THEY SIGN Gen. Sir Thomas B3lamney for Australia Gen, Jacques Leclerc for France Adi,. Sir Bruce Fraser for United Kingdomn Gen. Hs.u Yung-Chang for China Lt.-Gen. L. H. Van Oyen p for Dutch East India ve neapictulred hlc earc ih kinig offi(cers of Alllied nation, igntedte ign for tlicir Cmiun- tries It tho formali sùrreh-uder of JaIpan in Tokyo 1Bay. PLANE "MACHINE GUNS' SHOOT SEEDS IN1,TO, CROUND The airpiane will make easy one of the most arduous Of farn jobs - that of planting cr ops, according to Dr. Lytle S. Adams, Los Angeles inventor of the airmnail pickup system ,and designer of the airpiane planter shown in diagranis above. Under-this plan, seed is firat made into.pellets with 'fine clay mixed with fertiliver and insect and rodent repellent. These seed "pis" would be fed by gravity f rom a bin ini the fuselage into a rapidly rotating rimless wheel whose spokes are hollow tubes. Weight of the pellets and speed of the wheel would inibed the seed in the soul at depths satisfactory for germination, says-Dr. Adams, who-claims that as maniy as 14,545 acres could be sowed'per hour. The device also can be adjusted for row planting. The aero-sower is reportedý especially useful ini sowing fields ta sugar beets, fodder uraips, alfalfa and other pasture grasses and other products requiring nio cultivation. The essen- tial features of the systeni are shown on the diag ramï above, based on data prepared by Air Trails Pictorial Magazine. TO FEED, THE HUNGRY German civilians unload potatoes1 from , British trucks at food distributing center in Berlin, where retail merchants will distnîbute food ta Consunmera. Allies are using old machinery ta cart food into hungry City. Old warehouse is distribution center. ON LADDER 0F FAME United Nations girls ernploycd in Washington are seen -an a ladder on the roof' of thet Waldorf Astoria soon after their arrivaI in N ew York wherec the-y wzre téaken as a i-eward for their bond selling, Red Cr o--, - 11 other war-weinnitng activitiesï. RISE AND FALL 0F JAP FLFE T Start Buu,"' Sence lTotal' Left At End ~ Of War 1Pea r 1Hairbor 1 I 0 f War ' BATT LES HI PS_ CAR RI ERS LIGHT CARRIERS- LIGHT CRUISERS DESTROYERS _ SUBMARINES 114 (Damaged)i 15- 2 0 to 8 17 (Damagied>) 7 6 13 0 2 19 O 1~(Damaged> 4to 5 28-1 29 I 4 4t 165 70 to80, I I 140 100 245 2 Decom - -m.s seoned ý24ij(6 German)l Rise and fali of the Japanese fleet is shown ini this chart which midi- cates its ztrength at Pearl Harbor, the numaber of vessels added later and the tattered reniflants. IWITH PACIFIC CROUP Major C.L.H.- Bowen,' E.D., of Sherbrooke, Que., who will fly to Manila with the Canadian Repat- niation Liaison Group,- consisting of thirty coninissioned and non- commissioned afficers, who will speed-up the repatniation of liber-. ated Canadian prisoners of war'in Japanese camps. Major Bowen- has been serving with the Direct- orate of Repatriation,- Prisoner of SWar Section., WHEREZIT? As China's Commnunists accept. ed Geni. Chiang Kai-shek's invita- tion ta a "peace conference" in Chungking, their troops were re. ported to have entered Kwelsui, whose capture t he Chungking government- claimed'. JOIN THE THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Mx IWelI Bouse Coffee. Youll love the superb Maxwell Bouse flavor. Ail Purp)ose Grind suitable for any type of coffee maker.. Loïnftbuted by ,DýL.; BLACK HORSE 84W