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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 5

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Local News at Oronoturfiiv Mis. W. Liniton. Port Hoe,1i holiayin wih Mi. MatinLiniton. Mn e.Gam-shy anid son Bo., o Hamjjiltonj, wer-e weeký-end v ,isitois ini Pro'f. Milton Stap1es, Guelh,ws audeof keavy horses at ronio Fair'. Mn. A. A. Somecrville, Toronto, iS visi,ýting ith Mis. T. Somnenville and Miss M. B.Tueenof 0Otawa,, has been vtistinig ber ir, Miss Alva Tucker, iMis. John Wannýan, of Amonte, waýs a w1Leek-end 1vi.siton witli Mis, W. M\iss 'Elsie Rowe, Ne-wcastlc, spent 'ewke ndiin Onono and eattended the Fair, Mnl. and Mrs, WV. Jo1nsfon, Toronto, sýpent fIe vweek-end with M.adMs J. H. Morris., Orono. Coninuation Selhool wil hold lhoir athietie sprts day thiis comring Frid'ay. Mis. La'wîence Canu anci Grace, of GadnHill, attended the Fair i:-vth Mi.Fred Duncan. Mr. and Mis. Heffb. Gilbank, of WVoodhntidge, spent the week-end ýwitb Mir Cliff. Cooper. MJrs. H. T. Turley, of Belleville, is speuding a week wif b ber mother, M i s. Jus. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred &ann, of Pont -2' RED & WHITE~ STOR.ESI Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb pkg 1 5 lbs Maple Leaf Loaf. Cheese $1,.' Fine Canadian Cheese, mredi'um old, lb 3 Cranbac Old' Cheese, 1-2 lb 'pkg 2 Pimento Cream Cheese, 1-4 lb 1 Beaumont Cheese, pkg 1 Bulk Macaroni, 4 lb 2 Cooking Onions, 3 lb 1 Ovaltine, large tin .9 2 lb tin Bee Hive Syrup 2 5 lb tin Bee Hive Syrup 5 Seeded Raisins, lb 1 Javex, 2 bottles 2 4 Strand Brooms 7 Prime Commercial Beef Fresh Lamb Bologna Sausage, lb 2 Fresh Weiners, lb 2 rDelicia Loaf, lb 4 9c '89 ý2c !5 c 9C 9c 15C 7c )8c >9c r9c 8oc Large 300 size Lemons, 3 for .12C 344 Oranges, dozen 39c J._J._CORNISH___ Hop, 1pethfe week-end' wlth Mn, Mn.an Ms. Fred Wood and Mr. and M,,is. Wilbur, Oshawa, attendel Ic Faron S aturday., "Bob" ýCooper, of Smnithsville, is at pr)esenit visitiîîg witî bis parents, Mn11. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. rM'r .Harol Hooey is somewhat im- proved in hiel.lth, after is serlous conition oven I- e week-end. Mn. and MrsMGinnis sýpent the wc(ek-eiîd ini Tonooto, Mis-. MeGinniis staying over fori a longer visif'. Mr. W. E. Davey is speuding a couple of weekis with bis daughfer, Mrs. Caverley, of Virginiatowa. Mn. Chais.Wakr rerentiy returo- e'd frolni overs-eas and Mrs. Walker, are spendinig a fe w days in town. Thie Oronio 'Girl Guides ýcleared arouLnd $116,I(;00 et their refresbment boothf at thje fair on Saturday last. MisAda1o;1 nToronto, spent fIe wee'k-end with Mi. and Mis. W. S. Colibledick mnd aftended tbu Fair.' rMr. 'and Mrs. Chas. Wood,( and grandcrhildnen visited Mn. anid Mirs P. Simnions, of Picton, oin Sunday lasf. Mr. and Mis. R. Caldwell. of Port Hope. speat Saituar(y with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. uaiesnad attended the Fein. Dr. and Mrs . J. . Leslie, of Peter- bono, spenti th,'e 'week-end witb the latfe's parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J, Riddell. Mn.'and Mis. Jas. Poweis, of Ton- onto, spent fhe-week-end with the fonmers parents, Mn. and Mns. C. L Powers. Dr. A. F. and 'Mis. McKçnzie and young son Maicolnm have arrived home after enjoying a three weeks'1 Mi. William 'uir, recently re-d tuîned from oveiNeas, is spending a few days with bhis sister, Mrs. Robot. Glanvilie. Mis. Col. Graham left for ber homne in Winipeg on Friday la st, calling on friends at Dundalk and Orangeville. Mis. Fred Cowan arrived home last week after spending a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs, C. Crease, of Toronto. Mr. J. F. ÎLorriman retunned home on Friday of 1asf week affer spending a feiw days withi his sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sticlielîs, of Toronto. The Oroino Bnd n a money ,lame. at the Fait on Satunday last and made eog money to take around $60 off theiortgage. Lloyd* E. Burke, frmer'ly employ- ed at Ajax, liastake over the book- keerping and ýsuperIs-7,,ing the shipping. etc., at the rMetallic Art-Products. Mr. J. J. Mellon took the anni- varsary services at Crooked ;Creeli Sunday School on Sunday last, and the service at Newtonville at nigbf. Miss Fosten's roorm had a haîif holi- day on Tuesday afternoon of this w eek, oing to the deatb of one of Miss Foster's relatives- in Bowman- ville., Major F. E. Lycett, Kingston, spent the -week-end with Mrs. Lycett and fami'ly. ýMajor Lycett expects te re- ceive bis discharge in a couple of weeks. Sgt. John Duncan, wife and fam- iiy iwere visitors at the home of his parents, Mn._and Mrs. C. F. Dunecan. also Mr. and Mrs. W. Herriott, al! of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Stnong, ýof Bramifond, and Mn. and Mns. Ken. Strong, of Toronto, spent the week- end aitb Mn. and Mns, Percy Morgan,, Sixth Line, Mn. and Mrs, Arthur Bell and fam-, îly, of Bowmanville, were visitons at the Fair and later at the home of Mis. Bells parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Bell, Kendal, Rev, J. L. Burgess, M.A., of Orangeville, visited bis mother, Mils. James Bui'gess and on Sunday occu- pied the pulpit in St. Paulhs Presby- terian Chureh, Port Hope. Park St. Y. P. U. wiiihold their opening meeting on Thursday, Oct. 4fh, at 8 p.'m. Good program and games are being laraniged. Al young people cordially invited to at- tend. The popularîty of the'motion pic- fuie "National Velvegt" Was attested this 'week by flhe nuaser of local people who journeyed Ito Bowmanville to sec the presentation at the Royal Theatre. T1wo cars collided on Main streef soufli on Monday evýening around eight o'cbock. One car belonged to Ivan Farrow and thc other to Dane found. No one was injured but the cars were siigbtly damaged. Mr. E. A. Annable, of Toronto, was a visiter et the Fair lasfiSatuîday and spent s'ore time wifh his friends, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Wood and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mns, Ccci Maley and farmily before returning home on Sunday. Your local ,omnfttee is arranging to participate in thc "National Coth -'; ing Collection" appeal October 1sf toOcet, l8th, for ,dstîcs'sed peoples of Europe. Look around andI sec what you have. Watch for funther an- nounicernt. ýMr. and Mrs. Harry Memcer had a letter froni their son Bruce, saying that he'cxpeécts' to returnnte, England from Holland around bhe end of the nionfli, Brurce lias een seing ftic sighfs of Europe, travelling frani Holland te Poiand by truck. A large potato is on dispay in the window of rbhe Timers offlice grown by Miss Idia Taylor, North ýWard. The tuber weighs exactiy 1 pound 10ý ounces. iSo far Miss Taylor hia, the honor of growing the iargesttbe we have seen so f ai thîs fali. Sixteen ",ldion turned 'out f0 flic ý0rnoTinshop Ail kinds of Plumbing 1 and Heating R. E. LOGAN Main Sî. Orono Phone $orl S.,ut meeting on ida vigof laJ> -wek in the Arnîouriies;. One PaIj-ýo! and parit of, a seodwas foîldin thle Scoutsý,iand par-t of -a CubLý par ws frîid. Mttnswill J4 held ever y rdavenngat the Ai rrnouries. Mr.Dean Cascdde bves this week-end for Toronto, whee us~h iiýýî1 matke reservations for a ti p to thie xxest. She will make her home with her sons, Laverne at Facme Sask, and also ýwith Gordont, whio is ROYAL THEATRE BOWTTMANV1LLE Phone 589 We Present Another Week of Hils Thursday and Friday SEPT. 27 and 28 Between Two Women with VAN JOHN SON LIONEL BARRYMORE and GLORIA DeHAVEN You'll love this latest of "Dr. Gillespie Pictures& ADDED SHORT Techunicolor Musical, Bonnie Lassie, Sereen Snapshots and Cartoon Saturday SEPT. 29th Blonidie Goes 1BOYS' BREEC(HES 0f Grey Whiipcord. sizes 24 to 34 ........2O SHIOES For Girls,;lin narly ail sizes, reg. to $2.95, for ... ....$.50 WINDBREAKERS Leather W'indbreakers of good quality pony leather, green, brown and grcy colors, price ......... ..... 14.5i0 WHJEAT GERM 5 lb ROSE BAKING POWDER lb.ti BENSON'S CORN STARCUT 2 for 32c.- Cainpbell's TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 19e OLD C'HEESE IL 35c RUBBER BOOTS Knee Length, ot good al ity rubber wit h extra heavy Soles..........$37 CAPS New' Fali Caps, in brown,' grey and green, ail rool tweed, sizes G%/ to /, fo....-......................i5 BEDSPREADS 'New Chinelle Bedspreads, of extra heavy quality, in &Il colors, priced ,,,. $75 LA RGE PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 ige bars .17e.- STANDARD PEAS 2 tins 25ec 5LB. BAGS 0F SALT Eachi CIIICKEN DINNER 15 oz. tin MUFFETS 2 pkgs IL9C, PADS pkg 15c RINGS 4 dozen 25e. ZINC doýzen 25C. QUAKER PUFFED WIIEAT 20e CHICKEN STEW 27. O~ON WEKLY IME TI-U~SAYSEPTEMBER 27, '45 N N 4' 'r- -s -a' N 2', -'i N -i N N 4, N N N N N N N N Ni N N Ni N N 4' N N N i4 N 4' c 2" N N stili overseas -but epcvdbe hom e one haing auplce(torenit n t'lte before Christmaus. Mea -41r Put . This nowý ý Visitors over che wee en njh h ing ihetf fthstîvn n Mirs. Jas. Tamiblyn sr, dee idstry up to 23 ampb1oyees. Nrellie King, B.A., of LnsyCol- iiegiate; Mr. and Mis. MltaDnbar Mr. and Mrs. M. J. 'Famblyn hav .tid-son Elliott, of Perrytown; Mrj ý1j been spending a few days in lint and ns.Alfed llitt nd ougasMich., aýttending the Gilenn Bnrf cýf Troronto; Mr. and Ms Wes. El- sale of Holstein cattie. While thereý liotbt and Mr. and Mrs.,Reg. Eiliott and famnily, ýof Kendal. fhey visited the beauti fl i f R.lI Russell Luke and Mervin Eçibier HI. Merýkleyof Genesea Daii ,1it, of Oshawa, have taken positions with rwhlere they - saw thec ManofWi the Metallie Art Produicts. These Get of Sire hey sold in 193tRe bwo men are aarious to secuire bouses Farms!, Muskegon, Wis, ad!o to move their fam iles to Oro(no. Any r owned by Mr., Mceîrkley. WANTEDi AT ONCE! FOR NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTIES HEALTH UNIT ANumbewàr 0f Nurses Ail nurses must have a certificate in Public- Health Nursing and qualifications mnust meet with the approval of the Ontario Dcpartment of Health. Nurses must supply their uOWII car. A Secreta ry (experienced) Two Stenographers Ail applications should be sent t'O the SECRETARY,'COIJNTIES' IIEALTH UNIT Cobourg, Ontario ARMSTRONG'Sç;O BARGAINS IN DRESSES A f ew Dresses left at Barg,-ain Prices. Regular to $8.00, for .. $3.90 U-MMMMU 9!!M ý,:' 7ej.

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