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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1945, p. 3

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&11, r 'ffki, Emibroidery in varied colors or hiwieor ne Culor Calitranls- foriastlà year'7s dress and mnake you týfeel -t's really ne L as5y Be instle- ebridr our .dress! These miotifs are isOige raid out.ilue stitchi. Pteu796, bas transfer o ekieaevpocket motifs. edTWYCNS in coins (tmscaulnot le acceptedi) for flept., Rýoom 411, 73, Adelaidje Si. lest, Toýronto. Prinit pLainlyPA- T1ERN NUMBER, your NAME ndADRUE S S. More sunlight Needed In HoUýmes Apart fron peaan dspsi tlou of Cie peocple in a'hme prob- Iy noinig helps tuý create a 'cheerIfl spiit soq, mutcli as haIvinig Ibrighit rooms in vibicb on spends must f bisdayigbt hoius, says Yta sùrey ade by Lever Broher ,Ld.,Toronto,(» shows tbat Otrj oue treamn flpoorcst IpIlnned( in Callada sron the staupoiotof getting sun-I] sine indurs ues crmmed end f t endin polypane ib- hoùlders of sunllitrom.Oea qjuarter if th bone in the cities nd sm""ou o hspoInce ýOf thebue uig h ayie On farms on -e wuldepetsa Iciolls surrounmdings to lowsn for-e, is tle fndngtat t per cent of Outarin farm bouse. ed ighits on dur11inig the a.Cutrdot injg ar( elreorted asthrasn Mfost of this ilack fnatia lightilig i, the rlsultof pouria- yool, n uatr1va1iz0oier Patte uo4930 lauxra Iength, y sutrg wist aid sa-ptsrapsý. A prctty coveraîl for work or blos- teSsingl Patteru490: nîii(141, 2 3-1);Imcld. 1-0 6-8;lig (40-44); ex. lre(&5)Md yds. 33-n. Send WENTYCENS (20e un coins (rtans caniiot be accept- ed) for thlis patteru toRoom 2IJ, 73 deaie-St. West, Torolito. PrIt plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-. DRESS, STYLENUBR CEIA PTER IV Adeaid's ycawerc suddenly w'ide anjd Uoxctited. "Gary - we coufld find out, coui(l't w e? Could yqu teýll if you bad a map?"j- "Nq dfiuiitei.I nowthere's a fait tha1;t mstbrouigh li s iarea- and yuIelti? e cruniblCi the bit of froi in is fingers.. "Sul- phuýr in thiat - 'smell it? Whore there's suiphur there's oil, usual-, ly...' "Oh,, Gary - lct's get a map! Leýt's go uow. We ueedn't tell any- one about it - tilI yeu know more- abot it." erface was flushed and eager, ber co'es hý urning. 'He tossed the crumibledl clud away and was ab- ruptly soirry ho had said anything about it. Prolbiahy ho was wrong anyway. EveYyoung felluw whe hall a cuplef ltter-s on a degree bad- a dreain of s;(-me day finding tebiggest oil strike of ail. And oil ,was ikýe lightîiing - dark lighitning. W reit struck, the peaceful earth wsnyr Üthe-sanie again. "Ye," o aid slowiy. "\'te Can problilygeta iniap. And an cx perincedgeohysiistcoid proba- thtelI hte there's any de- finit pro ihere or not- What I'vcleanedwas how te, get oul out of tho round after someone elselocaedbut woudn' w at0t WT41 5ID <Nfi4-LOI)MV is an ingeni il n ele,,swevr bag.n weav rum-sie ma, eat- cavraliets.handbags, afg- hans, linnheon-sefs cnet any -on1eauuse, wool, caudýleîvlck, raf,Aoddsand endes. WEEVE~D ONDERLOOM* WEEVEI Y n OIÇDEILOOM5 cmlte with instructions and patterna Orie Dlfar. Wrie fr reeFoleror order ila, fro advîsc ý our father to hire geologists - not yct, anyway- not just on m-y word." "Oh1, b ut if thocre s!lonld be oil undeýr this place, Gýary, Dad w'onld be ila ot hire aniy numbier of peupl. if you sbould find s;ome- tbiuýg - and it tur1nod ont tu be im- portant - w,ýe'd be terriblv rich, wvouidn't wc? 'And you wouldn't have to go tu Mexico You conld stay here and work for Dad!." "You meau - you'd want nme tu st'ay? "'Sumlialongz, is ,feet feeling woudel, lie cou](d not loýok at becr. His head was buzzing. ber light answer was like coîd water thrown into bis-burning face.- "Oh, but of course!t We have fu.. 1 can talk sense, tu you and nuto haetu listen to a lot of awfuil 1non- sense aulttniy fhair and miy e Yes and ail that dreanîy ,situff." -I sec. Su you wanit to go on - talking senise?' "0f course. Yuu've nu idea whiat a relief it is." "AIl riglit," lie said, a litlfa. :"We'll talk sense, then." "And we'll go straigbt off and sc if we cani find a map. Gary - if it's true - 1 want you tu tell Dad." It was n iot easy tu find a map). Tbey tried a haîaf-duzen lacsand Gary saw thec old, avid,hafspi cions luocme initu the eye vs of the men from wblom holieuquilired. Like the widened nostrils of a wolf on the scent, like the tant, suspen- sion of movemnent that stiffens a er:owd wbena voice crieýs"ir" «'They're ail alike," lie told Ade- laide. "I can w-alk into any hotel ini this state and just say 'oil' tu sum-ebody in a low tonie - and çvery man in the place will wtcb me, after that, and a lot ofthem, w-uld follow niie." "I'd follow yon, ton.OhGay lisu excited t" "Es er hear the stury of the we rigger wbo gut tu beaven and the place was su crowded lie couldn't getin?" "Nu, l'11 bite. What did le do?" ,He stuick bis head in tbrough the gate, an d \elied, 'Tley'vec struck oil in bell' And in five ecodsflat, haîf the crowd liad run onot, and thie well rigger moved into the best m-ansion ou the golden stret-f." "'Maybe tliey'll bave a mnap at the boulk store. Let's try there." But- the book store had 1nu map, thougli the clerk luoked at thiem witb quickened interest. "Only mian aruund bere wbo miglit have a map lîke that is old Hugbey Fothergill. Ho worked down yonder at Spin- die top wbeu 61d mani Lucas lirouglit thaýt big gusber in, thirty years ago - and he's beeni prowl- ing arouud with a doodlelI)ug ever since, l.oking for ou. If lie bas a uîap, x on conld mnaylie get a look at it, but I donlit if be'd give it' "I know old Hueghey," A£delaide said dbi l wen tbeýy were in tbe car aan "AI rihtwe'l ty Hugbe1y.' Isa 1kind of0'a coiitrapjtiot, made 1Couit of a tî or somlethiing. Thiey walk arouind witb it - andi it's supoedtudip adtremi-ble, wben ùthere's oil und(er tbe surîface." "\Ve!l does ;it?" "I've badstoies fromi old-im crs w ho daitat nil wavs fonnd that wayv. Probaibly it waslck "This i, is bi oùse - there, where theC pig's asleep in the yard. The oo of the sooty little sbiack stood open., Gary banged on it and shouted. "Hello-anybody- borne?" ,"Git out," croaked a voice. "If you're une of tbemi reliefers, I don't want niotin.Iii ,ïjust want to be leftaoe" 'iinotimani- nvestigator," Gary said. "o-reMr. 1Fothefrgili? I'm Talîmlan - apoum enginecer. Tbey told me utuwn tat you miîght bveageolo)gical f11uap of tbis unt. (To Be Onied Modern Eti'quette By Roberta Lee 1. How anid wbere shonld a wvomi- au pay lber billhe hbsli b een staying al »one at a hotel forsera days, and is ready to eae 2. When a mnan is eating ini a pnib- diningruom, iilandawmnstops to speak to bm, sbouild hli rise? 3. How long sbiould a pecrsn re- main wben maiuig ia social cal1? 4. Shouild the guecýss li providled witb plates iandl napjkins, for thieir canapes at a cocktail pa-rty? 5. When a mani leaves a room, and says good(-by\ to a grouri of girls, sbould lie avoid turning bis back towards themn? 6. Shuuld a womnan show the sanie regard for bier'associates as a mani, iii asking ipermiission to smoke? ANýS WERS 1. skfor the lubiltu be sent to your room, thiat the items may lie cbecked and totaled. Then pay the bill at the desk. This will sas e time ini going over thre items at the desk. ?. Yes, alxxays. 3. 1From 1 to 25 minutes is long eog.4 No; neither plates inor nap insar necess-ary, as canapes are taken witb the fingers and eaten in ui ne or two bites. 5. Yes; this cani- be avoided very gracefuilly with1 a lit- tle practice. 6. Ye,ýs. HwCan1? By Anne Ashley Q.How eau 1 prevent the break- ing, of rice kernels?, A. Do not stir rice wbile cok- iug, because it breaks the kerneis and makes tbem mushy. To avoid sticking to the buttýom of the uten- &il, ges the pan bIefo)re cookinig. Q.HwcanIi remunve tar frumi A.Byrubngwiha -slice o-) lemjun Or oran'Ig" e pe. 1T1eC nu in the, sk1in d isslhetar su, that it cao lie xiped off very easily. Q. I-Iow can J1 make the surface of alumninum look like nieîv? A. By, puuring a few ounces of viniegar in eacb aluminium utenili. Heat it and then scour the surc- face. Q. JHow eau Ilooenacoge Sik pipe? A. Dissolve'-oudoccpe as in 2 quarts of bot siateri and pour it duwn the pipe. Repejjat if necessary. A solution of soda and vinegar ponred dlown the pipe will dislodge grease. Q. How cao Imak a substitute for suap? A. In au emergency, oatmeal is an excellent substitute for' soap. Place a siail quantity in aj chee1se- clotb bag'and wash just asif nsing a bar of soap. - - This week'Us recipes frc'mi the Consunier Sýctioni of the Domin- ion Dprteîoff Agi-iculturo in- cliu a recipe for ja i an tw o their " mutpplr eie or beet pCkle1 s. For. those ý whuc, a1y] day now will leý bri ilginig in boots from- the gaýrdon tu sto)re for wv.intetr use, bocre are a feisremndrs.Bots keep best at a temperature beý- twieen 33 dIeg. F and .38 1dcg. F. To keep tbcisiýp in stura-ïgo, ,evapo- raýtion sbould lie prviicnte, su a cuverîng uf saud is called or Twiýsting, rather than cntting the tops- off reduces blecdiiîg and this belps nut oniy to preserve the cul- or lut also to prevent decay. Ruby Jam~ 4 cnps pceled, finiely choppcd beetsq 2 cnps peeled, fiuely chopped carrots, 2 cuPs boilng wter 3oranges,,grated lmd awld jice 74 teaspuon aîpc V2 teaSPuon loe Mz teapo cnao Y teasp)cu ine PoLil vgtle in waîtem for 20 mninu1ýtes.-\Addlsugar, bing to a hbou and ba)il10 uminutes. Addgrat- cd rind :aîîd ju iice oDf lenons and oranlges, ,aid s p i ces; boL ouil tbick, about 15 ites. Poiur mb[ lot, ster-ilized jars,coladsa Yield, ;about 3Ons Pickled Spiced Beets3 15, large boots 3 large whlite uin i teaspuon cIelryseeýd 1 tabiespoon sait 1 teaspoun îstr 50 4 teaSPoor goinl 1nao cip bro' suga Uic jr.'!dspices and uga vinegr, ing o bo l oinit alla 2 qts.cuedcope et 2cupsl, ea '4teasýpoun pepper Mix aIl ingredients, put jutao sterilized jars and seal. Yid about 4 pints. Mony'sBeret colonel-commandantof theRoya Tan,ýik RgmnreveaIed thesc i-et uf Ihis; famous beret lu a mes- sage tuth 1e rglînent. He s5O1 -,L was &i%;e.iin 1) l yasogeant nom- manding ijs týank duJjring the Batj- tIc of Alarmeii. men Are Worknýrýg To Exhaustion Chronie fat4ig-ue and nervons ocx- hausiion are gettiug mnidowu -,. dowx in heaýlihaddw urssec It is 'higl tiime for a buiid up1) with Dr. Chaste's NERV ODth Vitamin 1 tonie. ' tfwil itrIdîi to stoady yonn neves and help you to s-lee p boitter. anid to regaLin enerýrgy advgr !C fr ten~ Con1- s' N s' 'i -s s i -s' s' 'i v N -s- 'i i N i i -s 's -y s' 's' i i i N -s "t i N i i --s N s -s i * i -s- i s- 55 -'t i x 's N 's -s 's s i N 's i 55 a -s, -'t, -s 's .5 s s-- s' -'t -t 'i s' N -est Aut brek a Chrie&sPremium SWd Crackeýr ;n twý,o .. see for yourseiîf how elihtfllycrisp i s. Ad ow 6hat cris, tender texture adds to your HEL21N TOPPING MILLER

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