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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1923, p. 4

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B. 8th, 1923. ~F.~r0N friends in Newcastle. DARLINGTON NEWS ;s Margaret Pettypiece, Kempt is visiting her cousin, Mrs. D.i Downe, and will also visit s in Essex before returning ..- Miss Mary Humne, town ' aweek-end visitor with Miss Wood...Mrs. E. J. Burk is )ing slowly after a very severe ... Masters Kenndth Werry, las Carruthers, Philip Grant, were Saturdlay visitors with ,r Charles Downey. ..Mr. Bartlett spent a few days with usîin, Mr. W. H. Moore, Ennis- SOLINA Mrs. Harve4l Hardy and son Russel, visited friends in'Toronto,. .. Master Ernest Hockaday bas had pleurisy but is improving nicely,..There were no ciirch services 'helct on Sun- day owing to the epidemti, whole f amilles have been dowvn with it at once anid business ia suspended for the present, school is closed and the joint meeting of> the Farmers' Club and Women's I-nstitute bas had a two weeks' host . ... Sacràment service la expected to be held nextSda a t 3 p. m..The newaseorM. J. D. Hogarth is on active dt s sessi1ng the township ... Bradl'Iey'a School is closed on account of the flu. See "Lighthouse Nan" at Tyrone on February 16th. 5-3w i TYRONE Aniversary services held in the Methodist Church, .lanuary 28, were very successful. Rev. D)r. R. N. Burns, Toronto, was at bis best and delivered to very able, instructive and inspiring sermnons to very ap- preciative audiences, and our choiri furnîishedl excellent music and song to the delight of alI...Rev. W. T. Wickett attended the funeral of thel late Mr. William Slemon, Mariposa,ý Monday -week. . .. Do not fail to be present at the Epworth League Con- cert on Friday nîght, February 16 ..The Junior League meet;ingwa held ut the parsonage- this week and wvas largely attended and a veTýy pýrofitable hour was spent -with thel children .... The Sacramental servicel will ha hald ai, Tyrona next Sund"ayý morning.. The Official Board wîlll meet in the vestry at 2 p. m. on Mon- CHANCE MEETING may change the entire course our if e. When you meet with some ihhportant op- Pgturiium illbglad if you are ap- propriately dressed. , Why mot eall here, try on the mew shapes and buy niow a becomimg hat. -Ail the best makes. Priced f rom $3.50 to $7.50. G: N. THIURSTON I B'owmiiatville's Up)-to-dattel1J dahr rining Factory Contracts For corni and peas now ready. V~ [ng in toucli with the office at ane ,,ecuring the different varieties of ,e and Phone 82W 6-2w wrua ry %jpec: in Furnitures We have marloed dowm ail uines of White Enamel Steel Beds in ail sizes and designs, this month only, at special 20 Per Cent Discount We Ihave also a splendid variety of Cotton, FeIt and Kapoc Mattresses ail bought before the advamce in price. Our stock of Springs is also very complete. FF. NITURE DE. gram w114 be givei served. Otto Bragg, Presaidenit. neth Pedlar Rota McKçnigh1- ley, Charles A Si. Pr. prom-i Wilson, May Knighit. Jr. See "Lightl on Februarv J COURTICE Report of S. S. No. 8, Darling- ton, for January: Sr. IV-Della Balson and Beth Gal equal, Willia Penberthy, Ehner .Walter, Ruby Phair, Bert Nichols. Jr. IV- James Hancoclç, Sadie Muir, Alma Potter, Madaline Courtice, Fern Oke, Kenneth Walter, Isab 'el Gearing. Sr. 1II-Edith Balson, Sain Gay, Sce- humn Essery, velma Gay, John Wil- kins, Viola Welsh, Ernest Brock, Ro- land Wann, William Eversoni, Jack' Cornish, Fergus Kinisman, Johin Ter- ry. Jr. 111-M-\ona Kinisman, Harryl Gay, Mildred Brock, Gladys Brock, Beaatrice Allun, Gordon Brown, Willie Bickle, Leonard Cour S r. Il- GýladyvsBickle, Hazal! eNormuan Walter, Douglas Cu e Willie~ Konopacki, Archia M,1u ,Leonard Wenn, Keninethi Essary, Jr. Il- Willie Riznaeck, Clara C-irtice, An- nie2 Wýilkina, Jack Gay, ',%,.,Court- ice, verna Found. S-,. ---Hizel Walter, Cleve Knm~,Walter, Shortt, Lorna Barber, Rob t Court-' iec, Aifred Welsh, Ray Tarry. Jr. I -Elsie Courtice, Helen Wiikinis, -Norah Adams, Gwlda Trimbld. Sr. rr.-Marion Trevail, Doma Rizneck, Ross Oka, Curtis Gearing, Mary Kon- opacki. Inter Pr.-Bernice Gay, Wilfred Brown, Elva Kinsman, Rob- art Barber, Gladys Wenn, Alice tinack, George Shortt, Harry l3ic-J la, -Mabal Walter, Edith Allin, Doris Trimbla, Arvalla Trimbla, Max Nich- ols, Willie Nichols. C. E. Willianison, L. J. Pierson, teachers. Soea"Lighthousa Nan"-,t Tyrona on February l6th. 5-3e eting will ha held in tSunday mornimg ALBERT ENCAMPMENT n service will also bel J from bersaateded INSTÂLLS OFFICERS iin Bowmanviie o -the (sudden deathi At the ragular meetingoflbr Port Hope and Osh- En7ýIcamnpment No. 12, thie following' r's Arena-. MissI officýers wera installed for the ens;uing ipnt the week-end inl terin, the instalflation baing condnct- SMrm. W. H. Argue, ad by Patriarch E. C. Rehder, D. D. lled on friends bersl G. C. P. owd at- e on ringing H -odg- o Nor- ýsS. . Bow-, r2 lasti visiting r. and eturnad erboro. tHomne f last a very social iune beiig * ..MesrP . Hodgson andi Staples are harvesting thair ice yeak which is about 18 inches . ... The annual February soc- the W. M. S. hield at the spac- ome of Mra. W. Stewart was ai ed success, about,,6O being pre- The programn opened 'with lent, Mrs. W. T. Wickett, in the After opening ýexercises and ess, Mrs. C. Bigalow,, read the uIre. Misses Evelyn Brant and Brightwell sang a duet very l.Reading by Miss Mary trda enwtitled sbowing the real onary spirit to strangers within Gates was mucb appreciated. a duet by Mesdames Phare and man; instrumental was render- v Miss velma Stapias. A mis- ry axercise by junior girls rleadership of Miss Mabal L ýt which was very intsresý-ting d thi& part of the programI'I.I Swhich ail did ample justice to bundanca of good thingas served e members. Proceads abou o,. 18, Darling- Ir of staàiding: nan, Kathleen May Camaeron, -dly Lawrence. C. P.-J. A. Cole H. P.-W. C. Ivs S. W.-J. E. Anderson R. S.-E. C. Rehder F. S.-F. W. Goddard T-W. A. Edýgar V. W.-G. Parkins G-.-E. Evans lat. W.-D. H. Stainburgh 2nd. W.-0.Bragg Brd. W.-S. Little 4th. W.-B. Bennett 1lst. G. T.-R. E. Yrats 2nd. G. T.-W. H1. Yeo 2. S. G.-G. A. Edmondstone O. S.-J. Johnston P. C. P.-F. Bernatt 'Social evenii.ýr onThursday,\ Feb-ý ruary 8th.1 TUE SEAT 0F HEALTH as wall as of diseasa ,elies in the back- bone an.d the spfinal cord. Upon this great physiological truth ret the sciantifiuc daims of chiropractic. JGood healtb usuily f ollows as fui course in this naw science. Con- suit us for furtber datails. OFFICE HOURS Bowmanville Opposite Town Hall, Taniperance St. Hours: 2 to 5, Tuesday, Tbursday, Saturday anid Sunday; 7 to 9 aven- ings, and by appointment. Newcastle and Orono Dr. D Squair, S e e retary. ARIREARS 0F TAXES This is to xiotify ail parties that have not paid their taxes for 1922 in the Township of Darlington, thati they MUST do so on or before Sat- urday, February 17, 1923, after that date arrearages will be handed over to the bailif for collection. John Reynolds, Collector. Hampton, Jan. 81, 1928. 5-2 BONDS TO YIELD 6.5to 5.0 5 PER Write for our February ~List of Government, Municipal & Rail way Debentures G.A. STiMlSON & CO.ý EST'D 1888 LIMITED 36-38 King St. East TORON'TO F DIRECT FROM TWO LARGE SI )WS During the past month there have been two large style shows, one in Chicago and one in~ Montreal. At these shows manufacturers, travel- lers- wflolesalers and retailers were present. They were both conducted in order that the shoe tradle of this continent might be made to become ýmore settled as to style and price. The findings as a resuit are: Shoe Styles for 1923 will be practically the same as the past six months. Fewer Flapper Styles in fiat heels with a ten- dency to military and cuban heels. Strap Slippers in Brown and Patent wilI be the leaders. Satin Slippers w\ill be good for even street wear. Oxf ords iii Patent amd Br'own for street wear. Color Combinations will be good in Grey and Black, and Gr-ey amd Brown. Colonial Styles will be good for evemimg wear Iin Mem's, Footwear there is practically -no change eW. CLAUDE IVES3 Cash Shoe Store Bowmianville S"PECIAL SALE Wi*nter Underwear at WEST END HOUSE The weather man says there is lots of cold weather ahead. It is cheaper te~ buy good warm undçerwear thax% run the chances of catching cold and paying f or medicine and doctors' f ees. Get a couple of garnients of underwear while it is being cleared at such attractively low prices. Try Our Mail Order Department If You Can't Vit Our Store MEN'S UNDERWEAR Stanfield's Red Labeil Shirts and, Drawers. This lime is clearing very f ast. Tt will pay you to buy now. {uaranteed 100% pure wool at $1.39 per garment Stanfieid's Blue Label Shirts and Drawers, al sizes. This is a littie heavier weight than the iRed Label, To Clear at $1.95 per garment Stanfield's "Nova Scotia" Brand Shirts aind Drawers. This lime is a mixture of wvool aMd cotton, a snap at 98c gar. Mem's Fleece Lined Shirts and Draw-. ers, "emn'" irst quality at 98c gar MEN'S -SOCKS--50c PAIR Men's IBlack and Grey Ail Pure Wool Sox at .................50C per pair FLANELETTE BLANKETS- $2.95 PAIR 121I4 Fla-.nelette Blankets, Ibex Brand, (thet( marikets best) the prices on these haval ready advanced, $0 tak-e this opportunity to buy at.... $.95 pair LA6DIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR ., Children's and Misses'Natural Umder- wear, Vest and Drawers, sizes2, 4, 5, and 6 years at ............. 39c garment. Also s, 9, 10M1U 12 amd 14 years at .79e per garment. Children's Cream Cotton Vests and. Dra.wers, sizes 5 to 10 years, these' ga.rmentsý are nice and fine at 59e gar. Childien's Ail Wool Underwear, in white o-nly, sizes 2 to 10 years, priced according to size,........ 79e~ and 89c Ladies' Underwear, Vests, Drawenrs and Bloomers. Some limes are al -wool, others in silk and wool and soma Cotto'11allad wool mixture, white and creami, v-meck with long, short or no sleeves. They are divided in 3 lots, 79è, 98c, $1.49 peilin Ladies-,FIpeee Limed (Vests only), al sizes at .......79c garment GROCERY SPECIALS Secure your fruits mow for the Mar-- mnalade season. Navel Oranges, seedless 30c, 40c, 50c per clozen Lernons, large. and juicy at .... 30e doz. Spanish Malaga Grapes...25c per lb Cramberries ........1Sc lb or 4 lbs. 50e Mincemeat, Reg. 30e lb. reduced to 24c lb. MlcMurtry & Co., Ltd. 01 -.&&- ,CETON BOWMANVILLE- PHONS 83

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