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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1945, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY Ti-E UJRDY SEPTEMBIER, '4-) -ULIC MEETIN1ý vein at 8 p.mi., Oct. ist, for the Stnadtin iI on Lnt ot Am tigof !i the Orono Softball puiipose oýf electing certain officers on Sunclay, Septe ber 3tih. Do' Clbi hi~y aldto bje held ait F ndther business. C.B. Tyrreil, forget to move your cdocks backaf O Copers SoreO oo, ondy Pesienthour at midnight on Saturday,. 44M<D EE' MENS'Resuits YoU MORE EGSCan Count ,~On a ba,,lanced ration of your * wn scratch gais and SHUR-GAIN 18 per cent. Laying Mash What a tremendous differecBal anced feeding makes in poultr- produc- tion. Grains alone are low iii the typ)e and quality of ingredients that are need1- ed to keep Iaying hens in full health and m 1f11 production. Therefore, the w ise ~ farmer adds to bis own grains a f ully Sfortified laying mash, that brings up the , z ~ *~ level in the total ration to the properi V balance, with adequate proteins, miner- ais and vitamins. 1 amn paying 5 cents apiece for returned -SHUR- GAIN'LAYING MASH is Fresh- for greater palatability and taste appeal. Shur-Gain Laying Mash is just full of needed vitamins. Extra minerais and high quality animal pro- teins assure vital health and top-fight production. Shur-Gain l$% Layinig <Mash assures hest production fromt your Rlocks, and RESULTS YOU CAN COUNT, when the profits are added Shur-Gain Feed Bags. Shur.P-Gain 18 ., â I ývjp X i $2.7 cwte MADE AND SOLD BY Orno-GORDON W. LOCKWOOD - nt. T H E( METE Us for Your Pirtecti*on E VEN though your Hydro makes electricity avaablhe ta you in Ontario ait a very low cost, it is important that you pay only for the amnount of power that you çctualfly use. The electric meter on duty in your home, is your protection against paying for more thon you consume. Every one of some 800,000 meters in Ontario is tested and certifled by ai Dom- finion Government inspecter cat regular intervals ta assure complete accuracy. Electric mneters are among the finest of jewelled precision instruments . ; as Constantly true as the fnest watch. For your protection, Hydro instails a separate meter, exclu-sively for youjr own household. Havng a meter of your own is the only possible way ta be sure that you only puy for the electricity which you use. Imagine buying food from a mner-. chant who weighs several peoplêes-orders at the samne time, and splits the cost evenly regardless of the size of the ordersl You want your order weighed individually when you buy food. When you use electricity your meter assures accurate individual measurement. Low cost Hydro service in Ontario offers amazing comforts and conven- iences. For your protection . . . so that you wiII pay for only the amount of Hydro you actual, ly use, a Governinent lnspected Meter is installed for your own household exclusively. NE WTON VILLE Mes. Wiley., Argy--li v >sited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. CclRobinson, Mrs. Sam. Smith has returned from visiting friends at' Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mes. Hugh ýSteqpleton have moved into part of Mr. John Elmer's bouse. Mrs. Jack Paadon and Herb. visited Mrs. E. Blanchard, Elizabethville, on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. George Mullen, of Pefèrboro, were guests of Mrs. Jack Paedon. Miss Lois Chambers, Eldorado, is spending two weeks with IMis. Robt. Morton, Mi. Lawrence Milison, Toronto NZormal School, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Morton were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur bHis- kin, Cobourg. Mrs. C. J. Carlawý-, Toronto, spent the week-end !with ber s- ýister, Mes. Mr. and MisChas. :ý,CownCowan- villa. visited d' Mýý ',Il. Lanson Milîson on Sna Miss Jennie Ti onilJe. n jrt a cou- pie of days *;ir Toronto n. nd attended a wedding while the're. Miss Joan Raid spent the week- end witb her grandpaîents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Raid. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W, Weatherilt, Cae- sarea, are spending awhile with their daughter, Mis. W. E. Reid. Miss Vivian Mitchell, PortHoe spent the week-end ,7 with ber granid- parents, Mr. n . C. J. Mitchïiell. Mrs.* Simms, Mes. MeKinney and Miss EvelynEmuy Toronto, spent the week-end i M. anid iMes. Jack Reid. S Mr. and M-s eio,- asyPort SMeNicholl, spent thle ne-edwitb ber parents, Mr. anid Ms.Wm. Sta- pleton. Misýs Sybýil odad tn end at 'Mr.RtienPy's Mrs. Lizzýie BcBapoMr-s. Frank Adro.Meib n o Neil-, of Ptroo Nrawr guets Of 7LMrs.CeiWaey Thieves nerdMr. Wm tale ton's garage Fridaýy night andstole the tw6 birnd xhelsan tiresý, which were nevv. of' bis cr.ls the spare tire. Miss Rose aa is nale E. Capel, of Oshawa; Miss Rý. Buýlrton r. iH. Dones, ïMe. A okosTrao wera gueft ofMr aa Me. Chas. Morris. Mr. n . E,wart Rob)ins zon and baba Stakvile; Ms. Vaýnce Cooper nrd amly Oon; r.and Ms.W. Kimball'Fs. Reeve and Mes.T. A. ra(1( idave moedtothir~omilnOon.We regrt thir aparure erymuch but newhoe Mr. andt Mrs !Rot. iMorn'have received word'1 LJîai-Lth-eir od!est son, Lloyd, lEft Hollnd for Engt; nd thie firsi of this ek Lloyd has, sent his mother fiowar seeds fîom Hoélland. A group of)theWesley-vilie W. A. sponsoîad an atra imn athe CommuityHal NewtoaillIe, Thurs- day eveniag, we Dr. De_)vit, Bow- mnanvilla, and Mr-. CclCavt of Newcastle, soe oeiniterastiag slides, botc lcl n!ohewse ome in technicolor. Thiere wasi a good crowd :and gaifigpIroceeds wlihicb are lnaïad of the RedCross for com- forts for the boys ý'la Chistie St. Hosý- Ipital, Toronto. ïzTboIseatteading Port ope High Sehool this yafrom thI.s district1 ara, Faae Joes Drohystaplatn, Joyce Wîliims2, Hle Nrtn, d Jones Keith SapetnFred ýiRowev and stîos Snit, Bd bo idil Jb r feî Burl, .Thiose attend- ing awcstlaliih Scoolfrom tis, way nd gingack ndfl orth dalily with Mrs. Will ,it oes -are,Midd Thela SaplaonJoy1ce Martin antd !Zay Stapýlletoyn. STARK VILLE Miss WlimToronto, spent the week-end witih bler sisterý, Mrs. Fredý To dd. .Mr. and Mes. Lo)rne Todd, Mr. and _Mes. Carl, To.dd had 'Sunday dinner at IMr. Fred Todd's, M1rs. MeKinney and Miss Evelyn EihrToronto, speait the week-end set e.Jack Reid- theTi s srticles Tyrrell's Drug Stof "e Drugs Stationery Kodaks Phone 68, Orono FOR WINTER HEALTII TAKE Vitadiet C--,apsules NOW Ail the vitamins. required for good heajth for as littie as 3c, per day Bottie of DDD 90 capsules.............. $2.70 Trial size (3)0 capsules)........... ...... $1,15 Kepler Ex-tract of M11alt anid Cod Liver Oil for ..... ...... .......75e and $1.25 Wampole's Extraet of Cod Liver Oit....... $1,00) Scott's Emulsiorn............. 59c and '98c ISiutip1e Vitamin Capsules, 100's, for ...... - $1.85 Frosst Neo-Chemical Food ...... ý$1.15, $2.5,$45 Certified A B D Capsules, 50's.... . .12 100's for ..................$2.25 'Lowest Prices on Mlot Water Botties Ask to see themn You, Save With -Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Whýeelîing Yarn, oors mottled grey, mdu gr-ey, heather br-own> lightgre, aiforce Wbine and1(lkhaki, 1-41b.skeins.............3e-.9c I Mises'BabriganBlomeselastie aitbandf knee, sizeýs 10 to 1,par... Children's Silk Dresses, n iw tk 9 or insizes 2 4and 6 Year1 $19 Ladies' White SatLin SI*lips, szs~ to 40, each$10 'Tampax super ýor regular, 5 foi-' 25e. 10 for .. 391e H GoodyI Dry Fast end curier-s, eïach.. .. . .... 5ce, Solo StarCules 3 for.. ........0 Rosejo i irRolis, each...............29 Foundaoi 2~vRls ih safahr ah10t)eC Rock-ai-bye Diaper Wa-sh, nê ru-bing, no soap- ing, no1 iritatpkg ........... .ýý....35e. Býaby Com,1forter, size 22 inches by 32 inches, colors pnk or1bIe, ec..... ........$1,00M Chilren' Log Stckins, awn color, sizes 5 to 10, prcdpair.... ......... 33c. to 49k. Feit Weaither trp ing 5 ft - . 10c. 24 ft .. 15e WidwWahrStipping-, 25 feet.......... 17c Ste ma'sBlak tove Pipje Enam-el, 1-2- ,pint tin 20c I oys' Knee Length'L1 Stockings, wooi, pair .59eý and 69c Glass Bowis, useful as porridlge duishes, ..... .. 5c, M GROCERY FEATU~RES Owrli Specail Bllend Coffeef (Blue Bagtp), ground fr.esh] for, eachl' customler. Special, lb .......31ce. Jvx(con-cenitraýted Javel Waterj, bottie ..14e (Rebate 2e. on each bottie) Corn Oul for salads, cooking anýd frying, tin ..).(30 Vita B. Wheat Germ Cereal, 1 lb. 10c. 3 Ilbs. 25e Green Valley Peas, standard q-i:ality7. Special, 2 tins for ...........................2. 3e Quick Quaker Oats, 3lb. pkg., Special ...-....19e Canned Puimp)k-ln, large tin, 2 for ,........... 25e Canned Dehydrateci Bewins in sauce, tin....... 5c. URONO u%5c. TO $1.0O STORE YOUR POPIJLAR SHOPPING -CENTRE Motor Eqüipnient,, Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith- Funeral Directors and Furnituee Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SER VICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the Most reasonable charge as well as tii. largest and metexacting TeIlephone: Office 668 Telepho.ne Colleet t PResidence 523 and 726 BewesvileOnt. -dL N'NOMMEZ

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