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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 2

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'Ghost' Battleslhips Blufkfed Germans iouir ghost" baittleshipa whiich Britin nyergot arouuld ta ul inig bluffed Germansd Japallin-. te thinkjin1g the Roa ,Na %-as StrouIgeýr thasif raly as The stoxy, which col ot Ibe * tod hfor, was conflirmiedl re- Cenitly !by anl AdIra-'lty pke- Mai. Thie dceptio)n was af first u-ci- teutýionIal. Four new £15,Ô00,ooo ($67,- 500,00)batlesipswere autha- rized by' Parliameut a year before the oufhrcak of war, but they were neyer compilletedç. lu fact two oif hem were ineyer e started. They existed on paper Wort, ou the Lion sud Temper- aire, bath listed as -of 40,000 tLons displa2cemeint sund in the 16-inich guncas by Jaues' directary oai thte World'q Fightinig Ships, was balted thireýe yeýars, ago. Haowever, thley w'ýere repeafedIly reportcd cunlfd by foreigu accaýunts which weý%re neyer denied in Lon- don. Nylon Means M uch' Mocre Than Stockings Nyloni, ta most per-sans, sud partïiularly fa women, mjeanis ho- Siry-shiecr sud beautifu-but ac- tually nylonl is ail eut ire amily of synthiie compoiunds wh' scores of uses already fouind addmnny miore beinigdsovrd al fhe ime, sayý,s The BostonPot One of fthe big rcheil compnis ays that at lasat 10 types of nylon have bueen produIced cojimmercially thius far sud that the research prograîn is ouly fairly starfed. Besides helpiug milady fa display a trîmi ankle, nylon will haye scores, possibly hundreds, of oth- er vuss sud may wlprove tfa bc anc ai the imoaf important chmclscientific achievemen-1t s of the cenitury. LOO K S ED-EC EIVE The innocent-looking Jap officer abo-ve is Captain Hisikiei, sad he isn't as harmiess as he appears. As head doctar aof the filthy, ram- shackie Shinagawa prison bospital, he refused ta, let doctors arnong Allied prisaners. give niedical care to suffering camrades, although the Jap medical staff was wbuiiy inadàequate. corvettes Patrolling Sea as Mercy Sh;ps rvete-ti RoalNa- vy S littie Shiip whiihplayed such a greaýt 'par't in the guardiug of cOnIvoya hrugotItheworld-. bas turuled from IIifs vr-tîmre raIe ofJ U-boat killer ta, that af mercy ship). ManyIl' of thesei little sbips 'which lbattled AtLitie gales, Arc- tic cold sud(' tropical hcat are now pstrolling the frans-Atiantie air routes ready ta go ta the assist- ance a)i am)y aireraft which might camle fagrief in the vasf ocean. The~covetesare fitted with camlef recueappairatus sud car- s-y medical perso,(nnel. They re- man a hi assigned station for 14 d!ay patrols, maintainîng con- stant radia comm-,unicaàtion wit'h s'horebaesand cormmnnicatiiug wit eah arcrftwh[ich passes One crs ete rtu ie lr ,1A heightor vi~biliy, colîot ev- U cd do hing ic T atd frov INIPS FOJRWARD THE B3AD NEuWS Within a few hours of American occupation of, Yokohama, Army Signal Forces,,had complete communications facilities set up, usinig Jap equipment and Jap personnel ta send news'of 'the occupationi ta San Francisco. Teletype operators, like those above, can? neither read for write English, but work in international. Morse code. GOVERNOR-GENERÀL LEAVES FOR, HOLIDAY The Governor-General's standard flew from the foremast of th e Em'PreSss of Scotland whenï His Excellency, the Earl of Athione, and Princess Alice sailed from Quebec City for a short leave ini England. They a re shown here on the rear platform of their train as tbey left Ottawa for the port of embarkation. secret Deýtails 0fJaàp ESBaLI' ForesStS of Br.-ih Colusnbia In Dang-er Fs-arn Attack 0f Incendias-y Bornbs Widespread fires lu the vaat for- est areas of British Columbia and exteading auto the rlih grain lands of the Prairie Provinces might haveý maf6rlialized ' had the Japan- ese 'been able to continue the war sud su maintalned their iucendiary bomb attacksby balloon on"Can- ada, it lias been dîmlaae-d by Na- tional Defence Hesdquartera. The bomba, firat of, which were discovered at Minton, Sask., éarly last January, cascaded dowu lu uahnown quantities fram the Pa- cifie caastline ta the Western On- fanao border, sud had their fiery loads flot b&en smothered in the snowy vastuesa of the West, some sich areas,_wauld have falien prey. Disclosing some hitherto secret detaîls of the Japanese device, the army said some of the bombs were of, fhe higli explosive type but any wlsich were detonated fel la un- open country-and no mateial dLam- ageoi ors of lifeocred Famnsof the ballcoons,whe began falIling on the Unlited SLttes and Canada lastDcebr have betxn found as far south as Mexico and narth ta Alaska. 11u Canada ta, date 250 recaveries, framr tiny parts ta complate balloan, have been nmade, witb the lateat at Mc- Bride, B.C., August 4. Danger For Years The army statement warued that it was possible the balloons re- cavered were oniy a fraction of thosecompleting the lower strato- sphere journey from JaPan sud, there was danger for years ta came ' f unsuspecting campers, trappers and tourista detanating unexploded anti-personnel bambs. The self-destroying mnechanism on many of the balloons did not function andý the pierlo contaIiers, designed ta explade the paperbal. boon, can be juat as dangerous as the unexpladed bambs. ,- Although no definite dlue bas been unearthed as ta the abject of the attacks, if is believed the Japs eventnally, hoped ta gain in- formation on weather conditions, prevailing wind currents and be. havior of their balloons for future sy sfemized fllgbts. MUEMOGRIAL TOG.;EWL-SHCNDAS As the resuit of a fund started by Jewishi Canadians, during the European flghting, the suin of £500 bhas been raised for the purpose of establishing a "Canada Memaorial Grave" ini the Holy Land. Th-is is the equivalent af1,0 tre-es, On Sept. 5 a scrollf cammemorating thiis project was presenteud ta Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. P. J. Montague, Chief af Staff, CMHIQ, by Pte. Lllian MVeltzer, St. John,N., on behiaîf of jewishi memibers of the Navy, Armny and Air Force. The grouap which participated in the ceremony are sha-wn hecre, left ta right: Capt. W. Epstein, Calgary; Pte. Meltzer; Lieut.-Gen. Mon,- tague; Col. .LnVnt, Chief Protestant Chapflain, of Ottawa; Col. M. O'Neill, Chief R. C. Chaplaini, of Edmonton, und Maj. Gershon Levi, Senior Jewi-sh Chaplain, of Montreal, whco made a speech. S/Ldr. Jacob Eisen,, RCAF Chaplain, of Edmnton, was present al.so, bomb dlispoasaI auadal', air force perIsohnlel, Rya Cnaia out- ed Police, jcivilian police, Inidlan trappers anld forest rangera joined as a co-oprative force ta camb the, great hinterlands*of the West ta recover andrender the missiles barmless. R.C.A.F. Pilotfs were iucc(essful lu shooting down several of the balloons. Ingenious System The balloons, canstruc-ted of tough paper, 33 feet lu iamiiieter and carrying 19,000 cub)ic feet of hydrogen gas, were dsgndto aperate at a height of nearly five miles and ta atay aloft for about one week. This was done by an ingenious system of dropping ballast when- ever the balloon dropped beilow its aperational heiglit. If the balloons went too highi, gaswas aujtojmtc-_ aily ireleased ±fiomth le bioo.The aneroid baramneters, a 5 r ranged ta release the bomba after ail ballast had been dapd On the main balloon tLhere iwere 19 shroud Unes, each 45 feet long, gathered tagether at the lawer end and knotted ta at stý,ee ring. When completely filled, thie balloon was capable of lifting, at its aperatian- ai height, a weight of 250 paunda, Self-Destroying Devices, The outside steeL ring, or "chan- delier," contained 72 hales with blow-ont pluga lu all'but two haies. These cantained long green fuses which were ignited by friction ig- nitors when the balloon was launchod and affer burning through two 33-foot pieces of safety fus e- taking appraximateiy three-quart- ers of an haur-two pluga were- biown ont and their apringa allaw- ed the cannection of 'the aneroid barameter ta -a battery, As long as the balloon stayed at ,a proper height there was ro needl for any mochanical operiain. The weapon was fitted with two self-destroying devices. The stand- ard Japanese picric aIciCi demalition block was tied ta a -waaden block la the muer ring wihth detoniatar and fuse thiraugh ane of twvo haies The othecr hale wa«s fitted with a 60-foot length Of sft fuse -which led ta a flash chiarge fastened la a sîneve cemented ta the balloon. Wlben the lastbomb was releas- ed, a contact detouate.d the bal- boon and ballast release gear and bath were deatroyed. Made of Paper Al, f the balloons found were of liaper céonstruction, except one THE BUTCHEÎ-R 0F WARSAW ,a r a' d i o t r n i t e n p a e f t e uisualinl ar anse.This gave rise ta b belief thiat theseu balloan armadas were accamoipan. led hy at ieast one bailoan-barne radia, Standard signaIs picked ulp by a listening post from 'ucb transmit- ters permitted the e ,ýemy ta plot- the course of the balloansý acros the Pacifie, and procurýe valuable information a b o u t prevailiug Gestapo Col. Joseph Albert Meisinger, was týicked from Jap hide- away into surrèndering ta thiree American w7ar correspondeuts. Get- ting a tip on bis whereabouts, they sent note saying -Russian wr on Tokyo outskirts and he'd fare bettes- with Americanis. The Gestapo leader is shown in, Armny jeep en route ta Yokohama. AIR HERO SETS UP AIRL INE INTO ONTARIO TOURIST HUAUNTS Hîs corei azis plaunes des, 'roYed, apoal n e amagdcdi-Lr.This s4n marks-ouesaifîlHe's Orly employ7,iugveferan .C.A.F Bet oueD.F.C., sud BarMase - nt,, is seen withis moherwhn h r prsovif anIplans a&tbr-lie for T.C A. as l as a servi ce foýr tour- turned home. Now be s setigu narieitotenrfh tiicounfry of Otai. rs scig ancc utigsd fsigso

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