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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Dec 1945, p. 7

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T FOR T1 Bicycles biiilt--for six atles.Ta' jennings ollF- Eampton, England, appears smiaggle comfort World Flowbpof Chiristians Lessocn: At 03-3 unto all CShat caî uo Hr o Peter's Sro Acts 134 he eev, ete11Ad eeopeneid as a result;o-bi vi ion. owlie had laredtîat G'od hiad respect for teGutlsas -welcl1 a', for) i-7et ex, , s,,bý t : love1]b th ;ive ta tue j e cnn ohnors God and is law, andis a true wor- orlin s pad fail ii Godf te trut asrveld 0 christ. the Messiah 36,-.38 At H ais smnthe Lord receive the auinting )i the ol Spirit. Tht e was te Msi wa rvdb",iis iyrksofpoweru wods, "Wha enit abouit doiing go, te have sn1cb a-.1frue de- scription o-uftheý Lord Jesuts. He did goo beaus prfet godnsswas c1ne of Hi, aLttribtes. First-and Witnesss 39-40. The trnlti oS the isorca fact.s of Cbists eatan rsUr-. fihis bjtfo ny or0 ar sir- ituial eprineof Christ, but (on aè(didfonainoinotsbl H wasunneessay fo Christ ta show Htusei ta "ite pe'ople" ta tn.Ev-en thoul e lbad douie s5 many onld noS h1ave acpe Sailaîtionfor All 42-.43.-Wben ar Lurd umn- cd Pisdicipls fapreaci lie1UGos- pl lie gavýýe them a wide colmmis- sio, t tech' ai inaionis. "he prpesfortoicd Ithatail nlation1s wudlbessdflironpli Ile com- ing of Chist, andtlit salv-ation woud le gvento, ail lio cailed on Hi[11Thecallîn1g anid sahlaionI of the Geniles was selar Off ilere is a gettrth "hrug Hjis Nmewlsovrbiethn Hint aaîl reeive rmissiN baked. Pa:rty Squares 12cupfa a atyblenider or two oies utire ita the lbetom oflighfly Fi, lle tuI cnhittv rbt t6'2lt 1im eaoonbo au imtespoon saIt ici, asp30nciaii Maeiens. our mixure oxe Maks 6 quares.iýli 2tablspoons ai-: upoeflu if ason bakig powder ti1 '/r( cup ctIiopeN .t ilt c-nup n i i p(ain, 'peel lu), ts. S keifSor ai odeln msaît alogthr Add f0 iritSf Ix- Sureand uix wll. Add nuts and Meringue Spice Squares ' cpbrown suçlgar 34cuip ifted al.ups l 'teas ýpoon bakiig psodaý p4Saspoon bakng pwde i/ taspoon cinnanlon / cup )sorr rnlilk or bn1trn1i! iegg white 2 falson ineily cope nuts(optonal) Cream f Iat, addbrw sgr graualy cr-Ill(!îig unii lglt Mix anid sîft dry inigredients anld- add alterntc l wtbthe sournWil, Stir untîl Imooth Cen Surn into A reedcake Cpan]. 's", x ý8". Beat n eg mieutil it holds a pea,1; i-case level3oped by Pet nother pedal, the trailer. then radvaly bat ;in the tbe tif.Spreaai over the liatter in thl-e 1 1pa dsrnkethýe top wt puts.Bakein a ïmoderîateoen 350,for -25 tiue.Allow 50 cool bof oreQ cuting il lta 2-nc Thanks to Ulster V. Ale'ende, Brita!in's Fîrst Lord of ý the l Adir -altv, -to SirBai "01yOur demnds reclled 1their heig!lit iii te crticaldaysoh th Batlo ']hese uchaormînig 1mot:ifs in simpfle, laz-daisy and ou ()IJÏtle Stitch ithfl julst a toluc of cutorkld e- ganice to( laieatlnenls. eleOne sall motif in comlbined needewor maks liensgift -wor - thlPaitte1rn 518ias tranïsfer of 16 mo1tifs 1'4 x -c .into234 x 3 inclies. Senid T E Y CIENTS in Coins (stamlps Cannot be accetpted)ý for thlis patteren to0Wilsýon Needi- craft Dept., Room 421, 7 '3 Adelaide, St., WVet, Toronito. Prinit plainily PATTFRN NUMPFR, yu NAME an md ADDFREÏSS Ail Beautifuly FurniShed Witb Ruintirîg Water. Rqatesaý elINIA i TOPPING 7f the(y slo that anIlte ,xUli calme in, yo'd no dfii haitws irh hle going hav qsveCyue lfa litoftrobl oil on rny lace.Maybe [ý ' veCgof ai(l ndthr in'! ayonape' on the ol b1zzard1, odnti? tiun Haveyw ascorpleelyde- Adelide xva faobusyta rive Gary unr in, btheA i hid. "lis the dace uat the colntry club,Gary-tnesprig Ada. ts snpîod t e i riaya n ihtand Gary airlnned.riNow w rtrn toth oriialqustioithilooik to1arnI 11n 0 o et o esttx "Get Mothr to drve ouofr Ltovll d e go 0 e ntnFr dasne, Gay. -Am sradop1be bd y." Think- ibabbey ata anlýùr1cninatterat ahi c-anro l do for it-no wlisoute othr floiiiber goson, probably Cî0ý * 1 cm li* Harvey ba not beenable as ye ta overturned cbUickncowthn flit oforîsbeiÎnd u tgthrand Thn igig rwariedFn truck, and ga amsout. "Bi felow ooka ro? jupow t 1. ir.rkiere "iT ey beat eachcothe "Put lsinldown.ths Otl. 'ïe hide, this is J iGan, tIe oten L-etfoall player f bat oefum- bsed ahal.BiIwa i sholwt Th leien Hon thetuc-bga t "Gta go , by madis, said, -Seceyou la ter." Cest-rode avyilong legs swýin-ging ili C'lsy rythmii. -iHe's nce1likýe imi," Ade- laie aid. 'il invite hmiirn-t0 the dane" "Hle shu.1b:thou ,1 dgonet by Fidy.'" 011,h,11e'll t-I knw hewill ià 1 askhIm." onl me or h danice. in Il criplednp ad Ihaven't ithe right 0111, Gary, (don'f be cuC1i a îg Why ituned downi a liali -0a dox- en daites to go to that arewt viu. Don!t you wanit a tame me?" "0h, Great Scott-" Ahebtrned to! Buit i togtyoui'dhaen- 'Coulresxveet, Gary." She pat tedi !is arm and lhe forebore ta- wîncewhen he Ibit a am sot "It's too bad you arecso awfully Thel csliinB istcel wn up anid Gay' eart eeedto Solar w it, ta weave a glittcririg web agaýin1sit te April sy He did ilot li b. bcause bIis gripwasstill reroubut lie was rgigta derrik in i id, clinlching ,every boltswingîgng p every hurnnmog At n ioon hle sent word ta tho e bueby Sîin tat1 he w1(2 sstaly-. ing on thle jobi and satdwnwithl thec igging crew to share thlun Iich tht ad been ibrou)glit ot in th, Ce clatterinig truck. B'ili Gral n had declined the!in lvi- tatÏint)a bave lunlch at the ue ,l cohsand bdntlid time 52tl ,f I'd knoUWn 1wa4s gigto0 meecýt a gil]like t1iat, I'd hiave pt OHnsome dean cordurcys, anad bea'sgreseonmy bir Sorne -111bve ilflieck.FTi Ma son bs mony, lan't l.e? Any ma wollpt a wildca idown o V o'ilg oiýt n5u hcat May-b b,, ['11 stick aroiLd for tbiaý dÀjce. A d tIl t, Gay thoug it',ui, us- 13,~~ ~ wa o ul odides', Flying Time f l ing îtime Ihave dIw ind(ledaii z ivgy.Thle fio, n alei \2w York T'liîîîsshow Dbowf ly inïg tirnel<'as shrunk insxyer lietiten NeiYork ad -a f ew i- portant cit: irltin. lirs. m1,in, Mexico City, Las Anigeles Chlicago ... Miami '3 :59 3:00 14:30 30:00 12:00 7:00 9:00 2~4~ 3:4~ 1:06> .5. N N 5. N N N5. -s. N, N 15. 't' 4' 4' N i 's ~0. ai et', ~1~ N N ~4, et' t' N N N -ai .5. Quality Guarapâteed Helps Check Colds Quickly you can often cheek a eo,'ldquiekly ifyou flo hs ntutos Justý as soon a-s you feel the eold eor- ing or, anrd experience headlache, pains ;D fihe baek Or inr enessthrougb the body, take a Para:d0I tableS, 0a good big drink, of hiot leinonade or ginger tea and go taolied.- ThiePaad P ffords ahnost imnsed- iner jie ,.,.n m l Fi t' nls and 'l chp,, and b ..~ * )mu-fs of ,flié M", Im- !Mj-

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