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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1945, p. 7

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GETS FIRST NYLONS tiada Damnaîl Lbýae the owner of Hollywood's firat pair of post- 'war nylons when one of ber fana,1 who manufactures themn, preseated her with bis first product OTTA WREPOR.ýTS l ?hat Ex-Servicem-ien Are Big In-1 veston lis Housiag Field 1 Imme1l'diate cniployment ihthe thouightuprt in the m-inds of almioat 8%of Caaiada's ex-service 4[àzna aawomenCI, inltenvicwing of- ficers tof ltheVetterns Affaira De- paraiet hve iscovered. Of Ihose iaterviewed i. in ue amot23% ex- Pect relinstetement ini old Jobs,135 favé e lw jobs wîig,3%ara hoin or eilyet %ar'e teumin l heir mown busîneIIssas ~pd3.% pan10retumaI t10 the(ir To date a toal(of$4,27,),680 1bas been pidoutI 1 vetaraus in me- estblihaintcredits. $1,596,394 lias areybeen releýased for the ac- ~usî,re,pir or moderisatin o f a omei, idcai comimilmneuts mIblis field of soma $20,000,000 ,enail is paid onI. An ecxenigreater amiount,-$1,616,- 456 lbas been Tecleased lu veteraus ilor the purchas,ýe of furniture and oeusebold equipaient. As the e- eatblshmutcredit may only be authoicrized for Iis purpose on the 5asis o)f two dollars credit for une ,e olar cs put, up by the veteren, Ois represenîs an expenditure of $2,!4.GS 1- fil Ibis field since -lait jalnuary when lthae War Service Grants AdU came mb force. These ctwvo groups account for 75% of the total me-establishnient eredits autflhnized i0 thie firat six mInoths of 1945. Mucli ~ ~ I, isbin ad aadiens ~he dey lu ointouI he nces- ilty of miyrmiin otosas 'v a rlioning'. Finane Miiste Ilsey sd thec Chafirmnuiofthe \Wvartimie Prices a-nd Trade Býoard, Dnald Cordon, spoke ini a D)oniion iwide broad- caIt recently and bold' Canadiens miatvity in the Pecific i5 juil t'h beinnngcf thie end. Price ~oaitrl is siurgeîtly neeed- as muich ilnow as evr--as iare ar7e y t~ouend ofpurhesrsfor h can be putL on tfie îrk Goveru- nment poicyod-onrlprovides for con1tintîons eadjulsîn1tnt assupplly conditions chang. 0-f 300) orders resîricîing civiliain production 18 mionths ago, ou' 'vîly 4rentýain. Ail of the 500 restrictionis iifec ting nîctal products then are nio lngrin Canada is a lenid utpi elycom- p)ared( with moýst ohrcoutnîica ' 21and il is a a lter of nationa l ir that Itislenty vbe shIed lte speakers suttd. The andnti of wr lwith japan 1d)cs flo' t case the n1lcdls of lbungry ereas and (Canladiim c-01 s'umIption 1will lhave t l e eucd THAT'S SOM'ETHING Wiaiston chuciiil lias oîtesat- lsfatiououlythe nglils ould -Detrogit Fre.e Pneis. Canada's Timber' For, British Homes The Brlîsh goverument lias al- ready earmiarked around £150,-. 000,000 for timber from Canada for delivery following the cessation of hostilities, says the Calgary, Herald. Filling of Ibis huge order may prevent, the inauguration of home buîding operations in Ibis country oni the scale aeeded but British necessity is greater than that of binadians 'who have not hiad oue home dem-iolished by dhe- ipy action tîhroughIout.the war. Textbooks For Reich Wheu German schools re-opent iu October, AIlied occupation for- ces plan to, use 5,0 00,000 de-Nazi- fied textbooks. The tcxt'books wilI replace Hitler's doctrines. HEARTWARMING. thiat descrihe's Maxcwell Bouse Coffee. It's a superIb blend of ehoice Lati n- Àmerican coitees -eacli selected for its own.par. tiiular quaîity of fine' flavor,, fragrance or body., Shortage Continues On the Coal Front There is nu relief in sight as yet on the coal front, Eventuaily (thal is witbig îthree tu six mouths) there may ha some easing Ibrougli ralease of army personnel to work in the mines. Eventufally thera may be somne easing in supplies of substitute fuels sucli'as coke. J13u1 for the balanceof14,a least, and possibly later than that, ibhe coal situation looks, as- tiglit a- it did'beforeý V-J Day. And that is lighter than ia any previoas winiter sînce 1939. Easy ay To Trent Sore, Puinâful Piles' 'Here la lte chance for evary per- son lu Canada suffering from sure, ltehiug, painful piles lu try a simple home remedy witb the promise of a rellable firm lu refuud, the coal of ltae trealmnent Ir you are flot satisf 1ed witb the resuits. Simpiy go lu any drugglst, and gel a hottla of Hem-Rold and use as dlracted, Hem-Roid la au lutaria ai treatment. easy and pleasaul 10o use and Plaeasing resuits ara quick- ly noticed. llebing and surenes ara reliavad, pain subsides and as the Irealment la eoulinued lte sure, painful pile tumnors heal over leav- ing the rectal membranes clean and haalttîy. Get a bottie of Hem- Rold tuday and ses for yoursalf what aun easy, pleasaul waey Ibis la tu ridvourself of your Pile misery. NOTrE: The sponsor oft bis notie le a rellabie firni, dolng business ln Canstin for over 20 yenrs. If YOD are troublid with @ore,, lÎehlng, painfîui plias,ý Hemt-Ibid inuqi Iip you quiekiy or the mili purchase price.wiliIb. giadly refuinded. Do you sufer Ný1ERINUS TENSION wÎh ifs wsak, tlred feelings? If fuactional period ic disturbances make. you feal narvous, tirad, resîles-. a such times - try Lydia E. 'Pinkham's Vege.. tabe Comp~ound torelieve uch symj. muaI affective madicines for Ibis purpose. Follow label directions, Buy lodayl - VECETfAL[E ~f4~aCOMPOUND No need to wonder about synthetic tires standing up-not whesa yen can buy Firestone DeLuxe Champions-the tires that wera [ used on the famous speedway test supervised by officiais of the American Automobile Association. Imagine the punishment those tires took as Wilbur Shaw, the famous race driver, atreaked over the 500-mile course bu average 100.34 miles par hour , ..aqual bo 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. Not a skid or blowoutoccurrad aven wheni ha sbeppad ap tb 135 miles ontha stmaightaways! Be suire bo have- Firestone DeLuxa Champions on yuur car. Sea the nearest Firestone Deaier. 'Pigs lasPMore P'igs We', like the stref thie pr ienced, old copyvreader conane- paper who qtine d the s'tLlc COry written by a juniior repoýrter abo)ut the theft of 2,025n pigs. "That's a 1lýot tpgi rwe the old cprae - anid decided to telephone b othe ,farmier tu check on the acceuracy of the slory. "Was it two thoulsand and lwen- ty-five pigs that were stolen from your farm?" he asked. "Yeth," came back the farmer's lispîng reply. "Thank-s," said the old copyread- er - and he corrected the copy to read "two sows andl 25 pigs." Egypt bas 12,000 sýquare miles of arable land iii the Nuie valley and the dtlta below Cio HO9TEL METROPOLE AI]l Beautifully Furnished Witb Running Water. Rates: NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE - - C.N.R._STATION FREE RANGE PULLETS, TWELVE weeks up lu laying. Also day-oid chicirs balched-, u orde r for Fal delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eriesLimiled, Fergus, Ontario. FREE PýANGE PUVLLETS 12 WVEEKS iap lu 26 weelks, Dyold chicks halchad luo rder for !,a"Ildelir- amy, Top Notchn Chickeries, Guelph, Onlarlo. YOUR FALL CHICKS SHOULI) BE ordered now. Havýe a few started chieks ou hand. BayHatchery, 130 John N.,aln, Ont, IIUSINEeS OI'POlIITUSITIES $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICý1ýIPE IN $5000 maionbhly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 eacbi or 6 for $5.00. Send for shares tb St. Catharines Optimisl Club, Box 445-H., St. Catharines, Ontario. DYEING AND CLE'ANI4NG HAVEFO AYTIN1N11 dlyaing or0l" nin9 rite ûl1,us for iniformayl"tion. We are glad bc answer your questiïons. Depart- ment H. Parker'S Dya Works Limiiîed, 791 Fouga Street, To- ront o. ATTEND B USINE;L"lSS COLLEGE thia Faîl. Enquire abucregg Shorthand, chuice of bighly-paid stenograpers, secretaries and re- porters. "Graduale w ith Gregg." FAIIM MACHINERl FOR SALE CROPPING MILL IN GOODI LOCAL1- ity, Diesel power. Always good crops. Write C. , J.Cox Auburn, On t. "VIKING" CREAR SEP11,ARtATORS and repair- part.s are atlways available aither LaI yýuurlocal dealer- or direct from Swedish Separalor Co. Îiied 20 Notre- Dame West, Mnra 3, Que. TRATRCIOR-.HC.- MODEL, T-20, cp. with P. Take-Off, Bell Pulley, 16" wide lread, like new. ENSILAGE CUTTER-McCORMICK- Deering, Type E, in A-1 condi- tion. Ranne's International Sales, Macdonneli, Street, Guelph, Phone 2866. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEWA, USED buught, sold, ra-buit; tisîts, pul- laya, brushes. AllenEatreCorn- paay Ltd., 2326 Duiffein St.,.'To- ron to. 21-46 COODISON THREMRER WTHI elevator, hlowar, a., in, good runn1ing ýcondition. John iDryden, Býrookîlo.' 35 'LUSCIOUS DARIC RED FAIR- fax or 25 haavy- bearing Catakili or 25 Gem Ever'bearing Plants, that bear unlil laballI. Arc, hardy plants for North ern grow- era. AIl newý, trity prayed planta. Fnc $1. O4rder now. mention Ibis paperi. Sent parcel post prepaid. W. Pillipa,, R. 5, 1Wcll'ind, Ont., UOITNT C1,LEAD'API'LE SH1{RED- eler, arranged for powerm drive. Equipment Sales Co., 122 Rn E., Toronto. TEN WEEKS OLDPRERD Yorkshire sowa of otb~dn quality $16000 eitreao eight weeka oid hoai m nisw from ciualified AdvocdRgs temed dam and otataning huer, $1600 regîstemred.CantWifed Fmaemville. Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND ANDI RE-PAIRED.EX pert workmanshîp. oert prices. Lloyd M. Bolîger. , k ton, Ontario. DITN-DACR'S F ELRG- iemed, for Uacbahutnd ul is Write 16 R'. maie D.. ab mount. IVeaton, Otro GIPPORTUNITY ONE 0F()VTHE ETDITFAT ISSUE3-14 Voioce of the Pres HIROHITO THE DIVINE H-irohito wriîing of 1himsnl1f: UBy the grec 0f eaven 15e Emperur orfJa1Ya qseated On thie hronle oc- cttIpiad, b 1y fthe caille dynlasîy chang1elesa Ilirou1gls ages lma. Not very ralsic -eisEm ro of Japani by gracýe or the Allies,ý holding bis job duriag gond be- havior and lhable 10 diamissal without notice. -Ottawa Journal. -o- LEADERSHIP CONTEST Il seemas such a short Lime ago- gya eacl!i claiming lu lie the No. 2Nazi. 1\ow th.ey are ail accuslag UNEQUAL CONTEST When eosigstreets, thinit 0f this. Did you ever hear of a car being badly demagedý by someone walking imb Ihe sida of it? -Windsor Star. PAGE SCHJCKELGRUBER? Il seema 10 uis dithetHiler mustL be preîîy dead, but weý are uüot 50 ueaotSeiceligmuber, -Toroniu Satnrday Night. FAIM, 345 ACREFS, CIOD' LAND, new house, good barns, for 50 head, three wells, hydro amd tale- phone available, 3 miles aasl of North Augusta, on main road, will sali reasunable. Apply Victor Sunderland, North Augusta, Ont. R.R. No. 2. NOR1TH BA-Y DISTRICT - 160 acres, free and clear deed. Good ruad to property. Coud bunling and fishing. Total price $500. If yuu want a quiet pruperty lnaa good place lu relax, give me a eaul. Several mure properlies In samne district., Geu. Wight, 303 Canada Bldg., Windsor,- Ont. FATR FOR SALE, ONE HIJNDRED acres, lot twenty-two, Township of Murray, aighl miles from Brighton andTrentun. Steel hip rouf bhen thirty-six by sevenly, basem'ent for stables saine aize, bouse, it\ol wells. spriag, _hên bouse, 01ler buildings, wood lot. Reason foýr.seling iii haalth. Pries reasonable. Possession auy lime. For pr):iticulars apply lu J. C. Herringlon, Hfilton, Ontario. 99 ACRES, CLT LAM.IULD)- ings, No. 3Hgwy li on ty. W1frite 77 Van AvenujjLe, Wood-, east of Exý-earon8 Hiba Apply Mlrs. Frank Hutchison, Modern 7-rouai bri ck homei, 1,00 fruit trees3, 110 acres wuud, la lu- bacco district, god habrajs, best fluit farm in airea. Hlerbert IZ, Long, Reýal EstabIe, Port Hlope, Onit. 22t)ARES0F-1GOOD LA-ND,BE - tiful bick bouse,75 imiles inurjth ufOtw.Box 48. , 73Adeilaîde 21ACE FRUIT FARM, 16 ACRES of fruit Irees, new mi1odem 5à-room dwelling with space aboya. for 3 additional ruoms; lreneclosed veranda, double garageLý*, 2 wells, Hydro, modemn conveniences, $12,- 600) terms to suit. A bargain for tihe shrewd buyer. S. Vujkov, J R. 1, Sehiool Rd., Niagara-on- th-e Laite, Ont. 7-ACRE FAR-ýJM ON BLUEWATER1 higbW3a, ajnn town of For,- est; 10-roomn brick bhouse, 2 guood barns on founidation. First claýss )and and ahl workable. Possession November Ist. W. W. WVallis, Dor- cheser, Ont. 130 ACRES FOR SALE, 9 MILES west of South River, 300 yards, lakeshure. Leonard Whittiugîun, RER. 1, South River, Ont. HUNDRED ACRE TOBACCO FARM for sale, sixly acres lbcolard. lhree kilais, greenhouse 27 x 100 fI., bank barn witb imiplemenîs,. AplytoPul $'alen1kas, R.R. 3 FARMI BRIN TWN"ýsHlP' CLOS;E Erin Village and 24',jHighwa,;y. Ras building, spring creek, waler wells, smaîl maple bush. $50 acre. Open for offer. Interestod in quick sale. Lot 20, Con. il, Brin. 150 ACRES 0F GOOD LAND FOR sale on cou inty roed, 1/2 mile tu highway a(nd village, with guod buildings. Apply lu Evans Ward, Claremount, Ont. MEDICAL DONT WAII2 - EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Naur- ibis ahould try ')Ixon's Remedy. Munros Drug Storje, 335 Blgla, Ottawa. Postpaid$10 STIIM-AUBANDJTRA.î~Ott offan are the Caus 'e ofll-iab in humons, al ages. Nno une tri ayltne' Why nul find outi If Ibi la your troubla? iifraating par. ticularis-Fre! WieMlee liamnedies. Speclalis. Trnoi IU ME.KA FOOIT EAI4'JDE." atroy s offensive, od(or iinata.nbl 45e hule. bOttawa oger t.I. enmaný RICHLY RECOMME.NDE -EV ery suffererofReuai Pains Remed, Muro'aDrugStore.,3 L 1 E 1A t 1 IlAJDIi SS 9NG ouri usi regardlnig clse tloersos -Tirr ess iang Acadý MUIAINSTRI M941IWI'S 1)ED A. t.DIGO US Don't waituni it î8 too Lle T7o Get fthe Hîîihest Price FOR YOUR Car or Truck ANY MAKE OR MODEL -Your Car Wil BRe A Year, Older Oct. 1, 1945 WE OFFER THE LIMIT -BEATTIE Cadilac - Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limrited 880 Bay St., Toronto 1i Block North of College Air-Meinded China is no exception to ftlic rule2 of wanting to) have a sky cý, areer, las a iic-and-dislikeýs testl giveli to) s)me ,000 Chcungkýing hig J andt gi icked fly-Ing for a life job. oPi'OIVIrUNl'Il.:'SF011Mt 'tPl BE- A HAIRDRLSSF-R JUIN CANA)A*S LIiALING AIloL Great Opportunilty, Leare 1lIai rdressl ng Pleasant digntfled profesElon, good wages, thousands suçcesa rul Marvel graduates. America's gracIest ,ys- tam. fllustrated, catalogue fr,, Write or cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SOHOOLS 358,BLOIJE W., TORONT'O Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk Iosing your picturas. Snas can't ha taken ovEr again. Send your film roll ua to anada'e largesl and finest studio. Gýetlbetter pictures at low.er cost, -PROMPT MAIL S$LRVICElï Any Size fl-E o ci xpours DEVLOE»AN1,D VPRNTED I25c "get hast rasuits fomStar snap.' shot ýServ'ice" writas a ouL(tmer tri No 3eqcota, who adda that sha ba SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Styla Alhum With printke saises 16-10-127 if 29eý <cextra) l.s sent with filmr roîL ENLARGEMIENTS- COLOR>ED AND FRAMNED Enlerg-emauýnts 4 x 6-"ln eautiful eas3el moun, 3 ýfor 25c. Framnedon iVory tinted îmats , 7X 9l" ilu Gold, Sîve,'ircassian Walnut or Blackî Ebon fiishfraes,59c eacb. Tf nlagemntcoloradj' ,",)c eacýh, OLD PiCTruREFS RESTORED W* eau restore any old poorp or suapahol . and make an>y numhber of prints or enlargerreiltm desired. The process require-s th* work'1 of skilled artiats, huitl1h. 13s l reasonahîs, Send us yous' Picture and tell us what yeu waýnt dune auld wa will, tell you tia cost heforie dolng the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A,. Torontoc Print Name and Address Plainly ou Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filmns-properly de C.0ed 4u printed., 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE £IOLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGINGSEVC Fou mnay flot gel ail the films ýiyou want Ibis Year, but you eauanglail the iualità and service youj desira. by sjending your filmnstu IMPjtERMI PHOTO SERVI%-CEu Sain1,Trot FEiTHEERSTONHAUGE & ,COMýpANy Patent Slctr. salFe 1890; 14 Ring West, Toronto. Bookiet of Information on re- ou est, SEED FORl SALE FALL BARLET SEED FOR SALE, yields up to eighty hushels par acre. Baya, Milgrove, Ont. IEAUIIEIIS 4AINIEo GOLDEIN LAKR,-EXpERIENCR,ýjD Protestant teacher, Priý,ncipal in -roorned sho IVlaeo Golden LkeOnt. Good trin and Norr Algna.(,olen Lke.Ont. nt iin athoermd clola tHi llag oCa il. peia manual trainng r atprfrrd $1300. Apply u A.G.GilsCoe 1JR 2iKToOntto }IELP WANTED%. x 8.rence, eibl, gd wagea,11 hunadpoie. o-edFra N N 'e 's 's e 'i s' N N e -N s' N. s' s' N 's le le 's le e N N.' 't s' 1' "s 1'

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