Has v«fe Stood It As Ever ince early Fal We've been looking for th~e weather to change, but it gets blamed tiresiome star-jing around a store like ours doing nothing .... 80.....-s we'rFe going to put on a Fur Sale that will start som.ething bîg-and start it quick. Profits he hanged is our slogan,,, ... ...... cut the.profits out of everything.-......ae em i-iove, -......... get the crowds reg-ardless of costs or profits--...... ... we want a crowd and warit it quick. Now you good folks who know the kind of Furs we selI wilI appriecate the meaning of this sale, but those of yeu who have neyer been in, let us put you wise. You'll find Furs-f roiricli looking Seýal Coats to the small neck pieces-all in the newest styles, best quaity f urs, attractively lined and best workmanship-... .t....... and there isn't a store %nywhere în this section of Country or iii the cities that offer sucli genuine unadulterated values as we are now ojffering. If your husband or 'dad' is a laborer, factory winpleyee or steeplejack, just f orget that our store has the reputation of being a high-toned store .- .a.. ...,nd cro-wd in with the other thrifty shop-. pers for the grapes- ......... or if you're one of the 'Upper Four H-undred' who always patronize the âo called city stores of quality where you pay feor 0-ne firn naine, why here's your chance te get a '1"ý arm stylish Fur Piece or Fur Coat at the. lowest price you have ever bought dependable low in price that yoU can affor aloccasmons-one for everydý dreiîs occasions, and another f< Iwy your Spring hat. These Fui & have the style---.and they're just as represented.-- -and there's none of the catch-'em- andl-chea4t-'exn stuif about this sale. Our personal guarantee 18 back of every sale. Now we've aldways said that sometinie .oe'd put on a Fur Sale that was a real corker-here it is, Our idea of a sale is a lot different from tome nierchants.' We say prices nust be eut on the square, that yoit can't pick out Une good Furs and hide theni, but just leave every thing rîiht as it is, and then 'cut the prices 80 deep that even a tight- fisted ra"cal who don't believe anything is on the level wiîi corne back the second tme for a sec- ond helping of Furs for his wife or daughter. But listen...... . ...Conie along and get in- - .. even if you're net1 now it will pay you to buy f or We kçn.ow we are going te have a lot of new friends after this Fur Sale whether we make any rnoney or net. MIND YOU, EVERY PIECE 0F READY- TÔ-WEAR FUR~ IN OUR STORE IS INCLUDED IN.THIS SALE, AND THE CUTS ARE DEEP~, T00%. Nufsed ....-.... com~e inî and »ec for your-ý self, G. N.TURSTON- Bowrnanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Mr. Luther J. Go r. and Mrs. Harry ta Oke, Bowmani Mlrs. Jas. Oke t the holiday ai rton'si. s. AUCTION SALES Id Sun-j "Every 4( to be