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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1945, p. 2

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"ýIK." PATCH Sinfigthat tt wearuer saw %mýervice at Hong Kang and was thus One of the first Canadians to see m-ajor action in the 1939-45 wlar, a -ew batle Patch 'has made its appearan,-ce in do)zens of tow,,ns saaîl villages, chiefly in Que.- bec and Manitoba. The new battle Patch consista cof a1 red circle, appraximately two inches in- diamecter, with neat, wbte'Chinc-s-styIcd" monograni- mcd letters "H-.K." emibroidered in the centre. Alil the men who fought at H-ong Kong are entltled ta thu patch. which is distributed to the mnen as soon as thcy arrive at Brit- ishl Clumnbian r-cep,-tion de-pots. Whýile every province was rcupre- senited in the force that batled 10î g ie n l the beleagusred Far East cit-y, Most of thçî men were Ircm- bers of the Royal Rifles of Canadia, !large!Y from Quebec a- d Ilieéw Brunswick, aud the Winnilpeg 1 nt of l Manitolak, athoughi dozetrs cf citieî and small hamlcits con- tributed recruits to bath of these units. The "ELK,." patch is entirely dif fez-eut lu shape from other Cana- dian battie patches which arâ 7.ýrec- tangular or diamnoud-shaped. FORTUNE HUNTER ARz-CTIC HARVEST Gardeus now flouris in the land of the midnight'-sun (top). Even this olId one at Fart Albany, on James Bay, is way dowu south by modern standards. (Left) This, 10-foot suuaflowasr was growu at Fort Laird,, N.W.T. (Right> These giaut cauliflowers were growu near the Arctic Circle, believe it or nat! (By LEONARD BUTLER) Canada's frigid north is not as barren as most people think, Care- fuil cultivation of sheltered Arctic Circle will often produce ample dlivideuds ln both vegetables and flowcrs. 'The vegetables are par- ticularly welcome, since frel vi- tamin and mineral-rich foods are !Uot easily obtained in the remote setlemaents of'the far north. Northern gardenis have prob-; 1 Irn Ç Plcuar to th rnselveq- h. SbW1¶ eaon la veryu short and the gardener hlas ta be constantly on the alert. Tender plants must be covered up when frost threat- ens, and sowings -killcd by late frosts must le rcplanted. The saine watchfulness is necessi.ry at the, end of the season when early frosts migît destroy tomatoc~s ad other tender crops. Season Short To compensate for the shortuess of the season, however, the hours of, daylight are much longer than. farther south, and the mysterious catalytic agents that promote growth in plants with the aid -of sutnlight 'are able to- work1 on a "swing shif t." Iu this way adapt- able plants, like the potato and caîbage, are able ta complete three pnm r onth4' iTQwth two flonths of' longer days, e. pro- vide extra raw materials for the "swing shift" and ta give plants a quick start in the spring it is neces- sary ta use fertilizer. Rainfaîl is scanty I the north, and mnuch of the moisture is furnished hy the thawing subsoil, Beyonid the tree une cthie sou ci - curs onily ini cracks anid crevices and ii 1u , r ive ottom llanlds. Thiese Arctic sisare tusuailly very acid anid are comiposed of dcae plant debris. To savaeiiutrientis locked up1)in thlis mai:teial anid 111-0c fthem 1 av-ailable fo'r planit "'11t, it isneesayta emlploy nîosof bacteria.1Theisecte ria are presenit ini l good gardenýi soi], but are ofteniijackinig î1n the Arctic s-oîls and 1have to be initro- d(uced. This ï- is oue eihr Iby sliýp- ping in a sm-lall quanltity of loami (oftenl a tnp o (f 1two or three ýthlou- sandmieor bY lusing dog ima- nure wihsmtmsconitins a. desirable typre of sou ba)cteria. Eskim-os 1Heilp Soimetýimes awolesumniiier lias to be deCvoted( to "growin;1g" the soit befort e c canstart growing plants. Firt te 'sou mus,-t be scraped upl and brougit to thie gardenisite. -[Fo)r thiis puirp)oe it is often possible 1to enýý ïliate aid of a few ýrEsk'imlos woth1ink ta tle crazy white n is ý goinig to eat dirt. The 'soit is dumlped lin a cold frame or other protected spot and lime is added to nenitral- ize the acidityý. Next a cmlt fertilizer is ix.,ed %with the oil This souit s kept warm aill suni- nmer and by the nxtseasoni it is in good shape fo)r raising vege- tables. Competitions Held In the easteri p art, of the Northwest Territories and iii nior- thern Quebec, hotbedis or green- houes have to be constructed lbe- cause the outsîde summrertmpr atures are not highi enougili for normal plant growth. Sometimes it is even neces'sary ta ujse a coal eillantern or heater to keep the temperature in the grceenhouse from falling too low at niglit. In Spite -of aIl these adverse condi- tions, good salad planits are being grown in the far northi. Crops of lettuce, r Cihe i ard, s'Pirach and cudive thrivei n man y parts of the Northwest Teri-tories. At Laike Harbor, in Baffinland, aver 100 tomatoes were ripened one year, and sonie enthusiasts are trying' to beat this record by growing ta- matoes even farther north on Baf- finland, Sweden, faced with a seriajus coal shortage, cnevsis am'Al suPPly for industrial use -and taps its large fo-c,-t resaurcesý for riviliFin cousumption. Pales af logs wich stretc'h down subuirbani Street in Stockholm will be used ta hc.t apartmneut houses at kf t. unifornis, ta supplement the suits and dresses ta be purchascd. In order ta, encourage northern- and James s are found som)ïie ers ta grow their own vegetableýs of,,the oldest gatrdens or Canaýda. the government and a number of In sanie of these tiie saie piece comipanies have issued gardening of soal i la ben poduigcon literature andà promroted( vegetable tinuo)usly for over 250 yveaýrs. and flawer coxnpetitions. The Hud- Ayoewhio tinks ict1at pssare sou's B ay Companyý have been colnfinied taCsuthern gadn holding these comrpetîtions for theshod rea-d thie tales of woe thiat past four years, anid sanie of the coreot of thle land of( midnîight entriesare shown in accompany- suntans. Grass1ioppers, 1mag'Lgots' lng photograpîs. caterpillars, miice and eveni sleigh Bail Producing for 250 Years dogs semta be atatdto Ithe Althougli gardening nortl of garden, while ail the nîasquîto11ies the Arctic Circle is a relatively from the srrudig conr new venture, aL little farther cone ta feast on thehadwrkn south, on the shores of Hudson 1gardener. more Vitory Bonds. Canada must cçîre for out wounded ans, rehabilitate ail service personnol, <are for the ,dependents of the fighting men who con never refurn assist th ose veterans who may nover regain full capacity, Every Victory Loan dolIce bolpt fa do N i ~ ~

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