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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 4

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I ORONO WEEKLYTMS TEMSAY SEPTEYISBER 27. '415 FINE -lTà IR, ARGE CRZOWD MAKES 0ORONO FAIR SUCCE"SS fleld set, ebsodrd, MIa LOw e, Mrs.G .Pta pillow cass, emstitched,(, Mrsý. Ira Lowe, Mrs. L, E. Bryinut; pllwcases, cm- baoidered, Mr. ra L'wMis: G. R. ?Ptnam; ji!p ý iwcss uaetini, Mrs. L. E. Bvynt, -Mrs. W,. J. Ruttle; telguest, Ms.Franik isn Mas, G. R uun;bt oefny Mrs.FaakSinlsonl, M is.IraLowe; iniiulplace1mats 'andl table run1- uer-, Ma.s. Ira Lo.we, Mrs11. G. R. Put- 1' ,; dinnrer npinMis. Ira Loweu, Maj-S.Fak Stinisoni; tablýe cloth, Ma's. W. J. RtiMis. Fîank Stin- soni; rmats for bot dishies, Mrs. Franli Stinson, MiUs. L. E. Brynut; centre pieee for table, MrLs. W. J. Ruttle, Mrs'. L. E. Bayanti; quilt, applique, Mas. I-ra Lowe, Mrs. L. E. Bryant; qluilt, cottoün, pieced, Mrs. L. E. Bry- ant, Ms Ira Lowe; quilt, f ancy qulting,-, Mars. Ira Lowe, *Mas. G. R. Put.nin bedspread, crochet, Mrs. L. E,. Brynant, Mrs. Ira Lowe; bcd-, slreaid, ea'ndlewimk, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. G. R. Putnani; afghan, crochet, Mis. li:a Lowe, Mrs. L. E. Bryant; aifghýankte, Mrs. G. R. Putnani; ho0use coat, Mas. Frank Stinson, Mrs. Ira Lowe; haniid-made slip, Mrs. Faanik Stfinson, Mis. W. J. Ruttle; houedrssMrs. W. J. Ruttie, 'Mrs. CI. R. PuTttni;kitchen apron, 1Mrs. W. J. Putt 'le, Mrs. W. W. Sheawin; pullover, cotton or wýool, Mrs. G. R. Pu1t1inniMi-s. Frank Stinsoni; bed jacket, wýool, -Mrs. W J. Ruttle, Mrs. F1annk Stinisoný; lied jacket, ariy other ind1, 2ind. Mas1. L. E. Bayant; suni- nier dre-ss, Mis. L. E. Bryant, Mrs. Ira .Loîwe, yjmaMas. Ira Lowe, Ma.W. J. Ruu tte; nigftgown, Mrs., Ira Lorwe, Mrs,. Frank Stinson; ski Jacket, -Mas. L. E. Bryant, ýMrs. G. R. Putuani;sk mitts, Mis, L. E. Bry- a1nt; gloves, kn1itted, Mas. G. R. Put- nain, Mas.I Lowe; fancy apron, Mas, W. _W. Sherwin, Mis.W .Rt 1t(e; sweater cont, 'woo rs r Lowe, Mis,. G. R. Putna; sp91ort ahuirt, Mvis. W. J. Ruitti, Mas. IraLwe socles, aki, Mis. W. J. Ru;ttie-, lmrs '. G. R. Putuai; pyjamas, -Mrs. W. J. 1,uttie, Mis. L. E. Bryat; nihgwMas, L. E. Bryant, Ms G. 'R. Putnani; ijts, wool, Ms Frank Stinson, Mas. G. R. Putnai; child's outdoor play suit, Mrs. Ia Lowe, iMas, W. J, Rttie; child!'s sweater, cap and stockiýns, Mas, W., J. Ruttie, iMas. L. E. Biaant; child's play daess and bloomiers, Mas. G. R. Puitnamii, Mis W. J. Rufttie; baby's dre, Mrs. L. E. Bayant, Mis. Ira Lowý'e; bahby's, jacket anid bonnet, Or'ono VWomen's Ins,ýtituite, Mis. Frank Stinson; babyv's euc qiltl Ms.L. E. Bryati-, -Mis.Ia Lowe; lbab's bas- ket, HLida Tambillyn, Ma s. G. RR. Put- uni; baby's crnaencver, Mis. L, E. Bryant; cushion., wool, Mals. W. J. Ruttle, Mas. G. .R. Putnnm; cushion, silk, Mrs. L. E. Bryanit, Mis, Frank Stiason; knitting bag, ýMis. G. R. Putnn, Mas. 'L. E. Bryant; card table ýcover, îMis. Ira Lowe, Mis. Faank'Stinson; laundry b'ng, Mas, Ira Lowe, Mis. L. E. Bryant; needie point Mas. L. E. Bryant, Mars. G. R. Put- i; petite ýpoint, iMis. G. R. Put- niain; chair seat, Mas. D. G. ilooper, Mas. R. G. Moffat; pot. holders, Mas. W. J. Ruttle, ýMas. L. E. Bryant; puise, fancy, Mas. Ira Lowe, Mas. L. E. Bayant; boyls play suit, Mis. G. R. Putai, Mas. L. E. Bryant; gial's dress, Mas. W. J, ýRuttle, Mis. Ira Lowe; baby's trousers, Mis. Reg. Sut- ton, ýMas. L. E. Bryant; ladies' waap for indooî wear, Mas. L. E. Bayant;, heartil rug, rags, hooked, Mas. D. G. Iloopea, iMas, G. iR. -Putnam; hearath rug, wool, braided, Mas, L. E. Bryant, Mas. G. R. Putnasn; heartlh îug, cîocheted, Mas. L. E. Bayant; hearth ruug, any other kind, Mas. G. R'. Putnam, Mrs. L. E. Brya.nt; bath mat, ýMis. L. E Bryant, MrIts. Ina Lowe. (Contiuued next xeek) Columns of' type had to ho held bacle from this issue, but wi11 appear in' next week's issue. Wehaitbfe, j em"w KENDAL Mr, and Mrs. WAhîte, of Bowmian- ville, spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. T, Hilditch. - Miss Doris Roughley, of Oshawa, and liss Jean Palmer, of Bethany, spent the week-end with Mas, L. Thoîne. 'Mr. >M. ýSoper spent a few days in Toronto to be near his wife who had an operation on Monday. We hope to hear that she is paogressing satis- factorily. W. 1. Meeting The 'W. I. Meeting was held lun the Sunday School room on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. l9th, with Mrs. Wmý -Mecer presiding. The meeting oý,pened with the singing of the Ode aind prayer. A committee was form- e-'d of ,Mrs. Wmn. Patterson, Mis. M Luxon and Mrs. F. Stoker to sec about a concert to be held some time the latter part of October. It was decided to soul tickets on a blanket which the W. I. have to, dispose ýof. Mrs. Werry, the District President, was the guest speaker for the after- noon and gave à very splendid talk on the subjeet "Our Task," dealing with ýour îeadiness to receive the boys and girls returnin'g from qverseas. The speaker said that we must en- deavour to keep the highways of life 4cean and must each one nccept ýour reaponsibility and asked "how are we lltted to receive these boys and girls ,When theydo come back?" Mrs. Wm. Jackson and ýMargaret entertained with a pianoforte duet which was most enjoyable. IMrs. Wim. Patter- son gave a talk on current events in hier usuai interesting and efficient manner. A contest was held consist-ý ing of n fow bars being played by Mis. Wm. Jackson of well known musical selections, the membeas be- ing foamed into two sides and each side fleming the selection as it was played. The meeting closed xith the singing of the National Anthern, af- ter which lunceh was served ait smiall tables, providing an ýopportunity for a little social tume. The president moved a vote of thanks to 'Mis. i - j, LESKARD Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tennajnt were charivar7ied by theiriendslast Thtrsday nighit. Man oKitIh's neighbours-had a caneto Lchtwt hilm anid welcome hlm iiihome duri-ng the social time whc olwd Visitors to thie vilhlge over thie week-end inceluded. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syers visiting at t1he Ser ome. Bi nas been on furlough and reports bacfk to Malton tis]ý week. Mkiss Aileen Kiiber left for New York af- ter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Brad- shaw for a week of 1ier furlough froni (W.D,,R C A F, Ottawa. Miss Edith Truli was with her father at the.home of Mr. Carl Billing,>s for the Fair week-end. Miss Dorothy Mac- Donald visited with hier parents for the week-end. Mr. andfl Mrs. Rosa, Rohhins were ivithi Ross's parents over the Fair week-end. Anniversary servlice was held in Leskard on Sunday evening last. Mr. L. B. Snith, B.A., B.D., proved a very able speaker. Ris service was based on the question Paul asked at bis conversion, "Lord what would Thou have me to do?" ]je emplia- sized the word "Do" and we sincerely hope ibrought home to everýone pies- ent the need for Do-ers" in this coni- munity. 'There is stili plenty of work to he done around 'the ýchurch and many things that could he attained if fwe had enough enthusiastic "Do-ers", We ýare very much in- debted to the Kirby choir for their splendid help in 'the musical part of the service, iwe realize they.were un- der a handicap trying to follow the music in the dim lighting hut we hope that their next visit wili be brighter ýin this respect. It stressed the need-for electricity in a way that can 'hardly be ignored, 'The service as a nWhole was a success. and we take this opportunity of thanking our many friends who journeyed to Leskaad to support this service, Werry and Mrs. Jackson for helping us on this occasion. 0 hIe Worst IiifIatioFi came afe the Iast war NOW is the ReaI f*estiii tine. *** The only controls that are being maintained are those that aid the production of needed supplies and their speedy and fuir distribution te the public, aând which prevent an inflaionary price rise. As soon as conditions warrant, these will be dropped. Until industry gets back ta normal production, price ceilings, rationing and soea ontrais are a niecessary sofeguard for everyone of us. Keep them werking. IT'S YOUR JOB AND YOUR SAVINGS THAT ARE AT STAKE This ader semn u ne of a sere being issuedi by tue Governmenf of Caznada te cmphaelze Ilhe importaince of preventing ai futher Increse in lbe cosi of living now and deflatien and ungneoymenÉt luter. Classified LOST At OronoFarrhlqspn nte tam. Finder leselea1ve atTis LOST At O-onýoFir pair of glasses. F. J. Siade, rsdn of Rosený1eath Fair. Find1er ppeseLeave at the Times office. heward. a-35-c. WANTED Man for Dairy Farmi. Good milker' and.feeder. Married. Psto open Noveniher lt.Milton Tamblyn, Orono, 0Ontarlo. ,W7p STRAYED Onto the premises of Mr. Howard Boyd, Kendal,,one Red Pol Bull. Own- ner mnay have same by provîng prop- erty and payàng expenses. NOTICE The Orono ýWomen's Institute are holding ýtheir September meeting this week, on Frid'ay the 2StJh. War work contmittee in charge. Quilting willi lie done. WANTED Live Poultry and Feathers. Good Drices paid. We have no agents- M. Flett,' Bethany R. R. No. 1; Tele- phone 7 r 13, Bethany, 35-p. STRAYED One Heifer Caf, biindie color with White face, strayed from Lot 25, Con, 9, Clarke, on or around Sept. 2lst. Anyone knowing of its -whereafouts kindly înform Mr., Henry Susie, phone 57 r 17, Oronro. ce-37-p. FOR SA-1LE New M.owers, Rake, ilammer Milîs, three-'furrow Pony Disc Plow; Steel Wheels. also uged Steel Wheel Wagon <gù,od) - new inachines to arrive in cai'load lots. Order early. J. E. Case, dealer, Garl Todd; Phone Clarke 15 r 20. c-36-p. REPAIRS Sewing m achines, washing mia- cJhines, dlocks; antique furniture 're- paired and upholstered, Work guar- anteed. Prices reasonable. C. F. DUNCAN Phone 79 r 16, Orono. DANC-E The Nerwcastle Skating Association is holding a dance ln the Newcastle Coim-mnity Hall on Friday night, Sept. 28th, wùth llarry Kumnlin and hâs Nite Caps, Toronto's Young ýSen- sational lO-piece Band in attendance. Admission, 5Oc. per person. Proceeds, 0omforts for tihe return.ing moen and for tihe upkeep of the rink, THE IIDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR LFARMN111G Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Bluy a Trio - We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. RKNOX ORONO,0 PHONE 42 r 2 HORSESO for FOX MEAT -Phone - The most ýp-ubl.iied ecow of l- s tein h-1i stor' -Y "Mnvc.Bonheur Pietie 'B" wa-s s'old 'n the g-reat Ban- cotHoistein sale inFlînt, Mdi., on Moday, Seýptember 24th , for the ,suni of $22,000. Hays Bros. of Cal- g-ary, Alta., being the puirchasers, Montgorrery and Waýa have in the n.kig5000 sLttuetes oCf Vhs -fami. ous céuw, hoin irthe nmOeýt be.u' fifl]cow i' n Amyerica and thi e taleet to truc tye. aymnndi Ideal Su- cessor, the Seior2 herd sir e of fih!e herd, sold for $1'8,500 to _Ma. _R. H. Merkley of Flint, The albove eow, Pr ofessional Directory MNEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE,1LD PHYSICTAN and SURGE()Ný Office lHours 2.00 to 41.00 pi.m.; 6.30 to 8.0E> p.m.- PHONE 47r-1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence, C. Mason, B.A. Barrister ahd Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. SPhone: Office 688 Home 553 VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. 'Orouer Phone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSUBANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORONO0 - ONTAR2IO DANE FOUND District Representative for the~ Manuifacturers' Lifge Insurance Consuit me for your fuýture Incomie Plans Moinments The RUTTER GRANITR, COMPANY Ph o n e 5 01 -P.-0 ,,3Bx)622 Port HOPe-, ontarjno Monuments,Grearrs TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales Qf ail diezu and at reasonable rates. ,Communicate twith i~~1m at pog Perry, Ontario, -or Èle khsClerk, . E. Morton, at Orono, for, date. JACKIREID Licensed Auctioneer and .Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for ternme - and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE .Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DAITE CAR Government License STAN PAYNE'S TAXI -Phone 97 r 16, Orono UNITED SIIURCH RALLY AT TRINITY CHURCH- The Ic"ally" of nine pastoral chrar- ges of the United Clurch sîtuated in thec Eamtern secti*on of the Oshawau P'resbytery ýat Eswmanville Trialdty U'nit.ed Ohurch iSunday eve.ning, ,Sfeptemlier 23rd, was a marked suc- cýess. AIl paetoral charges were well represen ted. The dongregatîonal snigwas moest inspiring. Drc. W. J. Gallagiher, Secretary of th1e Canadlian oni of chuircl-e,, ecentred his thugitnound -"Year mywtncs*ses, bolhi euao u Jude andunto the' uttermlost part of the eartb". laligthe congre- 'gati o Vo peional conýsec,ýratiou eand ,wo ,]('Ide vision, JManyfaoalet couiments-have been heaerd as Vthýýe th..ce.r- 'ýPietje B", and mire "Successor' Is the dam and s3ire of the Cedar iDale herd sire 1M0ontvic HenePei

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