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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 1

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LY Vol. 9» No. 33. ORONO, ONT., THUiR--SDAY, SE PT, lSth, 1945 Durham Central Agricultural Society Fair, at Orono, Sept. 21-22 Boys And Girls Show Pigs And Calves At Blackstocki Thle West .Durhiam iSuwie Cluband terAchiievenient DayPrgam .atBlacstckFair on enedy Setebo th. A re!ord ,was ad 'Wi% the Saine Clab svhen twentyý two Joys lwd herpatirs5 of pure- bsdYcrkslîive ws n in by crn drs took PartinltheCaîf Lub. In 1911 the Bowrnanville Rotar ud-. Lions ('lut;pose the Wes;t Dulmsaineo(Club by purchini!g iranpairs oi pure-bred pics. Ibis SwineClubiraspl'aced miiore or les onapemnt basis at ithat ime as eneli Seine Club meunIer returns a poiu of pigs in emah suceedng 'ar. The tro S-ponsoing Clubs can VAe jusdly proud of die manier hi 'wihthe Sçwine Chsib lhas developod in the past seven years. MNd.Elgin Senn, Doinion Live- stock Bý ranch, who actedl as iug or the pîgs comlimented the boys on WHu, excellent qulity of ther sonos and aJis, the fiene aanner in ic ithy w (er e s !i . M ILM.H.Winiter, qulc alves shiown by the bysand FI tnigof the boy,.s i1ithithe firtiv.e pairs of pigs av:s: 1. Ivanr Gwfd;2, Glbert all;3 a ard oatha.m. FluTe ClbMmes val--ves pCeepae:1 ln amr 2,9e.idTaylor; 3, Beryl Lnnler. HIloireverý inecl Club thelistc exhîit ny cu nted abouton-hr of the total score as marks 'woe wrdedl forjugnqetosh- ndattendl(ance atmeetings. Oniltbeý ttal aore the san ir t He(clube 22,Neil M'offtit, Ooa R. R. 1; 3 jea Cawfrd EaisileaR. R. 1: ~,3Gae agnd apo R. R. 1; 7, StanleyMisonikienR R. 1;8,;Allan WerS , nnisille R R. R. 2; 10,.F2r 1oun eG rey NewasReR. R 1 Re1PScoeunr jampton' R. . R .'12,;Merri an Al- ci , Enniakill1en R. R. 1;-16,' Al!eck M'voffat, ooR.PR.. ;1: 7ý, Roi- l.nn Go- -bs, owmnville R. R. 4; 18, Ronl ahun, Ennisýi1leln;19 loadPrecott, BrrtnR. R. 2; 20,MurayPrecot, uvketon ýR. H. 2; 21, Fluoms Contiumn, Orono R,, R. 1;22, Merril Mc -lGill, Jaaetville R. R. North Durhlam Caîf Club OrOnDo liorticultural Society Flower Show WIifnersý heddi inteSundny chool ofthue Unte iurc tTh ursday eveing and at tho. samne timie the produ-ce of the victery gardens was judged. The first prize for bbc victory gar- den wet to Mrý. F. J. Hall; sec0od to Mr.J. D rown, and tiird to 'Mrs. l. W. op. Ini thre fo show Mrs. F. Tamn- blyn took Htie spocial. prize for the dislay of Gldoiairdf'iirat for bas- ket of Gladioli and first for.tire best six spikesuý of Gladioli; Ms Sherin%,i received first prize for, trie best col- lection offiwr and first for A\s- tes Mrs. E. Paliterson reeîived second prise for collecton of floirersý * nnd Second for dinin.g, table bouquet; Mrs. F. Hall first for collection of Glio nd scndfr i pikes of11 Gladioli; Miss Annam Staples- first for d'iningtal bouquet. Tulip bulbs were given for prises. Thiere wua npleasing progrnm orf music and song. Those generously, giigof theirLtalenit were Miss- Ba,ýr- bara .An olpbi, Miss Anna Staple,, Mrs. R. FH. Browii, Ms iteod Mr'. WM . G Mitchell and Mnr. M. IL. Any moiud of Fancy Shoes FromN ow O Froýmu n+oI n tere is rest cio oiih rdcinofsos atm Prices and Trade Board has an- nouinced, As a r e sU1,ait ail sorts of coIlours anjd paItternIsma be brouglut ont. Prive contros and oqutitbe dis- tibution of sosmaniuf-nctu.red %ilî sýtill cotne ust itch i bltire ýir'Ill be uying iii a feir montis. Open Season For Docks And Ceese Che apen serson for the shootir of ducks and gemwaire as foloirs In' thle Nortburil ditict fr Sp- tomber 151th to, Decembier thi. anid ihouhot h rema-inder of the pro- vince froi-î- Septeniber -25thi to De- (ýerber 15. ex-ept, that in the Cýoun- tes of Eessex, Kent and Elgini the open season for- geese (othe-r than iBrant) shaîl be froml Noveaber lst to January lotbn. A persýon maîy shoot fifteen dulicks in nny day, of \hihbnorore thanÀ o)jne may W'L"eWodDrrck; G(ee P,, Glenn LCt !mera,11Ne>tlet,,-, , R. R"".,0 ~2, Donalid TaylrEniskill'en .10 uk nd5ieseiLr~ esn 4l, iCrdVan1Camp, etetnR R.2 ,Bery! l (rmr , Nestieton R. patmen 1t S Cof Agi i1Ulue R. 2;: eriiHenr-y, lcsok Two mibr of each Cluib wiil be 7,KethMcdl, nnsklln~S hoentoreeetu Duha.m County Joye cGll Enikilen 9 Suat in t he Ite lu orapetitions at DorrliNesieto R.R. . Guelp th laterpart of Otober. Thoe prize moniey wil -b e ard.These, teaims w*IIIreceive further eafybthAiutrl Soieiescochig rm E. A. SummeTs, Agi- îan th Dminon ndProvincý;ial De- clurliepresentative. Many New Attractions For O0rono ExhibitÏion Whn ou ttend Orýono Fiir this year ' you a5re assured of seeing at good !air 'with lots of e terta inunénèt thro'wia in -for good mnensu;re. Before we proceed any farther wo wat to asIc ibe nny exlibito)rs to sead la thecir ent-cies early, for if everyone love tisuntil t'le lat ouple of daysz, it rme.,n. a ntremendlous amount of \work for ithe secretnrIly > ad bis assitan topuae ail the entios I i.. Onfion Iïand busi ibe exhiiIrn wou d olystai't now nnd send in lIe of. ouad ttieaon tm The firat- day of ibe Pir mvil gýiron ol ver t o the l'qt;d,-ii, JtIelx bi la theArclua ulig and it is helieved tluat this yenr iii brng ont an incrense over last yenr. StrySeýptenaber 22nd is the big diay of the Fair. Tinls day is de- voted to thie judg,ýing of' live stock, horse races, mîdwy, ontertaýinuent 'mdl thie vîewýinig of blue display la the bil!dinig, Orýonobas aunsbeca knf o hold a good aigrïucultural vair, (one of ,tie best ini dsrit j.. Rdd>ldcided [to (do sreh 'bou tbi pai of he fir aud hei Clarke Township Coancil Septomber 4w, 1l45 The (Marke Township Councfl met on the abeve dlate ili l reguilar mLeet- ing. Allimotbers býeing present. The mlinutes crof the previous lmeeting were read and on Motion approved, A letter cas read inrespct te the EllotiCeetey or f endl i thoierkvas -stue otrey.o the letter, statlng wha[tacinetd be taken. Wmu. Mlo drs the Counuil regarding sýcome trees narbijpý c and thle Roind Suprinitendent iras asked to meet wîth M. alo nd see what arrangeents aoubldbe lnude A request was made for a ron! kt- te of occuatio on Part of the rond betvween Lots 2 and blAuth secehd cession, and it *was dcided to C.,1l- ly osdr the matter f alVo 1 t l vhnthe businepss wauoýnipJlte. The Reeve brouglit up the atter of a bad washout on Mhe road allow- ance between Lots 12ýaind 13i"n the, fifth concession. The iload Super- intend]enýtwas :asked to v Miiheplc and nmako sdme arrangements for Uhe repairing of the same.1 The floig resýolutions re Res 127-Agreeing to ýthe clos- inig of Centre an)Id Paýrk Stleets, rnd'u i ng tlihetwo Firdays. Ras 138L~~Cotinu in,,C.F. A]wde as TxCletrup t and including cobr2ndI,195 Is.1239 IPetuitioningu the Ontario Departm,,entý of Hlighwayýs, for an in- teri pa)ýynrietto(n the anlount spent Re.140Grn tin ite Durham ConyPlowme1 l(,n sAscainthe Clar toproeedin he atter of. îubbsh ein dupe4on ft.wnship road, epecall on he ideoadbe- LveenLts 32and 33 ite -ra on- Thle Ollofmig accounts were or.- Rond Vochr o. 7............... .0 W. Jý. ROE. D-- .O........ JTohn LciToýwnsbip fliag Mrs, K. J. Ranldaîl, R, vs F. Mrs. Hl. M.i........... J. J Mellor, slrpostage nnid incidlenltas ......... ... W. C. Lanei, aftercae Oroo eekly TFîm)es, ini- ...tes ... . ... .. ............... R. H. Wood, cave of ll ..... 11.50l 10.70, 8.34 .65' 1- Durham County Federation Banquet O'n December 7th The Duirlam County Federaition of Agriculture]met at thle home of Mr. and Mrs. Ens Larmner on, Septonu- b)er thýe 7,lh. Tiiere wýmeeovrwenity in atednc n verýy profi table evening iras s pent in the inrts ofi flms ini thescos and furtber plansi- vxas La lengothy dsuuio Jn twa. docided to eeat ever, Forum in foraiohrFrm. de oth ter-he, nae -~~~~ cavrs,. .Husn. for thUntinuaion of them through- Carke -M.G. Honey. out thbe sch1ooiyear irere comleted. Hope , W. annistr ands are laconnlection with Frusth1ere ihos Ja. utfod,1sheep kml- Crtribt- e. B. Harrion. ked y dogs ..... ...... 900 It was decid e oho% the Annal Clarence J. Allini, tp as Banq"uon Dnee&er Cth in te Vil. val1uer ................. ... 2.......... 50 lage o ewatl nd the necessar7,fy PomnsAssocitio, grant 10.00cmmtee .eefomdto ok ta Res. 1241. ednr-an: That and lanfrthJne tis Couneil do noi ajoura to meet aainin îe Council hmbron Cnaa sin the sugar pool-0,111 Octeberthe Secondh,)145, at Lthe tbe Uniteti ingmand he n'tdi bour of one thirty la the atronSae.Under iHme poolng anrarge- for thletrnaio of generasl busi 0ttCndgt 42 f th1 ,e a ness. sugLar availbl to the potl. %II~»I. 'N N 'N N s N 'N N N 'N N 1. N 'N -N N 'N 'N "1 Let's flot deceive ourselves by fila belief theit thle daeijr is over-lust because the war is won. And Iet's remember that infletion is aIwcay3 ifollwe-d by deflation with its misery of bankrupt businesses, rmoeïgage foreclosures and unempioymient. It's your job aind your savings that are at stake. The danger of inflation, wth its black shadow-defiation,-will remaiîn as long os goods aire scarce and insufficient ta meet demaonds. That may b.ý 6 monthi, i12 month3, Il 8 manths. OnU>' ime will tell. As quickly as cantrols are unncesa>',th>'are dropped. A-ter neari>' 6 years of war, industry cannot switch over ta normal produc'tianI of civilian goads by a sr-op of the fingers. Reconversion takes time. The whiole, sytmof raw otaterials, 1 abor and production han ta be re-geared. In the meantime, price ceiings, ratianing and ai her contrai are lhe safeguarcl for ever>r one of us. I't's ever;ybady's responsibiliiy ta heip make them wark. Keep on watchirg your buying. Don'? rush t o buy scurce gesnds. keep on savi,îg your money. Put if inio Victory bonds cindWar Savinegï Keep on suu ,itIhpwcge andi price gcontrol5, andti toning. Cepon fg io llaiOÊI1 und ;fr. blck shacdow .deflation. 21 th Th avetfeen;, Is dby the oer cn f Cocc! ,!iphsfe eimprtance nt ne a ferther t WE HAD MT BEFORE- 1 S URSI -'.. PRicts ~V' ~ IJNIMPiOYMENT ~', *(~O ** IOLLOWID O ~ ~*1918 ~922~ LIYSNOYIIA WIYAGA fil L.U

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