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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME'S THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1945. ShurGainEssential. Mineîals For, Hogs 3 bru ghut anly sections of Ontario, where farmiug bas been car- riedé on iutenlsïvely for many years, minerai deficiences are becomiug app'arent inl livest"ock. Particularly in hogs, minerai deficiences are iictdby thie followving symptoms 1. Chewiing býoards. huénes, rubbish. -. Stiffnless, rireets, emnaciation, poor growtb. 3. Pifýs bora dJead, hairless or weak. 4. Paleness and dfifficulty in hreatbiiig. 5. Geneal unthriftiness. flU-GAIN EsseiiiNier-als foir Hogs contain Calcium and Phos. phorus, lodliie, rou anmd Sait, in the correct proportions to eliminate the danger of deficieucy diseases, anid correct these symptoms, shouid they show up. 511111-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS for Iogs $2. 75 per bag SOLD Orono - GOuRDON W. Shur-Gain Essential Minerais For Cattie The milking cow will rob her own hody structure, in order to. main- tain the minerai content of ber milk. lun ber case, it is particularly important f0 replace these, missing elements,, because poor health, poor miik flow, and unthriftiness are the- sure results- of minerai de- ficiencies. Minerais neededi and supplie d in SHUR-GAIN Cattie Minerais 1. Calcium-for boue formation, and use in body fluids and milk. 2. Phosphorus-for boue formation, use in body fluids and milk. 3. Iodine-f or preventioti of goitre, aud for health. 4. Sat-for gerneral health and maximum produîctioýn. SHUR-GAIN Esseutial Minerais for Cattie contain ail these neces- sary ingredieuts, and lu the correct proportions for best use by the cow. Feed some to-day, and watch for the steady improvement re- suiting from their beneficial effecta'. SIIUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS for Cattie $3.25 Per cwt. BY LO4'CKWOOD j% Ont. 0F AN EmPTflV PAE ---------------------------------- ---- ---- - - - - -* - - - - - - - - - The United Klngdom and iberated Europe reIy on for Canada 225,000,000 bs h Yeal. W. supplied only ss,WO,Ooo Ibs. ta August 3i. The United Kingdom und liberated Europe rely on Canada for 450,000,0W0 Ibs. 1his year.I W. supplied only 350,000,000 lbs. ta August 31.I The Unted Kingdom aund liberated Europe rely on Canada for 114,000,000 bs..#is year. IWe supplied only 44.000,000 lbs..ta Augui t31. -I -I in mos? iberated Eurapean countiries, there is a desperaite shortage cof mect. As a great food-producing nation, Canada mnust, can - and wiII - hlptc reet the emergenIcy. The job wIInot be finihed at the year's end. Food scarciies in Europe Vi48 continue until the next harves?. This yeaîr, Europe is relying on Canada for ai mnnmrnof 789 million pounds of beef, park and canned nmeat. Up ta the end of August, only 479 million pounds had been sent. How soon con we bridge the gap? Livestock marketinigs are normally at their heavies? in théèIlas? four months of the year. If we are ta, help feed theî hungry peoples of de- ,vastated Europe, this is the time ta make aur greates? effort. Ta do aur part, we must reduceour own cansump- tion of meat and also assure that everyone in Canada gets a fuir share. Thot is why rationing is necessary. MEAT RATIONING ADDS TO- EVERYONE'S WORK The producer who slaughters, the retailer who seis, the consumer whe buys und ,ats-they ail play a vital part. AS A CONSUMER, HERE IS HOW YOU CAN CO-OPERATE 1. Try to plan your meat purchases befote leaving home by determining what cuts you intend'to buy and their approximate weights. 2. Make sure you have enough ývald coupons and tokens to cover your proposed purchases by referring to the Consumer Coupon Value Char? and the Coupon and Token, Calcuiptor. Copies may be obtaîined from your Local Ration Board or Ration Branch. 3. Know the dates your "M" coupons becomo valid. 4. Do not buy more meut thon you reatly need. 5. Avoid shopping et rush hours. & SBe patient. Rememnber - yopr butcher may have inexperienced help. HELP TOUR BUTCHER TO SERVE YOU WULL A - I AA I u i Certified lHalibuit Liver Oul Cap- suies, box of 50 for ............70e BPox of 100 for .....$1.17 PURETEST A B D Capsules, box of 25.$1.00 Box of 100 Box of 100 for......$3.25 A guaraateed tonic and body buildler for chul- drenanad adaîts, rich iu Vitamins pleuaiat to take LARGE BOTTI E FOR $1.001 Box Box Box 16q Certified Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oul. Childrein like it 1 2 lb. bottle for 89e 4 lb bottle for $1 .69 Certified Cod Liver 011 Goverameat Standard 16 oz. bottie for 79e "Kepler" Extract (of Malt and Cod Liver 011, 10 oz. bottie for . ........... 75C. 20 oz. bottle for................ $1.25 X Of 25 $1.00 zx of 50 $1.85 Kx 100 $3.50 1 O D Cod Liver 011 oz. bottie. 67c f oun-ce bottiej for ....... S1 .6(ý9 j For tired and run dowu sýystems;, a perfect inerve tonic, rich la, Vitamain B 16 Z BTTLE FOR $.1 I o Scatt's Emulsion, easier to digest than plain Cod Liver 011 Small size for.. . ........ ................. ... . . 3 Large size for ................... ..98 R'exalÎEmulsio>n of Cod Liver 0iI, sani...... ........... ....... ......5 14i ounice bottie for . ........I-..... ...... Puretest Cod Liver 011, I ounces for ......... -............. 45c 8 ouinces for .......... . . ...-................. ... ...................................... ..75c 16 ounces for .......... .... .......«............_....... ......... ........ $1.25 You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store FRESH ROASTED SALTED PEAN-UTS Blanched, large size, lb............. .... 41c Just arrived, shipment of Art Needlework, Lun- cheon Sets, Buffet Sets, Vanity Sets, Cushion Tops and Lu-nch Cloths. Priced ......15e to 59e Ladies' Hose, Pure Woot, plaited on cotton, large riîbbedi top, size 10. Pair......... 59e Boys' Plum Combiination Underwear, brushed Cotton, sizes 20 to 32. Priced . . ý.....ý75e to 95e Men's Combinations, brushied cotton, medium weight, sizes 36 to 42, Suit......... -...$1.1â New Shipment Lamip Shades in attractive colors, sizes 8 iiùches to 20 inches. Priced . ... 49e to $1.35 Mazda Bulbs, 15, 25, 40 and 60 wvatt, each..... .1âe 100 watt, frosted . . 20c. 100 wvatt, cleatr.. 31k icense, 6 enticing odors, bo-x of 25 pieces, for.. 15c Fruit Peeler and Coreîr, new, design......15e Towel Bars, chrome finish, 15 inch Each ... 15c Sole and Heel Plates, assorted sizes, c-ompiete with nails. Card ý.....«...... ........e Stedman Black- Stove Pipe Enamel, keeps pipes spic and span. Tin............ ..... 20e Galvanized Pails, medium size........ ..... 29e GROCERY FEATURES Oxo Cubes, pkg. of 10 for..... .. .26~e Flaked Wrheat Bernes (rolled wheat), 5 lb bag 2,,, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, giant box. Special, 2 for 23e Aylmer Vegetable Beef Soup, 2 tis.......... 19e *Wagstaff's Pure Raspberry Jam, large 24 oz. bottie, 2 coupons........... ........... 37c' Blue Ribbon Coffee. Week-end Special, lb. ...45 Blue Ribbon Tea. Week-end Special, 1-2 lb,...35e Chan Self Polishing Wax, non slipperyv, pt bottie 59e Giant Palmolive Soap. Special, 3 cakes........ 23c R-ichard's English Carbolic Soap. Special, 2 f or ç ORONO 5c. TO $*1.OO STORE YOUJR POPULAR SHIOPPING CENTRE Ayerst Aiphamettes Concentrate Tyrrell's Drug Store Dru11gs statîk-nery Kodlaks Phione 68, Orono OFF TO SOHOOL AGAUN This monith s-ecs a host of school childreni back to school ag-ain for the FaIll Be sure that yours are preparedï for iltii bo)dy health and re- sistance against the ielement fali weathier ard vinte:r cold. It is real economy f0 build up their resistance early in the Fali with onte of~ these PROýVEýN VITÂMI.N PRODIJCTS. It is REA\L ECONO-MY for YOU to guard your health. Here are MO-NEY-SAVING V ALUES in FAMOUS VITAMIN PRODUCTS.

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