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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1923, p. 4

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Jan. HIlS 15 AN EXTI THE CROW:. low tops, sizes y one, pair to a ilar $4.50 and it 110W PAilýý IT HAS BEEN A WONDERFIJL SALE. JIEL CD.CITIZENS SAVE MANY ION OF SALE NOW GIVES COUMr'TRY ,RGAINS. 50SME PEOPLE HAVE~ iREAL VALUES AND YOU CAN'T RE- ÔORDIJNrAR.'Y EVENT. SHFOP IN THE Onl 15pairs left, sizes 5 tq I 10, just i what the children* *want now, regular $1.25,I -while ýthey lastj STURDY BOOTS FOR SCHOOL OR STREET WEAR Aspeeial purchase enables wý to give yoqu this bargain. About 0'pair in the lot. Good values at $5.00, SALE PRICE $3.95 PAIR 20 pair Youth's, Il to 13, black or brown, odd sizes. -..... $2.45 PAIR~ priceci 1 or low s in black or Mf, with welt lot, taken 1$8 to $10 $6.95 PAIR was U. F. O. NOTICE her- The South Darlington U. F. O. an Clb 'il meet at Ebenezer, Monday ýd- eveninig, January 22nd, ut 8 p. mi. ,are. Mr. J. J. Morrison ila expected to ad- dress the meeting. Ail are invite-d. C. M. Peznfouiid, C. W. Parso*s, President. Sec'y.-Treas. BURKETON The heavy snow fall and storm lias left the roads in aý bad condition ...League to-nighit at 7-30. So- cial night. Lunch will besre by th~e ladies. AI! corne. .,..C. G. I. T. Clus meets at the homne of Mrs. W'aterIiouse next Mnoneay evoning at 7.30 p. m.. DARLINGTON Mise Sarah Jones, Newcastle, was a recent ýisitor with Mrs. Bruce Met- caf...- Miss Grace and Mr. Albert Veule, Antier, Sask., are holidaying with friends at Toronto, Oshawa and Bowmanville and were gu.ests at, Mrs. Garnet Symons and Mrs. Blake Short's. HAMPTON League meeting on January l4th was in charge of Missiônary Vice-l President, Miss Marion Stevens.A- ,,or de,.otion 1 exercises Miss M Souch played a piano solo. Psalmn was read b Miss Verna Dev7itt.ýTlie didly deaIt witb by Pastor 'Jones.> Misses Frances and Betrice Jpsnes sang sweetly and Louise Johns gtave aL reading "4Jimmnie's Angel" after, whbiehlmeeting closed with the Bene-1 diction.i EBENEZER M r. Ge o. F. Annis has returned ffroi a1Short visît to soi-e of the! Western cities, Lraling~ at Winnipeg, Ediohton and Calgary...' . MAr. 4arl Trull, Nantoni, Alta, la visiting wîth his parents, Mr. tnd-,Mr; Lewis Truli A.. Tie 9yntipatlly of tii omniity la extended to M r. 1, ay in his iilnes with pnieumnoni.. -, Frank Aberrethy is preparing t rect ai nrewv barn on thefarm eety purchased froiniMr. Wi. j, owe Mr. anti Mrs. W.,G. 2iundle, Bethe.,da, visited their da ghter, SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Elme.ir Wil-.,ur have 'beeni confined to thç house f or somne days with some f orm of infiunza ...Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Enftajdl, vis-i itei his father, Mrý Richard Pascoei who has had pleurisy and neuralgia. . ..Mrs. S. E. Werry l1ave, been t, Toronto -onsulting with s-pecialists. I Mrs. J. Baker attended themetn at Gtueiph of Experimental Union and was electeti President. . . ' Owing to the League visiting Enniskillen League next Wedni-esday night the meeting will bc with,,rïawn lere Monday night.. i . Siti Hocha-î Hampton .... Mrs. R. Pascoe has hadj a severe attack of erysipelas,.. The Wofneyis Institute wus well attended Thursday and the "Grand-' mothbers" furuished an excellent prograin and refreshients. Meet- ing next month la Sons Hall in conjýunction with Fariners' Club. De- bate and social time with r-efresli- iments.. Mr. A. L. Pascoe is attend- ing Grand Division Sessqions E Sn 1 of Teunperance at Toronto thi ek SHAWS rertrude Smith, home aft er ap ýs Lillian Cleinm 'ilbank attendAg Il hi port ~ ~ o $5 that E $3.45 PAIR Brei which were lSatu .$2.95 PAIR IIMai and MEbICAL. S4CRÔÔL INSPEC TION LOST OR FOUND Dr. Si rs ofthe.Proiial De-' THREE LAMaS-Carne on lot 15, con. paatmet o Edcaton ad ier I5 D'arlington, Jaýn. 16, pýarties niay have sita<nt, Miss Lowry, *whea re mak- epeseFi~ rank &owliyg, mpo ing a mnedical survey oe the town 03w.~ echools, wiIl conclude their wvork this _______ weekc, PROPERTIES FOR SALE Dr. Sirrs would like to mneet ail ' -rme residence for sale on west s1cici the mnothers of tho children interest- 0 of Ontario St., Bo wmlanville, one blockt ed iin this work at a publie Imeeting forIl"' f South Ward School. One, storyr la Pincpal ohntou' Rom attheand a half containing 7 rooms, hall, liv-1 in Pircial P00M t t1e, "g room, dininig roomn, kitchen, large1 Central School on Thur.lýday at 2.80O panitry andi bedroom n stairs, 3 bed-ý p.. M tes don't miiss this op- roomns upstairs and large clothes closet,ý sunier kitchen; electric lighted thruout;j portunity. bard and soft water in house; largel _________________________ verandah on side of house and good1 cellar. House freshly paintedt insidej and out and in good condition; n ew AUCTION SALE ~ enn walks; one quarter acre lot; good vegetableý gai-ten -wlth- plani, cherry, pear and apple_ trees, lot of black cureint Thursday, February I--Mr. Talbert bushelis anti a grape vine,. 16 feet front- Findlay, lot 8, con. 8, Daýrl;iigton, age with enough lawn on southi sidle ofi (Tyrone'), wiI-îl seil by auction a1il bouse 10 baujili aother houseý with vae -1 of ia arn soc~. nale nL, e+c. table garden attached irI deslred. For of is ari sock- rliplrne. 2ý DCI iparticulars ap-,ýtply 10 Mrs. Susana H1oWýard, Sale at 1 P. M. See buis. Geo. 5q0Oxor St., London, Ont., or Tomn AnDà Ted Jackotn, Auctioneers. Dus-tan, H--ardware Mecrcliant, Bowman- ' .o ile, Ont. 8-tf Nati-P iTa frp-ditareg ~Notice To Creditors IN THE4 MAT~TER OF the esta'te of- I-Ç rbert Short, d eceame<8. NOTICE IS H-EREBY GIV2IN that ail prsons having any dimsii or demands ainst the hate fHerbort Short. w(, died on or about the twelfth day of Decermbor, 1922, at the Township of Dariigton, in the Cotinty of Durham, are reqliired bo send by post prepaid or dielîver 10 the undersigned, Solieitor for ROSI ,eShort, Administratrix, or to the said Rosie Short at R. R. No. 1, Bob)cay- geon, Ontario, thte4r namres and ,.atidres- ses, and funl paiticulars iJnwiting of tbeir daýimns and statements of thieir acounts and lte nature of the oecur- ities, if any, helti by tbemn. AN-,D 'lAKE NOTICE that after, the firsitcdiy of Mareh, 1923, the sRosie Short, will proceed týo 4istrlbute assets, of, the snli dueceasedi, amoag le pr- sons entitieti thereto, baving regard on- î y b the jclaimis o! which sIte shail then have liad niotice, and that the selti Rosie~ Short wîll. not .be hýable for the said assets, or any part thereof to any perqoni o!w cs laim she shah. not then have recelved inotice. Dated at Bowmanville this Oith dlay af January, 1923. M. G. V. GOULD, Solloltor for the sald Roýê1e Short, BY-LAW NO. 3 A~3, 1 IN THE MAT'TER of the estate of 0F FELDSPAR GLASS L1M1TEDý JAME.6 RiCKARD, deceased. (n personzal iability) changing NOýTICE is here-by given thaýt ail per- AucliC ol Sale of Farn HedOfc.sons baving any daimis or demnan ______ H.adOffce.against the late, James Rickard, whio WIIERE.A the Hlead Office of FELD.. died on) or about the twenty-fourth dlay I arni authlorized by the executors ofr SPAR GLIASS LIMITTED, is in the Town of Octobefr, 1922, rat the Trown of~ the wil of Elizabeth StaPpes, eeed of Bowmnanville, i teCuny0 DrnanvýiIIe, in the, County of Drhlirare offer for sale by p)ublic auction on fiar. inth, ount f Dr-i reciuired to send by post pre-paid or de- AND WHEREAS t s eme exlpd- live(r to [lie undersigned, Solictr- fer Saturday the 20th day of ient that thre same'should bie changed Elizableth Rickhard and WIe .S aur to ',he City of Toronto, in thie' Oounty ý ickard, e-xecutors under the sidwîll. of 'York. or to the said executors, at Bow7mapville, 1923, at 2 1). ym., at Byamn's Store ln Ty- NOW V TITE REFORE FELDSPAR, Ont., their namnes and addresses and tWI. rone, the %9uth 76 acres of lot 5, con. 1LASS LEMITED e nacts as î1oîîows: particulars in writing of their cdairrs and 1, Darlinglo n . (1) THAT the H{ead Office of FEýLU- sLatemeünts of their accountsa ami the The land contains. a goodly quant'ty of~ SPAR GLASS LIMITED), be anid tenaiture of the secuirities, ifany, beîd by a!bout 8 acres of wood land. I & samie is hereuy changed from the To-wný themn. situated jbont !1,4 milems forth and Yi of Bownlvillle, in the County of Dur.- AN TARE NOTICE that aler the m'ile east of Tyrone village. harn, tb the City of Toronto, in the tirst day of Marich, 1923> the said execu- The land ili bc, offered for sale sub- Couny o Yok. ors'~Vfl roced 1 distrbut th asetsject to a. ?eserved bid to be fitxed by the Passed by the said C'ompan:,y this g91h of the said eeae among the perso eeutr day 1JANUARY _A.*.12.enildteethvD*rgr ny h~EISThe highest bidder at, or over 1121 deeoluv n7rgr np otlesrved bld will be declared the "W. T. SYMONSI, t he dlaimis f which tliey shaUi then have puchaser, who at the, time of sale nmust President. haud notie, and 'that the sýaid executors la'l dpstit25 fth urhs "Wý. H.WARRINGTON."M-111 not Ib.e hable for the said rassets or pri" asdpsin an agr' ofnthe10 cr,epl TJnnimusl cofired y eortar. ay prt Cetofb ay prso otwiisethe pu1rchaLse and p)ay the balance wilhln the share- daim they shahby hnotjthen ,havie rcie oday.s. Possession can be given holders at a Çener.al Meeting duiy ca~lhd ntcforýthw,ýith on rpayment of purchase for considering the saine thl,3 is h dy o! DATED A-ýT PBOWMAý,Nl\VILLE,' this 101h nmoneys. JANUAY yA.,ii. 923,day of auay 12.Other ternis and conditions o! sale wlU "W. T. SYMONS, . M. G. V. Gould, ' e ae ltnown at time of sale. President. Solicitor, for the -ý,aid Walter- J. S. Rick- L 1i Dated1l- at Bowmatnville, January 3, 192,! 3W. H. WARRINGTON", ard and EIizaýbeth Rteicrd. D. B. SIMAPSON, THEO SLEM'ON, -2Secretary. -w Solieitor for Executors. Auctioneer. Th ese Prices Show Our Deter- mination to Save You Money Januaary, as many people understand, is a maonth when most stores put on large Clearance Sales. Thisyear, more d>ar ever hefore, the p 'blik is defiand- ing huge values. Every person who hiis read our large advertisement readily sees how wé have combined our efforts to meet this demand. Ahl profits have been f orgotten and realizing this the people are making large purchases at theê West End House daily. Tbis week we are offering a f ew extra speciais in Underwear, at prices whi-ch shotild soon clear our shelves. You will alec> finçi some very temptîng valujes in the Send in y( of this huge Sale. Visit hea L1'V R J Better PRICE $2.45 PAIR .,**,*...$3.95 PAIR MV'en's Black and sox aqt ......... ave sin] -e notE 50c .PAIR Ail Pure Wool .50e per pair FLANE] left, Il buttons, regu1ýr $2.00, 110w 1214 SPECIALS now for theç Mar- cure Lernions, large an Spanish Malaga C Crauberries,... Mincerneat, Reg. 50c per dozen yr at. .... 30e doz. .... 25c per lb & ..LE THIS BY- only k Y -t . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... .........

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