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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Aug 1945, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES IJRSAAJUS 23, 1945. %TRKVILE LESKARD MissSopia Sutk Peeboo!Rgla hrhleviewill 'be held $pe*t hewee-ed a brneAtis ýSundany, at 7.30 i) n the evening. Smî oreotbatM.DvyPri-srsover Sundnly incýIlud: Mr. 1erbi beoquteil wih uemori. n Ms. atesof Pnypowith Mv. nd rs.Artur alî an Mrand I Mr1s.Erie Ncolo;Mr. faniyBo\anvlle vsiud a Ths. mdMrs. uth1erfonrd Mcilof Whit- Palîs bywithMrs. Davey. ~ver he wek-ed atMissNormaI A ery uccesfulfamilygtein Hal :w1îs washed atthe hci'nome Of 'Mr,.aild Mrs. Mr.an Ms.Ore als.and fam-i N.Brdhw o Sundny. Nearly ii, iam Ms T als iitdatý forty attended, includin- -g neighboums LoKuePaede's.and tenants oJ this grand old stone Ml.a Ms aiTodd spent bouse.- 5tiîl~ywit Mv an Me. lugh LeskLard village turned out nearly Kelly Bnwîanvlie.100-4 in Ororio's VJ parade. They Mr. nd is, . A Ad0~ sd wOE' otunate in securing three of son~,LakeSbcr, viited ith r. te mayprizes. 'The Ernie Dent en- Harod Such.iîyWit Colin ýBrown representiug and rs.-the guy who won the war"-name,- MdsesNoraBeuahand Mary y the farmer, took one prize.. Mr. HLljowýellia d sppei:výýithMis. Gor- Caýrl Bîllings and Wally Lîbou werp don Pweî,Clare Unon. lsoWirners in their classes. fanily Airs.ouilestpen Sndy The village cel ebrated 1V.J. 'Sun withMv.andMrs Gerg Smth. day and a good -congregation was Mv.andMr. Lin od r present. Mr. Mellor spoke on the m,_-. Lone Tdd, Mr, ndesponsibilîties resting on each oee T,'7s. rthr Dnn adMEeanr, ,f us in the making of the new world. and ~v1s. lewHalowel ad fm- he hurh gouncis are much im- li r ifi Wlevste v'poe and the ladies are to be comi- S' o1,Sday aDon tpetns Newton-1ededfor the cieanliness of the irn- -ville.1 rior'Ti L, hope that another 'B" (Tee late for last -weekc) imr. auMs. Harold Little and Cay, Oshlawa, xisited at M.Thkos. >Ms. Chanrlie ioî,Toronto, visite'd ~wth bier parent, M'U rad Mrs. Frank Stone. Mer. and MIrs. Lorne Todd visited -1t -erdagteMs. Don Sta- MisChara Hearn, Toronto, and lMrs. T. Falis visited 'itb Mr. and! Mrs. Llew HaunloelI WMe Alfred ]oson and Mary Lon, spent severaï days With Mr. and Mes:. Rutsseli LwrToronto. 7e and Ms.Jack Stapleton and faslOrono, spent Sunday With 2r0 and MAs. Ewvart RlobIinson. M\,rs, Wm. Matin bas retuined te 'h er home in Orono afler spencling Fe'veea weeks witk her daugIter, Mrs. Orme als -The Suaday evenhsig service at SbiLob uia ail well attended, There *wil be ne service again until the &Yr tSnnday in Septemiser. TeW. A. miet at theý hom--e of Mers. rtueDu-1na on1Wedn1esciay, August BIth. Th i- eetiing opened witb a wÎli beý planned soon to complete the cangof the church shed and kit- cýheni KIRBY Mr. and !Mrs, F. J. Brimaconibe visted at Mr. Arthur Thompson's last Sunday. Miss Marian McKelvey, RN., of Bowmanville Hlospital staff, spenit last week'-end at 'home. We welcome Mr. an.d Mrs. Sidney Rutherford1 in our midst, Sidney hav- ing purchased the late Alec. Marr's farr. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brimacorabe spent a pleasant afternîoon last >week with) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson at tir heautifu cottage, Bowmnan- ville Lake. hyinin followed by prayer. Mrs. DýIson, the presiderft, then had charge of theie meting. Mrs. Dunna sevdlunch and Mrs. Eart Robin- snthen invited the W. A. to her homie for the September Ineeting M ___________________________________________ VWhlea., by proper feeding. you ship your bogs to miarket fromn six to eigt eeks alir you Save on three ceunIs. First, you save turne-- ui-d in thoese rdays otý labeur shorlage, every means of decreasing the ýImet f labouIr req(uired must be considered. Secondly, you save feed. Th-irdly, you save money-and every dollar saved in feed costs is o cne more dollar in your pueket, Correct hog feedfing meaus Balanced feediag, mot haphazard feediug. Correct feceding on SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower moans that'your hogs receiv sufiien aimal proteins feýr Maximumn growth, lots of min- erais lfor stuýrdy v n veo pmentand sufficient vitamins to assure beth au vitality. With balanced SHUR-GAIN feeding, you'll save toehogs per litter, raise mroreý hogs to bonus grades, and cut the SHUR-G-AIN 16 PER CENT IIOG GROWER $2.25per CWto SOLD BY ).;N W. LOCKWOOD ONTARTO) NE WTON VILLE MLss Jean Mlligani is .ecovering from an atbtack of pneumi.onýia. Mr. Spencer Burley bas, puechased Mr. Frank Law's former home. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Redknap speunt last week holidaying at Was- eaga Beach. Miss Dorotby Stapleton spenit last w eek xith her cousin, Miss Louise Martin, of Brighton. Miss Florence Lockbart, Niagara1 Falls, N.Y.,'is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs, J. W. Lancaster. Milss Thelma Stapleton spent a few days witb her aunt and uncle, MT. and Mrs. Alvin Jouesý, Port Hope. Iv. ,and Mrs. Wilis Jones nîured te Toronto on Frîday, iMrs. C. J. Caelaw returned home with theni. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Overland, Mitzi and Gregory, Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Jones Monday. Mr. and Mes. Wallacel Meriill and family, and ýMes. D. ;Meril, Wark- wortb, mere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Joues. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbeet Hancock, Mr. and Mes. Foank Gilmer, Jim and Phiiliip are speuding a few days> at the ýHancock cottage at Chemong. On Friday ovening, August l7th, there was a baîl gamae at Newtonivile between Newtonville hboys and Brown's boys. 'The score wa&s 18-20 in favor of ýNawton-,ville. 1Recent -visitors at -Mr-, S. J. Lancas- ter's -were: Miss Pearl Jones, Cain- den, N.J.; Misis Marion Jones, Fu- more, N.Y.; Mr. Artisue Jones, Ora- mel,' N. Y., and ýMrs. Chas. Welsh and two chil.dren, Bowmanville. KENDAL Mv. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer visited in Omsemee on Sundýay. Mes. W. Cooper visited Mes. M. Luxon for 'thse week-end. Me. Robert Vannatto visited witls Mes. A. Jackson reýcently. Mr. and iMrs. AylîWard Little and Alec, at home over tise week-end. Me. and Mrs. *George Clarke were at their summner home for tise week- end. Mr. Norman Thertell visàted witb bis famnily at tiheir summer home for the week-end. Miss Violet Mercer is'.speuding -a few weeks wiltb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wms. Mercer. lMr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, David and Donnie, visited ïwith Mr. and Mes. Wm. Patterson on Suuday. Mfrs. 'Harold Therteillhas bheen s-tay- ing with Mr. and Mes. Clarence Tiser- tell for thse past two weeks. Mr., and Mrs., Williamss, Eid and Edwin and Mes. Griffuns mits Bobbtie are visiting wftb Me. Siaiîm Ealîe, Mr. and Mrs. Roibert Maitineli anrd children, of Peterboro, visiltefi witb bis parents, Me. and !M.rs. J. Mar- tinell. S Miss Norma Moxon and Miss Mar- lon Watts, frous Toronito,. are speud- ing the week wfitb ýMv. and Mes. T. Hh1ýlditcb.' Vîsitors witb Mr. and Mrs,.,C. Teb- bie tbis past week were, Mrs. 1{uy and Mers. Moncur, mother and sister of Mrs. Tebble. (Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Mr. Harper Carsicaddess aud .Mr. Cecil Vanatto journeyed te Oshawa ou Sunday aud visited Mr. Sam Brys-on in hospital there. 1We are pleased te ýwelcome Mr. and Mes. Chas. Kenuy wbo bavetaken up re.s.dence in 'the village. Me. Keýny wll commence his duties as teacher in the Kendal sebool in Seýptember.' Miss Georgina Darling'ton has gene te 'Ottawa for a few days and on lier returu wilil go to Wasaga Beach for a week's vacation before taking up ber duties again as teacher iu Ajax. W. I. Meeting The ýW. I. m"etla tise library on VJ Day at 2.30 ýp.m. witb tise president, Mrs. Wm. Meecer, in thse chair. Thse meeting opeued witb tise singing of thse Ode, folluwed by the Lord's Pray- er. Thse minutes of the proviens meeting were read and appeoved. The MRel Cal was "A use for commen sait" whîcb brougbt splendid, ans- wers.. It was moved that the next meeting wIll be held iu tise Sunday Siciool room, wisen it mas boped te have a visit from tise neWly elected presF-ideut, Mes. Werry. Miss Jean Hloy faVoured witb saieemo known selecetions on ber guitar, wviicis were veey much enjoyed. Mrs. M. Luxon Iben gave a talk on tise production of sait. from Wýhere it was procured and it's mauy uses, whicb mas found vevy enligbtening. It mais anuouuced that October l7th, lSgth and l9th mere thse days set for thse W. I. Area Coôn- venition lu Toronto, beld at the Royal York Hotel. Mes. F. Stoker rend ani extract about Miss Lau-,ra- Tren- bioime Peteeson, a Canfadian ýv)mman e Montreal, mise Spentt ise war years iu ýDeuimark. The priesfiet cou- dlucted a courtest where tisemessIbers weeasked, te state the iuatioult of wellkou nme]rmnu theouisýout thle war reenîy breOugbt iioa endI. The -library mas ecoratÉ- and ine treaers ith "'V" for vie- tory veyoie nt. Al Joined ini singiinig "OCanada" uand "The -Maple, Leaf for Ever", and after avr n apiiig meeting the 11,ig f h National Anitbecmbogt to acls another very ,-pleaat feron A pcilsrieof prayr an thanksgiving for world peacewas',J held on "wu.day mrig isNli HMIl taking the -service andprain a very- thiouigibtfilsemnoth text "ec ev t em peace Igivýe wuntoyoui.* r Atu Thlonipson ofrdpraýyeran Is K. Stewart ra01esW irre r Jas. Sabikedtesnig of hymns of takgvn.Th)e h- dren'sstory wsof tI itti Wls gïi Who, although she couil !nyt rend, was detersined -ýIto 1have a-ibl'e of her veTy own anî save for siX years and walked tnyfive iles iu ýorder Ito buy a bible and, thus real- iz'ed ber wisfi. The incideni-t was the begînning of tihe Bible,ý Socýiety wbich now prints the bible ýin every ian- guage. During thse couirse of a heip- fui sermon, Miss 1lli stated that we must aillwork for, peace on earth which is so much desired anid added 'Swe can do aIl thingsthog Christ wicb steengtheneth us,"Nex-t Sun- day morning, Auguist 26t!h, the ser-ý vice -will5 be conducted b'y tlie WN. A. when itis boped tLhere will be a good attendance. (Too late for last wýeek) Mr. Harry Farrow has isought thse faem ooe Mr. Walter Th-erteil. Quite a foew fromlbore started work on tise tobacio farm on Monday. Miss Beatnice Tbompson spent a few days witis Mr. and Mes. Roy Mercer. Quite a few feotm here attended Decoration Day at Newtonvilie on Sunday. Pte. Robert Hfildilcis bas been mov- ed te Vernon, B.C., and Iras met Pte. Earl Buriey tisere, Mri. Alec. Little spent a couple of days with Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. John Thompson and Marion. Miss Hazel Tiseetelli is -visiting Mr. and IMr%. Linton at their summer cot- tage, Ashley, for a few days. 1 Mr. and Mvrs. Arthur Grant and Miss Violet Meece vilsited witis Mr. 1and :Mrs. Wm. Mercer over thiewe- end Mr. and Mes. Wlm, Geary have re- tuened ta Kendal and ar staying witb Mes. CGeav's father, _Mr, George Püope. Me. and M's. j. C. SIoane, ofq Michigan, are spendIing,, a couplle of weeks -With Mriiand Mrs, Mru sioper. Miss Shirley Theriteliý is spendîng a few rek with ber miother,.Mers. Norman lilsertelI, at the>ir summer cottage bere. 1Mis. Thorne, iMrs. W. R-ougisfley, David and Donnie are spendig a few weeks with the rioemier's soni, Mr. and Mers. Everett Tbrone ab Humiber- stone. Mrs. A. G. Dailirigton lais spendîng a few days math her dlaughter, Mr.s. J. Glover, Ajax, aind Miss _Geoeginîa DaeingÈton is speniAfig a week at home bore. Mes, 5. B. GaB'av. an-d Dyaine, Miss Gloria Cru>ýisýe with Mesý. Mar Luxon and Maron ipent tisew, eek-enId- at 'tise latter's cottage ,oniLake lKos1 Hog and report grand wtveather aind everytbing fhldwithi peopIe ,and cars~ iu that part of thâeecountry. Miss Doreen Peerett aInd MUn anid Mes. Veunieil haive been viistiting wýitb Me. and 'Mrs,. Blake AlxndrIis past week. Mr., Roert Alexander bas returned te Toronto after spend- img his vacation at hom,,e 1here. iMes. J. MacTaggart anid childven. are spending a week witb Me. and Mrs. B. Alexander. The consbined synthetic- rubber out- put of the United Statles and Canada bas supplied thse armefoce of tise Allies wibaIl the ealbber tbey need, Thse Canadian radio iudusý,try in 1944 produced $0,0000 orts eff electronie equipment for Canad(a and its allies, compaired witis au annal pre-war produtiton of approximiateiy $15,000,000. Canada raniks tiird among lise United Na-tionýs in naval power and fourtb in air power. Psarbig tise wae, Canada bcaefourtsargstSLIP- plier of wavir equi4pmen-t, tisird trading nation and second lexýpor-ting naitionj asssoug thse United Nations. Radio-s lhave nmoved freoiîîsevertis bo tiird place, followiulg tmbie anud refrigernars iii tie list of "bi)gý' purcasesmisci anadansplan te niake afler ftise wvar. f'n a recent ',surv- vey, 42%ýÏ of tise people poIled ai they intenld te hbuy arai after tise war. Tyrrell's Drug Store Dzru-gs, Statlionery Kodlaks Phone 68, Oro-no sOHOOý0,L S UPPLES Stuent !We ha-ýve a copeestock of Sehool Sup- pli-es for bot u blic choand CniuainSehool use. ' Be sure and ishoiLpeay for somie of the s-upplies that youKNWouwl need, such 'as penils,-, eras- rs rulers, scribhliers, n-ote bo1s nd xeciebooks, anrd espeeCialy fojuantin peni,,is n fountai pen and peneil sets, Some are iin sho-rt supplyv and for tihese it'ems it is wise for you to SIIOP EARÈLY. SCHOOL TEX',,T BOO9KS-1 We stock ALL the text books needed for Public and Continuation Schools S AC C A RI1N Is the ideal sugar saver, both for sweetening foods and beverages and for pickling use. Here are new- Iow prices. (1-4 gr. has the Isweeteniug properties oýf 1 teaspoonful of sugar). 1- 4 gr. taiets, 100. 15e 500. .49c, 1000- 89C 1-2 gr. tablets, 80, A. 5c, 500 ..59c. 1000,.SI-.P9 SACCilARIN POWDER 60 gns.. . .l1c. 120 grs....5e. 240 grs..-. .25e WALLPAPERS We have at present a considerable 'amount of pat- terns.markedto clear-at 13c. per singlde roll and Iess. ASK TO SEE TIIEM You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Two-Way Electrie Sockets, made from brown bakelite, each.......*. ........ ......... 15c Ruibber Fly Swatters....... ....... ......-10Ci Penligh-t FlashligLhts....... .. ........ ..25 Complete wvith Batteries ........'I&,.. 0 Mem-ba Seals, no wax to mneit, 25 com-plete sas pkg ......... ................ à Jar Rubbers, new stock, r-ed, 2 pkg-s. for.....5 e Parowax, 1 lb. pkg.................1 5C Sinko, cleans clogged drains, tin.......35C Mý'ou-se Traps, 3 for. - . 1..............0 Chiildren's Prophylactile Tooth Brushes....1 c Sea,-ltite Gummni-edl Sealing Tape for seR ' ing par- cels, etc., assorted w,,idths, each. ....15 GROCERY' FEATURES SprSuds, larvge pkg, our price.......4 Lby'sToato Ji ce,'20 ounce tins, 2 f or....19c Fry's C-'ocoaî, i lb. tinî1 ........ ........ .....31 Peanuit Butter, 9 ounce jar for ...... ....... 16e Lyon'ýs Tea Bags, box of 30 îbagýs for'ý... .....35ec Catelli iReadyý-cut Macaroni, 1ilb. pkg......le fRoyal York Coff ee, fr-,esh groundl withi free tu- bler, i1 lb. for . . ... . .. 3.. .87,e Diced Beets, 20 ounce tins, 2 for 2 5 URONO 5c. TO $tOO0 STORE YOUR POPULTAR SHOPPING CE-NTRE Motor Equipmtent Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Fuineral Direet&rs and Furniture, Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take-ae of the modeu3t fanieraI at tii. mont reasoiaabIe charge as well as the largest and meut exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Redne52S îand 726 Telephone Collect Bowmar,îlle, Owt. 1 1

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