LANDED AUSSIES Rea P~nl.Fo)rrest B. Royal, abcve, imane f the U. S. 7thý: ý'1tdrected amphibious fier nh:.ýen Australians recently invai---',d IBrunei Bay'on the north-. wetccit of Borneo. GIAY DECEI VER Wlini appeared the attractivre camr(top)> might win a .Queen- of4t&al onteaýt at Pennsylvania SaeCcllege, orff caîme "ber" -wig J r. boto ) f NMarianna, Ark,, ArySpecialized Training Corps 1tem ut beýforýe the deception 'wa-,-, ale 4shie" danced with the co1 and -1cneral'1y was the belleCf thle ba'il, Barraclis budd!ieî enterei McC7ntoc's phto as aî AT-' HiITLER'S HIDEOUT "4~ onemooingwith hler husband Liu.David ,Palowisky, at thie Eg'sNest, Hitlerc's hideout near Berhtegadnis the former Bety A7 Goit of Philadeiphia. She met herhusandto-e o atransport gzirg t Europe13a1, year. T HE COMMANDO LEAP A commando le2ap is performed by Lou Royon as she learns ta take ber place in a sý,hovel brigade and shovel out ditches to prevent the spread of raging forest fires. Instructions for the students alp includes the fighting of forest fires when there's no regulation equip- ment available. New Building for Siek Children's Hospital, Toronto. 1For seventy years, The Hospïta for Sic hide -sAe sv Ontrios1itte)oesfromthedoo-m à ý-of a crippled future. Toda , if lias a waiting 11si uof 200, More room, more equipment, better faciities for treatmentý and researchi, are urgently needed. Can these littie ones count on Send Sour donation tdyt .::N'N'NN,. t t67 COLLEGE ST.~, TORONTO 'This hospital, erected in 1892, is over crowded and Inadecjuate. This Space la Contributed On Behaif 0f ýHE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN $ 0,000,000 Duihdin; Fu ni SHIRLEY GRAIDUATES High school graduate isShle Temple, now: 17, seen aqfte rceî - ing ber diploma.ý îHOT " F URS -3FOGU,,NDr That pilt which Miss JanFare-. well ofihe0e1 rtmnt f amean fisheries displays here is pal)-rto, a cache off $11,OOO worth o efbotg furs found in an abandoned in shaft in northern Onitarjo, Hon, George Dunbar eýstimates that il- legally trapped Fur reache ai valuce 5f $72-50,wo - yarand Say,,;veterans" of this3 war are beinlg en-ga. t Combat the lwraig SCARES ýOFF JAP SUD Safeý in Vancouver harbor- is te stately old sq2anýre-ger, Pamnir, ia New Zealand barque, after an enc- ýcol4nter with- a Jap sLb. The up marine sl4rfaced a-boujt haîf aml from the Shl-p, then lef t poa fearintg a strong rettirn F'r iranc the pealýefui-4ookini, baqu--Tlia famous '"Q' 3ship3 fol thjt' -in aba ~ wer'e peaceýfful-loolçing N N N 's s s 15 15 'N N N N N j, 'N 's N 'N N 'N * N N N N j N s N N N N N 'N -N N N N N N N N s 'N s 'k 't, N1 N v 15 'N N "N s N N N N s 55' N N N k' N N N N 's N -N N N N N N N N s N "1 N t, s. s -'t