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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 3

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HoCan 1?7 B3y Anine Ashlcy Q.How eauI 1prevenit the boi- tomils of pi rom burnIIingi A.SpriIinkle 00 in ie dry salit oDver the botc1on f t!1 thee, and it Mwihi pre(vei ihb ý-botelins o thle pies, cke, r other asty, rom Q. ow eu L beahwhitie A. Put one t abel'spoonful of ber ax1i ne gallon etf water. lsn- i-nce thegooDds uand (Iben dry lu Q.hHowcao Iipoetefao of turipe au-id lse h dr A. .\(d a teasp)oonlf et fw bIite Sugar UteIte watcr whcnliîiog the turnipa. Q.Hcw eau 1 gel a niform coler when dyeing? A. Betore adding dye tu thie large vessel lonto which thegeds le pipaced, always be e thai the ýowder lathreghy issolved lu boiling water. T-in ir ainil ie nt the den vse.If luiisslanet doue, blt chea etÀcoler arc hiable te appear ini tIie gonds. Q. Hw uc 1Itakethue sereness A.Butteri, wiien applied as a sve, il i!tae the soeuesa frona mcci li-use and offen prevente Ragdoa rese easy-, te make- baud aI ib is floppjiy misa wbere- laxes w r ve yenput beur. SbeP's tise cuddhffy, floppy dcl,)lli iat kidldies lvteen-aýger-s tas their ewni. Patteru 855Jbs pl tomvi, drciesfer deh and ciothes, Seud 1Tweutiy Cenits luiicoins (stampa canniot ho aýccepied) for this patera ite Wilson Needhe- ~rf eiRen 121, 7.3 Adeleide St. West, Toren1to. Print ,piaiuly Patteranu er your Naine and Modem Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Wlîen eananid a wenîan are eating lucone puiblic place and another 1man stops ai thei tbl t talk wivi t tem for a oet shenld ] tl ib ns'? 2. ]s il ncesary taf 1ussaI a. formi cveing weddingelvs 3.~ ~ ~~~ýý, Wiat isfiirprwytd- 4.W11c1 a ncuv empîcye enteLra auli office or store, is if necessary te ýinitreduc,(e hlm te the chier cm- p)ICyces. 5If ihere are many guesîs aI ai lredinri,, i i fiec dntyv f tHe( - ots l nrdueec guesi te, 6. I itpermssii t greet a f'riend 1if (o]eVcatches bIis eyvc xhl CHAPTER XX She saw the, red temper rising in him 'and, knowing it of old, re- caiiing mny such encounters and their unhappy outceîfle, she fotight to control ber owu flot too gentie spitrit. "Ma3 be 1 didui't believe seo mucld as I-1 loveci you in spit.c cf any- thing t hat seemed te be againsi yeu. "That is what 1I mean. But it was flot so with lier." "Can you expect a girl tc> go on caring for a man she met for a few heurs on a metntiha or some- thing, in sonie Ruriianian lanid. long ago, even when that nman seenis beyonid cdoîîlt'to bc a trabt or -,d worseY' "Yes," said Michel softly. "Yes, I Cao expcct tbat. A miountain, you say, madam-e-but yeu do flot know wbat a magiec mouuitai; a Rurîtajan land, yen say-but you cannoýct dreamn what a magie land it ws for a few heurs, you say, buti ý ou-yeu îmust know that such thiuigs as tbis are net miasured in heurs. Vse knewc each -other ai- ways; we xxre te leve cacb ether alwaysý." "It was se said?" "It was se understeod." "But Meride-I 'arn being a traiter te 'Roger now - 1 know Meridel bas nexer ceased te care for yeu" "I vatcbed ber tonigbt in the lovely brid!ai go)wn. 1Isaw my bro- theur bdand ki1s, her. I kuewx VBecausyour pidle was fburt. Becusýe yeu pcte ler teLo e- lieve inyen, ne matter, wbat lhap- "Neot cetirely that," lie said weaurily. "Ro(ge-r loves bier. He's a greatladý(, Reger-one of the bcet, thiesait of thie earth and aise one 7o prove how fast Aspirin is ready te go te work, just drop one in' a glass of water. -Clock" its disintegrat. ing action withx a stopwatch. Withia two seconds, you'li sec it start te disintegrate. It dees, the sae in your stornach. T hat's why it stops head- aches se quickly. Get Apirin today I Vhe "Bayeýr" cross on each- tablet, is your guarantee that it's Asphrin. Pockt boxof 12s . ...ony Isai Economy boileof 24 *,only 29c Famd;y Size of 100 ,.onfly 79a IISSUE 39-1945 o.f the noblest ot the noble 'breed with whom lie files. Well, suppose she stili dees care for nie, can I coule back now and-" "You meau - yen are. stepping aside for Roger? Yo'd give up yoir- "The onlly -reat dream A ever had, miadanme," lie said, and bis v oice w as fIat now, onelhess. Like Oberlieutenant Faber's voice. "I'm geiug away tonight-now. Yen are net te tell anyone that j was here. That is nndersteod. When-wben tiîey are nîarried, I shah return." 'Why, yen hcadstrong-" "-sîubborn, thick-bieaded mule. Yes, 1 knew it ail and mayhe 'm evcry bit cf it. But tlîat's the way it is, Tante Miml-aîîd that is the way il wiii be. I dont flatter my- self 1 can take ber from 'Reger and steal lis happiness, but I shall n6f even rmn the risk." Hc stood np. Hc came te ber aud bent and kissed ber. "I bave some time ir Canada before I have te repocrt again; I may even get a post here. 1 don't knew." "Don't go Michel! Don't ge!" 'What? You're running eut of amnîitien. You're turning soit on nie again. These are nexv tac- tics, and clever eues, but 1 bave learîîed a trick or îwo mnysehi and I wiil net flu for thîs. I shail go as I cauie-qnietiy. And yeni will net speaIe. Prornîse!" The old eyes luire at hlm anid there -asnesoftîness about ber meu, but thai xvas enly for a mno- ment for suddenliy it smild- a rare, sweel siilie. "I promise, younimle-yen 1ev- able, splendid doukey. Buit I tell yen it is a very fcoiish th"Iing yen do.", "Neither the, first uer, It1nk the ast. Farew.eh, ime tante." He retriexed the biat, tnirnedL at the deor te smrile at beýr, te show ber the icld impe ini bis eYes. "We always quaiel, den't we?" lie call- Y ou'U enjqoy Our 0Orange Pekoe JBlendi Meat Pie!-Pipgng Ho't and Taisty iWhen meat leshmort and appettes are log, thres nothing botter than a Meat Pie! This Befsteak lPi elsepetwo peunds etfbef tes"teeh aronnd a table etfcsu or eih-wih gnereus hepings fer al. And every-het, doudcous bite bas ise full flavor etfbeeftpped with a cri nutilie bran pastry. BEEF STEAK PIE 2 pounde round steak 1 tebiespee Wrcstrsir (cut in 1-inch cubes) sauce 11/_ cups sliced onionis 3 tabiespeons ,chopped parsl' 2 tabiespoons fler 1/4 cup fat 2 Y2 cups water 2 leaspoons sait 2 c ups dliced r-iaw petatees - I/ teaspeon pepper 1 rcéipe Bran asr Lightly hrown steak and oniene lu fat. Sur l0 seaseninge, parsue, and fleur; maix well. Add Waer siwly, stirlng coneitltty. Add p tatees; cover and simmer about 30 inuites. Pourc into graae casc oie. Coves- wiih Bran P asýtry. Pricli with forl te show w a pheces. Bakr lu bot aven (45'11) about 20 minutes. Vield: 6 senge (8/S-lnc casserole. BRAiq PASTRY 1/ tapensait 1/pcp bran' ½ cnp sisrteninig 1eupesiffed fleur Cre 4ba tableepoons celd water (mere or lbec) Crush bo haie ofine cruibe; combine with flenur and sali. Cut lu shorening. Add water a HUIeaI a Umre., unthAdogh is moisi enonghi te oid fltogeth1er. Roîl oon01 iltly floureui bejladIteabout , inch lu thiekueSe. ed. "Anid 2awaL s niake up.)" Meridlel ndRoerwaked over Llhe big bih1ý that les b1etween Pbihi- lier and the v-ililage of St. Didier des Montaýgnes,.' Lt wais a narrewv pat amng the greaut spruices anid cedars tlîat grew tbickiy VOn the mounainsde.in wnlter Ithe. traiil wassusuialy lo .1,S e d byvtue drid snow, but nwunec cuidw alkes ily enlouigl(over the crulst. They wronthle way te thie bue men agntte bç n backPo Mvlartn iiel Rosinle who bad 1been in'vited the(re te have%,.r ,suppeýr with tbe Chambnlerland.s. The tars were dIimI, 'butthc tracklay ciearly miarked thronigb the darkness of the w,,ôod. From the time th-, left Philibert tbey lied talkcd little. Both of them feit constraint, uneasinee11es., Roger, always ready wîtb aytak and laughter, was, strangely silent, Me ridel,,waiking aloug beside-hlm, iookcd up at lis shadowy profile and longedto say soniething that wouid break the tension. But she couid find ne werds to say. Ad she thougbt, Isý my heart emPty of tbing;s te tell hlm-se socia cmp- ty? This is rnet the-way uf love. He said ai. last, " ýYou cried 'te- niglit, Merluel. Your tears f cli on the icveiy gcwn that is lieing made ready fer your weddliîg. You did net thlnk I saw yen. Lt xvas wheu yen lef t t1i, ro om aýl ter my_ aunt hadi gene upb'tairs. Ye firat look- cd at yourself in the mnirrow and then yen crled. Why did you cryt"' "IIdo net know, Roger. I realiy de nelt kuow. Do net girls who are about te marry otten cry?" "Net like that. It vvas a iffer- cnt îhling." He was sulent for a moment. Then he said wbat ma-, dame had said that nigbt affier bis departure: "Un qui aime; ýune qui se laisse aimer." One wheloc a one who lets herseif be loved.. Laý it su xxth' us, Meridel? 1 want te know'." "Oh, Roger, why de yen ask me a thiug like that? How. cana one knew? How eau one lie surie?" "n e answer is in y ur ear-t, I think." "I bave looked there." "And yon have niot feunid it."> She did net answer, bult lie ke tram ber silenlce that behe ad loe(k- ed in vain. "6You toidld me onceý," said ogr "thaït oily eue kuywui ic yonr lheart. Y-nreebe? "Ys. t wes onùIly a whisper.F "I rememrber wh. "And 1 have net tlîat key? Yon must ansvwer me." (Concluded Next Week) Wife: "Lt says here that, the average person spealis 10,000 werds a day." Hnbby: ,'Yes, dean; 'but you'rc far above the average, yen kn-ow." ruhsIne se hcldngc n~ Thereare twefortus of itching hcar pin wormcs or varîcose veine. The caus,,es of both these forme of intense it-,,itcinig are o fteýn difficuit te locateý but what you (do w at once, is relief frotu the severe ad epreccsing itching. T,,en let Dr. Case's OINTML\EN.LT help you foe it brings relief almeeot as quickly as alied.Oceued it will aiways be kept et hand for qnick, use when thse need airises. 0 t.a bx.EceoLiny Sdcc ar ~~0 D Lù M$ By jG,.. audoline P Clarke Ginger Farrn doesn't seom ithe came place at all. t jnst ceuld't be, because yen see. Pantner isn't here..For the first time lu tweuty- two years hc bas left the farm te the tenîder mercy ef banda other than bis ow n. And 1I wonidn't mind betting that at this very moment he is wondering how we are making ont, whether thse cows tisai he gon- eralhy milks will "let down" ihoîr milli te- stragge hands, whethený the harrowing waa tinished onth wheat- gronnd and if thsere have been any'bids te- tbreshings. Yes, i haven't a doubt in the world that Fariner is wondering ahi these tbiugs - and probabiy a great L-4any more - wile we are won- dering if he le comfortable, wise- ther he is gettihng ail the attention he shouhd have and how long it wlill be before we bave hlm hack home again. Naturalyý you wiIl net be sur- prised at our anxiety wisea I tel yxon that today we went te Toronto and befere. we came home' we saw Partner safeiy anchorod lu a hec- piai hed. Oh ne,i wasn't an acci- dent or anything like tisat - he went in for X-rays and observation -a little matter that h as long9 beenPi dehayed. LDela)yed because h toit ho ondntgo away -nutil con Bob wasý given hie diseharge and conld be homýe te look after tingeý in hie absence. It has beon quite a week. First ef ahi son Bob was lu Toronto, go- lng through ail the rigmarole in- cidentai te à mili4ary tareweii. In tisat he was lnckyý The 0. C., rea- jîing that he wae nrgently nced- ed et berne, put hlm throngh inuia matter eft heurs. We didn't expect Bob wonid ho home for cevoral days se imagine my surprise when 1 heard corne conghing going on upstairs tise next morning. Eitier ho le a pasi master et creeping lu lu the wee smail heurs or we nst paîticlarly sound sleepere. The next 10w days were talion np on tise wheat gronnd - and tisai las quite a werry. Atter ail, wisýn ne(,spende good neliy for registered seed and fertilizer, plus the ccit fail the gas and ùoh needed four tracter werký, tjne a job te ho nnderi.k ighly A bect it le stili a gml.Hwvr it heolis as if we are off te a good! badfly t1vL1'atiramwas ne-eed! Oveýr thf wek-ndWeChadtis house full aga, 11,and b elieve ih or net, ail the disi-ahigIdi a lu the early mioru-ing. Sr'ange thing -about îfisoe eariýy Morning ciseres - heow seidolin ihefre'l anyone aronnid t e[o it he one day Inio ce .uy waS excialin- ed over tise beantifl SunIsetaid Iai te ber L7- "Yes, that'c al right - but what about the sun- Snnday atterucoon env w eek-end- ers travelled the 'mountain"lý roads and brougbt me cerne threeý baskeIt.s ef elderberîies. Net oiy (did tiley pick thern but they cleaned thiei tee se thiat, before going to Te- rente onda orning 1 had tbem preserve(d and in their sealeis ai- ready fer winter storage. Teo- rnorrow I xpeta bushel oet te- mnatees so Jan1 e nigte haýve a huncb thait my Urne wlll bec pretty Weli occupied while Parti- ner is away, May 1 talte this opportunity te thank "Anonyrneus" for the maga- zines that were sent te me. Ap- parently yen knew what would iu- terest me. Net that I have liad my mucli time te study thern yet but 1 shall. Soe night when the- rest ,of the tarnly i- pretty wehl occu- pied 1 I shah giveý them rny un- divided attention - particuiLary the Canadian ropy - fer which 1 think there was a definite need. Wel, tdaylaTuiesclay; the heuir is 5.3ý0 D.S.T., and tis cel- ln rnuiiist he typed andon the early mrigtrain se t1-at the Chrenicles eoGiner arm maIiy be youirs te reald when yen get that gond id frienld et yoIns- h local pape. Net üfthat you weuld lose muchl if Giniger Farm wera rnissing - but it, le up te nie te see that it gets there, and theil yen have th e ption of reainig it or net as you ehoose. Glory be - 1 hear the coffce perking - that shouid help thinga along a littie, do't yen th-rinlrt? Wili yen haive a cuip it)1m? But I forgot - yen iglit fot arpre- diate it - neýt at five-thhrty lu'11e rnorning! ZRifl;eýs Turnied 1-n We ýe been askedl: ùew lSIt tha offi cers areIlow(edIte keep theý_ireovrbuit the inon-cern- nissioned etticers and imen have te tuirn in their rifles? Thiat is b),ecause the oFficers buy theirow revolvers, but the rUIfus are lssuied as ýpart f e he reular equlipmniit te the inon-commis- sjined officers aidnd enj. Yoti Wihl Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS FOE ï-'V15o 'an t itShow- Double, $2.510 ap. *Good F'ood, IýiIng and Datu- j Sherbourtie ai Carlton Tel. RA. 4135U

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