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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1945, p. 4

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O-RONO WFEEKLY IMES TITUSDAY, A"0GUST 23, 1945, Keep UpI the Good Wo,-rk -1 Ive were delighted recontly ianbein enabied to pabHlih a godyli.st ,ef scand personai tes True, Civýic Hoiabad preýcedd the publlication of our lastisUe of the "Times" ardd many èïstors had been in town. At tihe s-ame Lthue we wer-e wondeýring jus1t how -mucýh resulted from our continued appeal for readers te"send ln the names of those visitors," News that bccomies fairly wl cir- cLulate/t1 aboitt the town îýcan only be taken effectively out of townl by the local paper. There are many former ronoites on out mailing Eiat and it is toethee peole 1that tLhe editor and ail readlers rnayho of singulr service. People love news cý onceming theo old home town, Ocainlletters of approciation ryveaw tat ct. Sufficent of the oAd foundaotion familles romain to send out an alhof interesting mvws for tie beofit of those who lived here 3ears ago. More recont cornercfsfrnsh ne-w nmes and nerw proofý thaot there's 11ife in the id town yet. Therefore, we appeal editoriaily just as wo have appealed from time teoHme through the personacol umns For "mrnnd more mnuws" The smaial effor upon some readers part in phoning et bring- Cng in ilhe names of guests nray resut in great pleasure for some otherihtnt redr whe happons t ow the parties concemned. Our piper iras enlargcd some years uo n more than the fGmrainounit of rang atriLi is ne.ucessary te keep it filled and ute par. We moay b euadoed -wie say that the paper hias irn- pi oved P&t the passing of time. IMuch of this suecess is due te thosc of our su-1rier îwo have net only iooked regularly te their sub- crpesbut hve- is kept the newrs avaiLablie te an' otheririse bus edte. Lstweek'sround-up wras mest cýreditable. May ire kCep on the uptrend? This will be accomp'iisbed, ire feel sure, irben eaC and ail see ile advntage of a flow of live noirs. It is a booster te t:he tmandco it, a matter of stsa tote hose of us at he, and a vertabe odsend te old toownsfolk abroad, Welcomne Home Ail ovecr tie counitry there is the natural and greiring ton- dency te bang eut the welcome siguý noir that -our llgbting men and ivomenr are retuing homne in increasing nuarbers. There bave been occasional and sporadie visits from ovenseas personnel eren irbile t'he war lasted. Now the tune appears ripe fer a very gengral home- coinand xhat a hearty wel.come that homecoming fili menit, We nstsee te it that the old tewn is dressed for the occasion. 'More- ctrr, inuisit make sure that ne man ýor weman is everlooked in the E.eienit of the boum. Some iighty fine îwork liais been done during the war yenrs la baYhaif cf local service peeple everseas. Great gratitude -should be paid a numilber of local1 organizations and service clubs, out- stnng aong these hbeinrg the Red Cr'oss and the I.O.O.F. We feel ha these sarne bodies should figure pro'minently in anyergun- ized cereniony of wloe Public support has mode possible the goo work done by thie above-menitioned groups and al others who beliped lu. any way 7te send cheer and comfdort te those miro were pro- ta ntu very homnes and orexistence, Mamy net be that our mca nt id wemien of tihe armYed forces willl coame home just ail at the snetire. It dees seem f easibla wben ýthey do finally retuma, that ai pn1lic gatheing be arranged, anti a fitting tribute te paidt t themn. Recognition could also be given te thiose alre2ady menione rbo seught ýby their services at home ctemke i-fe a lirtte bcighter for thelabsent 'ones. Thero may be individuals wýho did neot woirk par- ticularly through a lotige or society, but h sewed, knttdwrte letters, and did al la thoir powor te span the bro asnsVw't1 some of the conmforts of home, Many e]' us arc of a r etý-iing disposition. We do net seek publieity for pubflcity's sake. Furthermiorc e, iremy not wish for personal advancement, but keenlydsieth-at cr'edit be giron where credit is due. Our slant upon',this ,matter amyappear a little unconlventienial tei somti readers. It is se apparent and -evident, the womk" donie by our returning friends.- In the ardor and warmth of' tireexnd wel- corne do net lot us forget the men and wmrn behmad Éthe men ibc- hind thre guns, We-have carried our mutuat support threughl the days'o] war. Lot us continue the same siepirit itiro le ema of peilce. Sabbath Observance Probnhly our Township lerk miiihave een acod w-ýith botlr cnîticism. anti commendation regamding iissermnîAugueiýt 12 deal- ing iithtie keeping of]'the Sabibath Day. Homre iin Canauda we lhave heen proue to bold :te tiretie-Jhonou-red British i:;tradition o]' nigid 'sbsenvance of Sunday. ,Work and play have goee by tho hourd once Saturday nigirt iras- passed and-Sunday was given eover te churcir moi ship and possibly soe visiting. The terminatien of World War 1 sair semethjing of a change în atitude towardSundav, and during the 'interveninig -years there bas been, a swing toward taking Sunday fer sport adi, esue.It ils wortiry of' note that Mr. Mellor takes a bread vieivof his really imp-,ortant matter of Sabbath observance. Apparonitly 1a src up- brnin as net sourd otiour fiend iagainst a uianekepn ] ,un1day. Neither bas itcauset i hm toeocndone tcfrel ire cag of' heart lincir tells us te treati Sunday as a moe-,olday.Som-eise things moere saiti in. the course of that sermon Augu-st 12. -Many folk ivere absen~t and misseti tbern. That is the pJenalt of stain rway frem Chorch. Yen simply rob yourself o]' the wortliiwh-iles of' life snch las sermons, and hymns ianti general attributes of w,'orsh4ip w hich are net se readily availablo -upon the othor dînys o]' tire week. We know tintsemebody will come along and say thiait Mr. MNel- 1er as mucir as toid us that sport and diversion were poriiissairle on Sunday. Do -net forget, homever, that tire statemntwas quLifieti iTitir the reîmlnder that what me do shoulti heur thre approval of thre Oaa Who said that "thre Sabbath ivas niade for man, and niot man for the Saboth." Keeping such an injunction before us wme shah net depart tee ifar frorn rhait appelrste be a goed mitdie course. Re- cent yeams bave tagbt us a lot of thinigs about our Oian welfare. Arneng these is the realization tirat a day eof change oucir weak from the humdrum andi menetony of everyday life is very cssential. A greant and uwse -Creator knew tnis same thmng tee, and set O-ino day a week 'upart. We can think Oo]' e btter, means for lSabbathr obser vance than those te whicb we have beconre accustometi, and we feel that Mir. Meller shares tire sanie vierw. The fact that fris views are libemal doos net necssariiystnmp thern as unrigirteous any more than doos false pîetisa leave a halo about tire head3 of the more conserva tive. It takes more than bri cks!t C OMEDAY THAT DREAM hm ~J will be yurs-if you are willing to flght for it today! Bricks may bild a house, but to buiild a homeü you need more than bricks! You Ineed securty-a job-a future! Anid these depend on a Canadian dollar rhat wilalways buy a fuilllas ~wrhof goods-a steady, Sc>und dflrthat'S not pulled down Co haif 'U value by inflation! That's ,why îr's necessary NOW-more than ~eVer' now-foyr ail of us to fight and worlk to keep that dollar -worth a dollar! Why is it so0 important NOW? BeCause tow. is the time civiiain goods a-re scCarce, and Money is plentifuL. NOW is thet hne we miuet guard against paing MORE than things âtre wot ... or buyiag thiýngs we dont really need. We muet suppor-t rationing, obsýerve price ceilings, and avoid blAack markets. If we do thie, we can keep prices from shooting sky high. If we don'tsome day we'li be paing a dollar for fifty cents' worth of goodis. This means your dollars-tho-se dollars you've saved to buy youir bome--will onily be worth flfty Cents! This is inflation! And after iniflationi comnes depres- sion! Weknw hat lbaýppen-ed afiter happen againi. That's wh-y, for or owin sakes, and for the sake of the returned mnen to wlbom n we owe a job, a future, a homet of thei'r nw .must make sure Canada's dollar re- mains steady. Wý%emust -kee-p up a constaýnt light against oGur Country's PbIis7,e~b~l TH~ ~R~WI~G ~NDUSTRY <ONTARJO) io zeveal the 4ngezs of I~fladon, Make this Pledge Today! 9 pledg, myseif to do my pai in flghting infltion: By obs*rving a onIngand svoidinig blackmrktsin lany shape Of Byrsp.tig pkCOMMIS! and other antiiinflation Ineastre-s, and re- sas buing Iwill not buy two where one wldo, nor vwill 1Ibuy a "new" wht an "old" wlldo. BbulgVktory Bonds, suPPOrinag taxation and abidiing by ail such measuses wihich wPIllw the cOst Of vigand -n or ma- l l ic e v rel . e a Claassified FOR SALE Oliie TopBgy go snew; also set of Sin1gle Haraclss, Appiy to Jos5eph Teble, NTeweastle, c -33-P. WANTED A nice quiet boarding house by the month. -Paid ini advance, for an old man in good heaith. Apply to box 17, Orono. WANTED Live Poultry ani-d Feathers. Good tirices paid-. We have no agents. M. FIett, Pehn . R. N!o. 1; Tele- pl oniie 7 r 13", B ethy. 35-p. STRAYED Orito the premises of L. Ransberry, one 2-year-old heifer. Owner may have same -by proving property and paying expenses. C-31-P. FOR SAeLE FIrst and second elass Hligh 'Sehoo books, in good condition. ilai Pie. Apply evenings. Mrs. George RcasOrono. STRAYED Fromi Lot 291, Con.cession 8. on or about Auigust 11th, a Red Heifer Calf . Anyone (inoving of its wheSe- ahouts notify. George Henderson, Phone 25 r 8, Orono. a-31-C. LOST Large Bla*ek Cat with white whis- kers, a child's pet, answers to the name of Blacky. Anyone finding ths nt wili get a suitable reward. Phone 25 r S, Orono.a-1c STRAYED Pr ôm Lot 20, Concessiïon '-, Clarke, on or about August lSth, one-year-old Spotted Heifer wlth horas. Anyone knowin.g of its whereabouts kindly notify Roy ]Bail; Pihone 4 r 4, Orono. a-31-p. FOR SALE OneMao Range, mnedium size, cream en,,amel finish; one 4-bumner Neà-w Perfection Coal 011 Stove; one SidOaki Modern Dining Set, (8 pieces). Ail the articles in good shape and nearly new; also one Vega Cream Separator, 800 to 1000 lbs. capaecity. See these at farm of Mr. W. H. Van Allen, Lot 29, Con. 10', Glarke, (evenings), 6 miles north of Orono. c-83-p. ALJCTION iSALE The underýsigned lias received in- 'structionis froisa LAIJRA and ISABELLE ALLIN1toG sell by pulblic auction at CHO-UR.CH STREERT, ORONO on Jhe afternoon of SAÀTUR.DAY, A'IJGUST 25, 1945 the following hoüuselold effects:- 1 Piano, Erioch iBlundaill, ood as new; 1 Fin-lay Ra9nge, nerwi; 1 Ex- teiýn 'F able; D inromChairs: i 1.ltpDesk Etiectrie W1jashing Machiine, Beatty; 2 Gahanjized Wash- Tube; i1 Tuib Stand-c; 1iRalil Rack; 1 Bridge Lanip; 1C bntTablýe;i Bed and Scrin1gs; 1 Dresser; 2 Wash Standr.s; i Staînd; 1. Feather NMatt-ress;i Pilows 1 acsumCarjpet sweeper; 2 Armn Chairs; 2 Rck nCairs; .i CchHani1mock; Pictures; Step Ladder, F'o-wer Pots; sone Dishies; Cookng tensls;Fruiît jars; 2 Ja-djinier.e StandIs; Long ia-ndled WalBrush; 011lams;3 Lino- lus;Garde-n Toole; CIothes Bas- Sale îto ýcoï-mcenceat1io'îclock sharp, TERMiiS CASH PoSitil7el'y No Reserve A. E. Morton .IACK REID Cerk Azine E.E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency F1R'Eý AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AIND LIABUJITY pihon. 44-14, Clatrk. REPRESE NTING soite of thte Largeft' Strongeet and Meet Reliable Insurance Finuts hmCanada Farm 1roperty aSpecialty 1 amn Prepar-ed ta ,quote yern rates frorn 401ca- undà accordinà . lsfetuiOs f Bunildi"ng Phone, write, or bottter MAtI, rail. I Will b.pleAsed tequo yotu rates on y»oUr Proprtiy Wmcih wllM surpritse yeu. A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIANI and SURGEON Office Hours:ý 2.00 to 4.00O p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.irn: PHONE 47'r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrsterand Solictor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WA"RD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Offiece 825 Resideace 409ý BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR, W. W. SHiE RWIN VETERI-NA'RY SURG(EONý Office Main St Oroue, Phone 63 r 7, Orono." JC. G-AMEIY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Auitomile 1 antd Lia"blity 1ORONO ONTARJO DANE FOUND District Representative for the Manufacturers' LifA Insurance, Consuit me for yoiur ftr Income Plans 4 Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono 51 ,M-P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo Moniuments, Gravemarke-rs, Enigraving, Goldleafingý TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducte Auction Sales of al. rsiZe and at reasonable rates.. Comptunicate with hirn at Pore Perry, Ontario, or scee Ms Clerit, A.~ E. Moýltrton at Orono, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auictio,ýneer and- Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales 'Consuit mie for terra- and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICI Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR Goveyrtmeat Licens, STAN PAY-NE'S TÂXI hoo97 r 1M, Orono Donaions frona private eric to the Unted ingdom totalled $ý.5e 742,404 ior lihe two years 92 n 1943 aoe Thei're are more meý- n aCnd th!aný womea. 0f CXthetoapplti 14 yea¶'s of age and ovc-ï on.April 1, 194, ,57,00were mnand i 8~ 000 'werc'wo.mm. 11,e Royal CanpeaianAir Force Be.rk ýnevleïit n asstd1,353 aLirmeu o W thi 1epnetzwitf 6,4 4 la- y N~j wim, si, m

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