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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 4

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ORONO WEKLY TIMES THURiý.SDAY, SEPTEMNBER 13, 1945 THH OU101SING SITUATION Oron lie may)oher! vllages, 01n ad cities î1lu Ontario, is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~)ý fne wt osn hrae uigtepswo of three year ou vilag, wlh pent ofspar hosesvacntcould have addd wetyorthrt nw A ile te oý,r cmunt.Buttis was net he cse, useswerea.ar at a pr1eo1mim, and tire -villge Is uta stnd sili.Tiremainreaison ,seems that lthiereisashrtg Cf aera frtir nakn o hme.Pep avýCecomie ber1ewat irrgte ent rou~,huit ha to gve uthe idea. Soef our citizens say int uiling ateic lnie puirchlased, ai-d ail that is ineeded is to forai someud of asydiat o avnemoniey toLake cr cf tre uiling Horiescoud ie built, solti or rented whiéh would hrln biger itene t h mnyinetd and at the samne time p-ie ling uates or hoe hoare anxioLis to locate here, RemeberSeptemiber 2l.st and 22nd Tîime 1s 1s-) O aiy and 'we cau scarcely cr-edit the real- izaition that onie year hlas p-1assed sinice we published an editorial en- titled "Hieigh*o! Come To Tihe Fairý." We said a nunrber of things u1pon that occasion w1ihrve prabably, will repeat now. As we do not reecaîl just what was-ontained in tire pre-Fair nuiniber of the ý'Timýes" last seasoni, ind being leath to go thnouigh our files to find euLt, Tvie will just proceedl to extend the heartiest invitation a news- paprer could be capable of exýtendinig. W-Ve would like ýto ýsee ail ef the cIci boys and igirls freýin rooaii vic-inity urake the Fair time a homàe comîug tme aIso. Ail mads wl lead to Orono next week- en-d, auid wilbthtie -as ratioullir ifte there should be an impetus ttravel nthre ge-neral direction of this metropolis. Mlhe Dunhn enta Anc tr-loit as been active or 'wespast;, and with good weathen and the co-opeation of every- eue he Society mrenriberslhip will see the fruition of tireir efforts and liopes. Thiere wl 1 b the adde-d stisfaction of a Pair lu a land no loinger at wanr No donibt mauy of oun men and women from tire Yanks of thie armed forces willbie present. There is no place like a Ceýunty Faim -for the meeting of peoile Whio have lperhaps net seen one anoth-en ic the lagt big ehow. Hlere is another int, Should you have thil-,( :d oef young folk iu youniheure or in youn school, will ou inot encourage them tLo take a patin the Amateur Contes9t ? This ?onitest was inaugurated iuto the Faim just last yean and promises to beem-le -a big and an interesting factor. Itneeds nurturing though, juiLst as the whole Faim ueeds support and nurtune. 01-d friends eut of town are cordially invîted to cali in ut the "Te"office ani give us auy no(ws and views ut tVhirindisposaI. We woud ike a page repýlete ,withi interesting items as a nesuit of this, origCoun,,ty Faim, Tire fuet tint Saturday was selected as thre main day should have-ý a stfimu1ating effeGt upon atteudance, So once again its "Hiuo Coe to tire Fair. Last year's slogan may wveIl point thre w,ýay to a hetten Fair stili this year. Here's hoping for the best Faim yet, slogan- or ne slogan. Local Newrs 311. dlid Mr,,. Madîsun H lall have1 retumnied from tîheir cottage at Lake, Stugog.j Mr. and Mrýs. M). Glan1ville have1 takýen up residjene luir ffeKu it Apartmieuts. -Mr. anti M3rS. Fredi Morton, of (Ii- cag, wre ecet vsitr ith Mr. audMrs. J. Hl. Morrif1s. The trout season comies te an end on Saturday, Septeaiber lôt1i. Som-e of our flshm-ng experts bave ad inice catches wieohers are wiodering why tire treut did not bit tiis seaýson. We are pleased te repjort thint on Weduiesday evening we reoceivedl word thint 'W. E. -Davy is cmn along marvellously weli, after iris narrow escaipe in a car accident. Tire L.O.Pý dance held on Wýed-: nesday ereiugwnas net as well at- fedeis prevîous. dances, thouttgi those wlro did attend had au eujoy- able evening dàncing to the straius of Merrian's Orchestra froni Co'bourg. Mrs. T. J. Carscadden iras returned home alter a very pleasnt visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Orono, Mn. an-d Mrs. Giddus Jones, at their levely new home luBew-manville, aise witir Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paitterson at tiroir beautiful home at tire Beach. Ti-ere was quite a rush ýte the postoffice on Wednesday 1ast te pur- ciase radio licen-ses. A radio -in- spector was lu towu dri-ving, up and down our streets luniris car whicir was equipped wilti a radio detector. In a few years n person won't be able te get away -vitir anythiug ilu tins day éd science. A Brazihian erder for Silx express cargo liners wilI pro-vide work for almost 4,000 Montrealens. Con- struction begins tire end of Augnst and tire slips will cost about $14,- 000.000. CARD) 0F THANKS 'To our many neig "orsandied who did so mulch durinig siknssan colivalescence, and for favorsset Tû the W. A. and WÀ.C.T..U. for cardis, jejtters, fruit andl flowers. To the ieýn of the.Forestry who gave of their time to put iii our gardeni, and those who so kindfly gave o)f their tiiie and cars for visýits to thýe hos- pital; to MVr. Linton, Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Hall and nur-sesý at Olshiawva Ios- pital, our grateful thaniks. F. and G. York. ORME A letter was pnouised for Tuesday, A promise must aiways be kept, AIlthougir l'Il admit that at writiirg Uni really not very adepit. But, wait, here's an inspiration, t comies from eut the bMue; Please understand svhen ýyou rend these lnes That every werdof i'strue. Part and parcel of our village -Is-the manof -whom I speak, *Well dressed'and genial Wheu you neet hlm ou the street. His bauds are neyer call)u.sed. From thre weigbt of menial toi,, Hie has neyer chopped a cord of 'iood Or heîped te tilI the sou,. Yet freely ire bas giver. Of the gifts- Ced gave te hlmr, A friendly word, a cherry smile For every Jacki and Jim. Wboleheart ediy he sings and plays For every ,worthy cauwse, He bas helped our lads teo maire the grade, He's just one of the boys. But please don't thinir he's per-fect, You'll flnd hlm far freai sucir, Folirs get maost lannoyed with i, Hie speairs the trutir tee much. Orono Fair, September 21 and 22 _________________________ à _________________________ I _________________________ YOU & on y o7U AND COMPANY-you and 1that family you work and plan for! A small boy you'd ike to send Io college-a littie girl who's going to have "the very best lier old Dad ,an give lier!" It's the mnost im- portant thing in the world, isn't it- planninig for their future! And NOW is the time to make sure those plans corne true by putting up a strong, steady figit against inflation! You and ail of us must fight for that future by fighting to keep Can- ada's dollar sound. Unless wecan keep that dollar worth. a fuil dollar, Youi & Co-along with the rest of Ciaaa-will face inflation! That's why it's important NÔW-more than ever now-to fight for a dollar that's worth a dollar. *Why NQW especially? Because now civiliani goods are scarc:e, and money is Plantlifual. N ýow is the time to FIGHT to maintain price con- trois and price ceilings. We must support and urge the support of. rati oning. We Must buy only What we- need, and only at fair markets. If we d'O this, we can make plans for the future as part of a Nation that is economically sound. If we don't,'.were going to ind somne day that our dollar will buy only a quarter's worthi of goods. And that means that dolflar is only vvorth a quarter. This is inflation! Up to now, Canada's controls have really worked. We've been able to prevent inflation. But we must fight now to keep those controls working, ail the supply of civilian goods can corne up to the demand! What happened after the last war mnust not happen againi! For the sake of our children, for our returned soldiers, fofr ourselves let's keep up the iglit against in-fîtion. Make this PIedge Today! 1 pledge myself to do my part ;n fighting inflation: BV Obtserving raitîoning and avoiding bakmarkets in 3nY shape or By rspocflng prie conrole and ther ant-inlatonmeasures, and re- frainingfrom careless and uneces- sary buying. 1I wýill no: be tw wvhe-re one will do, nor w1h Ib.- a "new" wýhere an -old- will do. ky buying V2ldory Bonds and War Scivings stampS, supporting tax- tion and abidina !7y nil such measures whi'chwill iowjer-t:e cost oif living andi TH ~ help Lee p prices at a .rn... ..~ normal level. Classified FOR SALE On!e Love Se -,t, iin exece on- dlition; Phione 77 r 1, Oruno FOR SALE One Top Buggy, good as new; also set off Single Harnesis. Apply to Joseph Tehble, Newcastle. C-3'3-ýp. FOR SALE 7 Broilers, from 3 to 4 oudeah Orono. J-- C-36-p. WANTED 1Live Poultry a-nd Feathers. Good £,rces paid. We have no agents, M. Flett, Bethany R. R. No. 1; Tele- plione 7 r"13, Bethaniy. 35-P. REPAIRS ,hines, clocks; antique furniture re- paired and uMolstered. Work guar- anteed. Pýrces reasonahie. C. F. DUNCAN Phone 79 r 16, Orono. FARM HOUSE FOR RENT Seven rooms, 21/2 miles north of Newtonvilile, nearCounty IRa/cls to sichool and store. Hlard/nd .-ft water, with some land, l~s and or- chard if desired. nimeýeposses- sion. A4pply Mrs. J'o n 'Turner, Orono. a-33-p. F'OR SALE One Manor Range, medium size, erear enamel finish; one 4-burner New Perfection Cloal 011 Stove; one Sobld Oak Modern Dining Set (&1 pieces). Ail the articles' ln good shape and nearly new; aIsù one Vega, Cream. Separa 'tor, 80,0 to 10 00 ibs. capacity. See these at farmn of Mr. W. H.-Van Allen, Lot 29, Con. 10', Clarke, (evenàngs), 6 miles nýorth of~ Orono, -3p THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMING Mink and Fox M UTA TIO0N S Buy a Trio - We Ranch Themi A. F. McKENZIE, AM. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours- 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.;- 6.30 to 8.00 .- PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone : Office 688 Home 553 Wle. F. WARD BARRI STER SOLIC ITGR. NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARYSRGN Office Main St. Oromo Phone 63 r 7, Orçno. J1. C. GAMEY INSURANC.'.E Fire, Casualty, A.utomobile and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO DANE FOUTND District -Representative fer the Maufacures'Life Insurance Consuit mie for your ftr In1come plans The RUTTER GRANITE WILLOWV CREEK FUR FARM I Phone 501 Î- -P.O.'Box 622 C. R. KNOX ORNPHONE 42 r 2 T1(e Veteranis' Af airs Depar"tmlent and em loyriable for the .ost f, r dustria idet odaled vet- MORSES WANTED for FOX M EmAT - Phone - Orono 42 r 2 or Orono 77 r 4 E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phonio 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESEINTING some of the Largest, Strongeet and Most Rellable Insurance Firme ilk Cantada Farm Property I arm prepared tio quote fout rates from 40c.a hundred, according to casfiainof Building Phone, write, or btter eUhil, cal. 1willb. peaaedto-,quote Yeu rates on your property whfrh will surprise you. Mý,onumen)ts, Gravemnarkers, A UCTIO0 NEER s TED) JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction Sales of ail soe and at reasonable rates. Communicate with -him at Po>wtý Perry, Qntario, or see hie Clerk, A- E. Morton, at Oroýno, for date. JACK nREIDr" Licensed Auctionee r andà Valuator Specialize in. Farm and Furnituare Sales ConsuIt me for ternis and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke' TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR Goverament License STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phone 97 r 16, Orono C.ANADA A KEY PR ODUCERt By virtue ofcem-riiportant positjin as a kypo e of manufactured goods and fïood forý the United Na- tinCanada wa treonly nation acý- corded ti esl ixitlh the United,, sta'tles adteUnited Xndn thre CmnePrdtinResourýcea Boa-rd and the CbFie od Roard,,. Thlese agenciespa1321n the distribution ifuod Vrotlairout the 'ol.Thieyr ea se up. r Y r r Y- Y- Y- r Y- r -Y -Y Y- r Y- -Y 4e QI Putse yTHE BE'VWJNG INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) tce vea t.he dangers of ifain

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