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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1945, p. 1

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EE LY Vol. 9» N& .40. ORON. ON.. TURSDY, NV. lt,1945 Subscription $1.25 per Year L.,0F0 Concert, Town Hall, Orono, Saturday, November l Oth September Report For United Counties Health Unit Ata meeting of h'Nathm lbey tIund-Durhum Buard of' lleaVho 'Ocaber 26,ý presided over by 'Chah rnsu G. R. Garveth, Vhs progresso .orgï,nizatioin of th-e IHolth Unitt date, and Vhs worhk accomyplished dui iuig Septemnber ys ev wd General Orgalzationl ePh Northumb-rlIand - Dunhal Eeqlth Unit 'was ex',pected o beýg fuuctiohiag September 1, 'but owhîi +o ths diffilculty af secur-in'g staff, (A ujce space and equipuieýnt, it yn foa hat iV mas noV Possible forj to asm ail its fuactions an Vi -date. ]V mas ther'eforeý arriwnged thl hs former local miedical officens health shouid ca-rry on for hs Healt 'Unit hs uctosassociated yj ither fomer)ffice. Lu al cases' Vhes piedical! offlicers volunteered Vo us -lni tin auner until staff h,'d bee aIcquirýed and organization mus com luhs e-iautime, e-ffors wmescou tîned Vo scure staffoffies ail ~qup ietwhich iun sc eiod0 trniin foloîiug Vhscessationic losliispreseiurd iniinur ifi-l <met dithlcilty bas becnuepenience in secunîng sanicTr inspectors,a inauy of hisse viho have beau lu Vi aLrmK-d services 'ha-ve not yet been re leased or have returned o fr civijlian ppinmets The anedif llculVy has beenexeeedluac ing nr-igstaff. senior m edics C.W. MacClhal î'ediicul ofcr p'itedl, amid a Cthe-ir duIties 1) arament Report Tia on es preparýa- Ir- ing statlui, planning pormor- On dsning and prspaning suppies r- Nursing Districts: By pe'e of 1y three staff nurses hud been esytb- Vo lished in centers, as folows: Miéss ,r- Waller. tMhbrlk,' ithher dis- trict ihnludliag Cavan, vr, and South Monaghr1an Twnh'ps iss Langq-don ut Clihlfod er dis- tni rit including Brightoni and MTurriay -in owsis M iss, Taylor, public îg h'enth -nurse for Bowimanville, cme f- o)n the staff' cf the lelth Unit Sep- ,as temIber 1, and cntinuied hlerwok i iV omnil onlyý,. 0f these nurses, i1s only TVliss WValler had a cr ut On Sept(,i)eibe 1, Miss Or Lefler, of rvth bier car, startedi o work for hs ih eatiUnit, 0o, ban fomthe Ou- th turlo Deparntureut of HealVh, and was; ýse placed emp-qoparily lu Warlcworth, Vo .aV dlo sch'ool nursing lu Percy and Cru- en i-wake Townships. M \iMar-y -Mason a- lieame a meniber of he nursig staff Septeniber 224, bu-t speut the first n-two w\eeks of hs tineieiluan-,obser- id raýtio>n program uat MesVon-arraug,,,ed of for bier by hs Ontarlo DeprLtment of ofHelh Since October 15 Misz o.Mason bas been uIt Onn. e d N Unlshng1 workî duhring September: a, iu plannipg their progrias hs hree ie nuss xith new districts had as gen- eeral guidance thut mhile comiiplee anpubhic helthnursijng service, iud- if- ing A age groups, should always r- ho kpt lu mmîd, y-et -for the first fee. mionths thie eiphasis v mould b'-e on soh'ool uursing, becaus-e iVvus îlu 'chools thant their serv7ices were es- i peially wuu-,ted, and iV was thene that r- y tycould be of sricto tihlemost 01 peopie in hs shorfest tVue. LaVer re on thene could lie mo)re dvlpuu )e- lof services -for mathers,. babies, pr- 1 chool children, ubrculosis ard coni- mfiunicable diseuse patients, aid dem- r- onstrai;n (if nuursing cane for per- 1jy very helpful lu furnishing informa- Iie bIr. Martin, and Wr. --n. uwers ~tion and driving hs nurses around o Voeach sehluintheir districtVo Iu mae Sshort introductory visits, and feven ri oviding transportation o [the nurses wbo were without cars during laVrlonger visita o smerural at school'a D esqpi te this, andcl other P_ transportation prorided by kýindly or volunteers, hs services '>f hs nurses Y1who do flot haive cars lias been se- n- vempElylmitd la hsrural ureas. Iuring Septemaben hse sigstaff r-vosîed '80 rural schools surid 34 cas j- rooins of village uudi towa schools. d Lu 86 cluss'nooms th'ey made a rapid p, classroom inspection of ail hs chu drea. 61 chhîdren ywens exciuded be- cause of skýiadiseuse or pediculoses. -n 4 w 'ers gi'vea a complets inspection, lu i addition o 278 given véisintests I? onfly. 14?, chil'dren appeared Vo have 'n defects ot-hen than dental as' olLs 13' Vision, 24; heari'ng, 13; na s al on hrcathing 19ý uboma tnil,87; le, snlar-sd- g lns,12; speech defects, he 1' nhpdedefects, 4; imalnutrition, ~ .195 af Vsthebiildner wrefouind tV 'The nurses luade1home visita lun Septinher Vo 1,2 faimilles. Sanie of thoýse mere introductony, get-acquain- tedl viita; aýthtere mýas exchnatge of iiiforiaiýtion, alid en-eral lhealth ser- cir, i n regard ta 3 nimatenî.ity pa- tienjts, 8 ifns 16 preachoal chul- drn s12ahool clldrenr, 8 tuberceul- msi cae rcontacts, C6 athei adult, 1 cippled cid fmle where ths- probenimusciefly a soiu. Tri add('itioni, Vh nan'gstffmade 3U9 visita for int erpreta'ltion and pr-Lomo- tini orlVh, woi-k, cf loctor, detiats, counil enibnand othon pueinl Vhs ~ ~ I cmuiia Lu their achooil visii t- Vey had 264 con-ferences' ywith tons. Tuika mers ivnta five Wo- mýea' s Insti[tes, ans Hlom-e and Scio'IAssciato ans church group, and ans- grcnup of higlh schooi g-irls. The Unit l'a iidebtsd Vo hs Milibrwook Gathered In National Clothing Drivel Ovser We have the radio all Vhs natiolla 'hlav'e been u "'epeof lui thie ift ofclthg lu paclking and 0ogrguizat nittes extenda ts appre4 MiALUSKE --BOIJCK Newcstle on aturay.Octolier 27. whnEva Amiy, duh rof Mr. and M'. C. D). ueTor-onto) , bc ,i ï,e the bride of Russel'George M.ýaluske, Chiesley. Rev. D. R. Dewdney offi- iated. Givea in marrage by hier father, the brie ore a Mwite, crepe and chantilly lace gorwn ith fingcrtip-; lengtH veil and coronet headdrss edgecd miffh puar1s and caried a cas-1, cad'e of Jo"hanna 1Hlrsesand h 'ou- T'he bridesmaid, Miss Ethel' Bouck,i sitrof th'je brdwsgo.wýned inifl leghazure blue witfi, headdress 'of phnk ostrich feathiers and tuiille. Sîhe carrie'd a fan' bouquet ef vihite munis and Joliann 11111 ro)ses, Mr. John Maluske, brother of he groo,a best iman. A reception follcwed th'e eremony at 'the home of Mr. and .Mrs. ROY Forrester, Oronjo. The bride's m-other received hiea pow7%der b1lue dress xith a corsage of talismnan roses andci a- denhair fern.The brid's bouquet was senmt to the groomi's miother w'ho was tnbeVoattend. AMer the reeption the bride and groom 10ft f'o Demtrotne bride hvl ingi a cloverý greengabr dine suwith autumu brown topeont anid matîching accessories. The,; wlll resîde lu Toronto upon their return, MecFEETERS- -WRIGIIT A quiet wýedding took place hi Bow- uranville On Wednesday, Octobe-r 21,4th, wh'en Nellie Alberta Wright -\as iied lu inarriage Výo Charlesý Louis. MolFeeters, son of [r.and1 Mrs. Chas. McFeeters, Churc'h Street, Bowuian- ville, with Rev. Giffith offiiating.. The bride wov(re a turquois suit ïwithn pînik accesso-ries and a shioldcer Cor sage of pînk carnations. The groom's gi'fV Vo the bride was a string oïl peards. Miss Eleanor WVright w as i lier sister's only attendant. Sile :owý a rosýze %ool dressa with irose accessor- ies, and a corýsage of yellom-vumis. *Mr. Rýoy 'Lathangue. off Bowm-anvill'e, was best man. The weddig supp'er was held a the Grand Cafe, Oshawai. The happy couple left on' asor honeymi-onoutrip Vo Mailton aand dis tricts, the bride traivelling in wved- din costume, laVer dawned a cocoa bnrown topcoat. They will reside in OBOWman'ville. Evenin gCowns Legal Now Big newýs for xonien lookinig for- ward o Ohristuias and New Year's parties is foiind lu a recent Prices Board statement that restrictioÔns con the manufacture of evening - se and evening sirts have been, remoiev- ed. Buck on the market, too, vilîl be brides'm-aids' gowns und dinner dress- es. Frosu 1942 until uow, brides' gowns have been liniited 'o a ýibaxi- mum sweep of 144 inches and c-olors rcstricted to white and cream ' on1y, No bridai train could be longer thaTh 50 luches. Fil length dinn.er and eveing;- dress;es, long eveing shirts andi long wedding gowns, except foir the bride's, have been proiWied by WPTlB regulations' from 1342 ntil nLow. "Now ý,that long evenin-g dressesý ,and longup; siad govins are le- gai, the re-appcarance of wýomen'sý pr-war formal i veai, wilildepend en- tiyon. the availalblity cf suitaible fbnics achinery, labor and the tue necessary, to prýoduce styles, "W,,illiami GteWPTB diitao of Wo- men', Mises'andCiildre'n's Wear sajid. m1e emph-asized that plnices ()f such g_-owns yl be cnrle yceil- ing prices. Verna Berry, Roninie Page Winners In Sekn ots At the Puiblic Speaking Gontest hield lu the Town Hall at Orono) for the pupils of Clarke Tqwns' hip, only s'x contesants vied for honors o re- prfesent the to7výinship ut the 'County Speakiîng Gontest to) be beld here n Fridlay evening, four 'were fromn south Clharke and 2 from North Clarke. Afterthe six contestants had de- livered their spee'ches, the judges figure d up the score car, n [frdidte prizes Vo,. Verna Berry, 'of Anticwh'School, and Ro)nnie Page, toaesV wa ne os i Ilu bretli $606,150Oh1 Seven Days MMAD1l5 has been raised in the lstseven duys 'of the 9th Victory Loa cmpuguluDurham Gi ount wîth hs Towns'hip fGaresply-ý ing $40,400 of'ths oal r20% of théreirob' tvs and the Village of ~Newcaistl'e $11,150 or 28%ý1 of their objective. Resu-,lts in the res;t of the cont ihve 'bee-n reasonubly good, îbut v',11 have Vota oeif the cou-nty 15 Vs o maintain its ulnh roken recoýrd1 of Vimoy Iman successes. The Vorn f Port lia e and Boccmunville have both madle a gond shouing Vo date, [but hseava' in thie rural districts bas fieen isomewhais 'onhu.it is hop'ed thiat this condition will re- verseýc itself in the hst two wveeks,ý of the loa-n. The doodyeur Tire and Ruibber Co) and the B rwmnànville Founldry are lioth well-oVer thieir, objectiv-es in the flrsV weelk of V1hs Joani, withi over 90", of the fem1-Pioyess buying bonds. Eairl Spry was hom-e over Sundîay. .Ur. and Mrs. 'Clave Martin and famnily vis.-itetd 'Mrs, Murti's sister in Torouto on Sunday., Floyd Nicholson hus his dischurge Trnm hseRGA. and lhe ishbomie hielping 'bis father at the miiill. Mrs.aGoles gTaaddau'ghter and family have been visiting here for twc 'wesks. Mrs. VanWrt 1left for Lir hom-e in Toronto oun Sundlay. huchtie- service wil.I be at o:1,c iu the afternooa this Sundayl Muy ~of those wvho attend Find this -a nuch botter tune for the serice in the sborter duys of h fal sea1son, so unl- ,il fuirther Lýnotice service yuil be at' 3 lu che aftenooa every second Sun- day. AVtthe first trial lu hs Public ~colSpeukhng Gantes t, Ronni Pa>ge xou over David Fe by just two poins !n la set Fday nighit's con- test in Orono for Clarke Iowshi our snht walked .atway with frst' prize. 'Ronnie's subjsct mas Radar and wve are pulling for hlm Vo val his next contest Whîh is Fiday, nhght and inleb s sl Durham o u nty. Your Ration Calendar FOR NOVMMER HIere are the dates vroscu pana cm výaliinluNoveinher 'Ço'7eniber I-411eat, M9; butter, Noveuiber 8-4Meat, M 1. 'Novemuber 1.iet iKi; 'butter, 129; sugar, 66 and 67; Preserves, P 20 sud P '21. Nýovemaber2-Met M 12; butter, Novemiber 29-ýM-eaV, M 13; butter Ci1. IV wil he nated that no butter Cou- pons heconie valid on Thursday, Novemiben 8th. Tuesday's Sales Largest 0f Anly Former Day sales in thbe th Vctory Loun set a nswv, record.$2028,0 as agu-tinst 877,039,004)j0 for the sanie day in the 8th ban. 'Cumiulative total utithe end of the flrst eîght days is $6941,- 976,300, against 5704,4O Potato 4ed Is Now Availa'ble For 1946 Cropl for- plantii' next sprinig wouldi be weil itavised Vto imakte provision forý their supplies ut tVhs sarliest possible datte, sasys R. E.Godn Potatto Field- muan of the Pnntio -,Depar >tii enit oaf Agriculture. Lista af potato growe'lss inl Onitaria'Wh10 nom have seed for sale are available, and may 'be se- cured fraiVhs Giopa, Seeds aud Wtands Branch,Onao Departmtent 'af Agriculture, Parliaisuot Buildinigs, Torcon'to Potato ihanvesting -is nmwel uln- der. way vilth ageasyislds (of fiath sed and table stock below nor - ma-pl, due Vo an unfavonaible sessan. The quality of this y escrop ha Ou- aria shows hwproývement, and luil- çreased attention ha een given bhy several groups af gnowers Voarua ized vmarketing. The Durhami Counity Plorwing Match vias held ou,the fan of! Mr. Gordos. KNellogg, ll.ope Towvnship, on Tuesday, 'Octoiher 2.3rd, Fortunately there mas' no rain during he day but h, weather turn'ed extre.mely cold, makiag it very disagreenible for spce- tators.' This nio doubt limi'ted ýthe attendance Vo soiins extent. How'ever, there were from 150 Vo 200 spec tators duiîng the course o.f tbie aftern'oon, Eigh-lteen conitest;an,,ts toofk part whi thehs inners of ther various class- es b)e-*in'g as follo'ws: Glass, 1. Sod, open Vo all-Ist, Jas. Les, Sunderl'and; 2nd, W\m. Hlooton, Ida. Glass 2, Tractor iin Sod, 2-furnovi, o'psu Vo all-lst, Howar"d H'enry, of [GansplY)bellroft; 2,Stanley Allini, Onoiio. Glass 3, Trator lui Sod, 3-furrow, o,,peýn Vo ahl-jet, Dlou Budd, Port flope; 2nd, Lloyd Kell'ogg, Port Hope. latss 4, Jointer Plowvs in Sod-lst, Leonard ilenderson, Mlbo';2d John Hooton, Ida, lass 5, Jointcer Plow, open Vto those w.ho have neyer îwo trst or second l'a lass 4-1st, Carl D'o'w, Bowniini- ville R. RI. 2; 2n, owardc Allun, -New- castle. lass 6, open Vo thýose wiio have ney er -won a prize at any powÎ Imatch prior Vo 194r5. (tLi this ;ýclass no hiandiing- or shapiug of the furrovi by h1and, tue or m.y other inistrumnent wiill be a0wd)it . DtBrown, Orono; Znd, ost Allie, Newýcastl1e R.R. No. 9- Class 7, boys *or girls uitder MWI years, li s'od-.lst, Ed. Bal1an'tyrie, If]a. Class 9~, to.uro plow, in stuli- lle-.-lst, EII'wood Gray, Port ýHope; 2nd, Giean AIlin, N'ewýcast1e; ird, Roy Rei, Port Hope. Gla'ss 10, tractoýr lu Stubble, Open tc> anýyone, icuig ladiles Who have nerploired nt a previous m'atch wiît1i a *rco-st Murray Payne, New-ýcastle P.R. 3; 2nd, iRoy MUc'Uolm, W'elco'me. Mr% Wài. Hootowon the Saladea Tea Special,$0, for the best land ,l Jointer sed classes (hlorses onlyj plowxed bly a resid ent of Durhaim Counity. The T. Eaton npaySpe- cial, a 12-inich Sandwiich Tray, fiel styl1e, value $8.00, for the boy ýor gil under -0, pl'owi.ng the best land eithier ýi'th hoýrses ýor tractor, iras. won by Ed. Rallantyne, Idla. TPh.r Robert, Snpson CoQýmp'an-y Seca $5.00 War Savin'gs ericate, for the young'est contestant(gr or boýy> Tw.ith either trac-tor or hor01ses, vies won by Roy cf{lWeicome. 'The be"st turnýo1t (teain and hmes, 1s't, J. D. onOrono'; andil 2rid Howard Alun, wastle. The Association is indebted Vo those Who assisted to' niake thisý programi a s'uccess îad is 'especially 1indelbted-r to -Mr. Gordon Kellogg; who furnishled his farin for the rmatchi; aud to Vhe- ladies of the -Welc'oire Un-ited Church ivoprep'ared lunchles for tlhe pýlow- mnen ut noop ad anexcellent chicen- pie sýupp)er foian eveuing m-eal. I ~- I The employiuent afterd Thisi Act and i ts 1 The iiiwngpons the 1. Dshrslmon and wonîea 't mient arle ta be givn sindi favouirable than aull ha bp thsy côntinued iln emiployuie joinhngthd rces 2. 'P'lie .periodl of titas 'spienit wl services is Vo count for, seniori -sian nîghts, incutians with pi other benefits. 3.Discbarged personnel- x",io. , Vhs' moat auitable empJ0ivnW1 iwhîch Vhsf' are capable of.' 4. If an eml oy7er diSntisej ployes within 6 miontbs, hie n prove ilu court thut 'lie lhad ne for- so doing. Il. NATJ j montas. Plowi>ng Match Winners TIM s

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