for the first time? was put in the somurAd positionà of knov-iag exac:dy iw libe stood financihlyý. He' was poett M against iincreases in bis costs of produbction andi guaranteti a0 1000 iarket at fixeti prices for a ¶51 pcifIe, volue of produce:t. la 19359 farm income was $772,- i400 000,000; in 194 4 itwmas $1,8 17,- 000,00i), an increase of Over a 1300 1200te te ar, your Liberýal Governrment lias arrangeti to Ma keep farm incomes up by-) floor prices on farmi andi isli proti. 100 ucts, and by foreiga trade ... to improve farm living' condi- tions by Family Allowances, 09 National Housinig Plan, Farmi ou Improvement Loans Act, andi other social nmeaures ... andi S to secure agriculture's future by conservation of sou anud offher natural resources together witli e z c t Z; farsigliteti projects for irriga- tion, roati and other improve- Caish icorne froin the sale of farm produci<miions of dollars> K EE P 1IT UPé% ! usents as soon as manpower anti materiaIs are available. When you vote Liberal yvou act for your own -andi your fam- ily's coatinued welfare. 5 welO.D6 U- SAIN We are soary to hear of tihe illnoss ofMr.Art Tonnnit. Her iaaay frieutis antid iglioswish lier a speedy recoveay. S[gt and MaIs. E. Dent -were vlisitinig'Mas,ý. Dot's miother for Motlir't Dany. Ernie is uow an oilt- Patient at Ghistie St. Hospitaliilu Torontio. A large attendance at Oihurcl on V.E. Day was proof of miany thankfTul heartsisnl this coiiimuuîty. , M. J. J. M'Veliýor was tihe speaker and as alw'ays gave us soinething to helbp and sus- tain us thaough tie daiy round of the Our village players gave "In Doubat About Daýisy" at tihe invitation of Mlaple Grove Y.P.U. at their Colrn- mu,,tnity Centre on ;Fridiay last. Thel pîlay was very weli r"eivet(i andi the paritticipanits kindly given lunch af- terward1s by the Y.PU. executive, WekEdvisitors to their var-*ins faîisovea V. E. and Mte' Sudyïncludoed Mr. andi Mas. Ross Rothfi1 n andMiss Audrey Godwini anti friends, M. Meazie Cibson fao-m Tor-onto, O.S. Illerb-. Duval, and! two Navy fËa(inds fon S.yacit H. Que, gt.L.Boiiime fromn Bramptni 1te. Ena Spry from Peta-iwaw-,a, and FîyiNicholson, wlio bas boom home on frog from 'the Easýt coast. Every Day WATCH YOUR PULLETS RUN, for -their SHURI-GAIN 16% Growýing Mash «I!It's jet what they wvant. THEY know it's FRESH for its taste tolls them! YOU know it's FRIESUý- bocause it is madie localiy at y(yur 5JR-GAI1N Feed Service 'Miii, and it is mnixed oniy as needed, and neyer has a chance to detoriorate in pala-, tabiiity or feeding value. Shur-Gain 16 ver cent Growing Mash ma-kes puilets thrive-its quaiity pro- teins give good bone, feathor andi muscle deveiopm-eut. It keeps pul- lets energetic ani iivelY, andi builtis a sounti botiy for the sustainet i srain of heavy laying. It's fuiiy fortlifieti for ail their minerai and vitamin re- quiremnents too - assuring heaithy growth under ANY range conditions. START FEEDING TO-DAY The SHUR-GAIN Way SHUJR-GAIN GROWING MASIT -,$2.60 CWT. NE #Y 1IUIVIL.LL Mrs". J. StIonnia and Gwe Mr. aandMr. ayBehda Mr. andi Mrs, Geýco igue SIapletoli were in Toronto on Thùrýi-sday. Mlr. an'd Mrs'. W. il. JoýneS and Fate viSited (ýWarkworth fri-ies 5unday\. Missý Joyeýe Giihbis and _Mr. Sid. Stacey vislted relatî 'vesýý in Toronto. Mr. 1.1d1iMi_ý'1rS. DnadSlapletn spent Sunday at Mr. Lornie Todld's, Starkville. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Osora&ýand! famiiy, of Welcomie, visited MJr. and Mrs, J. T. Pearce. Mrs. N.ta Toronto, sp)ent the week-endwih lier parents, Mr. and M4rs. Normaý,n Scobt. Mr s. RoUert MUortoni, Helen and Bill, spent the week-end a-,t Mr, W. ~laiesEldoradlo. Mr. and Ms Carl Todd, Stark- ville, were Sund.ay guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ciniton Farrow. Gind to report Mr. W. E. Reidl is mrong satisfactoriiïy 11ow la Bowman ihspitaL. Mr. aind Mrs. Joha Johns, Miidlred and Geoge Rgl nCp. and Mrs. Wooyar, Dirhmvisited lwith Mrs. Roy Stacey. MÏs<s Jeuan Mllig-an, Mr. and Ms Wilbert llnncck and Mr. Ttipperi son:o pent Sund'ay laiiiPeterboro) and Geog Mr -ndMs. Otto Kleiser, Toronto, Miss 5ib"I Hood and Mr. Staný . P'ayne' Peterioro, were Sundiay guLests of _Mr. and Mos. Reuben Payne. Mrs. Raymond ýGihbs held a birth- day party in honour of her twjn ase andi (brother, Verna and Vernon, on 'Fridayr evening. A numober of guLeStS wecre entertainied. Next Sutnday, May 20th, the W. A. of the United Church miihoiti thefir anniversary at 2.30 andi 7,30 p.nt . Edwin Hancock wil libe guest speaker. Monday eveniag, May 21st, there will be an ente rtain ment. 'Mr. and rs,. Alvin Jones and Mrs. George Sanetn r., Port Hope; Mr. and Mr5s. Hiizh Stmptnand Kenneth Pand Miss Evelyn r tpetn Oshawa, visit-ed M.and *Mr.s.Ma Sbta;pleton 0o1 Suliday. Mrs. O(. Weatherit, sh aa;Mr. a! Nd Mrs. Percy Ham)i'ito*a andBohtMibok Mr. W. Wea-â thvri'1tCeo, visited at Ma. W.vý' E.Re> ' on SuindayV. Mrs. W. Wea- Uerilt has eenwith bler dauigiiter whiie Mr. Rid inl tehopt. At thie United S. 'S, i5uadayv moa-i ingL MohrsDay ser]vice wasober ved. Two biskets- of flowers adorned ie front of thie Sunday Sehoo'l asud in tue venng t'he suie fiowers gracetd tfhe altar of thie chiurcli. One bouquet was sen'ýp1t to Mas. Franik Gil- mer fromalier son Lawrenice, in Ger- mii-nviv aid 0tî, other ý was sent to Ms ('ceu B,,-iaIey ý,from 'lher scon Hairolti, la Englanti. Church Service On Smnday evening Mr. Edwin Hfancock, B.A., conducted a service of Thanksg)iving lai the United Ohurcli for the cessation of h'ostlities la Europe and dielivered a splendid mess-,age on "Soldiers of Christ iouist endure ha1rdroess just as soldliers of oua eaibhiy king -have liati to endure hardaess". The choir assisted witli tw'o authenos. ýMa. llaneG-ek is a son n'f Mr ald Ms.Herýbeat Hallcoek, Newscasltlle, and will enter Uaiiveaýsity this Fall to connplete his training for thle minisd-ry. ýAlthoug-h lie stii lias three yealls of 'nuy e is already an eloquenit speaiker and certainly Krill- ed lits listeners. W. M. S. Meeting The W. M. S. of the Unitedi Chuacl met on Mtay Sth. Oa accounit of it being V. E. Day, ihey w,,ere iuvitedl to Mis-. J. Lancister's that tliey ih hear the radio ,spee(-hes; of thle KiUg 'fEgan and Premier Kin,- of Ot- tawa. Mirs. Georgle MeCullouii 1was ini eharge of the prog-rami-me. The thieme wa the Story of worship sea- ViCe based no Se(,-,CndPioneers. Te openingZ praver wa led by Ms c Cuf'loui, b.followed byscptrrad ing1- byMa. eclRolinson, after whili rs.C. Morris gave ared in.Mrs. MeCuillougl thon g pave a sp11lid sttory of "A Ja-panese Caia' and Masý. Ceeil Burlev an inteaesýting s tory of "A Ohinesep Canian-LIli *Mrs. Eurley closet i ith prayer. LESKARD Bisma-Rex, the Anta- I n' ritSl 9 eid Stomaeh Pow- EosFutSi . 9 der ... 50el, 75c, $1.75 and ...... ..... 98c Kkovah SaIts...... ,.. 29e and 79e Maclean's Stomach Powder...., 59e and 98e SPresqcdptkons a Specialty 'Chase's Nerve Food 60c. andc $1.50, Motor Equiponent Charles Tyrrell Agent for JcmnFIlowers Phone 68. ORONO Iý»rivate Amibuliance ÎNoeirthcutt and Smith Faneri Directors andi Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take care- of the imodest funeral at the Most reasionable charge as weli as t-he largest ai meut exacting TewIephone: Office 668 Teleph,>ne Collect Reýsîenceý 523 and 72t BewmraileOut. LOW PRICES Krusehen Saits, large BisoDOl Stomaeh size f or .... .... 69e iPowder . .55e, $1.19 Sal Hlepatica, small 35ec ifid 1-tt medium .... .... 59c e tied elt Large... .. $1.25 j Saits, 1 lb tin .. 59c Alka-Seltzer, quick relief from headaches, small size................29e ( Large size for.... 2 3 Opal Glass Cups and Saucers, set ý......... 12c Heavy Print Aprons, beautiful1 floral designs, each........................89e Extra Large Aprons, new patterns, each....39e Jnfant's White Silk Slips, sizes 1, 2 and 3 years', each .... .... ..................25e Kotex Sanitary Belts, pinless, adjustable...25e Cuticurýa Soap, 2 sizes, cake.....10c. and 23el Men's Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves, ankie length, sizes 38 to 44, suit.......85e Zipper Bill Folds, genuine leather, 3 idlentifica-, tion card holders, change pouch and billfold 72e Lace Paper Doilies, sizes 5 inches to 9 inches, pkg ......... ..................0 Chore Girl, Copper Cleaning Balis, for pots and pans ..... .... ...... . ......... STEDMAN'S BLACK SCREEN ENAMEL, quick drying, protects screen fromn rust, 1-2 pint tin for ........... ...........27e Old E-nglish No liubbing Wax, dries to a lustre, needs no polishing, pint jar .........49e Brass Finish Curtain Rods, extends from 28S in- ches to 48 inches, complete wvith brackets ... 10e GROCERY FEATURES Our 'Sp)eci Coffee, groun-d fre-sh a-,s sold, lb. .» 39c, Candied Mixed Fruits for Cakes, etc., 4 oz. kg10e Maraschino Cherries, 6 oz. bottle......35e Norfolk Apple and Strawberry Jamn, 24 oz. b5ot- tle, 2 coupons ........ .. .... . .29ec Aylmer Green Pea or Celery Souip. Week-end Special, 3" tins for...........25e Quick Quaker Macaroni, 1ilb. pkg......12e Quaker Puffed Wheat Week-end Special, 3 boxes for ...........,.,..,,. 19e Sealers, pint size, dlozen.........$1.05 Sweet Mixed Pickles, 24 oz. Jar....... ...... 25e Lyons White Label Tea, 1-2 lb. pkg......33c URONOJ 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR-POPULIAR SHIOPPING CENTRE 0